How will they rule ??!

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amazing that is the dominant story now. the history of the Republic hinges on a private citizen giving thumbs up or thumbs down to the results of the election. huh? why the touch does it matter what Trump does or does not say if he loses, last time I check the constitution does not require a concession statement by the loser in order for our society to continue.

Algore took 36 days to concede and I remember Nov-Dec 2000, there were no riots in the streets or anarchy or civil war. The touching country went on just fine, folks went to their jobs & earned their money & purchased goods & services.

this nation is so incredibly stupid it gets exactly what it deserves (i.e., not Made Great Again)

Lol I hope if he loses he pulls his sack out and shakes it at everybody. Meanwhile, Hillary is pointing nukes at Russia. We are so dumb, for real.
Rasmussen: trump +3
Ibd/tipp(most accurate last 3 elections): trump +1.6
La times: even

And thats pre hillary admitting shes okay with chopping up a baby the day before its born.
And don't forget the fear she instilled with just shoot every answer.

First, of was the infamous "dozens of toddlers" with guns. Dozens. Then, it was the BLAHHHH!!!! KREMLIM!!!! Then she moved on to the refugee children with blood on their faces!!!

And I forgot after that, but that was unreal. I can only imagine what podesta is saying in emails this morning about her.

And thats pre hillary admitting shes okay with chopping up a baby the day before its born.

Lmao yea that too. That was just weird.
Trump is the natural by product of the alt right and has killed the GOP. Good riddance.
amazing a dead political party will exit Nov 8 with more US House members, likely more US Senate, more Govs, & far Far FAR more state representatives

keep wishing for a one party communist dictatorship in one hand while shitting in the other, see which fills up fastest
Here's a big SCREW YOU to Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Gallagher and all of the radio talking dickheads that pimped Trump for months. Lemmings listening to all the anger about "establishment" and "do nothing" Republicans gave us Donald effing Trump. And now we are going to possibly lose the Senate and soon the House thanks to the angry children in America who threw a tantrum. You wanted to beat Hillary? You had 4-5 actual real chances (some great chances) and picked this clown show.
Who were the great chances that couldn't get by the primaries?
Rasmussen: trump +3
Ibd/tipp(most accurate last 3 elections): trump +1.6
La times: even

And thats pre hillary admitting shes okay with chopping up a baby the day before its born.

I'm pro-choice as a MF'er, but damn I don't even support ripping out a baby a day before it's born. That's cold.
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Like all those picts that Nail was posting last night.

Hell, I just saw a toddler out walking in it's diaper holding an AK-47. It must be getting serious out there.

Junior super-predators
Here's a big SCREW YOU to Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Gallagher and all of the radio talking dickheads that pimped Trump for months. Lemmings listening to all the anger about "establishment" and "do nothing" Republicans gave us Donald effing Trump. And now we are going to possibly lose the Senate and soon the House thanks to the angry children in America who threw a tantrum. You wanted to beat Hillary? You had 4-5 actual real chances (some great chances) and picked this clown show.

No, they weren't Trumpers. They changed as momentum picked up, obviously. Learn media.

You wanted to beat Trump? The people picked Bernie and lmao that would've been a disaster of epic're welcome

Thanks for your support. We don't need war. I think we all agree on that.
Here's a big SCREW YOU to Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Gallagher and all of the radio talking dickheads that pimped Trump for months. Lemmings listening to all the anger about "establishment" and "do nothing" Republicans gave us Donald effing Trump. And now we are going to possibly lose the Senate and soon the House thanks to the angry children in America who threw a tantrum. You wanted to beat Hillary? You had 4-5 actual real chances (some great chances) and picked this clown show.
Rush was the one guy that didn't jump on Trump until he was the Rnom.

Besides, it's the message, not the messenger. What he says makes a LT of sense. To eschew it is somewhat short-sighted, right?
In all fairness my 5/7 year old boys are getting air rifles for xmas.

They shot BB guns at Boy Scouts and shot bow and arrow......and really liked it.

Did some research and even though it's stronger than a BB gun the air rifle is a lot safer.

Kids with guns are not so bad!
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Hillary just came out and said we need to kill more babies right when their head comes out(still legal) so they dont kill people with their guns..

Seriously, i dont really give a shit about abortion... i rhink its ridiculous, but in some cases(rape) should be okay, but its absurd that people can literally rip up a baby as long as it hasnt been birthed in full.
Also I'm going to go back and listen to the debate, and even though I know she lied and spun and avoided I still think she won last night.

If for no other reason than Trump really let things slide way too much.

When she bashes Russia I don't understand why he doesn't bring up the uranium/145M donation from russia.

I mean squash this bitch!!! It should be that damn hard. I know he isn't a debater but my god the easy ones should be memorized at this point.
Hillary went from "dead broke" in 1990 to being worth $400 million and having another $1 Billion in a foundation that is really her personal slush fund. How did she do it? By selling access and influence to Wall Street and countries in the Middle East. She is the poster child for corruption in politics.
Hillary just came out and said we need to kill more babies right when their head comes out(still legal) so they dont kill people with their guns..

Seriously, i dont really give a shit about abortion... i rhink its ridiculous, but in some cases(rape) should be okay, but its absurd that people can literally rip up a baby as long as it hasnt been birthed in full.

To be fair it's the minorities mostly that this is basically being allowed for. I know white trash does it to, but rarely is it the case that successful people don't keep an unplanned baby.

That said how do minorities that really is her base not see this for what it is? I get's your body, but think about the the attack on your own damn people.

BLM- Babies Lives Matter
amazing a dead political party will exit Nov 8 with more US House members, likely more US Senate, more Govs, & far Far FAR more state representatives

keep wishing for a one party communist dictatorship in one hand while shitting in the other, see which fills up fastest

I'm not a communist or even particularly liberal. I'm anti abortion in nearly every circumstance, but I also know that the Republicans have never really tried and never will try to do away with it. They'll dance around it and mess with Planned Parenthood and talk a lot, but they don't want it to go away or they'll lose all those one issue voters. Catholics in this country voted almost uniformly Democratic for generations until Roe Vs. Wade. If abortion becomes illegal again and is settled law, a ton of them will go back to voting Democratic. The GOP leadership knows this. Heck, Reagan could have been elected King in 84 and had the sway to get a constitutional amendment to outlaw it. Did he try? Bush had all the political capital in the universe after 9/11. Did he try to outlaw it?

No, Reagan used his popularity to cut taxes with the richest getting a 60% cut. While all you righties whine about Obama nearly doubling the debt you forget that Reagan tripled it, and that was without inheriting two wars and a recession. Reagan could have done everything he did without doing that. Obama has had much smaller annual deficits by GDP than Reagan or either Bush. In fact, all of the top ten smallest annual deficits of the last 50 years have come under Democrats.

And what about Bush and his political capital and all the patriotic zeal after 9/11? Did he use it for any good for the country or for any morally righteous legislation? Nope. He invaded Afghanistan with a US Army that could only field about half the men it did in 90 and then split his forces and invaded Iraq under false pretenses and cut taxes during war time for the first time in US history. So now over 4500 American service people are dead from the Iraq war [ the reasoning and justification for the invasion has never been fully investigated even ONCE by a Republican controlled Congress, while Benghazi, with the FOUR deaths, has been investigated SEVEN times] and about four trillion dollars are gone. So it's a war which has cost the average living taxpayer nothing. The only casualties have been our best and bravest[ the military and their families -BTW, I could have never been in the service due to my back but am the son, grandson and great grandson of men who have fought in Korea, WWII, WWI and the Civil War] and our children and grandchildren, who will inherit the debt we keep passing on.,

I could go on and on. I'm not a Communist. I'm a pretty conservative person who is simply sickened by the astonishing hypocrisy of a party which wraps itself in the flag and meanwhile sells the country out with lies while crying about the tax and spend of the Democrats while borrowing and spending itself. The Republicans cut nothing but continue to spend and unlike the Democrat, they refuse to pay as they go at least a little. It's a shell game that is gong to choke our heirs to death.

I'd rather vote for people I don't totally agree with who aren't using my own morality and patriotism against me to ruin our country. Righties cry about socialism but seem to be content to endure eventual feudalism, because that's where the GOP has tried to lead us to.
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Well in controlled environments I don't see the big deal.

Also, and I'm starting to believe this more and more, I'm honestly not in support of trump. I'm truly and honestly in a mode where I hate him less than her.

She is a great politician if you will, but to me that's equal to saying she is a legalized con artist that hasn't been charged with a crime yet.

Trump is a dipshit businessman and if he would honestly say look I'm running to put the right people in place so I can bang my model wife in the White House all day and delegate everything it would be perceived better than him constantly tripping all over himself putting everyone around him in a position to defend him.
To be fair it's the minorities mostly that this is basically being allowed for. I know white trash does it to, but rarely is it the case that successful people don't keep an unplanned baby.

That said how do minorities that really is her base not see this for what it is? I get's your body, but think about the the attack on your own damn people.

BLM- Babies Lives Matter

Oh for sure. Forget if it 2012 or 2013 but more black babies were aborted in NYC then were born. Think about that. More black children aborted then actually given birth to.
To be fair it's the minorities mostly that this is basically being allowed for. I know white trash does it to, but rarely is it the case that successful people don't keep an unplanned baby.

That said how do minorities that really is her base not see this for what it is? I get's your body, but think about the the attack on your own damn people.

BLM- Babies Lives Matter

Man, learn rich white girls. Kidding me?
No you learn bud, and I'm not saying it doesn't happen with whites, but in volume who do you think the target is here?

I have no idea, I just know from my experience if you didn't abort a baby in HS you weren't shit with the sorority crowd.

But can we be real? As a male, I'm fn offended. My feelings are hurt. You're telling me this baby has nothing to do with me? Fine, men have no parenting responsibilities. I don't owe you shit for support. Your body, your baby. Do whatever you want. We've settled this as far as I can tell. That's fine. F'd up, but if that's how it's gonna be played for poltical reasons, let's cover all sides of the argument. Mens rights matter.