How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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of course not but I’m not on board with the stupid anti vaccine campaign. Do what you want. But these conspiracy theories of trying yo convince people not to take it because it kills people? What a joke. It’s always the extremes with some of you. How folks label it death vax and folks like Carlson trying to scare folks into not taking it. SMH
Yeah, we never heard you freaks trumpeting the phony dangers of HCQ/Zpac, did we. UnbeLIEVABLE, the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness. If anybody has blood on their hands, it's YOU PEOPLE for scaring the nation into shelving the most effective prevention of death from the Kung Flu. YOU are the murderers and conspiracy theorists.

Hmmm...wonder if there are posts by you slamming Trump's vaccine in the development stages...I bet there are. Pretzel boy.
bro are you kidding me! I don’t have anyone that put their lives on the line for this country? I love this country. My son serves for this country at my urging! And that’s the most ignorant thing I ever heard. If you vote for a party or potus then it means you agree with EVERYTHING they do or everything everyone else who voted for them does? Nah I’m not going to let you lie on me like that. It’s not happening. YOU my friend just said I am an enemy of America. If you know ANYTHING about ADOS then you know that is one of the most insulting things you can say. I voted for who I voted for. It doesn’t make me any less American than you and YOU don’t get to decide who is worthy of being an American you arrogant SOB
Dude everything you post is a lie. None of that is true.
Why does it matter what letter they had next to their name? The parties have swapped coalitions myriad times over the centuries. You don't deny that they were white Southern Christian conservatives. Today's Republican base. It's actually admirable that the Democrats were able to confront their bigotry and endeavor to shift their values towards equality. LBJ put country over party and passed the Civil Rights Act. Wish more politicians on both sides of the aisle today would do the same.
Thanks for admitting the Democrats were the ones trying to hold up the CRA. They wouldn't have passed it if it weren't for the Republicans. Your view of history is distorted, stop reading Daily Kos like it's a Bible.
I bet at least 95% of the homicide victims were black. And not 1 of them was shot by a police. Funny thing is that we’re hearing very little concern from democrats about this. When it comes to democrats & their maggot media buddies the only time that black lives matter, is on that rare occasion when one is killed by a police. So much for black lives matter. How disappointed must democrats be considering the fact that not 1 black that was killed this weekend was killed by a cop.
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What a weird way to get a these rural trump voters to get the vaccine. After all, that's who the media says isn't getting it... right?
Its interesting that the countries who view their govt and media with suspicion have such low vaxx rates... Japan, for example, is at 15%.

The US is at approx 55%.

Some of the disparity can be explained away due to simple lack of access... but many of these foreign cultures simply do not trust their own govt and see their media as pure propaganda... and rightfully so.

Its well past time for the US citizenry to "see the light"...


What a weird way to get a these rural trump voters to get the vaccine. After all, that's who the media says isn't getting it... right?
What a bizarre world. The Democrat Party is your friend, minorities! Let them do medical experiments on you and conduct trials. It would be wrong to question anything. It’s not like governments and this political party haven’t committed heinous acts throughout history.
see what I mean!? Lmao what a clown. More lies. Would love to see who said that. Certainly wasn’t me but continue on liars
Our government has handed out tax returns and stimulus checks to illegals and dead people and can’t be efficient at anything yet you think they will be able to properly vet descendants of slaves and slave owners? Lol
Suggest taking good care of the vehicles you now own. The price of new and used vehicles has skyrocketed in the past few months. Used car prices are up as much as 30%.
The flip side of that is you’d get more for your trade now. Dealerships only have like 20 new cars on the lot right now so they’re not taking losses or haggling.
Dude everything you post is a lie. None of that is true.

Beyond me why people still haven't blocked him. He's a troll and I'm 90% sure he's a poster that was banned before

It is amazing a person like this can become one of the world's wealthiest women and be a "woman of color". Especially in a country as racist as America.


So much oppression. Also saw magic Johnson is vacationing in Greece on a $200,000,000 yacht.

So. Much. Oppression
Don’t you call all Trump supporters a cult but then get upset about the same people not buying into the vaccine or getting the vaccine he helped rush?
Not upset. Just saying Trump isn't right enough for the no vaccines folks, but he's the best they've got while they look for a further rightie savior to latch on to.
Suggest taking good care of the vehicles you now own. The price of new and used vehicles has skyrocketed in the past few months. Used car prices are up as much as 30%.
Yep! I bought a mini van for a delivery van a couple of months ago. I saw one about a month before and piddled around and it sold before I could buy it. The one I bought a month later in the same model with more miles on it cost quite a bit more and they've continued to go up.
Yep! I bought a mini van for a delivery van a couple of months ago. I saw one about a month before and piddled around and it sold before I could buy it. The one I bought a month later in the same model with more miles on it cost quite a bit more and they've continued to go up.
Joe Biden will make us into Havana, Cuba where you have to use bailing wire to keep your car going.

Oh, the horror of lighting up!
This qualifies in todays world as headliner stuff...

Yep! I bought a mini van for a delivery van a couple of months ago. I saw one about a month before and piddled around and it sold before I could buy it. The one I bought a month later in the same model with more miles on it cost quite a bit more and they've continued to go up.
In the Fall of '19 we were looking to buy a new camper. Me and the Mrs couldn't agree on which one to get, plus I didn't know if I wanted to pay cash or finance it (can finance for something like 12 years....payments are next to nothing). So put it off till Spring of '20. Covid hit. Same camper now is anywhere from 30% to 50% higher. Talked with a friend yesterday whose brother works at an auto/rv dealership. Said as far as inventory goes for either one...they can't get them and the customer pays what the dealership asks. Period.
Needless to say....didn't buy. Still have the two campers I had before and I doubt if I will buy.
Wouldn't surprise me. We are weak and divided right now and it would be the perfect time to come after us. I figured those Russian naval "exercises" not long ago had a purpose and even said they would be smart to unite with China against us. Hoping it doesn't happen or we really are screwed.
Especially since "our own" leadership is on their side.
Oh, the horror of lighting up!
This qualifies in todays world as headliner stuff...

I kept reading to see the purpose of the article or what was outrageous. Lighting up a cigarette is an issue for the pro weed crew? Confused.
ENLARDGED HEART WITH FLUID AROUND how can you not read what was written? Really dude, are you that dense? I really in my heart want to believe people like you do not exist...I'm losing faith and quickly..would your stance be the same if that was your kid, and please lord tell me this idiot cannot and will not ever spawn..
I have always had a hard time believing some of these posters could actually be that stupid. They may actually be paid trolls. I've never figured out how to take them. The ignore button should not be totally disregarded. It has proven indispensable on many occasions.
While I agree with the private money point, I just don't think it will stop there unfortunately. There are many on the left who want the government to pay for it as well. Vilifying a race of people because of it though is wrong and that is part of the push from the left when dealing with the point of reparations.
Yep. I agree. And the funny thing is some of the people calling for it may be looking to their own kin for “reparations”. In 1863, there were enough free blacks who owned slaves in NC alone, that they created their own regiment to fight for the confederacy in that state. All the talk about white washing the past and pushing for true history cracks me up.