No difference in what? Because we don’t believe reparations will fix a GD thing?Be that as it may I see NO DIFFERENCE here amongst some of you on the right. If people can be so arrogant as to say if you believe in something, you're an enemy to America blah blah blah. MGTFO. That's arrogance at it's finest. And if folks want to draw the line like that then draw it damnit. It is what it is.
It won’t, it would be a giant clusterf*ck, and after it was apparent it didn’t solve anything the same trope would march out on White supremacy.
I promise you, that everyone on here wants African Americans to succeed in life as much as we do everyone else. The left doesn’t give a shit about black people, they want their vote, and as long as they’re dependent on the govt, the left has it.