How will they rule ??!

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This is all your opinion sir. Which you are free to have. I do wish you would at least get what you have an opinion on correct. But at this point I am sure it’s on purpose. ADOS. There is no color or race within that term but I’m tired of saying the same thing over and over again. Be that as it may, you’re still American, I don’t consider you an enemy of this country. Perhaps you’re an enemy of me personally but that’s neither here nor there. And yes, anybody that tries to strip me of my claim to being a part of this country is my enemy.

I said oppressors. You celebrate the owners while ignoring the slaves.
why do you morons get to decide where to stop on the timeline of human history? you guys act the world started a few hundred yrs ago and the U.S. created the entire slave thing.
This is all your opinion sir. Which you are free to have. I do wish you would at least get what you have an opinion on correct. But at this point I am sure it’s on purpose. ADOS. There is no color or race within that term but I’m tired of saying the same thing over and over again. Be that as it may, you’re still American, I don’t consider you an enemy of this country. Perhaps you’re an enemy of me personally but that’s neither here nor there. And yes, anybody that tries to strip me of my claim to being a part of this country is my enemy.
You may think what your are doing is right but, when it comes at the cost of the nations best interest, I will oppose it. Not just an opinion, it is reality. All anyone needs to do is look at the state of this nations only to see liberal leadership and the divisiveness in which they are pushing.
False. I celebrate the freedoms we have and the decision to fight the oppressors who were not allowing us those freedoms. Your ignorance cannot see the reality of that.

So let's get this straight. Dion wants 100% of white people to pay reparations on behalf 1.2% of slave owners

Kamala Harris family owned slaves. Blacks owned slaves. Native Americans owned slaves. Do they pay?
Another lie. A suggestion is not an indictment on what you support. It's simply an idea. I never said anything about going door to door for anything. You're the Nazi, just lie and say anything you want about people even if it's not true. Some of you guys claim this and that about the left, and some of it is true but don't even realize that you're the same. You're the same kind. You're no different. At all.

I’m pretty sure any claim about the left made here can be substantiated with evidence or data. Is there one in particular that you think cannot be?
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Who celebrates them for being slave owners? We celebrate them for founding a nation. They literally put their neck and livelihood on the line. If the colonies had lost to the British they would’ve hanged. We celebrate their courage.

We also celebrate the FACT that their ideals were the very foundations of the liberty that eventually freed the slaves.

For a lesson on why this matters: the places in the world that were NOT influenced by our Founders STILL HAVE SLAVERY.
Who celebrates them for being slave owners? We celebrate them for founding a nation. They literally put their neck and livelihood on the line. If the colonies had lost to the British they would’ve hanged. We celebrate their courage.

You can go to Monticello and Mount Vernon, and walk through the slave quarters. Slavery is part of our history, it ended 150 years ago, and yet the Democrats are peeling the scab for power.
You celebrate their contribution. Slaves contributed too. But they were thrown out onto the streets destitute while their owners are lionized.
Notice how he conveniently left that part out 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷
Why does it matter what letter they had next to their name? The parties have swapped coalitions myriad times over the centuries. You don't deny that they were white Southern Christian conservatives. Today's Republican base. It's actually admirable that the Democrats were able to confront their bigotry and endeavor to shift their values towards equality. LBJ put country over party and passed the Civil Rights Act. Wish more politicians on both sides of the aisle today would do the same.
You may think what your are doing is right but, when it comes at the cost of the nations best interest, I will oppose it. Not just an opinion, it is reality. All anyone needs to do is look at the state of this nations only to see liberal leadership and the divisiveness in which they are pushing.

I know it’s right because unlike you, I actually listen and reason. I actually acknowledge obstacles and problems with reparations but also unlike you, I am about compromise and I have posted examples to ways in which it can be implemented so that it doesn’t have the affect you describe. But the fact that you keep sticking to the same talking point tells me you are disingenuous. When it comes to reparations, your concerns aren’t for the nation. What’s happening at some of our schools prove that much. See, it’s often about compromise in this country but you aren’t capable of that. Only what’s important to you is what matters. There is no willingness to sit down and say “this is clearly important to this group of people, is there a way to sit down and come up with a solution that everyone may not agree but can live and coexist with.” Nope, it’s that hard line sh*t. I applaud Georgetown, Princeton and VA State schools for leading the way and being an example and basically proving you to be a liar.
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Why does it matter what letter they had next to their name? The parties have swapped coalitions myriad times over the centuries. You don't deny that they were white Southern Christian conservatives. Today's Republican base. It's actually admirable that the Democrats were able to confront their bigotry and endeavor to shift their values towards equality. LBJ put country over party and passed the Civil Rights Act. Wish more politicians on both sides of the aisle today would do the same.
They were Democrats, they weren’t punished for their actions because they were Democrats. Just as Antifa wasn’t punished for their actions. They were useful to the Democrat party at the time.

The racial strife today isn’t in conservative Christian areas, it’s in Democrat controlled cities.
Can’t say I disagree however, with this being a movement, I imagine that it’s probably more beneficial to have these types of things continue to make it out to the public. And she hasn’t done anything yet but we shall see. If she does do something, I think it’s awesome because while she herself had nothing to do with it as someone said, it appears she reaped the benefits of that labor. Inheritance is a powerful thing and the numbers say that certain segment of society hugely benefits from it and have for quite some time.
What people do with their private money is their business. More power to her if it makes her feel good. I’m all for giving out of the kindness of your heart if you see fit. Being forced through public funds would be a different story though.
So let's get this straight. Dion wants 100% of white people to pay reparations on behalf 1.2% of slave owners

Kamala Harris family owned slaves. Blacks owned slaves. Native Americans owned slaves. Do they pay?
The Cherokee didn’t declare the emancipation of slaves until 1866. 3 years after the US. Wealthy tribal leaders paid to have their slaves shipped by boat during the Trail of Tears. Free black men owned slaves at a more disproportionate rate than all other ethnicities. But all we hear is “white man bad”.
Why does it matter what letter they had next to their name? The parties have swapped coalitions myriad times over the centuries. You don't deny that they were white Southern Christian conservatives. Today's Republican base. It's actually admirable that the Democrats were able to confront their bigotry and endeavor to shift their values towards equality. LBJ put country over party and passed the Civil Rights Act. Wish more politicians on both sides of the aisle today would do the same.

The Dems confronted their bigotry. How about that. Was that in the last election cycle when they elected a pair that’s put more black men in chains than any slave owner ever dreamed?

You never fail to fail.
News like this shows how out of touch people are with how technology actually works on the backend. Anything with a chip can be "hacked" but only if you have access and time. The pipelines weren't hacked. They found a mark with their phising scheme who screwed up and gave them access to a vulnerable network. Then they began hoovering up all the companies server data to ransom back for a few $million. The company panicked and decided that nuking all of their networking was the only way to mitigate spread. The technology side of pipelines is pressure sensors for automatic shutdowns of pipe sections. So the company shut down the pipe flow because they nuked the safety network. At any point if they want or are forced to they can physically open the pipe flow.
The whole point of this is that you are supposed to put critical infrastructure on isolated networks with no possible remote access. Like they do with voting machines. So you can remote hack the registration databases and some of the counting networks for the more tech savvy states. But the voting machines require physical access. Or you can hack an oil company for its data but have no access to its infrastructure. But for private companies isolated networks is expensive and requires people to not be lazy so most don't do it. And a tiny tiny tiny fraction of companies have live anti intrusion teams. Its cheaper to just deal with the fallout from an occasional intrusion. So it's a shit sandwich and why you see big corporations "hacked" every single day.
* KA - BOOM *

Up to 1,500 businesses affected by ransomware attack, U.S. firm's CEO says.

Thanks, Joe!
I know it’s right because unlike you, I actually listen and reason. I actually acknowledge obstacles and problems with reparations but also unlike you, I am about compromise and I have posted examples to ways in which it can be implemented so that it doesn’t have the affect you describe. But the fact that you keep sticking to the same talking point tells me you are disingenuous. When it comes to reparations, your concerns aren’t for the nation. What’s happening at some of our schools prove that much. See, it’s often about compromise in this country but you aren’t capable of that. Only what’s important to you is what matters. There is no willingness to sit down and say “this is clearly important to this group of people, is there a way to sit down and come up with a solution that everyone may not agree but can live and coexist with.” Nope, it’s that hard line sh*t. I applaud Georgetown, Princeton and VA State schools for leading the way and being an example and basically proving you to be a liar.
No, not lying. While this morphed completely into the point of reparations my original intent was about the differences in the parties and what they are trying to do. Divide and destroy this country as it is. I truly believe this because the left is trying to tear down everything about the past. From CRT (which basically states that all whites are racist by design) to the want to change this country into a socialis/communist regime (the support of blm and antifa prove that). The reparations point is just another knife to dig into to wound and I don't think it will stop with private organizations as the push is not that way with most who believe it should happen. Most here understand that that is just another means to an end and it will not end there. We have compromised and compromised to the point that we have given way too much of our country and beliefs away to an idea (liberalism) that will eventually destroy it if not stopped.
Why does it matter what letter they had next to their name? The parties have swapped coalitions myriad times over the centuries. You don't deny that they were white Southern Christian conservatives. Today's Republican base. It's actually admirable that the Democrats were able to confront their bigotry and endeavor to shift their values towards equality. LBJ put country over party and passed the Civil Rights Act. Wish more politicians on both sides of the aisle today would do the same.
False. This post is just another lie to divert the blame of who actually tried to keep slaves and later on keep black people form leaving the party. If minority people vote and have voted largely democrat since well, forever now, why are they still struggling to (in their words) get equal treatment.? If people actually "woke" up, they would see who is actually keeping them down.
False. This post is just another lie to divert the blame of who actually tried to keep slaves and later on keep black people form leaving the party. If minority people vote and have voted largely democrat since well, forever now, why are they still struggling to (in their words) get equal treatment.? If people actually "woke" up, they would see who is actually keeping them down.
Warrior, you make too much sense. Your logic and common sense is way over the head of any liberal panty waist positing on this forum. They sit around waiting for marching orders from their god the Democrat/Socialists which suppress the truth and the advancement of those still on their plantation.

Some have seen the light and moved on but far too many remain at the mercy of the liberals who have totally destroyed their lives for the past 75 years.
What people do with their private money is their business. More power to her if it make her feel good. I’m all for giving out of the kindness of your heart if you see fit. Being forced through public funds would be a different story though.
While I agree with the private money point, I just don't think it will stop there unfortunately. There are many on the left who want the government to pay for it as well. Vilifying a race of people because of it though is wrong and that is part of the push from the left when dealing with the point of reparations.
While I agree with the private money point, I just don't think it will stop there unfortunately. There are many on the left who want the government to pay for it as well. Vilifying a race of people because of it though is wrong and that is part of the push from the left when dealing with the point of reparations.
Yep. How about ... we say, from this point forward, people get to KEEP what they earn.

Problem fing solved.
Sounds like a plan…

“This is the first step in a comprehensive plan Cuomo outlined composed of 7 key areas -- all with the aim of quelling the gun violence surge. The key areas are:”
  1. Treat gun violence like the emergency public health it is;
  2. Target hotspots with data and science;
  3. Positive engagement for at-risk youth;
  4. Break the cycle of escalating violence;
  5. Get illegal guns off the streets;
  6. Keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people;
  7. Rebuild the police-community relationship.
What a joke. Good luck with #7 andy. and the other six.
Both me and my daughter are not vaccinated. My wife took the first because of job pressure but, opted out of the second after much research into the pros and cons. The cons far outweighed the pros. Even the FDA has not approved the vaccine.
Along with those 17 shots are the shots we received before deploying to different spots around the globe. It is why I have never had another shot since I retired from the military 24 years ago. Between the shots and the pill we took every 8 hours in the desert to prepare for nerve agent attacks, I am full of all kinds of chemicals and poisons. Not to mention the nukes I worked with in the mid 80's that gave off small amounts of radiation. I am a walking chemical factory.