Y'all are sitting here straight-faced questioning his economic academic credentials when he literally invented the word capitalism. Nobody, including Marx, preaches we should through brute force enforce equal outcome, equal resources communism tomorrow. If they do they're an idiot. But attaching all actions of authoritarian governments to their economic systems is ridiculous. If socialism gets every Mao and Stalin death then capitalism gets every death from something relatively small like today's problem of late diagnoses or insurance denials due to lack of universal healthcare, all the way back to the genocidal exploitation of entire races and continents for profit. Everything from the exploitation of the natural resources in all of the Americas, Africa, Australia, and Asia by Europe; to the atrocities committed to attain them from the natives; to the American chattel enslavement of an entire race just to profit from the whips on their backs; to the European wars of expansion that killed millions; to the toxic pollution of our environment for the sake of profit margins; to the imperialist corporate wars where young people fought and died to line the pockets of a select few and maintain their hegemony; to food insecurity, poverty, lack of mental healthcare, drug addiction, and homelessness in our own communities like Appalachia, Detroit, Mississippi, and San Francisco. Capitalism gets it all.