How will they rule ??!

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Does anyone really win a VP debate? It's basically the special olympics of debates. I had a headache so wasn't paying a ton of attention but I don't think either of them said anything memorable. They both dodged all of the "hard" questions. Trump set the debate bar pretty low for these 2. Absolutely nobody changes a vote because of a vp debate. Trump is now polling at -5 in Iowa. They needed Harris to have a mental breakdown and praise satan to declare any kind of "win". The Trump campaign is floundering so they better send Pence to next week's debate instead of Trump. He at least won't make things worse.

The only thing trending from the debate is that Pence must be a shithead since the flies wouldn't leave him alone. Lmao!
Y'all are sitting here straight-faced questioning his economic academic credentials when he literally invented the word capitalism. Nobody, including Marx, preaches we should through brute force enforce equal outcome, equal resources communism tomorrow. If they do they're an idiot. But attaching all actions of authoritarian governments to their economic systems is ridiculous. If socialism gets every Mao and Stalin death then capitalism gets every death from something relatively small like today's problem of late diagnoses or insurance denials due to lack of universal healthcare, all the way back to the genocidal exploitation of entire races and continents for profit. Everything from the exploitation of the natural resources in all of the Americas, Africa, Australia, and Asia by Europe; to the atrocities committed to attain them from the natives; to the American chattel enslavement of an entire race just to profit from the whips on their backs; to the European wars of expansion that killed millions; to the toxic pollution of our environment for the sake of profit margins; to the imperialist corporate wars where young people fought and died to line the pockets of a select few and maintain their hegemony; to food insecurity, poverty, lack of mental healthcare, drug addiction, and homelessness in our own communities like Appalachia, Detroit, Mississippi, and San Francisco. Capitalism gets it all.

Quite a pivot from his lack of accomplishment to body counts. I guess that’s what you do when the one accomplishment is naming something.

Also I’m stunned, STUNNED, to know that capitalism caused slavery and genocide. All the people that predated 16th century Europe are now the bourgeoisie! Romans, Egyptians, Persians…quite the middle class!

Lol. You struggle to defend a system that is SO BAD it can only remain in place through authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Let that sink in.
And The UK built the world's largest Kingdom. The Nazi's conquered all of Europe for years. The Romans lasted thousands of years. The Soviets controlled most of Asia. Conservatism didn't build a republic. America's best years were when progressive minded people were in control. You're stuck in the past and if you don't learn to change the world will pass you by. Like when the Soviet downfall began, conservatives are smothered in corruption and medieval style of thinking. Conservatives should learn that change is okay. Trickle down economics doesn't work and has caused the largest wealth gap in this country's history. Pointless wars have caused massive unrest. Since the 20th century conservatism has offered very little to solve anything. Economic policies from conservatives hasn't worked. International policies hasn't worked as the eastern world never turned away from communism like Reagan said they would after the fall of the Soviets. Social policies have caused the most unrest in America since arguably the Civil Right Era (that majority of republicans tried to filibuster).
It's okay though.

You'll realize eventually that as more and more people are connected via internet and travel that people stray away from conservative ideals. And if you don't, well you'll probably be like the old dudes who still clamor that slavery was okay.
Completely and utterly false. Incredibly naive. Conservatism built this country into the greatest the world has ever know. Progressivism and liberalism is what is tearing it apart today.
Completely and utterly false. Incredibly naive. Conservatism built this country into the greatest the world has ever know. Progressivism and liberalism is what is tearing it apart today.
How is it false? America's best Era was post WW2 with FDR's policies, whom at the time was considered a very progressive president. Conservatism is why America has been on a downfall since. Reagan offered nothing economically besides major tax cuts for the rich that created the largest gap in wealth ever. Nixon is considered one of the most corrupt presidents ever, to the point that republicans were going to remove him from office if he didn't resign. Bush Sr. caused multiple wars that were completely pointless. Bush Jr. also got Americans into multiple pointless wars while causing the greatest economic collapse since the great depression. Trump's incompetence caused thousands of Americans to die to a virus he downplayed while knowing it was deadly.

So please tell me how conservatives have been so super awesome since the turn of the 20th century. WW1 and WW2 were led by progressive presidents. Carter wasn't awesome but at least we didn't get into pointless ass wars. Clinton had the economy in the most stable spot since post WW2 (another democrat president), Obama gave Americans health care all at the same time turning a failing economy into a booming one.
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Modern liberals aren't liberal at all, nor does this social justice nonsense have anything to do with the civil rights movement or actual impartial justice.

What he doesnt get, being free is better than being "rich".

Lots of things the leftist scum don't get.

“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror. [from Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung]”
― Karl Marx

It's one thing to be enamored with these bunk ideas in youth and inexperience, or lack of thorough/proper education, or when these ideas came about under different historical realities during limited information, but it's something else entirely to be convinced of them today as a developed human being.

It's an untenable position. Freedom is the only way and the proof is everywhere: now, yesterday and tomorrow.

Incredible to think what will happen to the rest of the world if we go by the way of the Dodo.

That's the plan.
How is it false? America's best Era was post WW2 with FDR's policies, whom at the time was considered a very progressive president. Conservatism is why America has been on a downfall since. Reagan offered nothing economically besides major tax cuts for the rich that created the largest gap in wealth ever. Nixon is considered one of the most corrupt presidents ever, to the point that republicans were going to remove him from office if he didn't resign. Bush Sr. caused multiple wars that were completely pointless. Bush Jr. also got Americans into multiple pointless wars while causing the greatest economic collapse since the great depression. Trump's incompetence caused thousands of Americans to die to a virus he downplayed while knowing it was deadly.

So please tell me how conservatives have been so super awesome since the turn of the 20th century. WW1 and WW2 were led by progressive presidents. Carter wasn't awesome but at least we didn't get into pointless ass wars. Clinton had the economy in the most stable spot since post WW2 (another democrat president), Obama gave Americans health care all at the same time turning a failing economy into a booming one.
Lol. The delusion but I absolutely adore your blind admiration and endorsement of FDR who was enamored with Mussolini, issued in the New Deal, put a Klan member on the SCOTUS, created camps, etc.

The downfall of this country is every bit on the left’s intentional flooding of our nation through third world migration. The left and the neocons on the right are always big government/pro war assholes.

You also mention Nixon when compared to Obama, none of his scandals were on the same level but one got press admiration and the other got disdain.
And The UK built the world's largest Kingdom. The Nazi's conquered all of Europe for years. The Romans lasted thousands of years. The Soviets controlled most of Asia. Conservatism didn't build a republic. America's best years were when progressive minded people were in control. You're stuck in the past and if you don't learn to change the world will pass you by. Like when the Soviet downfall began, conservatives are smothered in corruption and medieval style of thinking. Conservatives should learn that change is okay. Trickle down economics doesn't work and has caused the largest wealth gap in this country's history. Pointless wars have caused massive unrest. Since the 20th century conservatism has offered very little to solve anything. Economic policies from conservatives hasn't worked. International policies hasn't worked as the eastern world never turned away from communism like Reagan said they would after the fall of the Soviets. Social policies have caused the most unrest in America since arguably the Civil Right Era (that majority of republicans tried to filibuster).
It's okay though.

You'll realize eventually that as more and more people are connected via internet and travel that people stray away from conservative ideals. And if you don't, well you'll probably be like the old dudes who still clamor that slavery was okay.

You need to learn that less is more. As in, all this gobbledygook doesn’t mean anything and reads like propaganda.

Liberals (not progressives, since that group’s work ended long ago) have dictated the social policies for over 50 years. The crumbling society we see is a direct result of it. Own it.

The problem with you is that you either can’t see, or don’t care, that the things you claim to want can’t happen without trampling the rights of the individual.

Which is exactly what I meant when I said it was conservative ideals that built a Republic. Individual liberties with the government as a guarantor of those rights.

Now, that concept (which is somehow not progressive, but “conservative”
by your own scattered thinking….a terrifying thought) is at risk as propagandized people like you make grand pronouncements that “times must change”.

One more thing. Stop bastardizing the word progressive. Those people were building a better country from within. They succeeded because they held the moral high ground.

Your ilk wants to destroy everything you’ve been handed with no earthly idea how to replace it. You’re quintessentially RE-gressive.
Lol. The delusion but I absolutely adore your blind admiration and endorsement of FDR who was enamored with Mussolini, issued in the New Deal, put a Klan member on the SCOTUS, created camps, etc.

The downfall of this country is every bit on the left’s intentional flooding of our nation through third world migration. The left and the neocons on the right are always big government/pro war assholes.

You also mention Nixon when compared to Obama, none of his scandals were on the same level but one got press admiration and the other got disdain.
FDR wasn't scandal free. But there's a reason historians rank him so highly. The New Deal ushered in a new era in economics. Whether you agree or disagree with the long term affects, in the short term it played a key role in pulling America out of the depression (the war obviously being the most pivotal key). The camps were ****ed. I'll never defend that. Obama and Nixon were not even close to as scandalous but okay not going to argue with that as you'll bring up unproven accusations VS. Nixon on tape literally admitting to cooperating with criminals to break into the DNC and find dirt on his political opponent and how to cover it up. Not to be outdone by your messiah in Trump asking the ukranian government to investigate Biden to use as political tool for diplomatic favors.

I understand I live in a red state and my political views are not popular here but then again there's a reason we rank last in almost every state category besides poverty rate and number of OD's per year. Must be those super democratic Senators or that super democratic local government, or hell maybe it's the super democratic state legislation.

Keep thinking conservatism is awesome while the majority of our population continues to live in poverty while having drug addictions. Kentucky's economy is THRIVING! as well!!! not.
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You need to learn that less is more. As in, all this gobbledygook doesn’t mean anything and reads like propaganda.

Liberals (not progressives, since that group’s work ended long ago) have dictated the social policies for over 50 years. The crumbling society we see is a direct result of it. Own it.

The problem with you is that you either can’t see, or don’t care, that the things you claim to want can’t happen without trampling the rights of the individual.

Which is exactly what I meant when I said it was conservative ideals that built a Republic. Individual liberties with the government as a guarantor of those rights.

Now, that concept (which is somehow not progressive, but “conservative”
by your own scattered thinking….a terrifying thought) is at risk as propagandized people like you make grand pronouncements that “times must change”.

One more thing. Stop bastardizing the word progressive. Those people were building a better country from within. They succeeded because they held the moral high ground.

Your ilk wants to destroy everything you’ve been handed with no earthly idea how to replace it. You’re quintessentially RE-gressive.
I like how he thinks somehow trans, mental disorders, all of the crazy shit the left pumps out is what people are naturally drawn to and leave conservatism (which is basically any traditional norm, common sense).

If this were true, the left would not need a massive propaganda machine in media, academia, use paid protesters, stage scenes, use feds for riots, do hoaxes, need to stop audits of votes and voter rolls.

The truth is, the left’s entire shit is based off a lie and requires a false world and narrative to promote to get people conditioned into accepting it. It’s why their base is dumb af and thinks blacks are being hunted, that half the nation is gay, that white supremacy is the biggest threat, that all of the COVID shit is true and to trust the government.

They all believe in this grand utopia that will never be achieved. It’s their religion.
You need to learn that less is more. As in, all this gobbledygook doesn’t mean anything and reads like propaganda.

Liberals (not progressives, since that group’s work ended long ago) have dictated the social policies for over 50 years. The crumbling society we see is a direct result of it. Own it.

The problem with you is that you either can’t see, or don’t care, that the things you claim to want can’t happen without trampling the rights of the individual.

Which is exactly what I meant when I said it was conservative ideals that built a Republic. Individual liberties with the government as a guarantor of those rights.

Now, that concept (which is somehow not progressive, but “conservative”
by your own scattered thinking….a terrifying thought) is at risk as propagandized people like you make grand pronouncements that “times must change”.

One more thing. Stop bastardizing the word progressive. Those people were building a better country from within. They succeeded because they held the moral high ground.

Your ilk wants to destroy everything you’ve been handed with no earthly idea how to replace it. You’re quintessentially RE-gressive.
Less is more when people who earn more help those with less.

Yeah those awful social policies of giving African Americans and Women equal rights! The problems in America are an easy fix. Tax high income earners the same they were during Post WW2. Use tax money to distribute wealth via Infrastructure, better schools, and raising minimum wages. Allowing the wage gap to decrease. But I'm sure those things are awful because you understand inflation and rising prices! Reaganomics really made sure that didn't happen!

Everything I've been handed? You mean rising college prices, an environmental crisis, less jobs, the largest wealth gap between high income earners and middle class, eroding infrastructure, and inequality. Yeah man what a time to be alive!

But hey! At least my generation understands the issues at hand and are willing to fix it. You can disagree with me all you want but in the end you know it's true. That's why you're so worried about the future. Because you know things are going to change and change to older people is bad. Welcome change!
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I'm the same way about Trump. I don't have the disdain for him that @vhcat70 does, however I would rather see someone like Desantis take the reigns with Trump's backing. Trump is too toxic, and the length's the left will go to in order to prevent him from winning will make Covid look like child's play. I honestly hope this is all just Trump putting teasers like this out there to take the heat off Desantis who will eventually take over. If Trump does run, I think him and Desantis need to come to some gentlemen's agreement about how they handle the debates when they will inevitably be forced to go on the offensive against each other.
My only issue with DeSantis running is that who knows who will end up replacing him in Florida. Might lose the state with all the democrats coming in from their liberal sh*tholes. If he remains in control in Florida then we just go back to orange man bad and mean tweets for 4 more years if Trump is elected.
I like how he thinks somehow trans, mental disorders, all of the crazy shit the left pumps out is what people are naturally drawn to and leave conservatism (which is basically any traditional norm, common sense).

If this were true, the left would not need a massive propaganda machine in media, academia, use paid protesters, stage scenes, use feds for riots, do hoaxes, need to stop audits of votes and voter rolls.

The truth is, the left’s entire shit is based off a lie and requires a false world and narrative to promote to get people conditioned into accepting it. It’s why their base is dumb af and thinks blacks are being hunted, that half the nation is gay, that white supremacy is the biggest threat, that all of the COVID shit is true and to trust the government.

They all believe in this grand utopia that will never be achieved. It’s their religion.
You believe in a God with zero proof of existing because some ancient book that was written by people like you and me says it's true. Yet, you call others dumb because they follow science? Like it or not but conservatism is dying. There's a reason it's mostly old white dudes and why younger generations lean liberal. Also, you believe the FBI did Jan 6th, that massive voter fraud happened, and that life events are staged, and you call others dumb. I just. I'm done man. Good luck in that fantasy world where Trump's coming back in August.
FDR wasn't scandal free. But there's a reason historians rank him so highly. The New Deal ushered in a new era in economics. Whether you agree or disagree with the long term affects, in the short term it played a key role in pulling America out of the depression (the war obviously being the most pivotal key). The camps were ****ed. I'll never defend that. Obama and Nixon were not even close to as scandalous but okay not going to argue with that as you'll bring up unproven accusations VS. Nixon on tape literally admitting to cooperating with criminals to break into the DNC and find dirt on his political opponent and how to cover it up. Not to be outdone by your messiah in Trump asking the ukranian government to investigate Biden to use as political tool for diplomatic favors.

I understand I live in a red state and my political views are not popular here but then again there's a reason we rank last in almost every state category besides poverty rate and number of OD's per year. Must be those super democratic Senators or that super democratic local government, or hell maybe it's the super democratic state legislation.

Keep thinking conservatism is awesome while the majority of our population continues to live in poverty while having drug addictions. Kentucky's economy is THRIVING! as well!!! not.
Lol oh, there’s no proof of Obama’s shit? NSA? IRS? Dude loved to spy on everyone. He got caught lying, Hillary’s email that the dnc leaks showed Obama knew and communicated, Benghazi, etc.

How the hell can you condemn Nixon and then suck the chrome off a guy who spied on everyone including the press and political opponents.

FDR loved fascism, by the way. He event sent his aides to study under Mussolini. Your entire perception of the world and history is based off of how the BS was formed for you by the left.
You believe in a God with zero proof of existing because some ancient book that was written by people like you and me says it's true. Yet, you call others dumb because they follow science? Like it or not but conservatism is dying. There's a reason it's mostly old white dudes and why younger generations lean liberal. Also, you believe the FBI did Jan 6th, that massive voter fraud happened, and that life events are staged, and you call others dumb. I just. I'm done man. Good luck in that fantasy world where Trump's coming back in August.
I never said anything about God.
You all treat your political ideology as a religion. tRuSt ThE sCiEnCe! Believe and follow the man in the white coat! Lord Fauci will grant us blessings and permission to live! Sacrifice for the “science.” Let’s make idols out of career criminals drug addicts!

You hate religion while being every bit a cult. What you all call science is BS. Zero logic to any of it and all theater with zero questioning. Your science is the shit that makes covid absent at BLM riots and Pride parades but present at Trump rallies? It’s at the hostess stand of restaurants but not at the table. It protects basketball players on the court but not the sidelines. Lol

You’re like every stereotypical leftist- so arrogant while being oblivious to your constant hypocrisy and ignorance.
Lol oh, there’s no proof of Obama’s shit? NSA? IRS? Dude loved to spy on everyone. He got caught lying, Hillary’s email that the dnc leaks showed Obama knew and communicated, Benghazi, etc.

How the hell can you condemn Nixon and then suck the chrome off a guy who spied on everyone including the press and political opponents.

FDR loved fascism, by the way. He event sent his aides to study under Mussolini. Your entire perception of the world and history is based off of how the BS was formed for you by the left.
Loving fascism and being intrigued by it is different. I'm intrigued by fascism, I disagree with it whole heartedly but am curious as to how people allow themselves to look at another human as almighty. I guess I could ask you since Trump's your messiah. The NSA had been spying on people since the 9/11 btw. Speaking of spying on the Press, isn't that something that happened a whole lot under Trump? Oh wait! It is! You call me a hypocrite yet you've yet to condemn anything that happened under the Trump administration, the Bush Administration, Or even the Reagan Administration.
If Trump does run, I think him and Desantis need to come to some gentlemen's agreement about how they handle the debates when they will inevitably be forced to go on the offensive against each other.
I doubt they both run. DeSantis would just be in the line of fire of Trump's BS & get hurt politically even if he could win the nomination. Trump groupies would turn on him. It's no-win for him. Sad to contemplate.
I never said anything about God.
You all treat your political ideology as a religion. tRuSt ThE sCiEnCe! Believe and follow the man in the white coat! Lord Fauci will grant us blessings and permission to live! Sacrifice for the “science.” Let’s make idols out of career criminals drug addicts!

You hate religion while being every bit a cult. What you all call science is BS. Zero logic to any of it and all theater with zero questioning. Your science is the shit that makes covid absent at BLM riots and Pride parades but present at Trump rallies? It’s at the hostess stand of restaurants but not at the table. It protects basketball players on the court but not the sidelines. Lol

You’re like every stereotypical leftist- so arrogant while being oblivious to your constant hypocrisy and ignorance.
Nah Covid still a thing at BLM protests. Yeah George Floyd never asked to be an idol for people. Pretty sure he'd like to still be alive rather than an idol. Fauci isn't the only scientist in the world. I don't hate religion. I understand religion and understand people wish to believe in something other than a depressing end. I'm agnostic myself.

You're like every sterotypical right winger. Dumb, Believes in weird conspiracy theories, stuck in the past, and a strong hint of hypocrisy.

Unlike you though, I don't believe every republican is bad. In fact I'd like to believe most are decent people that I just disagree with on certain views of life. Most of whom aren't on a political board that's basically a Q-Anon forum nowadays. I knew coming on here I could troll around and ruff a few feathers while getting extremely hilarious responses. But I must go now :( HMU when Trump's back in office (which will be never)
Folks, it really boggles my mind that people like dion, plat, factchecker, and the like who profess to be so intelligent and woke can really be this dumb. I mean this, it's incredible. The dumbing down of America is in full force and it is happening to the ones who claim to be so smart. That's the beauty of it I guess. It's like those individuals who are the butt of a joke and are laughing not understanding that they are the joke.
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Less is more when people who earn more help those with less.

Yeah those awful social policies of giving African Americans and Women equal rights! The problems in America are an easy fix. Tax high income earners the same they were during Post WW2. Use tax money to distribute wealth via Infrastructure, better schools, and raising minimum wages. Allowing the wage gap to decrease. But I'm sure those things are awful because you understand inflation and rising prices! Reaganomics really made sure that didn't happen!

Everything I've been handed? You mean rising college prices, an environmental crisis, less jobs, the largest wealth gap between high income earners and middle class, eroding infrastructure, and inequality. Yeah man what a time to be alive!

But hey! At least my generation understands the issues at hand and are willing to fix it. You can disagree with me all you want but in the end you know it's true. That's why you're so worried about the future. Because you know things are going to change and change to older people is bad. Welcome change!
Less jobs? Pre-Covid we were basically at full employment. There were literally more jobs than people to fill them. Now we are paying people NOT to work.

You don't think African Americans and Women don't have equal rights? What laws or policies are on the books that restrict the rights of either? Name one.

Just what is your generation? Are you another 20 something fresh out of college who thinks he has all the answers to the world's problems? What real life experiences have you had? What jobs have you worked? What has been your contribution to society? What have you earned, built, or achieved? Until you've actually LIVED and EXPERIENCED the real world and all this country has to offer, don't come around here telling us that you "Understand the issues at hand" when all you've really done is listen to 4 or 5 years of professors whining about stuff they've never experienced themselves outside of a classroom.
I never said anything about God.
You all treat your political ideology as a religion. tRuSt ThE sCiEnCe! Believe and follow the man in the white coat! Lord Fauci will grant us blessings and permission to live! Sacrifice for the “science.” Let’s make idols out of career criminals drug addicts!

You hate religion while being every bit a cult. What you all call science is BS. Zero logic to any of it and all theater with zero questioning. Your science is the shit that makes covid absent at BLM riots and Pride parades but present at Trump rallies? It’s at the hostess stand of restaurants but not at the table. It protects basketball players on the court but not the sidelines. Lol

You’re like every stereotypical leftist- so arrogant while being oblivious to your constant hypocrisy and ignorance.
To end on a friendly note though and agree to disagree lol. Let's go get Jalen Duren!
You believe in a God with zero proof of existing because some ancient book that was written by people like you and me says it's true. Yet, you call others dumb because they follow science? Like it or not but conservatism is dying. There's a reason it's mostly old white dudes and why younger generations lean liberal. Also, you believe the FBI did Jan 6th, that massive voter fraud happened, and that life events are staged, and you call others dumb. I just. I'm done man. Good luck in that fantasy world where Trump's coming back in August.
You follow science? How many genders are there?
FDR wasn't scandal free. But there's a reason historians rank him so highly. The New Deal ushered in a new era in economics. Whether you agree or disagree with the long term affects, in the short term it played a key role in pulling America out of the depression (the war obviously being the most pivotal key).
Total bs. 1) He's rated highly by historians because he's the first modern Lefty Prez. Same reason Trump rated so low by them despite all the good he did for this country. 2) Only WW2 brought us out of the Depression. It was nothing he did. 3) His Japanese - American interment camps are the highlight of his terms & ought to be on his monument at the top. Most racist president since another Dim - Wilson. 4) His carrying on with the Queen of Norway was a total disgrace. Way worse than JFK's dallying.
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You don't think African Americans and Women don't have equal rights? What laws or policies are on the books that restrict the rights of either? Name one.
Was more referring to social policies that were implemented by a majority democratic support from the past. But, I mean I definitely don't think there's equality all around but legally there is I suppose.
I doubt they both run. DeSantis would just be in the line of fire of Trump's BS & get hurt politically even if he could win the nomination. Trump groupies would turn on him. It's no-win for him. Sad to contemplate.
That's where you're wrong, Trump's "groupies" would largely desire a Trump/Desantis ticket, so there would be no turning on Desantis.
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Total bs. 1) He's rated highly by historians because he's the first modern Lefty Prez. Same reason Trump rated so low by them despite all the good he did for this country. 2) Only WW2 brought us out of the Depression. It was nothing he did. 3) His Japanese - American interment camps are the highlight of his terms & ought to be on his monument at the top. Most racist president since another Dim - Wilson. 4) His carrying on with the Queen of Norway was a total disgrace. Way worse than JFLK's dallying.
Trump did very little for the country. Inheriting a growing economy and then crashing it at the end of his term isn't very awesome. Created the largest divide amongst Americans, due to his rhetoric, since the Civil Rights Era. Downplayed the severity of a once-in-a-lifetime Pandemic for political reasons. Caused global tension between allies and foreign superpowers. Caused distrust in our election and constantly discredited and villainized the press. Surrounded himself with loyalists as if he was some sort of dictator afraid of a Coup. Separated migrant families at the border. Pulled the United States out of multiple foreign agreements with allies. Encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol building to stop a constitutional duty. Implemented a travel ban on countries with major Muslim ties and more ( Here's a list!

Agree to disagree. All this chatting is getting no where and I got shit to do lol