Weird. I was told in that Tesla thread that none of this was happening, and Texas was a unique situation (they kept ignoring California)
Expecting Black people to use actual English and not make up words is racist. The libs told me that.
That was before she was likely contacted by BLM and other groups like them and probably given financial incentives to speak out against the country that gives her the opportunity to compete in the Olympics.
Now Trump is walking back the china trade deal talks because it is "too hard to get done". AKA, i made a promise to Xi to get his spy phone company back in business and congress bitch slapped me.
Republicans better not screw up this prison reform bill with a bunch of dumbass amendments as it comes out of committee. Focusing on reducing recidivism by pushing rehabilitation and reintegration is how you fix our prison population. The private prison lobby is going to dump millions into GOP pockets to try and get poison pills added on. They don't make money if prisoners aren't coming right back in.
More racism regardless of who is throwing it out there.
False, Marxism any where has never worked so, in this country it will look like everywhere that people don't work now. Run down and destroyed.Of course money is the main factor in sentencing disparity. As a Marxist class struggles are always the first and foremost concern that affect us all. But when controlling for economic differences studies all show that racial sentencing disparities still exist. Are you denying that entirely?
False. We have no idea what Marxism will look like in America.
Y'all are sitting here straight-faced questioning his economic academic credentials when he literally invented the word capitalism. Nobody, including Marx, preaches we should through brute force enforce equal outcome, equal resources communism tomorrow.
These moronic judges are making decisions on something state legislators have already considered to be law. One judge over many legislators is dictatorial and dangerous.We need to start ignoring those judges like the dims did during the election.
Racism in America today is not from whites, it is from those who have been duped into thinking America is a racist country and only whites can be racist. That in its self is racism from the left.No wonder Dion doesn't understand anything. He starts with premise that everything is racist. And if you don't have same stupid belief patterns, then everyone is a moron
False100%. The study didn't recreate anything. The violence addendum was a supplemental addition only done for the year they had data(2016).
All yes.
Hispanics aren't sentenced to less time, black people are sentenced to more. And yes, women being sentenced to less time than men is sex discrimination and bias just like black people getting more time than others is racial discrimination and bias.
America IS the greatest country in the history of the world. We've had problems but got over them. The only problem now is that the so called "Woke" movement is being used to destroy what hard working and brave Americans have built. You don't become the number one country in the world by default. It is done by hard work and courage of it's citizens. You and the liberal left are trying to destroy it because you and they want what they have not or will not work for.I started with the same propagandized premise we're all fed, that America is the greatest and best country in the history of the world. Standing for freedom, equality, and democracy. Learning about the reality of history woke me up from that delusion. I would suggest that pursuit of knowledge to all, but I know anything that requires reading or thinking is beyond your pay grade.
False. All leftist talking points that you have been brainwashed with. Toe the line Dion! You have been enslaved by the false teachers of the Woke religion.Y'all are sitting here straight-faced questioning his economic academic credentials when he literally invented the word capitalism. Nobody, including Marx, preaches we should through brute force enforce equal outcome, equal resources communism tomorrow. If they do they're an idiot. But attaching all actions of authoritarian governments to their economic systems is ridiculous. If socialism gets every Mao and Stalin death then capitalism gets every death from something relatively small like today's problem of late diagnoses or insurance denials due to lack of universal healthcare, all the way back to the genocidal exploitation of entire races and continents for profit. Everything from the exploitation of the natural resources in all of the Americas, Africa, Australia, and Asia by Europe; to the atrocities committed to attain them from the natives; to the American chattel enslavement of an entire race just to profit from the whips on their backs; to the European wars of expansion that killed millions; to the toxic pollution of our environment for the sake of profit margins; to the imperialist corporate wars where young people fought and died to line the pockets of a select few and maintain their hegemony; to food insecurity, poverty, lack of mental healthcare, drug addiction, and homelessness in our own communities like Appalachia, Detroit, Mississippi, and San Francisco. Capitalism gets it all.
But, if you listen to the left, we have nothing to be proud of in America. We support and come to the aid of countries around the world after major disasters and during regular hard times much more than any country in the world. We are the most charitable country the world has ever seen.
I wished that he would just stay quiet about any run until close to the day. He just gave CNN and MSNBC a shot in the arm for viewership.
What he doesnt get, being free is better than being "rich".Define 'poor.' Define 'rich.' Then define it for the rest of the world as opposed to the United States.
Marx didn't 'simply' just talk about rich and poor, he claimed that spreading the misery was the answer. A total effing fool and he is responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths and decades of poverty worldwide.
Why are you anti-prosperity?
I would really like to think no one is that dumb, and that it's just someone trying to get a rise out of people. Unfortunately, you turn on the news and see some of the crazy things going on and realize, yes people can be that dumb.Folks, it really boggles my mind that people like dion, plat, factchecker, and the like who profess to be so intelligent and woke can really be this dumb. I mean this, it's incredible. The dumbing down of America is in full force and it is happening to the ones who claim to be so smart. That's the beauty of it I guess. It's like those individuals who are the butt of a joke and are laughing not understanding that they are the joke.
Well why not.
Dam. Maybe next they will allow the "sitting in a chair" test.
Air Force Meeting Command should lead the way.
An Economics scholar with zero real world economic experience. he just studied it then came up with his own utopian dream that has failed miserably everywhere it's been tried.Marx was just an economic scholar. How governments choose to organize their economies are up to them. In America we've had a mixed economy since the Gilded Age when laissez-faire capitalism almost destroyed us utterly.
We might judge Marx differently had he actually led a country and implemented his own ideas. The Founding Father's may have owned slaves, which was common among the elites of that time as horrific as it was, however they built a foundation for what would become the most powerful and richest country in the world. Einstein was a genius who WORKED as a the greatest Physicist in history and helped shape what science and physics are to this day by applying his theories to many real world applications. Who he screwed around on is irrelevant and between him and whoever's hearts he broke along the way. Karl Marx was a lazy bum who contributed literally nothing to the real world, but a book that has led to some of the most horrific attempts at Governance the world has ever seen.The Founding Fathers owned slaves. Einstein was a notorious womanizer and cheater. I thought we were supposed to judge works separate from the people who produced them? That's what y'all preach at every statue rally...
He was also critical of the ridiculous names that blacks make up and pin on their kids. he definitely was not popular among “progressive” blacks.Well he was an Uncle Tom. So there’s that. He spoke out strongly against no black fathers in the homes. Definitely hated by the race hustlers.
How is class struggle the most important and influential factor in my life? I'm just a middle class dude, if my salary never increases from where it is today, I'll be ok. (well, that is if Biden doesn't inflate things to Venezuelan levels) I'm not "struggling" with my lot in society. If I hit the jackpot and become wealthy, that's great, if not I'll still be OK. but poor and reliant upon the government? That's something i'll never allow myself to become.He simply stated the obvious that @Bill Derington and the rest of you have been saying here all day, that poor people and rich people get different treatment. Class struggles are the most important and influential factors in every one of our lives. More and more of us are coming to recognize that every day, both 'liberals' and 'conservatives'.
American taxpayers are supporting most of the damned world, including those who hate us and want to see us dead.But, if you listen to the left, we have nothing to be proud of in America. We support and come to the aid of countries around the world after major disasters and during regular hard times much more than any country in the world. We are the most charitable country the world has ever seen.
@Dionysus444, Perfect example here, Why can't the schools just teach history as it happened, with factual information and data, the way I was taught in school back in the 70's-80's? Why does it NOW have to be taught through this insane lens of the White man is evil and privileged and you white students must feel shame, guilt and remorse for being born white and you must atone for the sins of your ancestors even if they had nothing to do with any of this? Why is that? why is this the proper way to teach history now? (Personally it seems to me this perpetuates and allows for bullying of white kids in school, and todays schools would let that fly.)
The fact his readings are required and revered in colleges is a prime example of why colleges are producing people like you these days.His academic works. He's universally acclaimed as one of the best economists of the last few centuries. Das Kapital and others are required reading in basic economics courses alongside Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, John Stuart Mill, David Ricardo, etc. If you're talking about Stalin sending everyone to the gulags, Marx was long dead decades before any of that happened.
I'd appreciate a credible source for that statement.Vaccines typically take 10-15 years of trials.
He's ok with prosperity as long as the ones who proseper by putting in the hard work, share their fortunes with those too lazy to do so. That way everybody is equal in the wallet. Problem is that system will dry up when the Prosperous stop prospering on their own because they see no gain in it.Define 'poor.' Define 'rich.' Then define it for the rest of the world as opposed to the United States.
Marx didn't 'simply' just talk about rich and poor, he claimed that spreading the misery was the answer. A total effing fool and he is responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths and decades of poverty worldwide.
Why are you anti-prosperity?
FALSE.Delta Variant is going to be dangerous to the vaccinated. The vaccine takes out your natural NK cells. Thus the need for the booster. The Delta Variant will not be dangerous to those with natural immunity. That's a fact.
Incredible to think what will happen to the rest of the world if we go by the way of the Dodo.American taxpayers are supporting most of the damned world, including those who hate us and want to see us dead.
And The UK built the world's largest Kingdom. The Nazi's conquered all of Europe for years. The Romans lasted thousands of years. The Soviets controlled most of Asia. Conservatism didn't build a republic. America's best years were when progressive minded people were in control. You're stuck in the past and if you don't learn to change the world will pass you by. Like when the Soviet downfall began, conservatives are smothered in corruption and medieval style of thinking. Conservatives should learn that change is okay. Trickle down economics doesn't work and has caused the largest wealth gap in this country's history. Pointless wars have caused massive unrest. Since the 20th century conservatism has offered very little to solve anything. Economic policies from conservatives hasn't worked. International policies hasn't worked as the eastern world never turned away from communism like Reagan said they would after the fall of the Soviets. Social policies have caused the most unrest in America since arguably the Civil Right Era (that majority of republicans tried to filibuster).Monarchism and fascism offer little in the way of solving problems, but the ideology you critique built a Republic. Galaxy brain shit here. That degree is really paying off for you.
I'm the same way about Trump. I don't have the disdain for him that @vhcat70 does, however I would rather see someone like Desantis take the reigns with Trump's backing. Trump is too toxic, and the length's the left will go to in order to prevent him from winning will make Covid look like child's play. I honestly hope this is all just Trump putting teasers like this out there to take the heat off Desantis who will eventually take over. If Trump does run, I think him and Desantis need to come to some gentlemen's agreement about how they handle the debates when they will inevitably be forced to go on the offensive against each other.Not watching the Olympics. Just wait and see how many of them do something to protest. Likely be the ones without the brand who just want the attention. They do not stand for anything except the publicity it will bring.
Shocker, another variant of Covid. Wondered how long it would take for big Pharma to figure out a way to push their Vaccines more. Meanwhile, my wife continues to have issues from the vaccine.
As for Trump, really torn on him running again. If we thought the onslaught from the Media and Washington was bad before you have not seen anything yet. If he by chance did win he better go full nuclear on the establishment on the right and do everything he can to get them out of office. His staff choices better be outsiders and not the same ole he had before and he better fire every single RHINO, Biden, Clinton and Obama person he can. I just do not see him winning. They will do everything and more to make sure it does not happen.
San Jose to tax gun owners, will confiscate firearms for noncompliance
The city council of San Jose, California, has unanimously voted in favor of issuing a tax on firearm owners and requiring them to carry additional insurance in a scheme they say will help compensate the city for the costs of gun