How will they rule ??!

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That's where you're wrong, Trump's "groupies" would largely desire a Trump/Desantis ticket, so there would be no turning on Desantis.
I just don’t value the VP at all as they don’t really do anything. DeSantis will be better used in Florida.

Three years is a long time. Speculating now is a waste regarding Trump or anyone. No one knew who the eff Obama was in 2005 or 2006 so a lot can happen.
Trump did very little for the country. Inheriting a growing economy and then crashing it at the end of his term isn't very awesome. Created the largest divide amongst Americans, due to his rhetoric, since the Civil Rights Era. Downplayed the severity of a once-in-a-lifetime Pandemic for political reasons. Caused global tension between allies and foreign superpowers. Caused distrust in our election and constantly discredited and villainized the press. Surrounded himself with loyalists as if he was some sort of dictator afraid of a Coup. Separated migrant families at the border. Pulled the United States out of multiple foreign agreements with allies. Encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol building to stop a constitutional duty. Implemented a travel ban on countries with major Muslim ties and more ( Here's a list!

Agree to disagree. All this chatting is getting no where and I got shit to do lol
Lol. Oh Obama’s growing economy and then blaming Trump for Chinese/Dems using covid to tank the economy during an election year?

Did Trump have control of the states?

Lord, you’re brainwashed. What sock account do you belong to?

This is a perfect example of just the delusion and disconnect from reality that so many on the left have because they consume nothing but BS propaganda 24/7 from DNC media. Anything that’s good for our country is bad? Anything good for other countries/globalism is good to them.

ISIS is something that got stomped out within no time. Jobs and the economy were great. But in typical Dem fashion, they do something (their base cheered for the economy to collapse- don’t forget what Bill Maher said) blame someone else and then promise they can fix it!

If you’re keeping score at home, everything was Bush’s fault, Obama was the messiah and everything was perfect, no scandals, and then everything was bad after Obama. If it’s good, Obama did it. If it was bad, it’s Bush’s or Trump’s fault. Totally not a cult. Lol

Oh and the left’s navigation of history is “Lincoln was actually a Dem but FDR was ours and he was the best and then “muh party switched.”

If it’s good, Dems think they did it. When Dems do bad, well it wasn’t actually the Dems or it was actually the previous admin’s fault.

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I just don’t value the VP at all as they don’t really do anything. DeSantis will be better used in Florida.

Three years is a long time. Speculating now is a waste regarding Trump or anyone. No one knew who the eff Obama was in 2005 or 2006 so a lot can happen.
Trump will be 78 in 2024, same age as Biden is now, his age to me would necessitate a younger VP. Desantis would be ideal, it would also give Desantis a leg up in 2028. Not sure who Trump would get that most aligns with his values to run on a ticket with him. Noem maybe? South Dakota isn't in any danger of turning blue. I also think the last Florida Governors election pretty much ensures Florida will remain red after that nightmare they almost voted in. I also think it's a misnomer that Libs are fleeing and voting blue in Florida. I think many of the people fleeing places like CA and NY are the right leaning people who are fed up with living in states going to hell.
That’s what I figure the feds will eventually try. They’ll just tax the hell out of gun owners. You’ll either turn your gun in or they will bankrupt you. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
How is it false? America's best Era was post WW2 with FDR's policies, whom at the time was considered a very progressive president. Conservatism is why America has been on a downfall since. Reagan offered nothing economically besides major tax cuts for the rich that created the largest gap in wealth ever. Nixon is considered one of the most corrupt presidents ever, to the point that republicans were going to remove him from office if he didn't resign. Bush Sr. caused multiple wars that were completely pointless. Bush Jr. also got Americans into multiple pointless wars while causing the greatest economic collapse since the great depression. Trump's incompetence caused thousands of Americans to die to a virus he downplayed while knowing it was deadly.

So please tell me how conservatives have been so super awesome since the turn of the 20th century. WW1 and WW2 were led by progressive presidents. Carter wasn't awesome but at least we didn't get into pointless ass wars. Clinton had the economy in the most stable spot since post WW2 (another democrat president), Obama gave Americans health care all at the same time turning a failing economy into a booming one.
The only thing wrong with conservatives is that we raised a bunch of asshat libs like you. you sound like a most ungrateful little brat.
Less is more when people who earn more help those with less.

Yeah those awful social policies of giving African Americans and Women equal rights! The problems in America are an easy fix. Tax high income earners the same they were during Post WW2. Use tax money to distribute wealth via Infrastructure, better schools, and raising minimum wages. Allowing the wage gap to decrease. But I'm sure those things are awful because you understand inflation and rising prices! Reaganomics really made sure that didn't happen!

Everything I've been handed? You mean rising college prices, an environmental crisis, less jobs, the largest wealth gap between high income earners and middle class, eroding infrastructure, and inequality. Yeah man what a time to be alive!

But hey! At least my generation understands the issues at hand and are willing to fix it. You can disagree with me all you want but in the end you know it's true. That's why you're so worried about the future. Because you know things are going to change and change to older people is bad. Welcome change!

-Laws to guarantee equal rights are exactly in line with “progress”. They are our proudest achievements. Now compare those to CRT and transgenderism which seek to assign racial hierarchies and reduce women to “birthing people”. These are your “progressive” policies, right?

-If we took everything from every billionaire and millionaire in this country, we couldn’t sustain the spending that “progressives” like you are demanding. This simple fact alone shows that you have an elementary level grasp of issues.

-“Tax money to redistribute wealth”. At least you’re open about this part, communist.

-Who makes you take on college debt? How do you propose to fix the climate (a ludicrous concept) without controlling Chinese emissions? Your nonsense is endless.

The real fear of the future is that my kids will have to fight Marxist drones like yourself in order to retain their liberties.
That’s my old stomping grounds. I got out just in time. With that said, San Jose is probably the city with the lowest percentage of gun ownership. Guns are so neutered in Cali to begin with and San Jose is filled with hardcore lefties that hate guns.
Trump did very little for the country. Inheriting a growing economy and then crashing it at the end of his term isn't very awesome. Created the largest divide amongst Americans, due to his rhetoric, since the Civil Rights Era. Downplayed the severity of a once-in-a-lifetime Pandemic for political reasons. Caused global tension between allies and foreign superpowers. Caused distrust in our election and constantly discredited and villainized the press. Surrounded himself with loyalists as if he was some sort of dictator afraid of a Coup. Separated migrant families at the border. Pulled the United States out of multiple foreign agreements with allies. Encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol building to stop a constitutional duty. Implemented a travel ban on countries with major Muslim ties and more ( Here's a list!

Agree to disagree. All this chatting is getting no where and I got shit to do lol

What an alternate universe you live in . It sure isnt reality . Just the fact that EVERY EMPLOYER IN AMERICA IS BEGGING FOR WORKERS SHOULD CLUE YOU IN .. good grief .
Also I’m stunned, STUNNED, to know that capitalism caused slavery and genocide

Funny a lib would say that. Slavery is a great example of socialism. A large group of producers produce for a small group of elites so the elites get to provide the basics back to the producers.

The producers are not allowed to not produce, because it interrupts the lifestyle of the elite and hinders their ability to provide basics for the producers.

Any true progressive would embrace capitalism as it's the only form of economic policy that allows upward movement.
Trump did very little for the country. Inheriting a growing economy and then crashing it at the end of his term isn't very awesome. Created the largest divide amongst Americans, due to his rhetoric, since the Civil Rights Era. Downplayed the severity of a once-in-a-lifetime Pandemic for political reasons. Caused global tension between allies and foreign superpowers. Caused distrust in our election and constantly discredited and villainized the press. Surrounded himself with loyalists as if he was some sort of dictator afraid of a Coup. Separated migrant families at the border. Pulled the United States out of multiple foreign agreements with allies. Encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol building to stop a constitutional duty. Implemented a travel ban on countries with major Muslim ties and more ( Here's a list!

Agree to disagree. All this chatting is getting no where and I got shit to do lol
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I just don’t value the VP at all as they don’t really do anything. DeSantis will be better used in Florida.

Three years is a long time. Speculating now is a waste regarding Trump or anyone. No one knew who the eff Obama was in 2005 or 2006 so a lot can happen.
This is how I feel. If we get 8 years of DeSantis this state will be humming on all cylinders. He is already correcting the mistakes of Swamp dwellers like Jeb Bush, turn coat Charlie Crist and other Democrats of the past. If he is in the national spotlight or on a national ticket it will be 24/7/365 total negative coverage. He has a young wife and 3 small children. They do not need that and Florida does need him.

In a recent interview he said he would not consider running if Trump wants to run again. I believe that and I don't think Trump needs him to carry Florida or win. Trump will not lose in a fair election. Meanwhile DeSantis can work with the 2nd Trump administration and make Florida even stronger and more conservative. My dream is we get so conservative New York New Jersey and California residents will want to stay put and just leave us alone
Trump will be 78 in 2024, same age as Biden is now, his age to me would necessitate a younger VP. Desantis would be ideal, it would also give Desantis a leg up in 2028. Not sure who Trump would get that most aligns with his values to run on a ticket with him. Noem maybe? South Dakota isn't in any danger of turning blue. I also think the last Florida Governors election pretty much ensures Florida will remain red after that nightmare they almost voted in. I also think it's a misnomer that Libs are fleeing and voting blue in Florida. I think many of the people fleeing places like CA and NY are the right leaning people who are fed up with living in states going to hell.
Trump\DeSantis for 1.5 years... Trump resigns and gives Desantis 10.5 years... Trump fvcks the Dems again... heads explode
Trump did very little for the country. Inheriting a growing economy and then crashing it at the end of his term isn't very awesome. Created the largest divide amongst Americans, due to his rhetoric, since the Civil Rights Era. Downplayed the severity of a once-in-a-lifetime Pandemic for political reasons. Caused global tension between allies and foreign superpowers. Caused distrust in our election and constantly discredited and villainized the press. Surrounded himself with loyalists as if he was some sort of dictator afraid of a Coup. Separated migrant families at the border. Pulled the United States out of multiple foreign agreements with allies. Encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol building to stop a constitutional duty. Implemented a travel ban on countries with major Muslim ties and more ( Here's a list!

Agree to disagree. All this chatting is getting no where and I got shit to do lol
Man, this is a giant load of BS. You seem like a nice guy but damn.

Obama said jobs weren’t coming back... then they did. Obama also tried to take credit for this. Americans (especially black Americans) were much better off under Trump and his policies.

And I hate to bring up Obama again, but the racial divide started with him. Go back to 2014-2015 and watch some of his speeches. He constantly threw police under the bus and constantly shoehorned race into the conversation. Trump on the other hand was deemed a white supremacist by MSM outlets and Twitter. Even when he condemned white supremacy it wasn’t enough... they also selectively edited videos and used 5 second clips out of context to spread this nonsense.

I think everyone took turns downplaying the virus early on. China sure did. Pelosi told people to mingle in the streets of China town. Then we decided to exaggerate how bad the virus was and shut down the world. No one looks good in this debacle.

Trump stood up for America with those other world powers because we were getting screwed in nearly every aspect. We pulled our weight, nearly no one else did. How can you claim to be for saving the world and signing an agreement that also allows China to pollute for decades as it pleases? Iran constantly talks of death to America and we give them a nuclear deal... which they don’t even hold up their end and breach the deal, so we end it and this is a bad thing? The agreements he pulled out of were terrible agreements for America

2016 called, it wants it’s crown back for being the original distrust in the election process. We had the press every day for 3.5 years scream Russia. Even when the findings of an investigation didn’t go their way, they still said it was true... because in their hearts... they knew! Yes, Trump did sometimes attack the press, but it was often in retaliation of some made up story or dig at him or his family. The press is a major reason the country is at odds right now because they are agenda driven and devoid of facts relying on slanted opinion to deliver the “news”.

Weird. I always thought Trump surrounded himself with jackasses and was one of his major downfalls.


The border was going on pre and now post Trump. Everyone only cared during Trump’s tenure.

Yet another false talking point. Trump never encouraged people to storm the capitol. He wanted the people representing him to “fight like hell” (as if that term has never been used before in a nonviolent way) and then told the protesters to “protest peacefully and patriotically”. Contrast that with the current VP saying protesters (aka rioters) will not and should not stop last summer.

I believe Obama had the same countries hit with a travel ban. But apples to orange man amirite?

Enjoy your day and getting shit done! If you’re in central KY it’s downpour so watch out!
Man, this is a giant load of BS. You seem like a nice guy but damn.

Obama said jobs weren’t coming back... then they did. Obama also tried to take credit for this. Americans (especially black Americans) were much better off under Trump and his policies.

And I hate to bring up Obama again, but the racial divide started with him. Go back to 2014-2015 and watch some of his speeches. He constantly threw police under the bus and constantly shoehorned race into the conversation. Trump on the other hand was deemed a white supremacist by MSM outlets and Twitter. Even when he condemned white supremacy it wasn’t enough... they also selectively edited videos and used 5 second clips out of context to spread this nonsense.

I think everyone took turns downplaying the virus early on. China sure did. Pelosi told people to mingle in the streets of China town. Then we decided to exaggerate how bad the virus was and shut down the world. No one looks good in this debacle.

Trump stood up for America with those other world powers because we were getting screwed in nearly every aspect. We pulled our weight, nearly no one else did. How can you claim to be for saving the world and signing an agreement that also allows China to pollute for decades as it pleases? Iran constantly talks of death to America and we give them a nuclear deal... which they don’t even hold up their end and breach the deal, so we end it and this is a bad thing? The agreements he pulled out of were terrible agreements for America

2016 called, it wants it’s crown back for being the original distrust in the election process. We had the press every day for 3.5 years scream Russia. Even when the findings of an investigation didn’t go their way, they still said it was true... because in their hearts... they knew! Yes, Trump did sometimes attack the press, but it was often in retaliation of some made up story or dig at him or his family. The press is a major reason the country is at odds right now because they are agenda driven and devoid of facts relying on slanted opinion to deliver the “news”.

Weird. I always thought Trump surrounded himself with jackasses and was one of his major downfalls.


The border was going on pre and now post Trump. Everyone only cared during Trump’s tenure.

Yet another false talking point. Trump never encouraged people to storm the capitol. He wanted the people representing him to “fight like hell” (as if that term has never been used before in a nonviolent way) and then told the protesters to “protest peacefully and patriotically”. Contrast that with the current VP saying protesters (aka rioters) will not and should not stop last summer.

I believe Obama had the same countries hit with a travel ban. But apples to orange man amirite?

Enjoy your day and getting shit done! If you’re in central KY it’s downpour so watch out!
Speaking of Obama, remember when the BLM dude in Dallas killed 6 cops, and Obama refused to light up the WH in blue? He lit it up in Purple in honor of Prince dying, and in rainbows when gay marriage was legalized.
All I know is my life improved greatly (financially) after Trump took office. During the Obama years you could not sell a home for a profit in my area if at all. Construction was minimal. Trump gets elected and all I hear are machinery moving and building stuff. Homes going off the market in record time. I have 2 eyes and can see progress around me. I saw minimal during Bush's final years and all of Obama's. Until Covid struck, the Dems had no shot to beat Trump and everyone knows it. If there is such a thing as a fair election in 2024, Trump will mop Harris or Biden off the map.
Speaking of Obama, remember when the BLM dude in Dallas killed 6 cops, and Obama refused to light up the WH in blue? He lit it up in Purple in honor of Prince dying, and in rainbows when gay marriage was legalized.
I do recall that. He also used the officers’ funeral to bring up racial injustice. The first part of his speech was really good and I thought wow, he’s delivering a great response to this tragedy... then he went full racism.