Nah Covid still a thing at BLM protests. Yeah George Floyd never asked to be an idol for people. Pretty sure he'd like to still be alive rather than an idol. Fauci isn't the only scientist in the world. I don't hate religion. I understand religion and understand people wish to believe in something other than a depressing end. I'm agnostic myself.
You're like every sterotypical right winger. Dumb, Believes in weird conspiracy theories, stuck in the past, and a strong hint of hypocrisy.
Unlike you though, I don't believe every republican is bad. In fact I'd like to believe most are decent people that I just disagree with on certain views of life. Most of whom aren't on a political board that's basically a Q-Anon forum nowadays. I knew coming on here I could troll around and ruff a few feathers while getting extremely hilarious responses. But I must go now

HMU when Trump's back in office (which will be never)Yo