How will they rule ??!

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Trump did very little for the country. Inheriting a growing economy and then crashing it at the end of his term isn't very awesome. Created the largest divide amongst Americans, due to his rhetoric, since the Civil Rights Era. Downplayed the severity of a once-in-a-lifetime Pandemic for political reasons. Caused global tension between allies and foreign superpowers. Caused distrust in our election and constantly discredited and villainized the press. Surrounded himself with loyalists as if he was some sort of dictator afraid of a Coup. Separated migrant families at the border. Pulled the United States out of multiple foreign agreements with allies. Encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol building to stop a constitutional duty. Implemented a travel ban on countries with major Muslim ties and more ( Here's a list!

Agree to disagree. All this chatting is getting no where and I got shit to do lol
He's the one who got unemployment to record lows across all races. His rhetoric? Not Pelosi's/Shalwell/not Russia conclusion bs, not the media. What has Biden done besides be all partisan. Trump was different b/c he didn't stand for Lib bs. Tell us how he downplayed it when he closed the borders in the face of Libs' racism! rhetoric. His recognition of China's domination aims is universally accepted as correct today even by Libs. Our Allies needed & still need to be kicked in the ass over defense. He didn't put kids in cages at the border like Lib Prez's do. I do stop with Trump after Dec. 14.
Trump will be 78 in 2024, same age as Biden is now, his age to me would necessitate a younger VP. Desantis would be ideal, it would also give Desantis a leg up in 2028. Not sure who Trump would get that most aligns with his values to run on a ticket with him. Noem maybe? South Dakota isn't in any danger of turning blue. I also think the last Florida Governors election pretty much ensures Florida will remain red after that nightmare they almost voted in. I also think it's a misnomer that Libs are fleeing and voting blue in Florida. I think many of the people fleeing places like CA and NY are the right leaning people who are fed up with living in states going to hell.

I agree Trump's next VP candidate would need to be younger than 78, 77 max. LOL.
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MAGA! The Trump organization has officially been labeled a criminal organization. The CFO has worked out a plea deal and squealing like a fat little piggy. A tailor was seen at Maralago fitting out the crime family for custom orange jumpers. One day conservatives will stop worshipping criminals.
How is it false? America's best Era was post WW2 with FDR's policies, whom at the time was considered a very progressive president. Conservatism is why America has been on a downfall since. Reagan offered nothing economically besides major tax cuts for the rich that created the largest gap in wealth ever. Nixon is considered one of the most corrupt presidents ever, to the point that republicans were going to remove him from office if he didn't resign. Bush Sr. caused multiple wars that were completely pointless. Bush Jr. also got Americans into multiple pointless wars while causing the greatest economic collapse since the great depression. Trump's incompetence caused thousands of Americans to die to a virus he downplayed while knowing it was deadly.

So please tell me how conservatives have been so super awesome since the turn of the 20th century. WW1 and WW2 were led by progressive presidents. Carter wasn't awesome but at least we didn't get into pointless ass wars. Clinton had the economy in the most stable spot since post WW2 (another democrat president), Obama gave Americans health care all at the same time turning a failing economy into a booming one.
As I said, we became the most powerful and productive country because of conservative values from the start. Roosevelt would be considered conservative by today's standards which is why you made sure to post progressive at the time. That being said however, my point that liberalism is what is destroying the country today still stands. The more liberal we have gotten the worse it has become. Fact.
FDR wasn't scandal free. But there's a reason historians rank him so highly. The New Deal ushered in a new era in economics. Whether you agree or disagree with the long term affects, in the short term it played a key role in pulling America out of the depression (the war obviously being the most pivotal key). The camps were ****ed. I'll never defend that. Obama and Nixon were not even close to as scandalous but okay not going to argue with that as you'll bring up unproven accusations VS. Nixon on tape literally admitting to cooperating with criminals to break into the DNC and find dirt on his political opponent and how to cover it up. Not to be outdone by your messiah in Trump asking the ukranian government to investigate Biden to use as political tool for diplomatic favors.

I understand I live in a red state and my political views are not popular here but then again there's a reason we rank last in almost every state category besides poverty rate and number of OD's per year. Must be those super democratic Senators or that super democratic local government, or hell maybe it's the super democratic state legislation.

Keep thinking conservatism is awesome while the majority of our population continues to live in poverty while having drug addictions. Kentucky's economy is THRIVING! as well!!! not.
Liberal governor is the reason the state ranks last in most categories and you will find Kentucky has had dim leaders for the larger part of its history. But, you knew that, you were just trying to lie your way through things again.
Less is more when people who earn more help those with less.

Yeah those awful social policies of giving African Americans and Women equal rights! The problems in America are an easy fix. Tax high income earners the same they were during Post WW2. Use tax money to distribute wealth via Infrastructure, better schools, and raising minimum wages. Allowing the wage gap to decrease. But I'm sure those things are awful because you understand inflation and rising prices! Reaganomics really made sure that didn't happen!

Everything I've been handed? You mean rising college prices, an environmental crisis, less jobs, the largest wealth gap between high income earners and middle class, eroding infrastructure, and inequality. Yeah man what a time to be alive!

But hey! At least my generation understands the issues at hand and are willing to fix it. You can disagree with me all you want but in the end you know it's true. That's why you're so worried about the future. Because you know things are going to change and change to older people is bad. Welcome change!
Completely false again with the tax a spend strategy and the false accusations that people thought giving women and African-Americans the vote were bad policies. Once again claiming bigotry and racism. That never helps your argument.

Rising cost can easily be attributed to higher taxes and mindless spending by the left.

Your generation want's handouts and not willing to work for anything. Not sure how you plan on fixing anything when you are not willing to actually work to find a solution. You will never fix anything by destroying everything.
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Nah Covid still a thing at BLM protests. Yeah George Floyd never asked to be an idol for people. Pretty sure he'd like to still be alive rather than an idol. Fauci isn't the only scientist in the world. I don't hate religion. I understand religion and understand people wish to believe in something other than a depressing end. I'm agnostic myself.

You're like every sterotypical right winger. Dumb, Believes in weird conspiracy theories, stuck in the past, and a strong hint of hypocrisy.

Unlike you though, I don't believe every republican is bad. In fact I'd like to believe most are decent people that I just disagree with on certain views of life. Most of whom aren't on a political board that's basically a Q-Anon forum nowadays. I knew coming on here I could troll around and ruff a few feathers while getting extremely hilarious responses. But I must go now :( HMU when Trump's back in office (which will be never)Yo
You are like every stereotypical liberal who toes the line of media talking points and don't have an original thought of your own.
Trump did very little for the country. Inheriting a growing economy and then crashing it at the end of his term isn't very awesome. Created the largest divide amongst Americans, due to his rhetoric, since the Civil Rights Era. Downplayed the severity of a once-in-a-lifetime Pandemic for political reasons. Caused global tension between allies and foreign superpowers. Caused distrust in our election and constantly discredited and villainized the press. Surrounded himself with loyalists as if he was some sort of dictator afraid of a Coup. Separated migrant families at the border. Pulled the United States out of multiple foreign agreements with allies. Encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol building to stop a constitutional duty. Implemented a travel ban on countries with major Muslim ties and more ( Here's a list!

Agree to disagree. All this chatting is getting no where and I got shit to do lol
Completely false and proof of my earlier post of your left wing talking points. Covid and the left crashed a thriving economy Trump built. Trump brought back jobs Obama said you could not bring back with a magic wand.

Just destroyed all of your earlier post with this one above.
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Love how the da does flips and turns to avoid using the words fringe benefits. Because they know everyone with sense would laugh them out of the building. This is patently ridiculous and done solely to pressure banks to call debts on Trump; ruining their family.

They just retweeted a tweet but somehow are harassing the author of the original tweet?

There should be an investigation where their money comes from
Lol oh, there’s no proof of Obama’s shit? NSA? IRS? Dude loved to spy on everyone. He got caught lying, Hillary’s email that the dnc leaks showed Obama knew and communicated, Benghazi, etc.

How the hell can you condemn Nixon and then suck the chrome off a guy who spied on everyone including the press and political opponents.

FDR loved fascism, by the way. He event sent his aides to study under Mussolini. Your entire perception of the world and history is based off of how the BS was formed for you by the left.
What fantasy world do you live in? Every President spies on everyone and lies about everything. Its basically their job.
You follow science? How many genders are there?
science says their are many genders because it is a social label. You are confusing sex and gender. and sex is also not binary because you can be intersex with allows for basically an infinite number of variations. sex is bimodal and always has been and you are probably to stupid to even understand what that means.
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I'm the same way about Trump. I don't have the disdain for him that @vhcat70 does, however I would rather see someone like Desantis take the reigns with Trump's backing. Trump is too toxic, and the length's the left will go to in order to prevent him from winning will make Covid look like child's play. I honestly hope this is all just Trump putting teasers like this out there to take the heat off Desantis who will eventually take over. If Trump does run, I think him and Desantis need to come to some gentlemen's agreement about how they handle the debates when they will inevitably be forced to go on the offensive against each other.
I really doubt both run at the same time so I dont think that'll be an issue. If Trump runs he will be the nominee and DeSantis running would be pointless.

I assume they work out some sort of deal for 24 and 28. But they wont run against each other imo.