How will they rule ??!

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Assange is smarter than that. He knows the Clintons will kill him. The info is with other people. It will get out.
I tend to agree with this. Assange was a little too outspoken about the whole dead man's switch thing. I'm thinking that was all misdirection & his info is secure with people he trust.
Yes, I highly doubt Assange just kept that info to himself. Hes not stupid. He knows they will try to silence him or kill him.
Do people not understand how effed up this is ? The sheep who do not care are going to be our downfall.

When we mentioned all of this stuff that has come out from DNCleaks, PodestaEmails, the Dem strategies, the bots, the tactics we just saw in that CTR memo, Dems call you "crazy conspiracists."

No. We know your damn tactics and that they're the bottom of the scum bucket.
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What am I missing with this? Just seems like a strategy to win over Reddit. What's the big "A HA!" Why wouldn't Trump have a strategy as well, or any other politician?

I don't think it's an aha. Just the game plan for the paid Hillary trolls (paid for by super pac correct the record) were to use to try and manipulate bandwagoners.

More sad, pathetic, and ridiculous than anything. Plus more vindication that many of the rumors are proving true.

I hope everything single person and account that participated in this faux support is exposed.
Assange is smarter than that. He knows the Clintons will kill him. The info is with other people. It will get out.

I tend to agree with this. Assange was a little too outspoken about the whole dead man's switch thing. I'm thinking that was all misdirection & his info is secure with people he trust.

Agree. How incredibly brazen is that move by hillary. And why not? Noone will ever call her out on it. The clintons are above the law and have the msm for going on 30 years.

For this type of desperation by hillary/Obama, it must be some critical information coming. Probably on both.
Agree. How incredibly brazen is that move by hillary. And why not? Noone will ever call her out on it. The clintons are above the law and have the msm for going on 30 years.

For this type of desperation by hillary/Obama, it must be some critical information coming. Probably on both.
Yep. And maybe Kerry as well.
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Agree. How incredibly brazen is that move by hillary. And why not? Noone will ever call her out on it. The clintons are above the law and have the msm for going on 30 years.

For this type of desperation by hillary/Obama, it must be some critical information coming. Probably on both.
I'm just gonna guess. Obama Kerry and Hillary know Assange has the 33000 emails. That has to be why they are doing this now.
If Assange is murdered, we know the Dems had it done. No other possibility. We're in Frank Underwood territory.

Those two big fish will not let themselves be taken down without murdering someone.
Whats terrifying about what they're doing to Assange is what they'll soon be doing to conservative news outlets and websites and talk radio hosts. Elect Hillary and they will all be silenced too.

This shit is not a game. We are entering 1930s Germany.

But hey, we've got our NFL, our video games and iPhones so who has time to pay attention to any of this?

Dude, I hate the majority of people. I think they're beyond stupid and simply don't bother to educate themselves. Democrat or Republican, doesn't matter. You should want to bury anyone you know is this corrupt.

I hope to God for the sake of this country, Clinton and even Obama are destroyed by Assange before they put her in power.

And yes, this is some straight up Nazi Germany crap. Does anyone not see how dangerous it is that one group has so much control in politics, our media, our education and entertainment? You don't think that is going to get abused when there's no one to hold them accountable? They have laid the groundwork for their BS to not be challenged. They use violence or social media blocks to silence. No doubts they will kill and lock people up for dare challenging the left.

Remember...everything that disagrees with the left is considered "hate speech."
Disagree. I think we have more information now than ever. Independent voters now make up largest voting block.

You assume people don't take in info. We want an informed populace to vote. I guess your anecdotal evidence is nice, but evidence suggests otherwise. I get that feelings play a big part in how we picture the world, but I think because we have a more engaged population, we see more unaffiliated.

Let's assume we are more informed than ever . . . who the hell do we vote for in 2016? How do we get to a point where someone I can legitimately say represents me is on the ballot with a chance to win and if that guy doesn't win, my freedom isn't in jeopardy?

Also I just gave you an argument as to why being informed is increasing the tension and you basically respond with "nice anecdotal evidence bro, people are engaged so elections". Being informed is obviously such a helpful thing.
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LEK with more independent posts in the last 12 hours than the past 5 years and not just calling reps names. You are welcome catpaw.
Hmm. Never thought about that.

But yeah, Mexicans actually have conservative viewpoints even more so than ordinary conservatives (Machismo and chauvinism is way prevelant) it's always just the border issue.

Muslims are the backwards parasite that destroys its host every single time.

We have many Hispanics here and I work with several the ones I know are honest hard working people trying to make a decent living. So, give me a country full of Mexicans over a country full of Muslins. At least the Mexicans don't want to kill us.
LEK with more independent posts in the last 12 hours than the past 5 years and not just calling reps names. You are welcome catpaw.

LEK is an independent in his fantasy world. Has posted too much here for me to believe that.
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WOW! is right. Full on red scare mode.

Wonder when they're going to mention Podesta owning 100k shares in a company that's tied to a Russian Mafia money laundering scheme?

If Trump can pull this off, this election will serve a mighty blow in destroying what's left of mainstream media's credibility. They've produced so much BS.
Just as thought. You would let the country go down the shithole just so your side wins, correct?

The country isn't going down a "shithole" as you claim.

It's just what individuals knowing their party is going down in defeat resort to when complaining about the current state of affairs.

Markets have been great, my employment has been secure, family and friends are doing well financially.

If things aren't going well for you over the last eight years, you just need to pull yourself up by the bootstrap.
Trump up by 17 in Utah. Per a CBS/YouGov poll.

Serious question for the lefties- did you really think that Utah was in play?

She may very well win this election. If she does, she'll do so without the help of Utah. Also, it's becoming increasingly obvious that she'll also have to do it without Ohio.

She is going to win the election...let's stop kidding ourselves.

Back to Utah - We are about three weeks from the election and we are discussing whether or not the Republicans will be carrying Utah... freaking Utah.

Every single second that goes by where the right is talking about anything other than sliming Clinton is a lost second. And last time I checked, your boy is way down in polls. Way down.
The country isn't going down a "shithole" as you claim.

It's just what individuals knowing their party is going down in defeat resort to when complaining about the current state of affairs.

Markets have been great, my employment has been secure, family and friends are doing well financially.

If things aren't going well for you over the last eight years, you just need to pull yourself up by the bootstrap.

Country is going down a shithole because it's artificially constructed. As long as the world lives by the rules of the Status Quo politics of America, then all is hunky dory. Markets are manipulated.

As with any Dem, as long as you "got yours" everything is just fine. You are one selfish piece of work Albany. This isn't about you. This is about a rogue administration running an artificial system.
Country is going down a shithole because it's artificially constructed. As long as the world lives by the rules of the Status Quo politics of America, then all is hunky dory. Markets are manipulated.

As with any Dem, as long as you "got yours" everything is just fine. You are one selfish piece of work Albany. This isn't about you. This is about a rogue administration running an artificial system.

Trump may say a lot of nonsense but I admire the guy for having the balls for enduring this BS attack every single day for the past 18 months from the Dems, GOP, the media and being falsely accused. It's not easy being the guy to challenge the status quo because it will upset a lot of people who want things to stay the same. You know it eats up the RINOs/Career do nothings in the GOP that the people gave them the finger.

And have we ever had a top candidate who absolutely called the media out on their propaganda?

I'm absolutely for the "burn it to the ground" mentality when it comes to D.C. politics and it's not surprising to me that the Dems are all in on a corrupt career politician who sells this country down the river, stuffs her and her donors pockets, gives the idiot voter block their entitlements and SJW BS.

For the first time in a long time, we have a chance to get someone that isn't owned by D.C. and can help usher in the transformation of the Republican Party and halt the left's intent on destruction and what do we do? Let the corrupt media make the election be about him grabbing puss.
Country is going down a shithole because it's artificially constructed. As long as the world lives by the rules of the Status Quo politics of America, then all is hunky dory. Markets are manipulated.

As with any Dem, as long as you "got yours" everything is just fine. You are one selfish piece of work Albany. This isn't about you. This is about a rogue administration running an artificial system.

It's clear Albany is a selfish bastard who thinks of only himself.
The country isn't going down a "shithole" as you claim.

It's just what individuals knowing their party is going down in defeat resort to when complaining about the current state of affairs.

Markets have been great, my employment has been secure, family and friends are doing well financially.

If things aren't going well for you over the last eight years, you just need to pull yourself up by the bootstrap.

Sorry but the homosexual porn industry doesnt pattern the rest of america
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The country isn't going down a "shithole" as you claim.

It's just what individuals knowing their party is going down in defeat resort to when complaining about the current state of affairs.

Markets have been great, my employment has been secure, family and friends are doing well financially.

If things aren't going well for you over the last eight years, you just need to pull yourself up by the bootstrap.

Please go down to one of these factories in your area today and tell them to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. TIA.

A gauge of New York-area manufacturing became more pessimistic in October, data released Monday showed.

The Empire State index fell to negative 6.8 from negative 2 in September, on a scale where any reading below zero indicates contracting activity. That’s the weakest reading since May.

The index for new orders improved slightly but was still negative at minus 5.6. Orders for shipments, unfilled orders, delivery time, inventories, number of employees and average employee workweek all were negative.

The manufacturing sector has been a laggard for the U.S. economy. The strong dollar and weak oil prices have contributed to the malaise.

The Empire State gauge is the first of several regional manufacturing indexes to be released.