How will they rule ??!

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Anyone familiar with this kind of stuff or possibly have any idea what it means?

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Albany, if CNN actually told its viewers that it was illegal to view wikileaks, are you with them on lying to the country?
Not really. Anyone & everyone knows this batch was from Podesta. To try & claim otherwise is outright disingenuous.

You might be confusing these with the FBI FOIA dumps that are actually emails from Hillary's private server.

Btw, look for another one those this week. FBI will most definitely play politics again & dump them on late Friday afternoon.
Judge Jeanine on Fox tonight was claiming that if Hillary would have come clean right away about her server emails, these Wikileaks releases wouldn't have had any impact. [laughing]

This feeding frenzy orchestrated by The Donald simply doesn't presume logic or accuracy.
Does it not bother any of you on the left here the level of corruption that the democratic party is now displaying? Do you not realize how dangerous that is to a democracy? We are in trouble deep folks.
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Judge Jeanine on Fox tonight was claiming that if Hillary would have come clean right away about her server emails, these Wikileaks releases wouldn't have had any impact. [laughing]

This feeding frenzy orchestrated by The Donald simply doesn't presume logic or accuracy.
Are you really that dumb?
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This isn't "illegal to look at, Russian hacked, wikileaks emails" (although Podesta's emails contain an email that corroborates all of this. see my post a couple pages back)

This is from the emails that were on Clinton's unsecured, private server. They will be released this week as part of the subpoenaed FBI FOIA.

*note -- said emails in question were the highest of classifications; Top Secret.

FBI interview summaries and notes, provided late Friday to the House Government Oversight and Intelligence Committees, contain allegations of a "quid pro quo" between a senior State Department executive and FBI agents during the Hillary Clinton email investigation, two congressional sources told Fox News.

"This is a flashing red light of potential criminality," Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, who has been briefed on the FBI interviews, told Fox News.

He said "there was an alleged quid pro quo” involving Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and the FBI “over at least one classified email.”

“In return for altering the classification, the possibility of additional slots for the FBI at missions overseas was discussed,” Chaffetz said.
True. But at the same time, when/if something tragic happens, people will look to who helped cause it and enable it. So when we get another 9/11, see how history will treat those who helped usher it in.

It goes in cycles. The Dems are having their moment in the sun but they will get their comeuppance in the future. They will be viewed in the same manner as every other evil party/group was throughout history and people will pretend they had no part in it or ever participated in their ideology.

This won't be the usual cycle. There will be millions of new illegals given voting rights; and they'll all vote dem. Forever
Judge Jeanine on Fox tonight was claiming that if Hillary would have come clean right away about her server emails, these Wikileaks releases wouldn't have had any impact. [laughing]

This feeding frenzy orchestrated by The Donald simply doesn't presume logic or accuracy.

It's quite obvious you have turned a blind all to all of the emails. There have been DNC leaks, Podesta leaks & FBI FOIA releases.

Hillary absolutely, 100%, w/o a doubt stored classified info (top secret in some cases) on her unsecured, private server, & Obama's WH did everything to clear her of these chargers b/c Obama himself was aware & even used said private server (proof in Podesta leaks).

Sorry, this isn't even a debate anymore. Any argument to the contrary at this point is only coming from uninformed idiots.
This won't be the usual cycle. There will be millions of new illegals given voting rights; and they'll all vote dem. Forever

Oh, that's happening. And this will have long consequences that will probably outlast us and our children but one day, when people see what they have allowed to happen, how they have ushered in their nation's demise, something will change.

But Dems are all about destruction, chaos and growing the welfare state. What happens when all of these luxuries are gone? What happens when you're actually surrounded by this environment you thought was going to be an utopia?

I've said it a million times on here but trying to convince Dems is like trying to tell them not to put a fork in an electrical socket and then they just call you racist and do it anyways.
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Going to be honest here, the Mexicans are perfectly fine by me. It's the refugees I have issue with.

Mexicans may live dirty disgusting lives in Mehico but most of the ones I encounter are good people. I'm sure it may be different where they are more populated, but I'm fine giving them back California.

Also legalizing a lot of them creates a new tax burden for them that they don't want, and I promise you they do not want legal status here!
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Does it not bother any of you on the left here the level of corruption that the democratic party is now displaying? Do you not realize how dangerous that is to a democracy? We are in trouble deep folks.
It does me. I hate that HRC tweet about fair elections. Now, it's obvious Trump was going to say it's rigged, just like in past stuff, but the DNC rigged it for Hillary. The RNC tried, but failed.

It's a scam. I don't know. I get sheep like qwes don't understand independents, we vote both sides, but I don't claim democrat because of crap like this. Any dem not seeing Obama has orchestrated the largest spying threat and invaded our personal freedoms is delusional. I like freedom. It's why I love our military. It's also why I think people should have the right to choose whatever lifestyle they want. It's their right. If you're gay, you should be allowed to be so. That's freedom. But freedom has costs, which a lot on left don't see.

The problem is RNC is just as bad. Both sides are bad.

As I said before, I'm glad people are this engaged.

Edit: I do think it's hilarious how emo the hardcore right has become. All this chicken little/sky faking. It's like a mirror image to social justice warriors.
You'd think people would want to know corruption. Other than conservatives and Bernie supporters, none of the moronic sheep want to know the truth.

We're effed with these people in charge.
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Going to be honest here, the Mexicans are perfectly fine by me. It's the refugees I have issue with.

Mexicans may live dirty disgusting lives in Mehico but most of the ones I encounter are good people. I'm sure it may be different where they are more populated, but I'm fine giving them back California.

Also legalizing a lot of them creates a new tax burden for them that they don't want, and I promise you they do not want legal status here!

Hmm. Never thought about that.

But yeah, Mexicans actually have conservative viewpoints even more so than ordinary conservatives (Machismo and chauvinism is way prevelant) it's always just the border issue.

Muslims are the backwards parasite that destroys its host every single time.
Dont know whats going on, but this 0hour1 charaacter is a moron and had absolutely no info and is just an anonymous wannabe.
It does me. I hate that HRC tweet about fair elections. Now, it's obvious Trump was going to say it's rigged, just like in past stuff, but the DNC rigged it for Hillary. The RNC tried, but failed.

It's a scam. I don't know. I get sheep like qwes don't understand independents, we vote both sides, but I don't claim democrat because of crap like this. Any dem not seeing Obama has orchestrated the largest spying threat and invaded our personal freedoms is delusional. I like freedom. It's why I love our military. It's also why I think people should have the right to choose whatever lifestyle they want. It's their right. If you're gay, you should be allowed to be so. That's freedom. But freedom has costs, which a lot on left don't see.

The problem is RNC is just as bad. Both sides are bad.

As I said before, I'm glad people are this engaged.

Edit: I do think it's hilarious how emo the hardcore right has become. All this chicken little/sky faking. It's like a mirror image to social justice warriors.
Politics in general has become too corrupt, and we the people are now just an after thought when we should be the overall underlying reason things happen. Not disagreeing with your point of the right to be gay. As a Christian I also know that God gave us the will to choose what we want to do. Whether or not I think it is the right thing to do is not relevant. My choices are mine alone and what you or anyone else chooses to do will be yours or theirs to answer for. If people ask me what I think about it, I would give my opinion but, the ultimate decision should always be theirs.
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Does it not bother any of you on the left here the level of corruption that the democratic party is now displaying? Do you not realize how dangerous that is to a democracy? We are in trouble deep folks.

It does me. I hate that HRC tweet about fair elections. Now, it's obvious Trump was going to say it's rigged, just like in past stuff, but the DNC rigged it for Hillary. The RNC tried, but failed.

It's a scam. I don't know. I get sheep like qwes don't understand independents, we vote both sides, but I don't claim democrat because of crap like this. Any dem not seeing Obama has orchestrated the largest spying threat and invaded our personal freedoms is delusional. I like freedom. It's why I love our military. It's also why I think people should have the right to choose whatever lifestyle they want. It's their right. If you're gay, you should be allowed to be so. That's freedom. But freedom has costs, which a lot on left don't see.

The problem is RNC is just as bad. Both sides are bad.

As I said before, I'm glad people are this engaged.

Edit: I do think it's hilarious how emo the hardcore right has become. All this chicken little/sky faking. It's like a mirror image to social justice warriors.

I was actually quoting you to say that i agreed with almost everything you wrote, until i realized you admitted to being a lib.

But, agree with people doing whatever the hell they want. Just dont force it on others. Also, republicans are a bunch of pussies.
As I said, Albany is dishonest and as corrupt as the people he supports. I believe he knows how bad it would be but, believes like others who think it will lead to the single payer system and would do anything (lie, cheat, smear, and muddy the water) to ensure their perverted vision succeeds. have clearly been paying attention...Bravo

I would argue the problem is that people are engaged. Mobile internet users overtook desktop internet users in popularity in like 2014, so this is kind of the first full-on twitter / social media election. Every time you engage, you make your twitter / google / facebook echochamber more powerful. These two things together cause your echochamber to follow you around. You used to sometimes have to face a differing opinion, now even on Thanksgiving dinner if there is a disagreement, you can just check your phone to reassure yourself how right you are. Now differing opinions = bombed GOP offices, shot cops, and lost friendships.

The other problem is that being engaged in the system, usually means not looking for solutions outside the system. The system only allows for slow incremental change. How many incremental changes would it take to walk us back from a place where it's Trump vs Hillary for president? I'm 30 years old. If every incremental decisions went "right", would I even be around for the "fixed" country?
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I was actually quoting you to say that i agreed with almost everything you wrote, until i realized you admitted to being a lib.

But, agree with people doing whatever the hell they want. Just dont force it on others. Also, republicans are a bunch of pussies.

Yes, Republicans are a bunch of pussies. Also I have found that a lot of folks are super sheltered and have no concept of the reality of what is going on or bother to research anything. My mother in-law and her husband are Christians and don't know anything about WikiLeaks but are super against Trump because he isn't Christian and they seem to think that old traditional BS will work again.
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Republicans are faced with losing the religious vote if they step out of bounds. That's why I said yday they are an easy target politically.

Old white successful men = anti women, black, brown, and unions.......BOOM 50/50 shot against them from the start if they run a perfect campaign.

At some point they have to run ground game 4 years early for the black vote.

Everything Trump goes through the blacks should relate but he isn't reaching them. The media is the cause for the black panthers split and the east coast west coast rap war.

Those two events are HUGE to everyday black vote and if you had any sympathy/empathy for their race Trump would have gained them as a voting block. But you can not stay in white areas saying you're good for them.

That BS doesn't resonate even if you are their best choice.
Trump up by 17 in Utah. Per a CBS/YouGov poll.

Serious question for the lefties- did you really think that Utah was in play?

She may very well win this election. If she does, she'll do so without the help of Utah. Also, it's becoming increasingly obvious that she'll also have to do it without Ohio.
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Best answer I found so far explaining the cryptic tweets.

Much as these tweets provide great fodder for conspiracy speculation, the secret to their meaning is hidden in plain sight. “Pre-commitment” in this case is a references to a cryptographic scheme to prevent unreleased information from being tampered with. Essentially those unique codes are proof to anyone reading the documents in the future that their contents remain unchanged: alteration to the leaks will likewise alter those 64-character codes.

Which then leads me to wonder if he is getting ready to release documents on Kerry since Kerry was subject of one of the tweets. Maybe that's why Kerry is trying to silence him?
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I would argue the problem is that people are engaged. Mobile internet users overtook desktop internet users in popularity in like 2014, so this is kind of the first full-on twitter / social media election. Every time you engage, you make your twitter / google / facebook echochamber more powerful. These two things together cause your echochamber to follow you around. You used to sometimes have to face a differing opinion, now even on Thanksgiving dinner if there is a disagreement, you can just check your phone to reassure yourself how right you are. Now differing opinions = bombed GOP offices, shot cops, and lost friendships.

The other problem is that being engaged in the system, usually means not looking for solutions outside the system. The system only allows for slow incremental change. How many incremental changes would it take to walk us back from a place where it's Trump vs Hillary for president? I'm 30 years old. If every incremental decisions went "right", would I even be around for the "fixed" country?
Disagree. I think we have more information now than ever. Independent voters now make up largest voting block.

You assume people don't take in info. We want an informed populace to vote. I guess your anecdotal evidence is nice, but evidence suggests otherwise. I get that feelings play a big part in how we picture the world, but I think because we have a more engaged population, we see more unaffiliated.
Disagree. I think we have more information now than ever. Independent voters now make up largest voting block.

Not sure I'd say we have more information. I think we have more opinions, but less information.

Anymore, you need to read 5 different sources before you can try to understand what the facts actually are.

[laughing] Just posted this same thing. Comes off a lot like some of the posters on here. Is everyone sure they're (you know who) not working for CTR & getting paid 10 cents a post on the Paddock?

That's what I thought. Exactly what they do