How will they rule ??!

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Dishonest? I know I'm not a fan of yours, but dishonest? I know my opinions hurt deep down because you know I am telling the truth, but that's OK.

As Michelle says, "when they go low, you go high".
Most on here know of your dishonesty and propensity for continuing the lies spewed by Hillary and the main stream media. That fact that you responded in the manner you did shows the butt hurt you feel for the truth.
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Dishonest? I know I'm not a fan of yours, but dishonest? I know my opinions hurt deep down because you know I am telling the truth, but that's OK.

As Michelle says, "when they go low, you go high".
It's beyond comical to hear any Dem say that they go high. Smear, lies, rigged interviews, fake protesters, media bias, etc...
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Most on here know of your dishonesty and propensity for continuing the lies spewed by Hillary and the main stream media. That fact that you responded in the manner you did shows the butt hurt you feel for the truth.

You're just getting a little salty because you have come to realize the Hilary is indeed going to be the next President. I know it causes you great amount of fear and anxiety, but you will be OK. Hillary will take care of you.
As Michelle says, "when they go low, you go high".

That is the point I made this morning with the Raddatz post. This idiotic notion that the media cannot report on the leaked stuff to any degree because they have to run with the DT stuff is garbage.

This whole thing is a one big sham

James Comey

That's truer than you think. The Podesta emails show us that State Department was colluding with her camp, giving them a heads up & feeding them info regarding the investigation.

They also show us that some of the people investigating her crimes were purposely working behind the scenes to downgrade the calssification of the emails (top secret in some cases), so that she could maintain her innocence & claim that she never stored classified info on her server.
Stop arguing with albany.

He doesnt even know the difference of a talkshow host and a newsanchor.
You're just getting a little salty because you have come to realize the Hilary is indeed going to be the next President. I know it causes you great amount of fear and anxiety, but you will be OK. Hillary will take care of you.
[roll]Hillary hates my kind.

"None of the stories that horrify them now are new. They are years old. Decades, even. It is mind-blowing that no one decided to drop any of this before now. Unless, of course, you believe the idea that they sat on it in order to destroy him in the general. What’s more, that they did so at the request of the Clinton campaign. It is not only plausible, it is in fact the most likely scenario. It’s not like the journalists just sat on their hands for a year before dropping all this. A little research, a few phone calls, and all of this information would have been out there much sooner. But, that didn’t help the agenda.

So, while some folks on the Right can (and should) take some of the blame for creating the monster that is Republican Nominee Donald Trump, the Media cannot be allowed to feel horrified for the monster they too helped to make. This is on them. They had stories, they chose not to run them. They chose to favor a candidate. They were too afraid to lose a source."

Absolutely true. But it would've happened to Any GOP Nominee. Would've been the same attack plan, just insert a different name.
Trump's refusal to accept intelligence briefing on Russia stuns experts

"Former senior U.S. national security officials are dismayed at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's repeated refusal to accept the judgment of intelligence professionals that Russia stole files from the Democratic National Committee computers in an effort to influence the U.S. election."

"The former officials, who have served presidents in both parties, say they were bewildered when Trump cast doubt on Russia's role after receiving a classified briefing on the subject and again after an unusually blunt statement from U.S. agencies saying they were "confident" that Moscow had orchestrated the attacks."

"It defies logic," retired Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and the National Security Agency, said of Trump's pronouncements.

It defies logic that Russia can steal intel from DNC computers in attempts to influence our most sacred democratic ritual, and all we're going to do about it is shit on Trump for not listening to our spies tell him what their spies did.

If Trump listened to the briefing, accepted it, and took a hard stance against Russia, how would that play in the media? He would clearly be the crazy person with his finger on the button who will start WW3.

If he doesn't listen, and leaves it up to the people who are currently making decisions, he has nothing to lose. If it's horrible, I'm sure he will get another briefing when he's president and we're in WW3. If it's benign, great, I think we all hope that.
The federal government reads every email we send.

Why is it wrong that the people finally get to read what members of the federal government were sending?

And by the way, there's faaaaaaar more evidence seth rich leaked those emails than there is Russia had anything to do with it.

Wikileaks is far more trustworthy and honorable than anyone within 100 miles of the Clinton campaign.

To me, it looks like the Podesta emails were was someone on the inside; like Rich.
Haven't seen anyone claim these were from her server. Thought it was pretty clear these were hacked from Podesta.
Just post after post the day they came out. The Donald played that card to perfection it seems to me. Hell it could have been an email from Bill to Monica and that's all you would here.
Absolutely true. But it would've happened to Any GOP Nominee. Would've been the same attack plan, just insert a different name.
Daily Beast, 2012
Michael Tomasky on Mitt Romney the Race Baiter at the NAACP
With his incendiary speech to the NAACP, Mitt crossed an ugly line. No longer simply spineless and disingenuous, he’s now become a race-mongering pyromaniac. Plus Mansfield Frazier on Romney's diversity problem.


07.12.12 4:45 AM ET
Until yesterday, I thought of Mitt Romney as a spineless, disingenuous, and supercilious but more or less decently intentioned person who at least wasn’t the race-mongering pyromaniac that some other Republican candidates of my lifetime have been. Then he gave his speech to the NAACP, and now I think of him as a spineless, disingenuous, supercilious, race-mongering pyromaniac who is very poorly intentioned indeed, and woe to us if this man sets foot in the White House as anything but a tourist.

Let’s bat the easy charges out of the way first. Spineless? Please. He’s taken every position the Tea Party base has asked and a few they didn’t. Disingenuous? Easy. Either he’s lying now about health care, abortion rights, his support for Ronald Reagan, and his posture toward Grover Norquist’s no-tax pledge, or he was lying then. Supercilious? Seems appropriate and perhaps even a bit mild for a man who made fun of NASCAR fans’ rain ponchos and a working-class family’s cookie service.

But he wasn’t a race-baiter until yesterday. That speech wasn’t to the NAACP. It was to Rush Limbaugh. It was to Tea Party Nation. It was to Fox News. Oh, he said some nice things. And sure, let’s give him one point for going there at all. But listen: You don’t go into the NAACP and use the word “Obamacare”and think that you’re not going to hear some boos. It’s a heavily loaded word, and Romney and his people know very well that liberals and the president’s supporters consider it an insult. He and his team had to know those boos were coming, and Romney acknowledged as much a few hours later in an interview with . . . guess which channel (hint: it’s the one whose web site often has to close articles about race to commenters because of the blatant racism). Romney and team obviously concluded that a little shower of boos was perfectly fine because the story “Romney Booed at NAACP” would jazz up their (very white) base.
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Just post after post the day they came out. The Donald played that card to perfection it seems to me. Hell it could have been an email from Bill to Monica and that's all you would here.
Not really. Anyone & everyone knows this batch was from Podesta. To try & claim otherwise is outright disingenuous.

You might be confusing these with the FBI FOIA dumps that are actually emails from Hillary's private server.

Btw, look for another one those this week. FBI will most definitely play politics again & dump them on late Friday afternoon.
To ridiculous people who say "this election is about preserving our freedom" . . . shut up, no it's not. Regardless of what happens the sun will rise Nov 9, and the government will still only be in your life when they steal 30% of your paycheck, 15% of your capital gains, whatever insane property tax, take a 6% cut every time you buy something, indoctrinate your children in horrible schools that are paid for with the aforementioned plunder, force you to participate in a deteriorating health insurance system, pull you over for not using a turn signal, bulldoze your house when you build without a permit, and inflate away whatever purchasing power you are allowed to keep.
Daily Beast, 2012
Michael Tomasky on Mitt Romney the Race Baiter at the NAACP
With his incendiary speech to the NAACP, Mitt crossed an ugly line. No longer simply spineless and disingenuous, he’s now become a race-mongering pyromaniac. Plus Mansfield Frazier on Romney's diversity problem.


07.12.12 4:45 AM ET
Until yesterday, I thought of Mitt Romney as a spineless, disingenuous, and supercilious but more or less decently intentioned person who at least wasn’t the race-mongering pyromaniac that some other Republican candidates of my lifetime have been. Then he gave his speech to the NAACP, and now I think of him as a spineless, disingenuous, supercilious, race-mongering pyromaniac who is very poorly intentioned indeed, and woe to us if this man sets foot in the White House as anything but a tourist.

Let’s bat the easy charges out of the way first. Spineless? Please. He’s taken every position the Tea Party base has asked and a few they didn’t. Disingenuous? Easy. Either he’s lying now about health care, abortion rights, his support for Ronald Reagan, and his posture toward Grover Norquist’s no-tax pledge, or he was lying then. Supercilious? Seems appropriate and perhaps even a bit mild for a man who made fun of NASCAR fans’ rain ponchos and a working-class family’s cookie service.

But he wasn’t a race-baiter until yesterday. That speech wasn’t to the NAACP. It was to Rush Limbaugh. It was to Tea Party Nation. It was to Fox News. Oh, he said some nice things. And sure, let’s give him one point for going there at all. But listen: You don’t go into the NAACP and use the word “Obamacare”and think that you’re not going to hear some boos. It’s a heavily loaded word, and Romney and his people know very well that liberals and the president’s supporters consider it an insult. He and his team had to know those boos were coming, and Romney acknowledged as much a few hours later in an interview with . . . guess which channel (hint: it’s the one whose web site often has to close articles about race to commenters because of the blatant racism). Romney and team obviously concluded that a little shower of boos was perfectly fine because the story “Romney Booed at NAACP” would jazz up their (very white) base.

Yep same game plan, no matter the opponent. Add in the useless outrage over "binders full of women" and you're a false rape accusation away from this cycle.
CNN tells viewers it is illegal for them to view Wiki leaks.
[laughing] No doubt they've had people combing through every single one of those emails. They know exactly what's in them & are scared of the public seeing them. Kind of stupid, though. Telling people that will only make them curious & want to see them more.
The deal is though there are so many meaningless emails too that you'd spend forever digging thru them now if you haven't been following.

Also, just acknowledge them please! The worst is yet to come hopefully so making anyone aware is great at this point.
The deal is though there are so many meaningless emails too that you'd spend forever digging thru them now if you haven't been following.

Also, just acknowledge them please! The worst is yet to come hopefully so making anyone aware is great at this point.

I think so too. I think there are some that they will drop that will be so bad that they will have no choice but to cover to keep some credibility among even the most loyal idiots.

I think it's coming.

But yeah, every election will be the same involving Dems. Oh, you didn't achieve a GD thing to better thisbcountry or your voting block? It's okay. Just call your opponent a racist, sexist bigot. That seems to be all it takes to keep idiots around.
via NYP:

We’re told “Access” had planned to air the tape ahead of the Oct. 9 debate, but prevaricated, causing internal NBC News concerns and an eventual decision to leak the tape to antagonize The Donald at the debate. Plus, the leak allowed NBC News to sidestep concerns at legal about the ethics of airing a tape that was recorded without Trump’s consent.

According to an NBC insider, “Trump was leading in the polls, so the tape was leaked to derail his bid.”

The insider added the leak was sanctioned by NBC News top brass, and in the process, “NBC handed over the scoop of the year to WaPo, just to help Hillary.”

Page Six has also confirmed that there’s no NBC News internal investigation into who leaked the Trump tape to WaPo, sparking many network insiders to speculate that this was “sanctioned by the people at the top.”
Albany was the one telling us how great Obama care was going to be. We see how wrong he was.
As I said, Albany is dishonest and as corrupt as the people he supports. I believe he knows how bad it would be but, believes like others who think it will lead to the single payer system and would do anything (lie, cheat, smear, and muddy the water) to ensure their perverted vision succeeds.
History will not be kind to early 21st century American media.

Hope you're right bur afraid you're wrong. History is kind to those who write it. In this case, that'll be the dems and their msm cronies.

In 50 years, history will consider one of the greatest presidents of all time. Not because he was, at all. But because they have a stranglehold on msm and digital media.
Except for the fact that history of other countries will also provide some truth!

Those who wrote about slavery didn't want a lot of that truth to come out either.
History is kind to those who write it.

Which is why he started working on them as soon he got into office. Via US News in 2009:

It was a private interlude in Barack Obama's prime-time presidency. But the dinner he recently hosted at the White House for nine of America's most distinguished historians and scholars provided rare insight into Obama's intellectual curiosity, how he views his job, and, most important, his belief that he has a remarkable opportunity to bring transformational change to America.

For more than two hours on June 30, over lamb chops, salad, coffee, and dessert, the new president quizzed his guests on a wide range of topics in what was described as a sort of "history book club, with the president as the inquisitor." Those attending were Michael Beschloss, H. W. Brands, Douglas Brinkley, Robert Caro, Robert Dallek, Doris Kearns Goodwin, David Kennedy, Kenneth Mack, and Garry Wills. Collectively, they represent one of the most stellar collections of presidential expertise ever assembled at the White House. Others at the gathering included White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.
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Hope you're right bur afraid you're wrong. History is kind to those who write it. In this case, that'll be the dems and their msm cronies.

In 50 years, history will consider one of the greatest presidents of all time. Not because he was, at all. But because they have a stranglehold on msm and digital media.

True. But at the same time, when/if something tragic happens, people will look to who helped cause it and enable it. So when we get another 9/11, see how history will treat those who helped usher it in.

It goes in cycles. The Dems are having their moment in the sun but they will get their comeuppance in the future. They will be viewed in the same manner as every other evil party/group was throughout history and people will pretend they had no part in it or ever participated in their ideology.