How will they rule ??!

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The next 3 weeks are going to be the most intense period of time in American political history.


Greatest troll job ever? I mean this guy literally has half the country convinced he's gonna save our country. And he doesn't exist. Nothing he releases or says will hold up anywhere other than and every weirdo blog out there.

I think it's true, it just doesn't matter. They can't be beat at their own game.

The next 3 weeks are going to be the most *embarrassing* period of time in American political history.
The country isn't going down a "shithole" as you claim.

It's just what individuals knowing their party is going down in defeat resort to when complaining about the current state of affairs.

Markets have been great, my employment has been secure, family and friends are doing well financially.

If things aren't going well for you over the last eight years, you just need to pull yourself up by the bootstrap.

very clear, your insistence, that future conditions shall be a reflection of current ones. Interesting. Also, speaking of what individuals resort to when complaining, perhaps you can explain how the party of liberals and their media mouthpieces were so incensed daily, nightly, 8+ years ago when federal debt was more than 10 trillion dollars LESS than what it currently is. Honestly, in the year leading up to the 2006 congressional elections even, it was a daily/nightly talking point on the major network news. What was the debt then? 7.5T? 8T? Maybe you were not old enough to remember, but COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN, COMPLAIN was all they knew to do when that amount was less than 1/2 of what it is now and when only a congressional election was on the line. (most recent US treasury statement)

19.5 TRILLION dollars in debt. 19.5 TRILLION . . . and I have NOT heard the media say jack m-effing shit about the debt since the day this pimp became president.
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Please go down to one of these factories in your area today and tell them to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. TIA.

A gauge of New York-area manufacturing became more pessimistic in October, data released Monday showed.

The Empire State index fell to negative 6.8 from negative 2 in September, on a scale where any reading below zero indicates contracting activity. That’s the weakest reading since May.

The index for new orders improved slightly but was still negative at minus 5.6. Orders for shipments, unfilled orders, delivery time, inventories, number of employees and average employee workweek all were negative.

The manufacturing sector has been a laggard for the U.S. economy. The strong dollar and weak oil prices have contributed to the malaise.

The Empire State gauge is the first of several regional manufacturing indexes to be released.
Yeah, upstate NY has been gutted. Economy at an all time low.Hillary & her crony Cuomo raised taxes, gave them all to NYC, hit businesses with strict regulations & most them have said "see ya." It's basically wall to wall trailer parks now.
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The next 3 weeks are going to be the most intense period of time in American political history.

You should do some research. Just because we are living through this time doesn't mean it holds any comparison to the red scare where we were >< to war with Russia. Or the day JFK was shot, or either WW1-2, or the Civil War......

I'd guess that those alone were some pretty bad times! And I didn't even mention the Great Depression.
Please go down to one of these factories in your area today and tell them to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. TIA.

A gauge of New York-area manufacturing became more pessimistic in October, data released Monday showed.

The Empire State index fell to negative 6.8 from negative 2 in September, on a scale where any reading below zero indicates contracting activity. That’s the weakest reading since May.

The index for new orders improved slightly but was still negative at minus 5.6. Orders for shipments, unfilled orders, delivery time, inventories, number of employees and average employee workweek all were negative.

The manufacturing sector has been a laggard for the U.S. economy. The strong dollar and weak oil prices have contributed to the malaise.

The Empire State gauge is the first of several regional manufacturing indexes to be released.

Manufacturing has been an issue for over 50 years.

However, the upstate region has benefited from an overly generous investement in nanatechnology from the state government - including both Dem and Repub administrations. Albany, NY is essentially the world's capital for nanotechnology, which has led to the building of chip manufacturing in both Saratoga and Utica NY. Those are manufacturing jobs, but hi-tech manufacturing.

Buffalo is on an upswing as well.

Things will never be like they were back in the 50's-60's when it comes to manufacturing goods, but cities change over time.
Don't know how legit this is, but it sure seems 100% accurate

Check out @JaredWyand's Tweet:

Yep. Must be something big

Albany, without question. Following the company line without any deviation. I'm still curious to see which accounts are tied to the troll....Deefense, Teacher Moe...all disappeared when called out. Am sure there are others.

Fake pieces of shat.
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It's clear Albany is a selfish bastard who thinks of only himself.

Albany is simply following the marching orders out out by the party. Tell them it's over, skewed polls, news media reporting 3 weeks from the election with one debate left it's over. We read on trhe last page that was their plan, try to suppress support on election day.

Who in their right mind thinks the NBC,WSJ poll is accurate? Trump down by 11 points, LOL. It's absurd and disheartening whats happening in our country right now, awful.
Manufacturing has been an issue for over 50 years.

However, the upstate region has benefited from an overly generous investement in nanatechnology from the state government - including both Dem and Repub administrations. Albany, NY is essentially the world's capital for nanotechnology, which has led to the building of chip manufacturing in both Saratoga and Utica NY. Those are manufacturing jobs, but hi-tech manufacturing.

Buffalo is on an upswing as well.

Things will never be like they were back in the 50's-60's when it comes to manufacturing goods, but cities change over time.
ok, just does not jibe with your current state of affairs and bootstraps comments. Plenty of places struggling. A few cities are doing well. Similar to how UCA is talked about.
I'm going to preface this with a little personal experience, my wife's father died in Vietnam when she was 3. She doesn't remember him directly but the impact on her family and their emotional well being is still being felt, and will continue throughout their lives. I see it every day.

John Kerry. I've despised this man for what I've believed to be his fraudulent Vietnam story and his BS. But without specific truths I've never been able to 100% know he's a fraud. So I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. But if Wikileaks releases documents that prove his BS, I will hate him with a vengeance---as I and millions of others should.

Based on what I've seen this morning, Wikileaks may have finally come so personally close to Obama, Clinton and Kerry that they are panicking.....and the panicked typically don't make wise choices. I hope they burn in the Hell of their own making. And I hope they out John Kerry so that the rest of his life he lives with the shame of his country hanging over him.

Yea, this one's personal.
Albany is simply following the marching orders out out by the party. Tell them it's over, skewed polls, news media reporting 3 weeks from the election with one debate left it's over. We read on trhe last page that was their plan, try to suppress support on election day.

Who in their right mind thinks the NBC,WSJ poll is accurate? Trump down by 11 points, LOL. It's absurd and disheartening whats happening in our country right now, awful.

I wouldn't trust a poll out. No way of knowing how authentic it is with the state sponsored media being controlled.
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I wouldn't trust a poll out. No way of knowing how authentic it is with the state sponsored media being controlled.

The issue I have is anyone that pays any attention knows Trump isn't down 11 points, it's like the Utah poll a few days ago where they were tied.
Each poll has a percentage of being off, they state its 3% or so. That's plus or minus each candidate. Inflate Clintons 3 % artificially, run Trumps low 3% and they're still within tolerance but the lead looks huge!
The media can still claim it's ethical even though they know it's wrong, but it gives people the ideaTrump is out of it to suppress turnout.
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ok, just does not jibe with your current state of affairs and bootstraps comments. Plenty of places struggling. A few cities are doing well. Similar to how UCA is talked about.

Of course there are places and individuals struggling...this is the same all over the US. But the economy overall is doing fine in my opinion. Those around me are doing fine as well.
the self-induced paranoia on here is at epic levels. Congrats, you have become the party of Alex Jones and Infowars. The conspiracies this guy believes in are even less believable than DT is some born again Christian. Yet an actual candidate for the President of the United States is spouting his nonsense.

Weird how DT and his sheep were spouting poll after poll when he was briefly ahead for about a week. But now that he is in blowout territory it's not 'real'. Based on what? That he has x amount of people at his rallies? So did Romney.

If anything this talk about the election being rigged will suppress his own supporters from going out in voting. If you believe the system is rigged anyway, why vote? There is very little evidence of more than a handful of voting fraud cases but for conspiracy theorists, that's enough.

This is the same guy who boasts about how much he loves the country and then you find out he really didn't give any money to 9/11 charities. He just uses it as publicity. It's his m.o. Talk about how charitable you are to build up this persona when in fact you use your foundation(without actually using any of your own money) to pay your own bills or influence politicians.

This is the 'change' agent you are following. Sounds like more of the same ole lies and deceit from the politicians you loathe.
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Albany, without question. Following the company line without any deviation. I'm still curious to see which accounts are tied to the troll....Deefense, Teacher Moe...all disappeared when called out. Am sure there are others.

Fake pieces of shat.

Yes, gawd forbid a campaign have talking points. It seems like you all are anti-planning and hate analysis work. This is what wins elections. Knowing your customer is critically important and catering to them is just the same. And yes, knowing how the sausage is made is not pleasant at time, but it is what it is.

As I tell my people all the time, don't write anything in an email you don't want shared with the world. If you need to be salty, pick up the phone of take a walk.
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The issue I have is anyone that pays any attention knows Trump isn't down 11 points, it's like the Utah poll a few days ago where they were tied.
Each poll has a percentage of being off, they state its 3% or so. That's plus or minus each candidate. Inflate Clintons 3 % artificially, run Trumps low 3% and they're still within tolerance but the lead looks huge!
The media can still claim it's ethical even though they know it's wrong, but it gives people the ideaTrump is out of it to suppress turnout.

Yeah, they can claim anything they want. As of this election, they have lost all credibility.

"It's over"- Seems to be a real friendly catch phrase for Hillary pro propaganda
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So what's going on in the world today. Russia talking Nuclear war. Iran backed rebels attacking US ships. Iran taking more Americans hostage. ISIS running wild.

The US SOS is concentrating on capturing a computer nerd who's been locked up in an embassy for four years so he can save the media the trouble of ignoring the coming leaks on him, Clinton and the Obama administration.
I've come to the conclusion there is no way you can be a patriot, love America, or believe in any way shape or form "America First"... if you support the Democrats.

The evidence is indisputable.
Also, don't forget that little dweeb O'Keefe is still sitting on some videos.

Likely low level campaign staffers.

However, Anonymous was stating he actually has videos of Clinton.
Let's assume we are more informed than ever . . . who the hell do we vote for in 2016? How do we get to a point where someone I can legitimately say represents me is on the ballot with a chance to win and if that guy doesn't win, my freedom isn't in jeopardy?

Also I just gave you an argument as to why being informed is increasing the tension and you basically respond with "nice anecdotal evidence bro, people are engaged so elections". Being informed is obviously such a helpful thing.
Except that whole thing thing citing the rise of unaffiliated voters vs. your thanksgiving quip. But good try, bro. In mine, I cited studies (if you want I can link, just assumed you can google), you cited your brother in law on t-day. If you cant see the difference in facts there, well, thanks for stopping by!
Coming down the stretch the race has tightened quite a bit. A few Trump locks have drifted back into toss-up status.

James Comey might be the worst FBI director in modern history. He should resign but of course we know he won't. Even many FBI agents are ticked at the guy.