How will they rule ??!

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Hopefully a few people drop out and Fiorina makes it to the "top 10". She's someone who can relate to 50.8% of the population, understands small business, and won't get labeled a sexist for calling out Hillary's bullshit.
PLEASE tell me the centrists that are left in the Democratic party. They have gone all in on the progressive , socialist agenda...Hence Obama and Hillary. And please don't tell me you think either one of them is in the center. This country, unfortunately, has pretty much become a nation of "stuff" and who will give it to me for free...Why is it the RIGHT is the only one asked to do the capitulating. When is the last time that if the GOP didn't give in to the Dems that you were either a racist or in a war on women...I'm all for those who truly need help because I know some, but this bs of making it a lifestyle has got to stop...And yes, I know some of those also.

Ever read The Shadow Party? It was written about 7 years ago but it goes into detail of how every moderate Democrat was pushed out and now the whole party is overran with nothing but radicals and it's hard to argue with that. Also, shows how much control George Soros has over all of us.
Hopefully a few people drop out and Fiorina makes it to the "top 10". She's someone who can relate to 50.8% of the population, understands small business, and won't get labeled a sexist for calling out Hillary's bullshit.
Ever read The Shadow Party? It was written about 7 years ago but it goes into detail of how every moderate Democrat was pushed out and now the whole party is overran with nothing but radicals and it's hard to argue with that. Also, shows how much control George Soros has over all of us.
If HC wins she will smile and gracefully say, "Baby , you ain't seen nothing yet."
Hell no , we cannot have any harsh punishment on the folks carrying your drugs in the country...

Its harsh punishment for you...its harsh punishment for me...its NOT harsh punishment for someone from a third world country so deterent goes out the window. Also, it costs about 30k a year to house a Federal inmate and Federal prisons are already operating at 55% OVER capacity meaning more prisons would have to be built to accomodate them. Lock em up out of sight/out of mind is what politicians push, the reality of the problem is they dont go away and they continue to cost taxpayers even more.
But let's not allow those things to interrupt why John Kasich is in fact a very good candidate, and by all marks going to take this nomination in a walk. And yes, he can do it without making mention of the clear fact that Barrack Obama is indeed the most disastrous excuse for a president that this nation has ever conjured, and again he will be able to win the national election, without a bother to mention it - just how awful, awful, God-stinking-awful, Obama is. THAT, is the mark of a very good candidate to be sure.

Kasich is an excellent candidate and he may in fact take home all the marbles before it's all over. He is also a very honest moral guy from what I can gather, and as such I don't look for a lot of negative politics or attack ads against his opponent, though there will undoubtedly be superpacs that do (on both sides). I don't believe Kasich feels anything like your description of Obama, but I'm sure he will take issue with policies that he disagrees with, but he'll likely do it in a classier manner than most. Anyway he won't be running against Obama, rather most likely Secretary Chipmunk.

If the road to the whitehouse is the high road, Kasich might well win.
Obama's only real campaign mantra was a "more of the same" don't-go-for-it type hoo-ha. Lesser-thinking, willing-to-be-dependent voters bit it off in chunks and they're still trying to justify an excuse. Above we have a bulletized menu that includes giving Obama credit for a housing crisis that is actually the responsibility of Clintonian instruction to lending authorities to approve, approve, approve. These facts came out during a host of congressional investigations and are precisely why property values inflated themselves well above actual worth years later. The incapability of lesser minds to understand the not so complex nature of cyclic economics is precisely why one group can cause problems and another can take blame years after (cause, effect, separated by time).

But let's not allow those things to interrupt why John Kasich is in fact a very good candidate, and by all marks going to take this nomination in a walk. And yes, he can do it without making mention of the clear fact that Barrack Obama is indeed the most disastrous excuse for a president that this nation has ever conjured, and again he will be able to win the national election, without a bother to mention it - just how awful, awful, God-stinking-awful, Obama is. THAT, is the mark of a very good candidate to be sure.

I'm guessing you work in the banking sector.

Clinton took Carter's CRA and put it on steroids: I'll never understand why people give Clinton a walk when discussing the problems resulting from CRA... but you're probably right... lesser minds and all that.

Regardless, you are correct except "Kasich... going to take this nomination in a walk".

I suspect it will be much tougher.
Kasich is an excellent candidate and he may in fact take home all the marbles before it's all over. He is also a very honest moral guy from what I can gather, and as such I don't look for a lot of negative politics or attack ads against his opponent, though there will undoubtedly be superpacs that do (on both sides). I don't believe Kasich feels anything like your description of Obama, but I'm sure he will take issue with policies that he disagrees with, but he'll likely do it in a classier manner than most. Anyway he won't be running against Obama, rather most likely Secretary Chipmunk.

If the road to the whitehouse is the high road, Kasich might well win.

Plus, hed almost certainly carry Ohio in the general. Which has basically been the deciding state in the last few elections.

Put Jeb on that ticket as the VP, and it would be almost a sure fire winner imo; as it would put OH and FL in the GOP column. I could stomach Jeb as VP. But no way Im voting Jeb for Pres.
While not my first choice, I would have no problem in Kasich as the nominee. I suspect he would do well in a general election.
PLEASE tell me the centrists that are left in the Democratic party. They have gone all in on the progressive , socialist agenda...Hence Obama and Hillary. And please don't tell me you think either one of them is in the center. This country, unfortunately, has pretty much become a nation of "stuff" and who will give it to me for free...Why is it the RIGHT is the only one asked to do the capitulating. When is the last time that if the GOP didn't give in to the Dems that you were either a racist or in a war on women...I'm all for those who truly need help because I know some, but this bs of making it a lifestyle has got to stop...And yes, I know some of those also.

I don't know. I'm not a f'n Democrat, man. Sheesh. No need to jump down my throat. I'm guessing you're a "GOOOOOOOOOOOO RED TEAM!!!" kinda guy.

I don't care about them. I'm just saying the GOP's social platform is shit and it makes them look like theocratic bigots.

I don't have a "team" here. Do I think the red team is worse? Yes. And it's not because I'm some kind of uber liberal who worships at the DNC altar. It's because I don't want religion in my government and the GOP has to act like it does to appease that crazy ass evangelical base. It's the reality of the modern party. The good Republicans and Democrats are moderates. The bad ones are either bigoted religious zealots or extreme hand-out lovin' socialists, both of which are terrible and dangerous in their own ways.
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Plus, hed almost certainly carry Ohio in the general. Which has basically been the deciding state in the last few elections.

Put Jeb on that ticket as the VP, and it would be almost a sure fire winner imo; as it would put OH and FL in the GOP column. I could stomach Jeb as VP. But no way Im voting Jeb for Pres.
I think it's more likely that they'd tap Rubio instead of Jeb; same benefits (if not more), less baggage.

I still think Kasich will reach deeper into the bench for a VP, though. The dude has extremely deep roots in the GOP and isn't going to be swept up in the current popularity polls when it comes to picking a running mate.

Kasich would beat Hillary straight up (assuming he does as well defending his time at Lehman as he did during the 2010 election). The question is whether primary voters will get over themselves when it comes to "omg is he conservative enough?!" If John touching Kasich isn't conservative, I don't know what the hell is.

EDIT: All that being said, Jeb is still the power player here. Don't pay attention to the Trump poll numbers, don't pay attention to Jeb's poll numbers. Bush's network is thoroughly camouflaged by this crowded field and he's got the biggest donors and the most important endorsements so far. He's way ahead of where anyone in 2008 or 2012 was at this same stage.
I seriously wonder how people could hate the right's candidates so much when the left is going to give us Hillary or Bernie. Those two are atrocious.

I don't like therm, especially Bill's old lady, but I'll take them over Bible-thumping f'tards like Huckabee or Santorum in a heartbeat.
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Plus, hed almost certainly carry Ohio in the general. Which has basically been the deciding state in the last few elections.

Put Jeb on that ticket as the VP, and it would be almost a sure fire winner imo; as it would put OH and FL in the GOP column. I could stomach Jeb as VP. But no way Im voting Jeb for Pres.

You're right on the republican electoral map but the only thing different is Rubio would be the VP becasue he has less baggage then Jeb but you still get the home field in Florida. Also I doubt Jeb would settled for the 2 spot.

Kasich/Rubio would be a very strong ticket for the Pubs IMO.
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I think I read the other day that Rand Paul raised something like $4 million in the last quarter - and in that same period, Jeb raised $103 million. The institutional resources he has are staggering, and that will be hard to overcome.

Also read a story about how difficult it is to run as a 3rd party candidate. The two parties have rules in place making it very difficult to get your name on the ballot. Some guy that worked for either Nader or Perot, I forget which, said something like, "I don't care how much money Trump has - if they don't want you to run, you're not running."
You making a assumption that the majority of them are drug mules?

What about the border with Canada? plenty of drugs enter that was also.

Not nearly as much as the other
I don't like therm, especially Bill's old lady, but I'll take them over Bible-thumping f'tards like Huckabee or Santorum in a heartbeat.

Except those two don't have a shot in the slightest of getting elected. There are at best, maybe 5 legitimate candidates right now and the rest are filler.

And the most radical left is worse than any hardcore Christian. The former is way more damaging to this country than the moral ideology of a Christian candidate.
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I don't know. I'm not a f'n Democrat, man. Sheesh. No need to jump down my throat. I'm guessing you're a "GOOOOOOOOOOOO RED TEAM!!!" kinda guy.

I don't care about them. I'm just saying the GOP's social platform is shit and it makes them look like theocratic bigots.

I don't have a "team" here. Do I think the red team is worse? Yes. And it's not because I'm some kind of uber liberal who worships at the DNC altar. It's because I don't want religion in my government and the GOP has to act like it does to appease that crazy ass evangelical base. It's the reality of the modern party. The good Republicans and Democrats are moderates. The bad ones are either bigoted religious zealots or extreme hand-out lovin' socialists, both of which are terrible and dangerous in their own ways.

So it sounds like you don't have a problem with bigotry towards Christians though. How is the hardcore left who will not tolerate any opinion or ideology other than their own, better than Christians? I think the PC lunatics and their social platform is just as effed up in the grand scheme of things..even worse.

Personally, I don't want any candidate talking about social issues like marriage or abortion (although I disagree big time with abortion), I want someone who can get our finances in order and get our immigration problem in check.
Kasich would beat Hillary straight up (assuming he does as well defending his time at Lehman as he did during the 2010 election). The question is whether primary voters will get over themselves when it comes to "omg is he conservative enough?!" If John touching Kasich isn't conservative, I don't know what the hell is.

This was almost the first time that I was going to agree with everything this dude wrote, and mostly I did. He is right a lot, yet sentimentally misguided often, which is common for liberals. Kasich is certainly conservative but presents himself as tolerant. One example from the debates being how he handled the question on gay marriage by basically saying not his thing, don't agree with it, not his place to judge, knows some folks that go that way, and even recently attended a modern service. I cringed when he said that knowing the sleuths will take him to task on that one, to see if he actually did. Yet even if no proof could be found of the Ohio governor doing so how could a challenge on such a subject be presented?: Mr. Governor, during the debate you mentioned that you recently attended a gay wedding service but according to our investigators we could find no such . . . Governor Kasich: "so you guys are investigating gay weddings now? what paper did you say you work for?" Some politicians are just better than others.

lesson for conservatives here: Some liberals fear moderates like Kasich more that the far-most right conservative. The far right conservative will allow the liberal to remain a victim, a martyr. Yet the moderate, through his perceived indifference, requires the liberal to be responsible for his action by saying, "I don't care if you kill your babies, I don't care if you seek attention by letting the world know you fornicate with persons of your same sex, I care about the things that matter and those things are much more important than you."
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oh, yes sir. Got to be careful about candidates that don't seem to understand or care about what countries mean what. NATO, WARSAW, swing set, see-saw . . .

One interesting picture deserves another:

I think I read the other day that Rand Paul raised something like $4 million in the last quarter - and in that same period, Jeb raised $103 million. The institutional resources he has are staggering, and that will be hard to overcome.

Also read a story about how difficult it is to run as a 3rd party candidate. The two parties have rules in place making it very difficult to get your name on the ballot. Some guy that worked for either Nader or Perot, I forget which, said something like, "I don't care how much money Trump has - if they don't want you to run, you're not running."
A third party candidate won't win the White House. The Constitution makes it almost impossible to do so unless that "third party" already holds a huge amount of seats in Congress.
A third party candidate won't win the White House. The Constitution makes it almost impossible to do so unless that "third party" already holds a huge amount of seats in Congress.

lol - what is this guy talking about now? and just when I had previously wrote that he is correct most of the time. Talk about a misguiding understanding of the electoral college process. Representatives in the electoral college endorse candidates from other parties every four years. Congress is not Parliament.
I don't know. I'm not a f'n Democrat, man. Sheesh. No need to jump down my throat. I'm guessing you're a "GOOOOOOOOOOOO RED TEAM!!!" kinda guy.

I don't care about them. I'm just saying the GOP's social platform is shit and it makes them look like theocratic bigots.

I don't have a "team" here. Do I think the red team is worse? Yes. And it's not because I'm some kind of uber liberal who worships at the DNC altar. It's because I don't want religion in my government and the GOP has to act like it does to appease that crazy ass evangelical base. It's the reality of the modern party. The good Republicans and Democrats are moderates. The bad ones are either bigoted religious zealots or extreme hand-out lovin' socialists, both of which are terrible and dangerous in their own ways.
"I don't won't religion in my government". Wow!!!..neither do China, Russia, Cuba, Argentina and several other countries...What awesome places to live with all the freedoms you could ever want!!
lol - what is this guy talking about now? and just when I had previously wrote that he is correct most of the time. Talk about a misguiding understanding of the electoral college process. Representatives in the electoral college endorse candidates from other parties every four years. Congress is not Parliament.
Pop quiz: What happens when no candidate gets 270 votes?
I always see Obama and Clinton called Socialists, in what way do they fit this? Also, love how progressive is being lobbed as an insult now.
So it sounds like you don't have a problem with bigotry towards Christians though. How is the hardcore left who will not tolerate any opinion or ideology other than their own, better than Christians? I think the PC lunatics and their social platform is just as effed up in the grand scheme of things..even worse.

Personally, I don't want any candidate talking about social issues like marriage or abortion (although I disagree big time with abortion), I want someone who can get our finances in order and get our immigration problem in check.

It's not "bigotry towards Christians" to say keep your damn religion to yourself and don't enforce that belief set on the whole population in the form of legislation. Given the fact I think ALL religion is a cancer, I don't want my government legislating morality. I want my government to treat everyone the same regardless of belief.

I'm a live and let live guy. I'm pro gay marriage. I'm pro choice, meaning I'm personally not in favor of abortion, but it's not my business to decide health issues for others, hence the word choice. I'm pro gun ownership. I'm pro legal marijuana. I'm pro military. I'm pro cutting spending on entitlements and corporate handouts. I'm pro farm. I'm neutral on coal, as I know it's vital to many Kentuckians and a cheap energy source, but I also know it's a filthy ass pollutant. I don't favor wealth redistribution. I prefer a smaller government and consolidation of redundant gov't programs.

In other words, I'm a moderate until the religious stuff comes out and then I go further left than Ted Kennedy.

"I don't won't religion in my government". Wow!!!..neither do China, Russia, Cuba, Argentina and several other countries...What awesome places to live with all the freedoms you could ever want!!


Come with a better argument than that played out scare tactic.

I can derp out too: You want your government based on religion? So do Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and all the other crazy parts of the world. Praise ________!!!
Pop quiz: What happens when no candidate gets 270 votes?

It goes to the House. And each state gets a vote. And if that doesn't work the Senate gets involves. At this point it is left for us to argue whether that representation would vote in accordance with the results of the election. As we know it is possible to have a majority of the states yet fail to achieve 270 electoral votes. I would expect representation to function in this manner the same as the electoral college: represent the results of the election. You seem to expect that this process would represent only their political parties.
You seem to expect that this process would represent only their political parties.

Yeah, silly me for thinking House Republicans wouldn't vote for an Independent red-headed businessman even if he won a huge swath of states outright.
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rewatching the debate.

- Rubio did better than I initially thought
- I missed the part where Ben Carson opened the door to giving the green light for tortu....errr, "enhanced interrogation techniques" again. Of course, later he followed it up by invoking Yahweh's call to tithe.
Are they or are they not what you guys would like America to be?... A Godless country...I would argue that because we are such a loving , giving country is because of our Christian principles ...

Well, I'm a godless dude who is loving and giving, so yeah, I'm cool with it.
If we intend on saving this country, we NEED Donald on that wall!
Sorry and with due respect, but if you are for the murdering of innocent human life I just find that hard to believe.

I'm simply for minding my own business, as well as knowing "murdering innocent human life" would not magically stop if a group of politicians managed to ban legal abortions. Outlawing it just makes it more unsafe for the women and creates yet another illegal black market and all the stuff that goes with it (Illegal firearms, drugs, etc.) I hate that it's an option for some, and understand why it could be necessary for others. It's not what I'd personally choose, but I don't have girl parts, so it's not my decision.

Judge me all you want, I don't mind. I've learned that a person can either face the sometimes cold reality of a situation or bury their head in the sand and wish for it to disappear. I choose the first option