How will they rule ??!

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So Deeeeeeee, the centrist that he is, just said kasich is pretty centrist in his views, brings a positive message, and is highly qualified...... But didnt like the fact he hammered the president (an unpopular one at that) and the government in general (one that people do not trust anymore).

Nevermind the fact that's all Obama and the Deeeeeeeee's ran on the last 8 years (WE AINT BUSH!!!!!11!!/TRANSPARENCY!!!!1!11!). All the While deeeeeeeeeeee told us that's just part of political gamesmanship during an election.

You're such a twat.
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Of course he was taken totally out of context there...two more to go...57+2=59. WOW
he said "57 states...i think one left to go....Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to"

if you're going to make fun of him, at least get his quote correct
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The VP debate at 5 pm nearly doubled the Daily Show finale. Trump is definitely pushing more attention for all of them. For the main debate:

Deadline reported Friday afternoon that 24 million viewers watched the debate on Fox between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Thursday, seven times more than the 3.2 million people who tuned in for the first Republican debate of the 2012 campaign.
In the 25 to 54-year-old demographic, Deadline said there were 7.9 million viewers.

Early Friday, CNN Money reported that Nielson’s 16.0 household rating meant the debate was on TV in 16 percent of U.S. homes. In 2011 and 2012, about 5 percent of households watched the Republican primary debates. Though more viewers tuned into the 2008 Democratic primary debates, the numbers never topped 10 percent, according to CNN Money.

TVNewser went as far as to call the event the most-watched cable news program of all time and Fox New network’s most-watched program ever.

The most watched primary debate in history was on ABC in December 2011 with 7.36 million viewers, said the TV news outlet, which reports on TV ratings, talent moves and program shifts.
24 million people for a debate! That's crazy. And though I'm the contrarian on this point, at least here, I think that means Rubio helped himself even more than I thought....
he said "57 states...i think one left to go....Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to"

if you're going to make fun of him, at least get his quote correct

What, are you the quote and mockery police now? Pretty easy for you to hide behind a keyboard and all things Google search and make the pretense of sophisticated understandings for NATO alliance and eastern bloc afterlife, but for all I know you're no more useful on such matters than Hillary Clinton's email servers. As for misspeaking, Obama has called his old lady "Michael" enough times in formal settings to start another Joan Rivers-esque "tranny in the white house" pandemonium.

he said "57 states...i think one left to go....Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to"

if you're going to make fun of him, at least get his quote correct
His quote was I have been to all 57 states with one left to go I was not allowed to go to Alaska and Hawaii because my staff couldn't justify it... I have been to 57 States and was not allowed to go to Alaska and Hawaii 57 plus two equals 59
His quote was I have been to all 57 states with one left to go I was not allowed to go to Alaska and Hawaii because my staff couldn't justify it... I have been to 57 States and was not allowed to go to Alaska and Hawaii 57 plus two equals 59
dude. the video is embedded in this thread. hell, it's only 0:24 long. it's not that difficult to get a quote right when it's right there in front of you in audio/video form.
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oh, yes sir. Got to be careful about candidates that don't seem to understand or care about what countries mean what. NATO, WARSAW, swing set, see-saw . . .

Does anyone think Romney steps into this train wreck right before voting begins, thus avoiding all these stupid intraparty debates? I mean Obama beat him over the head with stuff he said in these debates in 2012 and won the election because of it. If he avoids these debates he can avoid some of the far right talk that is killing Republicans with metropolitan moderate folks. I truly think there is not much stomach for Hillary when push comes to shove. I would say she can count on the female vote, but Obama beat her in 08' so thatay not be true.

Would be nice. But doubt it happens. Irony is, one of the main things Romney was crucified for, was saying Russia was Russia was our biggest threat to our position as an international superpower. Of course Obama (already president) guffawed and threw the zinger "the 80's called, they want their foreign policy back". Then it turns out a short time later, Romney was absolutely correct. Just one of many examples where Obama/left voters were influenced by the cool factor, and because of short attention spans just took the cool zinger as truth; rather than examine the truth to the statement.

America is a one party system with two factions. The wealthy, the elite, the corporations are the controlling power. Your vote doesn't mean ish. You keep showing up to the same dog and pony show expecting a different result. If you're in the middle class, and I assume most of us are, you're F'd. This isn't a democracy. Sorry to break it to you.

Entirely true. Which is why Ill vote for any non-traditional candidate in the general. That includes the Bern, if its between he and Bush.
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These drop-in guys won't sniff the board and the faux moderates will do what they always do. They are very disciplined to never talk back.

I posted about earlier about Schumer, lots of talk of his leadership role being stripped for a vote that 2/3 of the country agree with him on. All for not taking orders.
Yeah, regardless of who the moderators are (except Fox News who they will not ask) Hillary will have her ass kissed and the Deee's of this world will be creaming their panties over how Hillary blew the others a way and is the best candidate on both sides.
Would be nice. But doubt it happens. Irony is, one of the main things Romney was crucified for, was saying Russia was Russia was our biggest threat to our position as an international superpower. Of course Obama (already president) guffawed and threw the zinger "the 80's called, they want their foreign policy back". Then it turns out a short time later, Romney was absolutely correct. Just one of many examples where Obama/left voters were influenced by the cool factor, and because of short attention spans just took the cool zinger as truth; rather than examine the truth to the statement.

Entirely true. Which is why Ill vote for any non-traditional candidate in the general. That includes the Bern, if its between he and Bush.
Not to mention that Reid lied about Romney's taxes and then laughs about it later and says "it worked didn't it?" No outrage from the left which proves the point made by many that the left does not care about the issues or the country as a whole, only about what the government (the one they supported) can do/give for/to me.
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IMO The support for Trump is coming from a group of disenfranchised voters who do not like the direction either party has taken and are using Trump as a outlet to vent their frustration. By telling pollsters that their choice is Trump, they are essentially taking an opportunity to flash their middle finger at both parties.

But when push comes to shove are most of these people actually going to select Trump as the guy to set in the Oval office and make tough decisions? I mean other than "build the damn wall" and "I'll kick China's ass in trade" what serious policy positions has he put on the table? You can't manage the highest office in the land with sound bits. That won't get you much beyond the first day.
What serious policy positions has anyone put on the table? I will stop this, I will stop that won't do and neither will "isn't it time we had a woman in the White house?" That was almost a Howard Dean moment. YEEEAAAAAAH!
Not to mention that Reid lied about Romney's taxes and then laughs about it later and says "it worked didn't it?" No outrage from the left which proves the point made by many that the left does not care about the issues or the country as a whole, only about what the government (the one they supported) can do/give for/to me.

Good call. Of all the ways to lose, that had to sting. Being lampooned as a laughingstock, although you were proven to be correct. And attacked by known lies about unpaid taxes.
So Deeeeeeee, the centrist that he is, just said kasich is pretty centrist in his views, brings a positive message, and is highly qualified...... But didnt like the fact he hammered the president (an unpopular one at that) and the government in general (one that people do not trust anymore).

Nevermind the fact that's all Obama and the Deeeeeeeee's ran on the last 8 years (WE AINT BUSH!!!!!11!!/TRANSPARENCY!!!!1!11!). All the While deeeeeeeeeeee told us that's just part of political gamesmanship during an election.

You're such a twat.

Your incapability to read and comprehend is only eclipsed by your delusional memory.

Agree with him or not Obama ran on a positive agenda that included:

* jump starting the economy which was left in shambles by Bush
* universal health care
* lowering the unemployment rate
* wallstreet reforms to prevent another subprime mortgage crisis
* ending the war in Iraq
* drawing down the war in Afghanistan
* women's rights - equal pay
* improving the environment, combating global climate change
et als

most all of which was accomplished btw.

my comments about Kasich were complimentary for having an optimistic view - my criticizing for the negativity was directed towards most of the other candidates, not Kasich.
Yeah, regardless of who the moderators are (except Fox News who they will not ask) Hillary will have her ass kissed and the Deee's of this world will be creaming their panties over how Hillary blew the others a way and is the best candidate on both sides.

You are truly an idiot - there just isn't another word to describe you.
Not that Hillary needs help beating any of the Republicans in the field, but having Trump has been awesome...

Trump might not look electible, but the guys keeps winning the news each day. And now he's painted Fox News are the bad guys...Love it.

As I keep telling you all...after the 2016 election when Hillary is crowned the next King, reading the political thread is going to be joyous...
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Trump isn't really running for President, as others have said. It's a publicity stunt on a grand scale. I'll even go a step further - he never in a million years expected to be in the position where he now finds himself. A part of me honestly thinks that he's now trying to torpedo himself by saying the most outlandish things possible. He's not really articulated *any* policy ideas, and on CNN last night he basically said that Megyn Kelly was mean to him because she was on her period ("she had blood coming out of her wherever"). It's also a bit rich for him to crow about "not having time for political correctness," then getting his knickers in a twist whenever anyone fails to blow smoke up his ass.
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Deeeeeee, you are so full of shit it's hard to even debate/argue with you.

Obama ran on hope and change. The change part being he wasn't bush. He told us that at the end of every sentence. Sentences usually comprised of degrading bush, his policies, and the rest of the republican party. The hope part was nothing more than mere platitudes/delusions of grandeur for the deeeeeeee's of the nation to eat up. Those oceans receding yet? "Man, what a positive message" - deeeeeee.

As far as not being able to comprehend the rest of your senile ramblings, well, I'll take you word on what you meant to convey. In the future, though, work on putting your incoherent, liberal ball licking thoughts down in a manner that makes sense. And to help with any future confusion, please remove any reference of being a centrist from your posts. In fact, just remove that word from your vocabulary all together.
It really is pathetic. Deeeeeeeeeee sees nothing wrong/negative with Obama's two campaigns, yet points out some republican comments going after Obama/govt (?) during a damn PRIMARY debate where each person had a about 60 seconds to make a statement.

I mean, shit, fake centrists are stupid.
Deeeeeee, you are so full of shit it's hard to even debate/argue with you.

Obama ran on hope and change. The change part being he wasn't bush. He told us that at the end of every sentence. Sentences usually comprised of degrading bush, his policies, and the rest of the republican party. The hope part was nothing more than mere platitudes/delusions of grandeur for the deeeeeeee's of the nation to eat up. Those oceans receding yet? "Man, what a positive message" - deeeeeee.

As far as not being able to comprehend the rest of your senile ramblings, well, I'll take you word on what you meant to convey. In the future, though, work on putting your incoherent, liberal ball licking thoughts down in a manner that makes sense. And to help with any future confusion, please remove any reference of being a centrist from your posts. In fact, just remove that word from your vocabulary all together.

Blow it out you a$$ - you're nothing but a friggin retard flamer.
I'm thinking Kasich won because he seemed to stay more center.

The further right the GOP goes, the lesser chance they have of winning. Outside of the confederacy, this is a nation of centrists that doesn't want theocratic rule.

Being anti marriage-equality is going to cost them big time with younger voters and in urban areas.
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I'm thinking Kasich won because he seemed to stay more center.

The further right the GOP goes, the lesser chance they have of winning. Outside of the confederacy, this is a nation of centrists that doesn't want theocratic rule.

Being anti marriage-equality is going to cost them big time with younger voters and in urban areas.

I agree if they want to win they should ignore the far right-wing nuts and take more moderate candidate like Kasich.
Outside of one the far right candidates running independent how many votes would they lose (far rightwing) compared to ones being gained (moderate independents and registered Dems}. I can't see any far rights voting for Hillary outside of abstaining in protest.
If Kasich does gain the nomination, they shouldn't derail his message with a Sarah Palin type running mate.
Not to mention that Reid lied about Romney's taxes and then laughs about it later and says "it worked didn't it?" No outrage from the left which proves the point made by many that the left does not care about the issues or the country as a whole, only about what the government (the one they supported) can do/give for/to me.
"Lying" is the only weapon liberals have; they cant win on facts.
Obama's only real campaign mantra was a "more of the same" don't-go-for-it type hoo-ha. Lesser-thinking, willing-to-be-dependent voters bit it off in chunks and they're still trying to justify an excuse. Above we have a bulletized menu that includes giving Obama credit for a housing crisis that is actually the responsibility of Clintonian instruction to lending authorities to approve, approve, approve. These facts came out during a host of congressional investigations and are precisely why property values inflated themselves well above actual worth years later. The incapability of lesser minds to understand the not so complex nature of cyclic economics is precisely why one group can cause problems and another can take blame years after (cause, effect, separated by time).

But let's not allow those things to interrupt why John Kasich is in fact a very good candidate, and by all marks going to take this nomination in a walk. And yes, he can do it without making mention of the clear fact that Barrack Obama is indeed the most disastrous excuse for a president that this nation has ever conjured, and again he will be able to win the national election, without a bother to mention it - just how awful, awful, God-stinking-awful, Obama is. THAT, is the mark of a very good candidate to be sure.
pretty much feel the same. Key word being "radical".
I have been a Republican all my life. I am also a Christian. That being said, I believe laws in a society constructed for the purpose to protect individual liberty should reflect that purpose, and not necessarily mirror Christian values. Every person should have the right to do pretty much anything as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of another human being. As far as the Republicans go, I think some of the candidates reflect this position and some don't. No candidate is going to be perfect though. I think people who vote based on a single issue are misguided. As much as I believe that consenting adults should be able to enter into all kinds of agreements, etc., I think there are much more important issues facing our country. I think that is where we are getting off track. There are too many people who vote based on a single issue and don't consider the overall agenda and philosophy of the candidate they are supporting. As a result, government intrusion is growing and liberty is declining. I fear what our government will be able to dictate and how much it will intrude when our children are adults.
My biggest issue going into the 2016 election is immigration. It needs to get under control. Whomever has a solid plan and will be strict about getting this insanity under control will get my vote. The lax borders are dangerous and economically irresponsible not to mention you allow what is happening to SoCal where people from third world countries refuse to assimilate and set up shop and replicate the third world shit hole they just left, to happen all over America.

I'm all for bettering yourself but do it the right way. Pay taxes, assimilate, don't drive without insurance/DL, and commit crime and don't tear down the country you are living in, which I see all the time.

So no more PC BS.
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I seriously wonder how people could hate the right's candidates so much when the left is going to give us Hillary or Bernie. Those two are atrocious.
Not that Hillary needs help beating any of the Republicans in the field, but having Trump has been awesome...

Trump might not look electible, but the guys keeps winning the news each day. And now he's painted Fox News are the bad guys...Love it.

As I keep telling you all...after the 2016 election when Hillary is crowned the next King, reading the political thread is going to be joyous...

Why you would want a criminal and total POS like Hillary in charge of our country just for comedic reasons is pretty absurd. She is the worst candidate of all and this nation will not recover from 16 years of Obama and Hillary. I know that is your fantasy but for those of us who can see the direction we are headed, it isn't that funny.
Why you would want a criminal and total POS like Hillary in charge of our country just for comedic reasons is pretty absurd. She is the worst candidate of all and this nation will not recover from 16 years of Obama and Hillary. I know that is your fantasy but for those of us who can see the direction we are headed, it isn't that funny.

Yeah, cause after eight stellar years under your wet dreamboy GW, our country was on an awesome trajectory.
Yeah, cause after eight stellar years under your wet dreamboy GW, our country was on an awesome trajectory.


Yes, because if I don't like Obama and Hillary, I must have loved GW. Awesome logic. I also, love that because Bush sucked, it's totally okay to go to the extreme end of the "suck measuring stick." That's like saying, "Well, you had cancer so why is it such a big deal if a shark bites your limbs off?"
I'm thinking Kasich won because he seemed to stay more center.

The further right the GOP goes, the lesser chance they have of winning. Outside of the confederacy, this is a nation of centrists that doesn't want theocratic rule.

Being anti marriage-equality is going to cost them big time with younger voters and in urban areas.
PLEASE tell me the centrists that are left in the Democratic party. They have gone all in on the progressive , socialist agenda...Hence Obama and Hillary. And please don't tell me you think either one of them is in the center. This country, unfortunately, has pretty much become a nation of "stuff" and who will give it to me for free...Why is it the RIGHT is the only one asked to do the capitulating. When is the last time that if the GOP didn't give in to the Dems that you were either a racist or in a war on women...I'm all for those who truly need help because I know some, but this bs of making it a lifestyle has got to stop...And yes, I know some of those also.
5 year mandatory sentence for illegals, hell can't afford the cost for incarcerating minor drug offenders.
Rather force those who employee illegals pay for the cost to deport them.
I can't see Rubio cracking down on that issue, or repeal the Wet Cuban, Dry Cuban policy.
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5 year mandatory sentence for illegals, hell can't afford the cost for incarcerating minor drug offenders.
Rather force those who employee illegals pay for the cost to deport them.
I can't see Rubio cracking down on that issue, or repeal the Wet Cuban, Dry Cuban policy.
You are making the assumption that these particular illegals are working on something other than carrying drugs across the border...Please
Not that Hillary needs help beating any of the Republicans in the field, but having Trump has been awesome...

Trump might not look electible, but the guys keeps winning the news each day. And now he's painted Fox News are the bad guys...Love it.

As I keep telling you all...after the 2016 election when Hillary is crowned the next King, reading the political thread is going to be joyous...
Maybe, unless her first executive order is outlawing free speech unless she approves it first...One is leaving that if you disagree with anything he says or does you are surely a racist and then we will have one that you are against women and their rights to their body and never mind that it is committing murder.