How will they rule ??!

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I'm simply for minding my own business, as well as knowing "murdering innocent human life" would not magically stop if a group of politicians managed to ban legal abortions. Outlawing it just makes it more unsafe for the women and creates yet another illegal black market and all the stuff that goes with it (Illegal firearms, drugs, etc.) I hate that it's an option for some, and understand why it could be necessary for others. It's not what I'd personally choose, but I don't have girl parts, so it's not my decision.

Judge me all you want, I don't mind. I've learned that a person can either face the sometimes cold reality of a situation or bury their head in the sand and wish for it to disappear. I choose the first option
I was being a little heartless there myself. I'm sorry... I think abortion is murder and I simple can't understand that if you are smart enough to know what the act of sex can create then why not be RESPONSIBLE enough to go to PP and get FREE birth control in the first place.
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Are they or are they not what you guys would like America to be?... A Godless country...I would argue that because we are such a loving , giving country is because of our Christian principles ...
We are so loving and giving that we will even supply you with arms and train your terrorist group if it will help us achieve more power and influence in your region!
Maybe, unless her first executive order is outlawing free speech unless she approves it first...One is leaving that if you disagree with anything he says or does you are surely a racist and then we will have one that you are against women and their rights to their body and never mind that it is committing murder.
I feel like I must be missing something. What exactly is your stance on abortion?o_O

And why must you bring it up in each and every thread?
I gotta shake my head when someone mentions the term "radical" christian.
It's not radical to think that marriage should be between a man and woman.
However its pretty freaking radical to kill a man just because he is gay.
anyone tossing out term tadical christian isn't thinkin clearly
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I always see Obama and Clinton called Socialists, in what way do they fit this? Also, love how progressive is being lobbed as an insult now.

It's what the GOP does. They turned "liberal" into a swear word through propaganda, and are doing the same to "secular" and "progressive" now.

Also, see "Democrat party." Anyone who uses that term immediately outs themselves as a Rushite.

You're either a White Male Liberty Patriot or you're EVIL.

Pretty much everywhere else in the world, "Socialist" is just some other party. Here, "Socialist" = "Communist," which is both wrong and stupid.
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Trump is crazy. He should never be in position to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. You can't bomb everyone.
Trump is getting ratings, and that's basically it. I wish at certain points he would have been asked more questions such as:

After telling us Rand Paul should know because he has donated enough money to him........Someone should have asked if he would support him as a republican nominee?

Then later after defending his 4 bankruptcy suits by saying loopholes in the law allow it so it is a smart decision and he has made millions because of it......Someone should have asked how he plans to file bankruptcy as president because that loophole does not exist.
WTH answer do you expect...the chair of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman cant even tell the difference between Socialist and Democrat
Donald Trump is exactly what I thought Rand would be. Turns out Rand works for people and has little to no soul. That disappoints me, but I understand. It's just business. Not everyone can be their own boss like Trump...

...who clearly won the debate I did not watch. It's been a few plus days since and he's still the only one getting publicity. For someone who isn't a politician, he sure gets it a lot more than career politicians. Hmmm, wonder why? So weird the media can't figure it out.
WTH answer do you expect...the chair of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman cant even tell the difference between Socialist and Democrat
:smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::sunglasses:...and these guys can't either because the "new" Democratic party led by George Soros believe in this and it is their goal to make America a socialist nation, and with the help of folks like Oboma and a couple more elections there will probably be no turning back...
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It's what the GOP does. They turned "liberal" into a swear word through propaganda, and are doing the same to "secular" and "progressive" now.

Also, see "Democrat party." Anyone who uses that term immediately outs themselves as a Rushite.

You're either a White Male Liberty Patriot or you're EVIL.

Pretty much everywhere else in the world, "Socialist" is just some other party. Here, "Socialist" = "Communist," which is both wrong and stupid.
Really...This is for you and Defense:
Donald Trump is exactly what I thought Rand would be. Turns out Rand works for people and has little to no soul. That disappoints me, but I understand. It's just business. Not everyone can be their own boss like Trump...

...who clearly won the debate I did not watch. It's been a few plus days since and he's still the only one getting publicity. For someone who isn't a politician, he sure gets it a lot more than career politicians. Hmmm, wonder why? So weird the media can't figure it out.

And in the meantime HRC is being investigated by the FBI...Bernie is getting run off stage by two black chicks and Biden is somewhere swimming naked trying to decide whether to run for the Democratic nomination or go up stream and spawn. Yeah the Dems are really so squared away...
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I think it's more likely that they'd tap Rubio instead of Jeb; same benefits (if not more), less baggage.

I still think Kasich will reach deeper into the bench for a VP, though. The dude has extremely deep roots in the GOP and isn't going to be swept up in the current popularity polls when it comes to picking a running mate.

Kasich would beat Hillary straight up (assuming he does as well defending his time at Lehman as he did during the 2010 election). The question is whether primary voters will get over themselves when it comes to "omg is he conservative enough?!" If John touching Kasich isn't conservative, I don't know what the hell is.

EDIT: All that being said, Jeb is still the power player here. Don't pay attention to the Trump poll numbers, don't pay attention to Jeb's poll numbers. Bush's network is thoroughly camouflaged by this crowded field and he's got the biggest donors and the most important endorsements so far. He's way ahead of where anyone in 2008 or 2012 was at this same stage.

I think I read the other day that Rand Paul raised something like $4 million in the last quarter - and in that same period, Jeb raised $103 million. The institutional resources he has are staggering, and that will be hard to overcome.

Also read a story about how difficult it is to run as a 3rd party candidate. The two parties have rules in place making it very difficult to get your name on the ballot. Some guy that worked for either Nader or Perot, I forget which, said something like, "I don't care how much money Trump has - if they don't want you to run, you're not running."

Agree. Which is everything thats wrong with the current political system.

A third party candidate won't win the White House. The Constitution makes it almost impossible to do so unless that "third party" already holds a huge amount of seats in Congress.

I dont think its anything actually in the constitution. Iirc, when Lincoln won as a republican, that party was practically a "3rd party", with the whigs and dems being the main 2.

The main problem is SCOTUS interpretations of the first amendment, striking down any limit on campaign contributions. This basically ensures special interests can always buy their politicians.
Mediate ,may as well quote a tabloid in your supermarket checkout aisle.
Like explain the difference between Republican platform and libertarians.
Libertarians caucus with R's because the platforms are much alike in a lot of respects...I like a lot of their stuff except for drugs. So Chris Matthews in a face to face is not "liberal" enough for you to be asking a question that the head of the party cannot answer...Come on , don't you think there is a reason she cannot answer?.
A third party candidate won't win the White House. The Constitution makes it almost impossible to do so unless that "third party" already holds a huge amount of seats in Congress.

Yeah, I didn't say that very well. My point wasn't that it's difficult to win. The point of the article I read - what the writer wanted you to think anyway - is that the ballot access rules have been developed and tightened so much by the two parties (after Nader, my guess) is that it's very difficult to even run, let alone win. As in, the process and qualifications to get your name on a ballot in a given state, not to mention 50, are very difficult. But I just skimmed the piece, so I can't say much definitively about it.....
Have to seen the entire Hardball transcript for the episode or the just the edited blurb from the rightwing nut quasi-news blogs?
The question mainly arose from Matthews grilling Wasserman if the DNC will give Sanders equal billing and face time in the debates.
Sanders is an independent that caucuses with the Dems but who's platform (progressive "social reformer") does not fall in line with Dem's like Hillary and Wasserman.
Just as Libertarian views do not fall into the neoconservative views of the past few Republican presidential candidates.
It's not just drugs, but how to use the military and it's funding, citizen privacy (Bush's Patriot Act and the rightwing bible thumpers that want to control your bedroom). you want to rave about the Dem's wanting to government to control your lives, there's plenty on the Republican side that are willing to do the same.

And maybe Mathews was grilling Wasserman since she has criticized the Obama's Iran deal.
Curious to the Dems and Christian bashers on here, what is it that you dislike so much about the morality and values Christians pine for? What exactly pisses you off about it? Because you don't seem to have an issue with hardcore leftist bashing others for not bowing down to their ideology.
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You are truly an idiot - there just isn't another word to describe you.
LOL! You really can't handle being outed for what you are can you. People would respect you if you were just truthful in your postings. You are an Obama nut hugger and a far left loon. Admitting you are is the first step in getting better.
It's funny. What most people consider libertarian isn't actually libertarian. What people consider socialism isn't actually socialism. What people consider democracy isn't actually democracy.
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Daily Mail reporting that MI5 has unearthed (but not yet been able to arrest anyone involved in) a plan to assassinate Queen Elizabeth at VJ Day ceremonies this coming weekend.

Sources have said that a Boston Marathon-type bombing is being planned by ISIS plants who have remained on UK soil rather than traveling to Syria.

Rand was quoted as saying "just get a warrant".
Senator Paul, I'm sorry, but invoking the 4th Amendment (in a overly dramatic Victorian style accent, I might add) doesn't cut it when we are talking about protecting the American public from a terrorist attack. Kudos to Gov Christie for standing up to the anti-government nuts.
they can't answer because those same people don't understand what the definition of "socialism" is. they use the word like profanity.

From each according to his ability, To each according to his need . . . that's either a near quote or very low percentage paraphrase. Either way, interpreted from Father Marx's 19th century socialist dogma that has been applied in many forms and has failed, and failed, and failed, yet with no hesitation from future advocates that they will be the ones to get it right. My favorite presentation of this phenomenon is from the character James Taggart, Dagny's brother, who concedes the method's failure in Ms. Rand's epic work but not without defending his failed socialist actions by angrily demanding: We were trying to do the right thing anyway!!!

And so here we have in this amusing thread anonymous participants who challenge the ability to recognize or even define the existence of socialism. Sure thing - how neat. To the man who is hell bent in his life to depend on only himself the very basics of socialism is as easy to identify as the very nose on his own face. But to the man who is willing to depend, willing to concede that others must be in need to depend, willing to require others to depend, socialism is a part of his nature (not his enemy) and therefore identifying it as separate from his own existence is unnatural.

This Obama character, let's just be perfectly clear about this, he is bent on massing this population into dependency. You pathetic people need him and the shit he peddles. You aren't smart enough or capable enough to achieve the things that you require on your own, nor can you be counted upon to do these things for the people who depend on you. You need Obama to take from others according to their ability, and provide to each of you losers according to your need. (much cynicism in that last paragraph)

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Curious to the Dems and Christian bashers on here, what is it that you dislike so much about the morality and values Christians pine for? What exactly pisses you off about it? Because you don't seem to have an issue with hardcore leftist bashing others for not bowing down to their ideology.

Why does one need a Bible to have or enforce civil morality, law and values?
It's not just freedom of religion, it's freedom from along with any government enforced religion.
You shouldn't force law from a religious manuscript that's been written and rewritten over millennium which multitude of interpretations alone is a source of controversy.
Just as the gay marriage issue. I don't find homosexuality to be the natural order but if two wish to marry so be it, it's not hurting me.
It's not governments duty to deny them based strictly on a religious belief.
Krauthammer's Rule - conservatives think liberals are stupid, liberals think conservatives are evil. More true all the time, and as the rules of engagement more and more reflect the hostility of the Internet, it actually needs to be updated. Conservatives think liberals are stupid and evil, liberals think conservatives are stupid and evil.
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Krauthammer's Rule - conservatives think liberals are stupid, liberals think conservatives are evil. More true all the time, and as the rules of engagement more and more reflect the hostility of the Internet, it actually needs to be updated. Conservatives think liberals are stupid and evil, liberals think conservatives are stupid and evil.

And everyone in the middle are screwed.
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Why does one need a Bible to have or enforce civil morality, law and values?
It's not just freedom of religion, it's freedom from along with any government enforced religion.
You shouldn't force law from a religious manuscript that's been written and rewritten over millennium which multitude of interpretations alone is a source of controversy.
Just as the gay marriage issue. I don't find homosexuality to be the natural order but if two wish to marry so be it, it's not hurting me.
It's not governments duty to deny them based strictly on a religious belief.

Again, what in the Bible do you find so offensive and gets such a hostile reaction with terms like "radical Christians" and right wing nuts?

I didn't say anything about using the Bible as law. I just want to know why there's such issue from the left when Christians come up. Is it strictly the gay and abortion issue because I fail to see anything else that can be considered "bad" by the left and I certainly don't think making sure 3% of the population feels validated over their sexual preference as reason to be so hostile.
Yahweh asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac was a bit much.

I'm sure much of terms stem from the past Moral Majority rise to influence government.
If I remember Helms wanted to enforce Christian prayer in schools. Opposition to equal rights, sex ed in schools, abortion even in incest...
Frankly, if that 3% of the population didn't matter that much why are there public officials denying them to have equal rights?
They should be treated as equal but not special.

I have no issue with anyone who uses religion to better themselves and their community. It's when it's used and a platform to influence government and deny one of their rights and freedoms.
From each according to his ability, To each according to his need . . . that's either a near quote or very low percentage paraphrase. Either way, interpreted from Father Marx's 19th century socialist dogma that has been applied in many forms and has failed, and failed, and failed, yet with no hesitation from future advocates that they will be the ones to get it right. My favorite presentation of this phenomenon is from the character James Taggart, Dagny's brother, who concedes the method's failure in Ms. Rand's epic work but not without defending his failed socialist actions by angrily demanding: We were trying to do the right thing anyway!!!

And so here we have in this amusing thread anonymous participants who challenge the ability to recognize or even define the existence of socialism. Sure thing - how neat. To the man who is hell bent in his life to depend on only himself the very basics of socialism is as easy to identify as the very nose on his own face. But to the man who is willing to depend, willing to concede that others must be in need to depend, willing to require others to depend, socialism is a part of his nature (not his enemy) and therefore identifying it as separate from his own existence is unnatural.

This Obama character, let's just be perfectly clear about this, he is bent on massing this population into dependency. You pathetic people need him and the shit he peddles. You aren't smart enough or capable enough to achieve the things that you require on your own, nor can you be counted upon to do these things for the people who depend on you. You need Obama to take from others according to their ability, and provide to each of you losers according to your need. (much cynicism in that last paragraph)
I'll take this a step further: Socialism is for losers.
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Why does one need a Bible to have or enforce civil morality, law and values?
It's not just freedom of religion, it's freedom from along with any government enforced religion.
You shouldn't force law from a religious manuscript that's been written and rewritten over millennium which multitude of interpretations alone is a source of controversy.
Just as the gay marriage issue. I don't find homosexuality to be the natural order but if two wish to marry so be it, it's not hurting me.
It's not governments duty to deny them based strictly on a religious belief.
Why do morals matter if not for religion?

Why not just do what you want and the heck with everybody else: ie, "I got mine"?
Some animals are surprisingly sensitive to the plight of others. Chimpanzees, who cannot swim, have drowned in zoo moats trying to save others. Given the chance to get food by pulling a chain that would also deliver an electric shock to a companion, rhesus monkeys will starve themselves for several days.

Slide Show
The Beginnings of Morality?
Biologists argue that these and other social behaviors are the precursors of human morality. They further believe that if morality grew out of behavioral rules shaped by evolution, it is for biologists, not philosophers or theologians, to say what these rules are.

Published on Apr 10, 2012 Empathy, cooperation, fairness and reciprocity -- caring about the well-being of others seems like a very human trait. But Frans de Waal shares some surprising videos of behavioral tests, on primates and other mammals, that show how many of these moral traits all of us share.

Oh, and Trump still won.
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