How will they rule ??!

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Trump wont say he wont run as an independant If he doesnt get the Rep nomination. If hes a true Republican and truelly believes the Democrats in power are "stupid" why do something he knows is going to hand the election to Clinton and keep the stupid Democrats in power? Ross Perot part two? Has an independant ever won the election?

Republicans know he can't win a general and that he is causing a lot of disruption in their primary right now. The party bosses want to get rid of him. Fox News which is the defacto media outlet for the Republcian Party wants to get rid of him which is why Magyn ripped into him right from the getgo. Trump knows it so the threat of a 3rd party candidacy is the only thing that keeps the wolves at bay so to speak, as far as he is concerned. In reality I don't think Trump would go for a 3rd party run, but right now he has to keep it on the table and the Pubs can't really afford to call his bluff. IOW he's the 800 pound gorilla in the room and no one dares mess with him.
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I really think they need to break down the field more. It's hard to see any continuity of a candidates thoughts and views when they get two minutes and don't get back to them until later. Personally, I think it would be better if they broke it down further to 5 candidates. It may sound a bit ridiculous, but I think having 17 candidates is ridiculous. I would like to have heard more from Dr. Carson specifically, but he just didn't get time. He looked a bit nervous, but was interesting to listen to. I would also like to have heard from several others more, the time just didn't allow. The democrats will have 4 candidates? They will have much better exposure individually than the Republicans.
I wish Bush would have replied, "yea, I called him an asshole to one of my close friends" when they asked him about his Trump comments. Just man up and say it. And follow with, "and I'm sure Donald has said a few things about me to his inner circle that probably shouldn't be repeated. Don't we all?"

You know he said it.

And, my daughter took one look at Rand Paul and said, "Poodle, his hair, the man looks like a Poodle."

Poodle ain't gonna win this thing.
I'm stunned a little bit more that Rand is polling so low. He's absolutely the most sane of all potential GOP nominations.

The problem with Paul is that he's a true isolationist.
Agreed. However, for a female candidate or possible VP, I prefer Nikki Haley. Fiorina seems like a female Romney, which isn't meant as a deragatory.

Dark horse for female VP: Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico.
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Rubio or Kasich had the best night. Paul did not come off well at all... Has some good ideas but doesn't present himself well. He comes off more of a lobbyist than a presidential candidate. Christie falling back on 9/11 was embarrassingly weak. It got tough to watch when it moved to the anti-abortion pandering and the awkward side-stepping around gay rights. The GOP would be a lot more attractive to vote for, speaking as someone who considers myself independent, if they didn't have the radical Christian base they have to play to.
There are a couple million little old church ladies that could stand behind a podium and give the same performance as what Carson gave us.

When you don't know which countries are in NATO, maybe you should fill SOME role in federal government before you ask us to put you in the WH
Yes. can you honestly belive that somebody running for Pres. didn't know that ...heard one of the guys didn't even know that there were 56 states...oops wrong race!!!
When is the Dem debate happening so I can pick apart their god awful points?

Everyone places a value on these GOP candidates and these Dem candidates are just as awful.
These drop-in guys won't sniff the board and the faux moderates will do what they always do. They are very disciplined to never talk back.

I posted about earlier about Schumer, lots of talk of his leadership role being stripped for a vote that 2/3 of the country agree with him on. All for not taking orders.
The VP debate at 5 pm nearly doubled the Daily Show finale. Trump is definitely pushing more attention for all of them. For the main debate:

Deadline reported Friday afternoon that 24 million viewers watched the debate on Fox between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Thursday, seven times more than the 3.2 million people who tuned in for the first Republican debate of the 2012 campaign.
In the 25 to 54-year-old demographic, Deadline said there were 7.9 million viewers.

Early Friday, CNN Money reported that Nielson’s 16.0 household rating meant the debate was on TV in 16 percent of U.S. homes. In 2011 and 2012, about 5 percent of households watched the Republican primary debates. Though more viewers tuned into the 2008 Democratic primary debates, the numbers never topped 10 percent, according to CNN Money.

TVNewser went as far as to call the event the most-watched cable news program of all time and Fox New network’s most-watched program ever.

The most watched primary debate in history was on ABC in December 2011 with 7.36 million viewers, said the TV news outlet, which reports on TV ratings, talent moves and program shifts.
qwesley, the fact that 5 pm debate was watched that much implies this phenomenon is much more than Donald Trump IMO. 8 years of Obama with the threat of at least 4 more of Hillary is a big factor.
I really think they need to break down the field more.

This early in the process I don't mind it. It makes me think that the Republican Party is willing and able to have a mulititude of candidates to choose from.......instead of just saying, "Well let's just go with another's Jeb's turn."

What does bug me is in the later stages they limit the debates too much. This infuriates me. Past POTUS's came from the following parties:

However, the general populace has been forced into a 2 party group-think system. The GOP and Democratic Parties just sit back and bully anyone else that tries to join the race.......not letting them play any reindeer games.
Via, The Hill...sure, let's give these jackasses more power

Lois Lerner, the central figure in the IRS targeting controversy, called Abraham Lincoln the country’s worst president in an email disclosed in a bipartisan Senate report, according to USA Today.

“Look my view is that Lincoln was our worst president not our best,” Lerner wrote in an email dated March 6, 2014.
Lerner, the former IRS director of Exempted Organizations, joked in one email that the 16th president should have just let the South secede, rather than fighting the Civil War.

“He should [have] let the south go,” Lerner wrote in response to a friend who disparaged Texas as a “pathetic” state. “We really do seem to have [two] different mind sets.”

The report also highlighted emails written by Lerner calling conservatives “crazies” and “a--holes.”
The democratic national debate should be a yawn fest. We all know Queen Hillary will be crowned at the Democratic National Convention. Jim Webb will give her a good sparing match but he's not a socialist liberal and we all know that is what democratic party has become.
pretty much feel the same. Key word being "radical".
They really need to stay off the social issues, particularly gay marriage, period. The country has definitely evolved on that issue. I think many conservatives consider themselves national security and economic conservatives, and socially libertarian, particularly the younger generation.
You might recall that Obama was against gay marriage until 2012. He changed his position to shore up that part of his base (who might have stayed home otherwise election day). So a lot of people are "evolving" on that issue including democrats.
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When is the Dem debate happening so I can pick apart their god awful points?

Everyone places a value on these GOP candidates and these Dem candidates are just as awful.

Itll probably consist of the candidates coming in with gifts for Hillary, of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Im only half kidding.

The Bern may be the only candidate which will actually debate her. The rest will just be warm bodies, capitulating to her.
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This early in the process I don't mind it. It makes me think that the Republican Party is willing and able to have a mulititude of candidates to choose from.......instead of just saying, "Well let's just go with another's Jeb's turn."

What does bug me is in the later stages they limit the debates too much. This infuriates me. Past POTUS's came from the following parties:

However, the general populace has been forced into a 2 party group-think system. The GOP and Democratic Parties just sit back and bully anyone else that tries to join the race.......not letting them play any reindeer games.

When I meant "break down the field", I meant breaking them down more into groups. Right now, they have a group of 7 and 10. I'd like to see it broken down into 5, 5, 7 so there is a smaller candidate field debating. Having 10 on stage doesn't get as much exposure to hear what they say. The Democrats will only have 4 (I think), so they'll be able to present their views more so than the Republicans. I also liked how they used to have each candidate answer the same question. It seems like they've moved to asking different candidates different questions. They'll ask Trump why he called Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig, then ask someone else about ISIS.
With my tin foil hat on, I still think Hillary is not Obama's choice, and their some action behind that IMO.
How more people aren't saying Rubio in this head is beyond me. He and Jeb Bush were the most composed and professional of the bunch. Those two are going to come out on top and honestly could see Rubio as a VP candidate if he can't get the nomination.

How is Hilary honestly going to say that Rubio doesn't understand what it's like to be poor or a minority lol?
Helps him in generals, kills him in Republican primaries.
Yeah, not to mention it would be a monumental task to win the primary without the backing of AIPAC and the Jewish lobby in general. Ah well, I guess I'll continue to stand with Rand over here in this corner.
Here is a theory, Trump and the Clintons planned this, knowing Trump would not get the nomination, then he runs as an independent, which only pulls votes from the republican nominee, which givers Cankles and easy road to the Whitehouse. So, Bubba actually gets a third term.
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Does anyone think Romney steps into this train wreck right before voting begins, thus avoiding all these stupid intraparty debates? I mean Obama beat him over the head with stuff he said in these debates in 2012 and won the election because of it. If he avoids these debates he can avoid some of the far right talk that is killing Republicans with metropolitan moderate folks. I truly think there is not much stomach for Hillary when push comes to shove. I would say she can count on the female vote, but Obama beat her in 08' so thatay not be true.
I think he has appeal to centrist typIs both left and right leaning, not some much the extremes. I though of all the candidates on the stage Kasich was the only one that had a positive and optimistic message, and by any measure has the strongest background. OTOH most of other answers were basically criticizing the current president, and government in general, even though their party controls both houses of congress and the SCOTUS.
Recently gained of course. Most of the damage that we now see was done with the dems in control of both the house and the senate last two years under Bush. All three branches first two years under Obama, and in control of the White House and the Senate until last year. So, very misleading and disengenous post by you. No surprise though because everyone knows who you will be voting for.
Both sides talk that way constantly. I'm guessing you don't know a lot of liberals? A majority of my conservative friends hate the GOP and most of my liberal friends hate the Democratic party. It's kind of funny.

It's basically some conservatives think the GOP isn't conservative enough just like some liberals think the Dems are too conservative. Worldviews are a crazy thing.
I know a few, but probably not as many as you do. I guess I'm talking moreso bout the libers on message boards and forumns.
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This early in the process I don't mind it. It makes me think that the Republican Party is willing and able to have a mulititude of candidates to choose from.......instead of just saying, "Well let's just go with another's Jeb's turn."

What does bug me is in the later stages they limit the debates too much. This infuriates me. Past POTUS's came from the following parties:

However, the general populace has been forced into a 2 party group-think system. The GOP and Democratic Parties just sit back and bully anyone else that tries to join the race.......not letting them play any reindeer games.

All those parties didn't exist at the same times. We've had (essentially) a two major party system for the vast majority of our history.
America is a one party system with two factions. The wealthy, the elite, the corporations are the controlling power. Your vote doesn't mean ish. You keep showing up to the same dog and pony show expecting a different result. If you're in the middle class, and I assume most of us are, you're F'd. This isn't a democracy. Sorry to break it to you.
America is a one party system with two factions. The wealthy, the elite, the corporations are the controlling power. Your vote doesn't mean ish. You keep showing up to the same dog and pony show expecting a different result. If you're in the middle class, and I assume most of us are, you're F'd. This isn't a democracy. Sorry to break it to you.

As of now, Sanders has my vote. I don't agree with him on every topic, but he is consistent, supports veterans, and wants to overturn citizens united. The last being the most important issue, imo, facing our country.
There are a couple million little old church ladies that could stand behind a podium and give the same performance as what Carson gave us.

When you don't know which countries are in NATO, maybe you should fill SOME role in federal government before you ask us to put you in the WH

America is a one party system with two factions. The wealthy, the elite, the corporations are the controlling power. Your vote doesn't mean ish. You keep showing up to the same dog and pony show expecting a different result. If you're in the middle class, and I assume most of us are, you're F'd. This isn't a democracy. Sorry to break it to you.

Those who won't and can't vote Democrat to get the government to tax income and give them a normal lifestyle. Those who want it all and will take it by any means possible pay off those in power to get more and more. The middle class is shrinking every year and is really the getting shanked here. We have been conned into thinking working hard and earning our way through life is a badge of honor, when in reality all you need is a politician to hand it to you.
Kasich was the most polished. Easily the winner IMO.

This is John Kasich's nomination to lose. I'll just repeat a few lines: he has Ohio in the bag. Nobody wins a national election without it. Nobody. He was born in western PA. High high possibility he can win that state and his appeal to moderates is just one reason that Florida voters won't shy away from him in a national election. Result: up 67 electoral votes from the previous election = win. He might even pick up a hit in New England. The Wisconsin Gov. (Scott Walker) is only in this campaign to eventually give Kasich an endorsement, which is precisely why their talking points are almost identical on economy and politics. So there's a strategy for another 10 electoral votes.

I wish Kasich would back off some of the hand waving and hopefully his staff will talk to him about that, but at worst it makes him look normal. Gov. Kasich will lose this nomination only if he loses interest in the WH. He was definitely last night's winner in my book, and if I had to guess, I'd say the party is already behind him (held the first debate in his state's biggest city).

But the best part of all is that Kasich could probably win twice, and that's just something I don't see any other candidate being able to bring to the table. This isn't brain surgery.