How will they rule ??!

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Speaking as an Independent, I thought Kasich did really well. He may have the best resume of anyone in either party. He has 18 years in the US House of Representatives, so he knows policy, foreign and otherwise. Plus has executive experience as Governor, and a fairly successful governor it seems. I would vote for him, given the chance.
Speaking as an Independent, I thought Kasich did really well. He may have the best resume of anyone in either party. He has 18 years in the US House of Representatives, so he knows policy, foreign and otherwise. Plus has executive experience as Governor, and a fairly successful governor it seems. I would vote for him, given the chance.
this pretty much guarantees he'll finish last in the Republican primaries.
this pretty much guarantees he'll finish last in the Republican primaries.
which is unfortunate because he seems to be the one with the best chance to get independents and even some Democrats like myself who will not be voting for Hillary.
Winners: Bush, Kasich, Carson (only because expectations were so low), and Trump
Losers: Rubio, Walker, and Huckabee
Push: Rand, Christie, and Cruz

Tempted to move Christie to "win" column, but this was a Republican primary, not a general.
I would drop Trump out of it. Unless I missed the mark, I think he hurt himself last night.
Have no idea where this idea that Carson and Rubio did well started and why it is catching on. They were both awful. Kasich was pandering and centrist, but I get why that is appealing. Rubio and Carson either looked incompetent or like a platitude spewing robot
Carson was actually pretty good with his answers. What he lacks is fire.
Calling Bush for the nod and Trump goes indy. I don't watch these guys that much but Bush was head and shoulders the most well-rounded candidate on the stage last night. Never thought I would say this but I liked Bush and you can tell after hearing him talk for 1 minute he's not his brother.

But Trump, if he keeps this up, will all but ensure Clinton is our next POTUS. That's enough to make a man want to swallow a bullet.
For a supposed GOP shill network, Fox asked some pretty tough questions. The God one was stupid though, especially to end it

Time dispersion was terrible, Trump got double what several others got.

Carly having only 1% support is as embarrassing for the GOP as HRC being the de facto nominee is for the Dems. She killed Chris Matthews afterward too.

Speaking of HRC, she was at a fundraiser with the Kardashians last night, ishitunot

Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich used canned stuff but were fine overall. Kasich's TV experience will help him but was the most repetitive. I see him taking much of the Jeb support. It was notable that when he mentioned going to a gay wedding there was a lot of applause.

Walker held serve, nothing else.

Rand has good moments and then the crazy leaks out. I think he was counting on a youth support surge but it isn't happening.

Huck is a TV preacher. Cruz is close, intelligent but zero charisma.

Despite being terrible I am not hopeful Trump starts to fade. (most comical thing on this board though is watching Obama fans and 7-year-apologists slam Trump for being arrogant and a troll and mocking his support). Trump supporters will not switch to Jeb, that is clear.

Chuck Schumer came out against the Iran deal last night, my guess is he knows BO has the votes and is pandering.

You can see why Christie was a good US Attorney and can be impressive at times. No shot and no momentum though.

Perry would have been a contender if he hadn't trainwrecked 4 years ago.
This god question is basically nothing but a death blow for these candidates. They have to say something religious to make it in the primaries. Then theyll be crushed for it in the general.

Nice going...
What a stupid take. Thinking this country's voters are suddenly and inexplicably rampant atheists is just about the most out of touch opinion spouted in the history of Cat Paw political threads. Hillary's gonna pander and pretend she is a church-every-sunday gal because she knows voters ain't gonna elect someone as President if they don't bend their knees to the Almighty.
For a supposed GOP shill network, Fox asked some pretty tough questions. The God one was stupid though, especially to end it

Time dispersion was terrible, Trump got double what several others got.

Carly having only 1% support is as embarrassing for the GOP as HRC being the de facto nominee is for the Dems. She killed Chris Matthews afterward too.

Speaking of HRC, she was at a fundraiser with the Kardashians last night, ishitunot

Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich used canned stuff but were fine overall. Kasich's TV experience will help him but was the most repetitive. I see him taking much of the Jeb support. It was notable that when he mentioned going to a gay wedding there was a lot of applause.

Walker held serve, nothing else.

Rand has good moments and then the crazy leaks out. I think he was counting on a youth support surge but it isn't happening.

Huck is a TV preacher. Cruz is close, intelligent but zero charisma.

Despite being terrible I am not hopeful Trump starts to fade. (most comical thing on this board though is watching Obama fans and 7-year-apologists slam Trump for being arrogant and a troll and mocking his support). Trump supporters will not switch to Jeb, that is clear.

Chuck Schumer came out against the Iran deal last night, my guess is he knows BO has the votes and is pandering.

You can see why Christie was a good US Attorney and can be impressive at times. No shot and no momentum though.

Perry would have been a contender if he hadn't trainwrecked 4 years ago.
Agree on almost everything, particularly Item 1. They (particularly Kelly) hit several candidates where it hurts and did it almost right away.

The time sharing was awful for sure; there were entire segments where you forgot some guys were even on the stage.
Funny how MSN seems to think Trump stole the show "Mixing Politics and Pizazz" was their headline. Of course the Dems won right out of the gate when Trump wouldn't commit to backing the GOP nominee. After that they were all Googley eyed for Trump.
It's becoming more and more obvious that Trump is in it for himself and, quite possibly, to be nothing more than an Independent wedge voter to get Hillary elected. Last night made it too obvious. With 15 months to go, that's a long time to keep up the charade.

Either someone will blow the cover off his story, he'll get tired of getting hammered, OR---enough conservative business leaders will suggest he step out of it or he'll lose way more than whatever the Clinton's promised. And he'll play the martyr card on his way out the door.

JMO. Of course, I'm the one who said One Term President. WTF do I know?
I would have had zero problem with the GOP forcing the candidates to sign a pledge not to run as an indy as a requirement to get on the stage.
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Would be shocked if Fiorina doesn't jump a few points in the polls after her stellar performance in the "play-in debate". She'll be in the next main debate, imo.
IMHO the debate:

Helped- Kasich, Bush, Huckabee, Carson (not that it matters)

Hurt- Trump (the most disappointing perfromance of all), Rubio, Paul
Before the debate I seen Trump as a real contender after the debate I realize he is nothing more than a side show. Carson seemed uninformed. Bush, and Walker were vanilla politicians. Kasich and Paul were solid. Rubio, Cruz Christie & Huckabee stood out in my opinion.
Why not offer Trump VP? Strategically it makes sense! People like his way of spouting off which could be useful in the VP chair.
2/1 opposition in this country to the Iran Deal, Chuck Schumer (the most important Dem on the subject) now opposes and our asshole-in-chief makes this comment today. Via The Hill:

Obama linked congressional Republicans opposed to the deal with Iranian hardliners who chant “death to America,” saying they are “making a common cause with the Republican caucus.”
IMO Mike Huckabee stood out and Trump became the side show we all thought he was going to be in the beginning.
Speaking as an Independent, I thought Kasich did really well. He may have the best resume of anyone in either party. He has 18 years in the US House of Representatives, so he knows policy, foreign and otherwise. Plus has executive experience as Governor, and a fairly successful governor it seems. I would vote for him, given the chance.

This where Rubio screwed up, implying that Hillary had the best resume of everybody.
Would be shocked if Fiorina doesn't jump a few points in the polls after her stellar performance in the "play-in debate". She'll be in the next main debate, imo.

Agreed. However, for a female candidate or possible VP, I prefer Nikki Haley. Fiorina seems like a female Romney, which isn't meant as a deragatory.
2/1 opposition in this country to the Iran Deal, Chuck Schumer (the most important Dem on the subject) now opposes and our asshole-in-chief makes this comment today. Via The Hill:

Obama linked congressional Republicans opposed to the deal with Iranian hardliners who chant “death to America,” saying they are “making a common cause with the Republican caucus.”

I get the feeling that Obama is going to get really, really mad if congress doesn't go along with this. I can't understand Obama's obsession with this Iran deal. Well, maybe I do, but I don't like to think about it.........
Why not offer Trump VP? Strategically it makes sense! People like his way of spouting off which could be useful in the VP chair.
No, would never agree to be a 2nd banana. And the nominee needs to worry about winning, & then governing as President without constantly having to watch their back for a knife headed their way from their VP.

GOP Pres & VP will be a combination of Rubio + Midwest Gov, or Midwest Gov + Rubio
I feel like Trump cost himself the nomination, which is ultimately putting Hillary in the white house since trump will run independent
I get the feeling that Obama is going to get really, really mad if congress doesn't go along with this. I can't understand Obama's obsession with this Iran deal. Well, maybe I do, but I don't like to think about it.........
Like I said above, I think Schumer knows BO has the votes and took this route to keep favor with NYC Jewish voters.
You are absolutely correct. Surroundings and perspective help shape broad opinions of others.

For example, I hate redneck culture, but can't escape it here. And, those people tend to largely be conservative so it has shaped my view of conservatives as being angry rednecks who hate everything, when I know that's actually not the case. I have several great friends who are non-redneck conservatives whose opinions I value greatly. I also know plenty of f-tarded liberals who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Being fiscally conservative like I am is no big deal in Kentucky, but when I mention I'm also socially liberal, it becomes a problem. So, I get labeled as a "lih-bruhl" when I hate Dems as much as Repubs. In other words, I'm probably called a conservative in Oregon but liberal in Kentucky.

Maybe we should switch states? lol.
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I feel like Trump cost himself the nomination, which is ultimately putting Hillary in the white house since trump will run independent

I agree that Trump fell on his face. If he runs as an independent he could split the vote just enough to give Clinton the nomination in a very close race. After the donations to Clinton's in the past and the phone call to Bill Clinton before entering the race you kind of wonder if there is a conspiracy in the works.
^I never thought that Trump would carry the nomination anyway. I just couldn't see the Replublican Party backing him. I think Trump has just been using this to gain some publicity before he makes the jump to independent.

Carson does interest me though. Here's a guy that's probably the most intelligent candidate that we've had in a long, long, long time. When it comes to healthcare, I think he has some good ideas. But like BigSexy said above, I don't know how in-tune he is with other topics. Definitely likeable though.
For a supposed GOP shill network, Fox asked some pretty tough questions. The God one was stupid though, especially to end it

Time dispersion was terrible, Trump got double what several others got.

Carly having only 1% support is as embarrassing for the GOP as HRC being the de facto nominee is for the Dems. She killed Chris Matthews afterward too.

Speaking of HRC, she was at a fundraiser with the Kardashians last night, ishitunot

Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich used canned stuff but were fine overall. Kasich's TV experience will help him but was the most repetitive. I see him taking much of the Jeb support. It was notable that when he mentioned going to a gay wedding there was a lot of applause.

Walker held serve, nothing else.

Rand has good moments and then the crazy leaks out. I think he was counting on a youth support surge but it isn't happening.

Huck is a TV preacher. Cruz is close, intelligent but zero charisma.

Despite being terrible I am not hopeful Trump starts to fade. (most comical thing on this board though is watching Obama fans and 7-year-apologists slam Trump for being arrogant and a troll and mocking his support). Trump supporters will not switch to Jeb, that is clear.

Chuck Schumer came out against the Iran deal last night, my guess is he knows BO has the votes and is pandering.

You can see why Christie was a good US Attorney and can be impressive at times. No shot and no momentum though.

Perry would have been a contender if he hadn't trainwrecked 4 years ago.

Hillary probably hopes that selfie with Kimye will be her saxophone moment. Its hilarious to watch the left let the "cool factor" sway their vote. You can practically hear the left saying - ALL THE COOL KIDS VOTE DEMOCRAT.

Jeb, Huck, and Cruz were just terrible. Carson had some good takes, but was mainly out of his league.

Walker, Rubio, and Christie added nothing. Trump played it pretty safe, which shocked me.

Kasich was good. I liked him more than I thought.

Rand makes so much sense 90% of the time. Then the other 10% of the time he has such out of touch stances, it makes him pretty well unelectable. Not conservative enough for the primary, too conservative for the general.

I think Rand would be fantastic. But like Ive posted before, if he intends on auditing the fed he'll never win. The fed has way too much power, and will never let it happen. The recent round of indictments targeting his staff is just the beginning.

I think Kasich and Trump are the only 2 capable of winning a general election. Kasich because he could garner the undecided vote. Trump because he would energize the conservatives to get out and vote.