I heard he’s a better shooter in practice than CarrierMatt Pilgram says he’s a beast in pickup games.
![banana [banana] [banana]](https://ct.yimg.com/mr/uploads/891/1682178.gif)
I heard he’s a better shooter in practice than CarrierMatt Pilgram says he’s a beast in pickup games.
Moral: if you’re a job recruiter..I’ll listen. If you’re an Injun..hard pass. Underdelivering assholesIs the same guy who's a Nigerian prince? Apparently I'm next of kin. I thought it was odd myself had no idea I had relatives there. So I'm waiting on my fortune.
Moral: if you’re a job recruiter..I’ll listen. If you’re an Injun..hard pass. Underdelivering assholes
He was blacklisted. So yeah he should be able to. Two different things.@jedwar if you ban someone and message them they can't read it home slice. Just FYI
Yeah but is he a better shooter than B-Rad?I heard he’s a better shooter in practice than Carrier.
Why on God's green earth is there a thread on rafters asking if Gabriel shaves his pits?
I mean I know ugly chicks need the sexy sex too, but I was afraid this was going to veer down a dark path right after "in order to..."Need to burn the midnight oil and maybe even pretend to like the ugly girl in order to get access to her class notes.
Between the beer drinkin' and the cyclin', I couldn't help but think of this...Currently at Linksters in Lakeland FL. Old girl gave me a free beer via Uber. Drinking it now. Life is good. I am f'ed up. Gonna ride to mom's nursing home in a few on little brothers bicycle.
Pretty sure that’s most people.Sometimes I think I have lost my god damn mind and just along for the ride
Why was Mitch behind the bench all yelling and crap? He’s not usually there. Fire him, B-Rad, Joel, and Tony. Simple as that.
I noticed in Jorts's Twitter bio thingy that he's got the stupid "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll still be among the stars" quote. No you won't, you won't even be anywhere remotely f**king close to a star. The moon is about 235,000 miles away, while the nearest star (not counting the sun) is, literally, 25,000,000,000,000 miles away. That's 25 trillion with a T.
Dammit Jorts, do better.
TBH, I couldn't think of another nugget-based food.You gotta take Hooters out tho. Get real. You even changed the region to include "wings" and they're the only wing option in there. Hooters doesn't fit any criteria, but if you insist, you gotta throw em in the Bone Chain region, because that is exactly what they are.