
Our main bathroom is demolished. My sister who lives down the block had offered to lend us her shower, but has since reneged as her daughters are coming back from college and she’s hosting Thanksgiving and whatnot.

I will be a stank-ass mofo fosho the coming weeks.

Apologies in advance.

Eff it.
Our main bathroom is demolished. My sister who lives down the block had offered to lend us her shower, but has since reneged as her daughters are coming back from college and she’s hosting Thanksgiving and whatnot.

I will be a stank-ass mofo fosho the coming weeks.

Apologies in advance.

Eff it.
Work up a good reek and go visit her.
Our main bathroom is demolished. My sister who lives down the block had offered to lend us her shower, but has since reneged as her daughters are coming back from college and she’s hosting Thanksgiving and whatnot.

I will be a stank-ass mofo fosho the coming weeks.

Apologies in advance.

Eff it.
Been there. Done that. Got the T-Shirt. I feel for ya. A most unpleasant experience. Hope they finish the job on schedule.

Good luck.
Hope they finish the job on schedule.



"On schedule" he says. Like that's even a real life thing in the construction world.

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Back from Vegas. Saw Fat Elvis perform. Amazing. GD amazing. Peter Vallee.

Saw some girl pull down her big fat ass and piss on the sidewalk in front 50 people. That was incredible.

Also bought weed from a store legally. Jesus effin Christ. It was a dream come true. Nowww if they make crack legal I'll just go ahead die with no life regrets
Back from Vegas. Saw Fat Elvis perform. Amazing. GD amazing. Peter Vallee.

Saw some girl pull down her big fat ass and piss on the sidewalk in front 50 people. That was incredible.

Also bought weed from a store legally. Jesus effin Christ. It was a dream come true. Nowww if they make crack legal I'll just go ahead die with no life regrets
Sounds fantastic.

I didn’t see any women pissing on the sidewalk, but I did see a few wearing thongs and pasties when I was there last year.
Back from Vegas. Saw Fat Elvis perform. Amazing. GD amazing. Peter Vallee.

Saw some girl pull down her big fat ass and piss on the sidewalk in front 50 people. That was incredible.

Also bought weed from a store legally. Jesus effin Christ. It was a dream come true. Nowww if they make crack legal I'll just go ahead die with no life regrets
Sorry, but Vegas sucks ever since Roy got eaten by his tiger. TS.

Also whores.
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@Kooky Kats Congrats. Nice reg season win for your gulls. Brown is a formidable foe. I do in fact concede.

And thank you for giving my team what I have been asking someone to provide for several weeks now: a much needed wake up call.

Hope to see your punk azz again very soon in the playoffs.



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Back from Vegas. Saw Fat Elvis perform. Amazing. GD amazing. Peter Vallee.

Saw some girl pull down her big fat ass and piss on the sidewalk in front 50 people. That was incredible.

Also bought weed from a store legally. Jesus effin Christ. It was a dream come true. Nowww if they make crack legal I'll just go ahead die with no life regrets
[laughing] + [thumb2]

My 86 year-old aunt moved from Omaha to Reno this past May.

Visiting her, and Vegas again, are both officially on the agenda.
Sponge bath today... my hair and face are clean - but the rest of me, not so much. Gonna need a hotel room soon.

I ain’t much for camping.

My Lord, this is gonna be difficult.
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Reactions: Kaizer Sosay
Sponge bath today... my hair and face are clean - but the rest of me, not so much. Gonna need a hotel room soon.

I ain’t much for camping.

My Lord, this is gonna be difficult.
Do y'all only have one full bath? You need to sell that place and get an equivalently priced house in Lexington. It'd probably get you 3.5 baths easy. #CheapTown
Yep... 3B

project 1a will be extending south wall and make a full bath.

That or Lex.
Happy Friday guys. New angle from that time daincing main almost killed that girl lol. It's even better. You can hear the crowd reactions and watch as a somewhat dejected daincing main continues daincing after the incident. Enjoy.