Pretty much, Cal can no longer preach that "but NBA wants to see these guys defend the pick!!!!".
1. No they don't. I understand it's important to teach young players how to play defense, but NBA doesn't give one crap.
2. WE CAN'T DEFEND A PICK N ROLL TO SAVE OUR LIVES. EVER. We don't fight over picks, we don't do shit. We just SWITCH!!!!! and give up the 3. Every. Single. Time. It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
True dat, brother! Preach!!!
My HS basketball team played mostly man-to-man defense. We played some matchup zone and some trapping zone...but mostly (75% of the time) we played solid man-to-man team defense. And a big part of that success on D was that we defended the ish outta ball screens. You know why? Because we practiced it a ton. Do you know why we did that? Because it's pretty effing important.
I bring that up because we weren't blessed with a ton of talent. But we shot the ball well and we were an outstanding defensive team. And for the better part of two years we consistently beat the Lextown and Metro teams we played. In every one of those games we were out sized and out talented. Lost in the regionals to a Lextown team (who we beat by 16 points on their home court earlier in the reg season) by one point on a bogus call. ONE FREAKING POINT1111!!!! A trip to Rupp was well within my grasp...DAMNIT!!! One. Point. Man. One. Effing. Point.
Back to why learning how to defend the pick and roll is important...
Because the effing pick and roll is the oldest play in basketball...followed closely by the give and go and maybe the ol' picket fence play (think Hoosiers..."don't get caught watching the paint dry").
Damn near every basketball team on the planet uses the pick and roll at some point in their offense. Some use it a little. Others start their effing offense with it. In the past 10 years or so the later has been the better probability with the majority of teams at just about every level.
Now, what did we work on at Kaizer HS? Thanks for asking...start with the basics. You have 4 choices on defending a pick and roll:
1) Fight over the top.
2) Go "under" the screen. (teammate steps back to allow ball defender to step through)
3) Hedge. Defender of the picker temporarily steps out aggressively to alter the direction of the dribble while ball defender fights over or slides under screen (whichever is faster on any given play) to get back on the ball. When he does recover...teammate recovers back to guard the picker.
4) Switch. Worst choice. Especially if the ball handler can shoot the 3.
And for the last 9 years Cal has chosen option #4. Why? My guess is that he doesn't want to "waste" time teaching the different options in practice. Much quicker and easier and lazier to say "switch everything". But it's also much less effective on the court know...KEEPING THE OTHER EFFING TEAM FROM SCORING!!!!!!!!!!!
The best option of all is option #5.
5) Teach all of the options above thoroughly. Scout your opponents. For each game know how you want to play each player on the pick and roll. And switch that up throughout the game to keep them off balance. (teams game plan the ish outta Cal's "switch everything" mentality. And the exploit the eff out of it) smh
If the ball handler can't shoot from outside...go under the screen. Easy peazy.
If he CAN shoot the 3...then go over the top and or hedge. Maybe mix it up. Also depends on if the screener can "pick and pop" and hit the J...or if he is an "Andre" and strictly "pick and rolls" to the basket.
If the ball handler is super quick you probably want to hedge as well. At least in certain situations.
And finally...if the team you are playing isn't particularly good at executing the pick and roll...AND there won't be a mismatch derived from a switch (i.e. Ulis guarding a freaking 7 footer in the paint)...then switch on a pick and roll. But you better teach 'em how to defend BOTH the roll AND the pop.
In fact, I have been smh for 9 straight years on this very subject...every freaking game. Thanks for bringing this up again, mash. Thanks a lot.
{{Side note: above is merely the basics. You can also do combination stuff like combine fighting over the top and hedging at the same time...which is another way of saying you aggressively trap the ball handler.}}