Louisville This Rick Pitino That

Hey, Billy Bones, tell us a little about Mr Keightley. From all I have heard, he was a super nice guy. I still have my DVD entitled Remembering MR. Wildcat. I live in Cincinnati and remember he had a heart attack while attending a Reds game.
Yeah, well, they have the best walk on in the country, Ron just had a off night, and Anus is showing he could be all American if he just could get a little tougher....., they live in their own dream world over there.
At this point, is it safe to assume that anytime Rick Pitino talks, he's lying?
We do have to remember that Pitino had a full 24 hours to devise a game plan to shut Mercer down. It should be expected that Pitino will have the Ricans dominating UL as he gets more time to coach up the national team. He is just such a great coach that any bench he is on has a 34 point advantage.

Too bad for UL fans that he seems to take off from coaching during his battles with the real MASTER! L1C7
At this point, is it safe to assume that anytime Rick Pitino talks, he's lying?

You'd cover most bets. Oh how the mighty have fallen. The thing is he can still coach. It is his off court issues that did him in.
Last years Bahamas trip was a wonderful free pre-season treat for UK fans, whereas fans of the supposed richest athletic department in the country are being gouged for $10 to watch this crap.

And of course it was UK that was subjected to a sh!t-stirring article from the C-J (that was picked up nationally) about how much the trip cost.
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SEXtino is a real piece of work.I hung around team when he was at UK(former Manager for Bill Keightley) some of the things he would say were unbelievable..Tubby coming back to Lexington after retiring next year..He still has his House.
Please enlighten us on some of the "unbelievable" things he said.
Humm a U of Smell fan complaining about the other team hacking and fouling ? Well I guess I have heard it all now lol !! Please lol !! They should rename the chicken bucket , the Chop Shop !! Or the House Of Slap Hack and Hold !!
0-8 or 0-9 sounds the same. Can't wait to play them again.
No. It's not that at all. International ball is just much more physical and they get away with a lot more than here in the states. Trust me, UofL looks nothing like what we saw last night. It was atrocious. I am not one to typically blame refs to today I am blaming refs.

You are a ul fan. You don't typically blame refs because your team is typically allowed to hack and hold at will. You people are the first to blame the refs when it is called.
UofL may lose 10+ games this year.

I think that could be very likely. Twice to Duke, once to UNC, once to UK, twice to Virginia, to NC State, to Michigan State, and probably a couple of games they shouldn't have lost.
The Dirty Birds got their A** handed to them by 36 points by the Puerto Rico Junior team missing their 4 top scorers..Refusing to shake hands..ugly gestures and general poor sportsmanship was all in vogue after the butt kicking by the less than stellar Puerto Rican group.
So Ricky called "No Mas" and backed out of a double header today..Typical Pitino behavior..I'll take my toys and go home.."..Not unexpected by any means..Only Doubleheader Ricky wants is two dates with Karen Sypher..[roll]
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Wait they got destroyed like that by the jr team? Are they playing both the jr and national team?

Either way that's a bad look for Pitino. Especially since he's supposed to be the coach of PR as well. He goes in and gets destroyed in the PanAm games, throws them under the bus and says my UL team would beat this team by 20. Then his UL team gets crushed by said team and now he's backing out of games?

....than take 2 more beatings from the Puerto Rican team today.

Let's see if any beat writer/media people that follow uofLOL have the spine to report this in any way.
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"Please enlighten us on some of the "unbelievable" things he said."

...the Damion Lee comparison to Ron Mercer, for one....
Pitino can't say "we were playing four white guys and an Egyptian". The other team is playing five Puerto Ricans.
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....than take 2 more beatings from the Puerto Rican team today.

Let's see if any beat writer/media people that follow uofLOL have the spine to report this in any way.
No way that's true. It probably has to due with physicality of the games thus far. Rick probably doesn't want anyone getting hurt. You don't take a trip FOR basketball to cancel games to play golf. Sorry that just doesn't happen. If it gets reported later, I will believe it. There is plenty of media down there covering this. If this is true, we will here about it later today. My guess is we won't hear anything because it's a load of crap.