Yes, and maybe I should have clarified. I'm not discounting the guys we do have at all. Just that given our departures, we needed more than we got in the early signing period and whiffed on everyone so far in the late one, with the exclusion of a JUCO transfer. Not a soul on this planet would have guessed we would miss on every target after we got Skal, Matthews and Briscoe early, and then had all those departures.
Yeah, on the surface it looks kind of crazy that we lost all those guys and only added one player this spring.
But here is the thing. Cal said he would not platoon again this season, that we should expect a 6-7 man rotation, so there was no reason to sign a boat load of players.
He said we would sign two or three guys. We have one and are trying to get one more for sure. Add Wynyard at December and that's three.
So we are kind of on track.
I think he wanted to add one of Diallo or Zimmerman for depth inside, but with already having three contributors at the 4 and 5 spots, it was a hard sell. Wynyard coming in second semester was the safety net.
I think he wanted Newman, Brown, or Murray to add to the perimeter. I think the best of the three is still a possibility.
So far we have only really missed on a big man and with three 5-stars already on the roster and Cal saying we are only playing 6-7 guys, it's not a huge earth shattering miss.
Might be a good miss since we avoid a logjam inside that might have forced Poythress back to the 3 spot, which might have kept us from possibly getting Murray.
If we miss on Murray, that one will hurt the most, IMHO. Still we have enough players, so it's not like we will be in dire straits.
So, while it might not be a spectacular spring for recruiting, I don't think it was a disaster. Keeping Lee and Poythress is probably better than having Diallo or Zimmerman (as long as Poythress is healthy) and we still have the best perimeter player (IMHO) that we were recruiting still on the board as a possibility.