if this kid pix oregon will he, swanagan, brown, newman and zimmerman have less average home fans at their games combined than we do?
if this kid pix oregon will he, swanagan, brown, newman and zimmerman have less average home fans at their games combined than we do?
To be honest I'm over last years results but it has also put a damper on my hype for KY basketball. If we couldn't win it last year with the team we had nothing else coming down the pipeline really excites me. I will be more interested once half the season is played... Call me debbie downer but I just can't get hype like I used to.
I havent looked into the youtube pac 12 channel you speak of but it's not a given that it is available in Canada. Lots of american services are not available to Canadians(like HULU for instance). There are ways around it with hacks etc but that is a hassle.
Or could be scared Oregon staff saying we better lock this kid up before he sees 10 UK players drafted in the lottery tomorrow.Does anyone think the announcement coming on the eve of the NBA draft is a coincidence? I don't. I'm predicting Murray to UK!
Don't anyone remember what Z-71 said yesterday?? It's over...... Oregon.
Don't anyone remember what Z-71 said yesterday?? It's over...... Oregon.
He also told us all Newman was a Cat and had been for a long time, if I remember correctly.
Yep, also said Giles likely to UK, which also isn't gonna happen.
At the end of the day, I think Murray will go to Oregon, but he's not a very good source.
How do you know Oregon won't play deep in tourney...Dana Altman isn't chopped liver
Five 5-stars and three 4-stars give us plenty of talent to win a title.
Last 16 picks for Oregon on Crystal Ball. I know it's not always accurate, but when it's 16 in a row for one school from recruiting insiders, I think you can pretty much take it to the bank. Guy's, don't even waste your time by watching the press conference.
Calipari was just on the Rich Eisen radio show......He made a comment about why a family would choose to go with a coach with no track record of creating lottery picks makes no sense to him.
Dana Altman's been a head coach for 26 years and has made the Sweet 16 ONCE. He's made the NCAA tourney 11 times in 26 seasons as a head coach.
I don't know if that's chopped liver, but it's the definition of mediocrity.
I think it'd more a matter of everyone just wanting to win the last chance recuiting battle.This is the bottom line. I don't understand the worry, for the life of me. People need to forget about how much talent we had last year, and that we're losing 7 kids to the draft, and that we've lost recruits this spring which is new for us. We still have 5 five-stars and 3 four-stars....
If there was some really high correlation going on here - like "if you have a team as talented as UK last year you have 100% chance of winning a title" and/or "if you only have five 5 stars and 3 four stars you only have a 1% chance of winning a title", or something like that - then I'd understand the hand-wringing. But there is no such distinction between the talent level we had last year and the one we'll have this year. You have to have a certain amount of talent to have any realistic chance, and we clearly have that. Beyond that, no matter how many draft picks you have, it's a crapshoot. There are no guarantees.
We still have 5 five-stars and 3 four-stars....
I dont know...but i see alot of people name their trucks that....least its posted on a bunch of em.Who in the hell is Z-71?
It's currently available in 34 countries including Canada.
False. Duke and Kentucky are the only two schools to win at a high level and turn top level recruits into lottery picks I hate losing recruits to duke but I can kinda understand it. Zimmerman and Newman stayed home. Murray and brown literally makes 0 sense.We are in a day, time, and era now, in which the one and done is finally came back to bite us. Coaches are like, "You're one and done no matter where you go, stay here, get yours, be the man, play in front of your family, take your thirty shots etc" Tradition, tournament runs, and coaching resumes are pointless anymore. Murray to Oregon. Might as well bomb one from halfcourt to push the lead to thirty the way this recruiting season has went
"THE bench Guy" from Toronto, whoever he is said he just got word on where Murray will be going "I just got word. No spoilers- bit a lot of you will be shocked!"
Still think we need 1 more good player and 1 more backup up front - Kanter didn't qualify, Poythress and Noels both went down with injuries. I don't feel comfortable enough with Willis and Lee to think they'll be big-time players. We only have 4 bigs and one is named Willis.
This is the bottom line. I don't understand the worry, for the life of me. People need to forget about how much talent we had last year, and that we're losing 7 kids to the draft, and that we've lost recruits this spring which is new for us. We still have 5 five-stars and 3 four-stars....
If there was some really high correlation going on here - like "if you have a team as talented as UK last year you have 100% chance of winning a title" and/or "if you only have five 5 stars and 3 four stars you only have a 1% chance of winning a title", or something like that - then I'd understand the hand-wringing. But there is no such distinction between the talent level we had last year and the one we'll have this year. You have to have a certain amount of talent to have any realistic chance, and we clearly have that. Beyond that, no matter how many draft picks you have, it's a crapshoot. There are no guarantees.
We still have 5 five-stars and 3 four-stars....
Yes but how was his "walk?"Don't like how he was eating chicken wings. Really a bad sign IMO IIRC FWIW...