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When you have a boy you have one penis to worry about. When you have a girl you have all the penises to worry about

One of my friends used to joke, "Every girl is a slut waiting to happen."

He now has two daughters.
tennis is the one sport I'm not all that good at (roller/ice skating and rollerblading not really sports). I can volley enough to leisurely play, but bad habits playing too much ping pong and racquetball in college are too much ingrained in my movement. Don't use enough body...all arms.
My 5 year old boy loves farts, butts, poop, pee, loves the "pull my finger" trick (even in church), has a habit of just running up to people and smacking them on dat ass, calls random people "Bob" and thinks its the height of comedy, steals tip money off the table at Skyline if you're not watching, and races monster trucks down the (wood) stairs all day.

But it's easily my 7 year old girl who's gonna kill me.
what I mean is I don't embarrass myself in any sport. I can hold my own in just about anything. I'm definitely worse now in golf than I was when we played, I'm sure. playing 6-8 times a season is not good for the ole handicap.
My almost 3-yr old has learned how to give herself sucker marks up and down her arms.

Not only is it a repulsive habit that will no doubt result result in some boy having to run punishment laps at basketball practice one day in the distant future, it also looks like someone is abusing her.

The little mouth marks almost look like hand prints when there are several in a row.
probably missing out, but have not been to the Cincy zoo. love taking my kids to the Louisville zoo, we always get the season pass. 2 enclosed playgrounds to just sit & read twitter while they run crazy. enclosed parts for fish, bugs, snakes good to get out of the sun. the polar & grizzly bear section is awesome, kids always wonder how the ice crushed the road & why the workers havent yet fixed it.
Some of the most feared words a married man can read via text during the work day...


Personally rather sit there numbed up in a dental chair having a root canal performed than go for a walk. After working all day followed by getting a solid workout in I want to help with dinner, eat dinner and then relax with the lass.

Walks are for hen group sessions.
3 nieces, 4 nephews and 2 boys of my own that I deal with on a regular basis(weekly). All under 10, and the girls are far and away smarter(at this point) and easiest to deal with and actually enjoy being told things such as "good job" "thank you" and "your so smart". The boys however only respond to things like "do you need your butt busted" "you little.......boy get over here!!" "Why, what.....did you even think about that".

My 3yr old 4 nights ago ran outside and pooped by the bush, came in and said mommy I'm a puppy as he took her to see his accomplishment. My 5 yr old is half smart at this point, he simply knows the stuff not to do and gets his 3 yr old bother, who has no fear at all, to do just about anything. Hey wyatt you want the ball? Go get out of the middle of the street. Hey wyatt want a bath? Get in the washing machine. Hey Wyatt, the candy is in the top cabinet, go get it!!!

My nephews have all had stitches, 2 have broke their arms, 1 thought he could fly like the cartoons and jumped off the top bunk of the bunk bed.

At some point around 12 things just flip flop when boys finally learn from all their stupidity, and then girls get hormones and their brains turn to mush.

My wife swears she wasn't "that bad". And every time she mentions having a little girl all I can think about is getting fixed for during the next ncaa tourney.
Rather sit on the patio with the bae while knocking back something cold and listen to tunes.

No time for walks. Loathe them.
I get what Richie is saying. Before kids, I completely agreed, but with the little one I enjoy it.

And I've actually been on a little solo walking kick myself in the evenings after the child is in bed. Throw my headphones on, turn on mapmyrun, and hammer out 2-3 miles in the neighborhood. Basically gets my ass off the couch. Also completely removes me from having the lass hit pause every 5 minutes to tell me about an amazing plot development in some henshow that I don't watch.
Llama doesn't like walks… shocking.

Chilling on a patio and listening to tunes is good, too.

I just sit at my desk all damn day and if it is nice out I'd like to be doing something outside. Tonight I will cut the grass, tomorrow I might walk down to the Little Miami River and fish for about an hour.

Just get me out in the fresh air for a while.
Part of the problem is that she insists on bringing our 94 lb golden on these walks. Big boy has gotten better staying disciplined on our walks staying right by my side but he's still a load.

While I'm harnessing him back while he wants to sniff around some tree before he marks his territory all of a sudden it's.. " YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ONE WORD I SAID!"
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Sometimes the thought of marriage and kids sounds fun.

But more often than not, it sounds just flat out awful.

Team PTI.
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Poor Wizards. Playing their best ball in 30 years and Wall may be out the entire playoffs.
Man, I was really enjoying the day skimming over GYERO until I read this shitty ass curveball.

Don't even know how to respond. I mean, ugh.

Eff you, I guess.

Wouldn't sweat it, bub. No way your girl would ever go for a strawberry blonde wop named George.
-Good grief, if I wasn't already knocked up, you guys sure wouldn't be convincing me to get there. 2 other chicks in the office are pregnant. OMG! DON'T DRINK THE WATER!!!

-Anth is convinced that George is going to look just like him. All 3 of my nephews look like my dad, so I'm convinced he will look like my dad. Any bettors? Maybe I'll set up one of those web pages that you can guess the arrival date, weight, etc. Except that's hen-like and y'all know how I feel about hens.

-Richie, I hear ya about wanting to relax, but if you get a Fitbit and get into a challenge, you'll want those extra steps. I'm still 2nd or 3rd at work. Way to go lazy people. I was even beating THEE Ultra-marathoner on the 7 days average as of last night.
Do need to a better job of seeing her point of view in terms of the little things that make her happy.

Pretty much shut everything off short of the GYEROS and all things Wildcats for 6 weeks straight during the postseason run.

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