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My boys like to go number 2 at every public restroom they encounter. Just their thing or whatever. They're like Asian tourists with those things.
The bathrooms at the zoo have little "fun facts" placards by the stalls, many of them animal poop related.
Good stuff.

We wanted to go before school let out for the summer and to avoid weekend crowds. Will grab some Skyline on the way back!
I don't know that there is any way to avoid it, but since schools in Cincinnati (probably everywhere) seemingly stop teaching once standardized testing is over, school groups might be a snag.

The zoo itself is great, but large groups of poorly supervised children tend to be obnoxious.

Touching Sickface Extreme.

I'd like the NFL a lot more, which for me is well below college basketball, college football, even MLB and NBA, if the media would shut the touch up about it in the off season.

NFL Football 24/7 365. You NFL fans are CRAZY!
Is it just me or do BRax's boys sound like real a-holes? No offense, bro.
"Hey- there's a public restroom- let's go shit in it!

"Hey- there's Dad- let's go punch him in the nuts again!"
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On the way home from school one day, my 7-year-old rolled down his window and yelled "MY NAME JEFF" at everyone he saw. His name is not, in fact, Jeff.
On the way home from school one day, my 7-year-old rolled down his window and yelled "MY NAME JEFF" at everyone he saw. His name is not, in fact, Jeff.

I don't get it- what's his angle? I don't agree with B-Rax's kids' actions but I kind of get the public shittin and the nutpunching, but this Jeff madness? WTF?
I don't get it- what's his angle? I don't agree with B-Rax's kids' actions but I kind of get the public shittin and the nutpunching, but this Jeff madness? WTF?
I don't know. We're taking him to therapy for it. Split personality, maybe?
I have 3 girls. My wife & I occasionally teach the Sunday school class for the 5 year old.

Every time we do, I am reminded of the fact that BOYS ARE AWFUL. POINT BLANK PERIOD.

They don't shut up, they make loud noises for no reason, they don't follow directions, and they basically have no respect for Jesus.

Girls ftw.
For anyone who enjoyed the first two Mumford albums, the new one (on spotify today) sounds absolutely zero percent like those. Its not terrible, just not really even the same sound. Whatever I guess.

Stocked up on some new summer gear at Orvis. Couple linen shirts, new trunks (no board shorts, Booker), new loafers... Cancun in two weeks which could get interesting being that i burned after about 40 minutes of yard work over the weekend. Never been to Cancun and I know some arent fans of the all-inclusive resorts, but whatever I am a big fan. This one includes golf and excursions as well so it should be aight.

Heading down to Tuscaloosa this weekend for Mother's Day. Was informed that we are going to something called "Decoration Day" on Sunday. I inquired about WTF that means, and apparently a component of southern lore is to place flowers on the headstones at small cemeteries. I've been around my wifes family for about 7 years now and this had never come up before. My wife and her family used to do this annually at the cemetery on her family's land- but hadnt been in years since her grandfather became ill and never could get out there. Family's land? Apparently somewhere along the way i also never knew about her families (grandparent's and their siblings) "about a thousand acres or so" about 30 minutes north of Tuscaloosa. I dug around a bit more on the internet, and sure enough- there is an old family cemetery out there, complete with a lot of unmarked graves from civil war soldiers. Also supposedly there is a creek with healing powers that runs through the land.

My old neighbor, (probably 80 years old) called the cops monday night around midnight because he saw a "suspicious guy" hanging out in front of my house. He was apparently watching Jimmy Fallon when he saw the guy outside. So he GRABBED A RIFLE (I believe his standard issue rifle from his time in the service, circa 60 years ago) and went outside to tell this other man to move along... turns out it was a guy who was a shift worker at VW and had just got home from work and was taking his dog out for a walk. Police came out and everything.

McDonalds hashbrowns always FTW. I get a couple, cause 1 just aint gonna cut it.
What resort you staying at? I got back a month ago and stayed at Moon Palace. It was very nice.
I have 3 girls. My wife & I occasionally teach the Sunday school class for the 5 year old.

Every time we do, I am reminded of the fact that BOYS ARE AWFUL. POINT BLANK PERIOD.

They don't shut up, they make loud noises for no reason, they don't follow directions, and they basically have no respect for Jesus.

Girls ftw.

HA! Just wait a few years, buddy. We'll see if you feel the same way 13-21. Keep telling yourself that.
Im going to let my boys beat you up one day, chad. You know the end of the lost world when the mom t rex lets her baby eat that guy on the boat? That kind of thing. I'm the mom t rex in this scenario
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"Hey- there's a public restroom- let's go shit in it!

"Hey- there's Dad- let's go punch him in the nuts again!"

I punched my dad in the nuts once. He beat the crap out of me and I never did it again.

Sounds like lousy parenting.
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-Cincy Zoo has a better variety of animals, and more of them. But we prefer Louisville's. Nice layout, not usually as crowded, better parking, etc.

-So have any of you fools actually been to Kentucky Kingdom since it reopened?

-Mike White wouldn't be a sexy hire for Florida, but it's been pretty widely assumed that some SEC school would snap him up at some point. Better than Pel or Grant at this point.
Im going to let my boys beat you up one day, chad. You know the end of the lost world when the mom t rex lets her baby eat that guy on the boat? That kind of thing. I'm the mom t rex in this scenario

You introduced them to the wonderful world of Jean-Claude Van Dam movies yet?
Something in Louisville is better than something in Cincy? Whew, shocker there.

Hope BRax tries to come to the Huge Louisville Zoo thing again, btw...that was awesome.
I haven't met many girls, even the best/sweetest ones, who don't admit they were a supreme CUN* to their parents (mostly mom) during that stretch.

Of course, they are ALL 'best friends' with their moms now, and never quite get over the guilt about how they treated them...and seem intent on making up for it every day for the rest of their lives.
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"Despite never being offered the Tide job according to sources close to the hiring process, Pitino withdrew his name from consideration for the Alabama position while emphasizing that he is 'very happy"'at Minnesota."

Going back to Tennis that Geese was talking about - I feel really confident that I would have finished in the semi's at worst in a GYERO tennis tournament.....

......up until 5 years ago.
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