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Going out to dinner with Mrs. CMD Saturday night. Want somewhere nice and romantic, but someplace we haven't been. What are GYERO's thoughts on Varanese, Bucks, and Rivue?
at some point in your life, youre going to have to get over the fact that you went on the road, into a hostile environment, and people were mean to you.

Is this directed at me or the UK athletics department? The game essentially ended an 80+ year old rivalry. Happened 3 years ago. I am personally over it, but I'd say it's still relevant in the dynamic world of UK sports.
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Have you ever watched a Reds game?
For the first 25 or so years of my life. I recently decided this year to take a break from sports until Kentucky basketball is back on.

EDIT: I guess I should have said from the plate. Bruce is 100x the fielder Dunn is/was
IU fans in general are a WEIRD mix of people. Hoosiers, Northeasterners, Chicago folk and whatever else you want to throw in that cracker box shithole.

Tons of Northeastern assholes who think it's fine to act like the crap you see at NFL games.
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-Reds sold their soul for the run a few years back and blew a 2-0 lead coming home to the Giants. Paid the price for keeping that cast together. If the Pirates and Brewers didn't suck so much they'd be 5 games under right now. Funny thing is they were still always 1 player away from a WS.

-Craziness at work. Balls to the wall. Tried telling you fools to test your air out early and get it maintained. Shewwee.

-What's happened to K-Gar?
Buck's is a perfect date night, imo. Loved that place. Blue Cheese Filet is ridicto, and they have a really cool bourbon bar that you should arrive early for... I'd say give it a shot if you've never been...

Can't go wrong with any of the 3 though, they all fit the bill.
We're taking tomorrow off and taking the little girl to the Cincinnati Zoo.

I've never been. Will it suck for dad? Don't know much about it other than the fact they have small concerts in the evenings, occasionally.

We're taking tomorrow off and taking the little girl to the Cincinnati Zoo.

I've never been. Will it suck for dad? Don't know much about it other than the fact they have small concerts in the evenings, occasionally.

Cincinnati Zoo is pretty dope. Hit up the giraffe deal. Then you walk past that and laugh at the lion just sitting there surrounded by prey and can't do nothing about it, ha ha ha stupid lion.
Apparently I went to the Detroit Zoo when I was a youngen, my parents said I loved it and every picture I have seen of it would back that up. I am sure she will love it.
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Love the Cincy Zoo. We were gonna go Sunday morning, but the weather doesn't look like it is going to cooperate.

Geese, I think you'll enjoy it. How old is the little one now?

She'll turn 1 next week so she's pretty effing amazing right now. All over the place, taking everything in. It's a fun time for mom and dad.
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I'd imagine of you were a species that serves as food for larger animals, being at the zoo may not be that bad.

But being stuck in a small enclosure waiting for some schmuck to dole out your food, must be hell for predators...That glazed look of defeat and hopelessness. Sad really. Like some UK fans these days.
We're taking tomorrow off and taking the little girl to the Cincinnati Zoo.

I've never been. Will it suck for dad? Don't know much about it other than the fact they have small concerts in the evenings, occasionally.


I love the zoo. Maybe a tad hot but otherwise, you'll like it.
Good stuff.

We wanted to go before school let out for the summer and to avoid weekend crowds. Will grab some Skyline on the way back!

- Who on GYERO would win a tennis tournament? Rob? Bet he has dope K-Swiss tennis shoes just made for clay court. Guess he'd have to go w/ that Sampras backhand until his arm heals, tho. RIght?
I have no way of knowing but I can't think of one thing that would be awful about a trip to the zoo with your kid(s).
They have peacocks just walking around like they own the place. Your kid will love chasing those. But she'll never catch it lol.

Now I want to go to the zoo.
Actually the best place to watch your kid try (and fail lol) to catch one of those cocky ass peacocks is by the Skyline there by the main entrance.
I have no way of knowing but I can't think of one thing that would be awful about a trip to the zoo with your kid(s).

1) Crowds
2) In-laws tagging along
3) Your car door gettin dinged by some ahole parked next to you getting his kids outta their car seat.
4) Stuffed animals have been covered

So go during a slow time, don't tell the in-laws until you have already been, park far enough away and just buy the stuffed animal and you should be good.
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