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Janet was no slouch.
Gretzky was the best, but "Moose" was the definitely the most badass.

Coolest of the cool, a stone cold killer, and my favorite hockey player of all-time.
-80's and early-mid 90's, IU was absolutely our biggest rival. Some of y'all may be too young to remember and/or have let uavel fans convince you they're important enough to matter...possibly due to proximity.

^I'd love to say ut, but we didn't hold up our end on the gridiron.
They were our biggest rival only because we didn't play UofL. The moment we began playing in either sport, UofL leapfrogged IU in terms of intensity and hatred.

The IU basketball rivalry maintained a close second for the the duration of Bobby Knight's time even when he began to fade. However, I feel much of that was due to UK fans hating that asshole more than hating the IU basketball program.
We haven’t played in football in 20 years and haven’t played in the regular season in basketball in over 10. We’re dropping them in baseball because we can’t agree on when to play.

Outside of actually playing games against them though, totally our biggest rival.
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The rivalry with IU was alive and well years after Bobby Knight. He may have helped build it, but it still exist without him.

I don’t care if we can’t use the Yum for a neutral site, there is no excuse for us not playing that game as long as it isn’t home/home.
SAE and I were there when we lost to IU in basketball in 2011. It was awful. I hate those guys. But guess what, we won the title that year, meaning it made us stronger. We should play those guys in a home and home because it makes the sport better.
^Agree. You can’t tell me they wouldn’t sell 50k tickets if played in a football arena. OK not playing home and home but no excuse not to play it neutral site.
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Indiana has only themselves to blame. Their gradual descent into irrelevance has made them a meaningless program to any UK fan under 30.

Also, I think it has finally dawned on me that we are looking really f***ed, roster-wise, for next season. Cal bungled the transfer portal about as horribly as possible. I mean, he completely dropped the ball across the board.
Indiana has only themselves to blame. Their gradual descent into irrelevance has made them a meaningless program to any UK fan under 30.

Also, I think it has finally dawned on me that we are looking really f***ed, roster-wise, for next season. Cal bungled the transfer portal about as horribly as possible. I mean, he completely dropped the ball across the board.
Oh sure. The more you look at it, the more you’re like “oh boy”.

It’s a huge pile of “unknown” right now. And not the “unknown pieces” or “unknown with potential”- we literally have no idea what any important part can do in a college game over a college season and into a college tournament. And the fall off could be greater next year.
The "let's not play IU" crowd are cut from the same cloth as those who think it's wise to put UCLA and USC in the Big Ten. Regional rivalries matter. They make the game stronger.
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So let me get this straight.........Tiger, for example, turned down almost $1 billion to join the LIV Tour because of his undying allegiance to the PGA folks, only to find out they eventually merge less than a year after he could have jumped ship.

Dumb ass question, but does that mean his stupid decision just cost him hundreds of millions of dollars?
Indiana has only themselves to blame. Their gradual descent into irrelevance has made them a meaningless program to any UK fan under 30.

Also, I think it has finally dawned on me that we are looking really f***ed, roster-wise, for next season. Cal bungled the transfer portal about as horribly as possible. I mean, he completely dropped the ball across the board.
Lloyd Christmas, "Never even saw it coming..."
So basically Saudi Arabia bought substantial ownership of the PGA and European tour in under a year. Pretty crafty tbh, kinda like when they bought all of Chicagos parking meters several years ago
- I've given Mingione a ton of flack over the past couple of years, but I'm happy to eat crow on this one. As Clark said, he's a good guy and his players do seem to love him. What's really impressive about him is that he knew this was a make-or-break season. But instead of loading up the non-conference schedule with patsies, he leaned into the need to toughen up the OOC for RPI purposes, and worked the portal like a charm to put together the roster he needed. And it paid off. Good for that guy, and for that team.

- Used to get so annoyed as a kid when my parents would hound me about making sure that I knew where everything was that I needed for the next day's practice/game/trip/school day, etc. But doggone it if as a parent, that same question wouldn't solve about 70 percent of my frustration with the kids. Know where your cleats are. Know where your lacrosse stick is. Know where your backpack is. Get ready tonight for tomorrow. Profit.

- Made a pretty perfect blackberry cobbler last night. That pioneer lady sure knows what she's doing, recipe-wise.

- I long ago stopped paying attention to any Apple product announcements. I'm still bumping around with an iPhone 7, for crying out loud.

- Why are we still making kitchen trash bags that don't have a "grip the lid" drawstring? What are we even doing?
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