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NBA completely dropped the ball with the scheduling. They could've already been on Game 3 by now.

US Open in the West is dope. I hope they do the primetime coverage like they did with Tiger at Torrey Pines. That was incredible TV.

Oakmont next year for the US Open. Shinnecock in 3 years. Love the classic tracks.
Joe Buck & Greg Norman vs. Dan Hicks & Johnny Miller.

That comparison isn't that bad. Was never a big Miller fan. What made NBC's crew so great was the rest of the cast- Maltbie, Koch, Jake, Jimmy Roberts, even grew to like Dottie Pepper. Doubt Fax and Flesch will be able to make up for that.
Hicks is the best in the biz...Miller makes it interesting. But yes, NBC's crew as a whole is just outstanding...I've called it the best production (or at least my favorite) in sports for a decade.
NBA completely dropped the ball with the scheduling. They could've already been on Game 3 by now.

At least they're staggering the basketball games and the hockey games on alternating nights.

And Saturday should be a doozy: Belmont then Stanley Cup Game 1, while I'm knocking down multiple Beefeater's & tonic at Blue Mountain Beach on 30A.

Awesome piece on the British journalist who brought down FIFA. This story is so interesting, and this dude is awesome.

God, if anyone with half his guts and ambition would just efffing take on the NCAA -- shew.

Guys like this make me even madder at the rest of the sheep that are embedded in the journalism industry. What a zoo.
Ordered one of those yeti ramblers last night. I'm pretty much an iced coffee only guy so anything that won't turn my unsweetened Starbucks into just more brown caffeinated water seems like a must have. I drink it on the drive and most of the morning, cawood.

First tee ball game of June last night and most of the kids and parents were wearing sweatshirts and this is why we can't compete in the SEC
Things look to be very positive on Murray...coming from the same source that told me about the visit.

This site has really been struggling at basketball coverage. TJ whiffed trying to discredit my post in the Murray thread, and just posted what I thought was an update on Giles and it was just a highlight video. This place has not been out in front on a basketball related story in quite a while. JR kills it, and needs an equal to cover basketball.
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Things look to be very positive on Murray...coming from the same source that told me about the visit.

This site has really been struggling at basketball coverage. TJ whiffed trying to discredit my post in the Murray thread, and just posted what I thought was an update on Giles and it was just a highlight video. This place has not been out in front on a basketball related story in quite a while. JR kills it, and needs an equal to cover basketball.
Going to have to agree here. Seems like no real inside stuff comes from illustrated lately.
Corner of east new circle and Paris pike, so yeah. Enjoy it while it lasts
God, if anyone with half his guts and ambition would just efffing take on the NCAA -- shew.

Guys like this make me even madder at the rest of the sheep that are embedded in the journalism industry. What a zoo.
That dude really seems to be on team NO F**KS as far as causing a stir. He is a journalist... not to be grouped with some of todays suckass weirdos. Hell he's worked on some stories for decades. Not sure when it happened, but journalists who were supposed to expose unethical practices, became the unethical practice.

Dissertation proposal defense tomorrow. Need approval to complete research so I can finish this summer. Just in time to try and get out of education if i can. More interested in the policy side of things- so i've been chit chatting with some lobbyists and other research oriented firms about positions in the near future. I just cant deal with students and parents anymore.

There is a DMB concert in Tuscaloosa tonight so I may just go check it out when i get into town- just so I can post the videos in here. This would probably be the biggest act ever at their amphitheater. They have a nice hillside you can watch from/listen from outside the venue thats pretty nice too.
Dissertation proposal defense tomorrow. Need approval to complete research so I can finish this summer. Just in time to try and get out of education if i can. More interested in the policy side of things- so i've been chit chatting with some lobbyists and other research oriented firms about positions in the near future. I just cant deal with students and parents anymore.

There is a DMB concert in Tuscaloosa tonight so I may just go check it out when i get into town- just so I can post the videos in here. This would probably be the biggest act ever at their amphitheater. They have a nice hillside you can watch from/listen from outside the venue thats pretty nice too.

- Good luck, brother. Can't imagine the pressure that comes with a dissertation. Are students/parents really that awful at the collegiate level?

- I'm HOPING DMB is getting to the point where they just play their best shit instead of featuring their latest. That's what was so cool about Matchbox 20/Goo Goo last year. The facade was gone. They knew why we were there. Hope Dave's the same way.
I'll tell you what, local Facebook is all riled up calling for Lauren Hill to win an ESPY over Jenner.

Makes me consider not even watching the dang awards show if there's gonna be controversy.
This site has really been struggling at basketball coverage. TJ whiffed trying to discredit my post in the Murray thread, and just posted what I thought was an update on Giles and it was just a highlight video.

Yeah, it's suffering. TJ did a nice job of backpedaling on that one, too. :rolls eyes:

Dawson may need to make a move or get more help soon. There should be a plethora of articles coming in prep for the summer AAU circuit, especially with Cal seemingly pulling the trigger a little earlier than normal with the offers.

The content in comparison from football to basketball on this site really is unbelievable. JRow just crushes it and would probably have let my HOB lapse if it wasn't for him.
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I played 5 or 6 rounds last year. Played 9 holes this year. I coach 3 teams and we literally have something every single day. Across 3 kids our schedules are pretty much toast.

Hope to start playing again on Sunday mornings. Seems to be the only down time.
Pretty sure Bilas almost said plantation instead of platoon [laughing]

"plant...umm umm umm uhh platoon system"
I'll tell you what, local Facebook is all riled up calling for Lauren Hill to win an ESPY over Jenner.

Makes me consider not even watching the dang awards show if there's gonna be controversy.
That implies that you were planning on watching in the first place. Shirley you can't be serious.
Buddy of mine (who played for Louisville and has a cannon for an arm) was showing the kids how to throw home from outfield. There was someone blocking our direct line of sight. I was talking to another assistant coach and didn't see Joe throw the ball at all. My wife screamed my name when she saw the ball coming my way. I got my glove up but only saw the last 5 feet of the ball. Hit me in the left temple and knocked me down. Pretty much the scariest thing that's happened to me. An inch or 2 different and it could've been a lot worse. The throw was a frozen rope from about 150 feet.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty hazy but I feel better today.
DMB has new shit. Lordy. Can't imagine how bad that is. I would've figured with today's bustling hipster population, new Dave stuff would be absolutely everywhere.
- George and Amal Clooney home in Augusta. Chick's growing on me. Gorgeous.

- Did Mashburned really just infer DMB is hipster music? You're an idiot.

- Agreed, BBdK. The Wise Guys in Mainstrasse and OTR are two of my favorite bars in the area. Both are terrific.
Looks dope, a little more refined. We have plenty of those...talking pure cheap oversized NY Orange Grease Dripping street slice, Goodfellas pretty much nails it, imo.

While we're at it, to answer Dante's poke -- 'chef driven' as it pertains to Hotel/Corporate funded restaurants is as simple as it sounds -- a restaurant & menu ran & designed by an actual Chef working there, and not some Guy behind a desk 1000 miles away who decides everything but the night's (leftover) specials for the generic line cook to prepare -- which is the case way more than not at Hotel Restaurants, and why most all of them are the same WAY overpriced garbage.
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Great Posnanski article on Steve Cauthen.

What a writer, what a horse, what a race.

I knew that Cauthen was named "Sportsman of Year" by SI, but I don't think I knew that this was in 1977, the year before the Triple Crown.

Cauthen turned 17 that year, he was still in high school and he won 487 races. That broke the New York riding record by almost 200 victories. Frank Deford would write that it was like a Major League rookie hitting 90 home runs.
God, if anyone with half his guts and ambition would just efffing take on the NCAA -- shew.

Guys like this make me even madder at the rest of the sheep that are embedded in the journalism industry. What a zoo.

Granted I don't read a ton of these journalists writings for follow any of them but Dan Kane has been through some shit staying on UNC's ass. I honestly can see him spending the rest of his days going after the NCAA if UNC gets a slap on the wrist.
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