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Like I said yesterday, Dany's double, Rosie Mac FTW...


Her Instagram
This FIFA stuff is pretty awesome to follow from just about every angle. But I think a lot of people are missing the big story that this guy:




was basically the US king of soccer. I can't decide if I feel like we should have been better at soccer with him in charge, or if maybe his being in charge explains why the US underperforms... o_O
I want to hang out with that guy and UCL's lovable Auburn casino magnate, whatever his name is.
Ari is easily the best character on Entourage, never said Drama was the best character...just to expect his one liners in the movie. Never seen a single episode of The League.
From the rail out:

Mubtaahij 10/1
Tale Of Verve 15/1
Madefromlucky 12/1
Frammento 30/1
American Pharoah 3/5
Frosted 5/1
Keen Ice 20/1
Materiality 6/1
You suck at this. Never heard of it. Besides, I cut my cable after that damn Wisconsin game that I can't quit remembering. Y'all remember that game. It was awful.
- Attended the Governor's Cup golf scramble in 06 at the University Club in Lex back in 06. Got to play in the scramble and attend the luncheon.

Coach Brooks and Petrino wouldn't get 15 feet from one another and the same could be said for Jurich and Barnhart. You could feel the tension.

Was interesting.

- There's no doubt we should have been better offensively by trying to create more possssions but it's not as easy as saying.. Towns needs to be on the perimeter more. He was our best low post scorer and then if you move him out you're taking minutes or outside shots away from Booker, Ullis, and the twins. It's easy to point things out after the fact. Also, buyer beware of how much stock you place in workout videos.

My beef is this team should've played more up tempo by pressing to create more possessions but then again our main strength was halfcourt D. Catch 22.

Look, we shat the touching bed the last few minutes of the game. Execution. Plain and simple and if we advance we roll Duke based on the matchup.

- This weather is garbage. Need some heat.

- Not a fan of NYC pizza and I don't care about it's artistic Neopoltitan style.

- What a Finals matchup. Rooting for LeBron.

- Next year...We somehow get the #1 or #2 seed in the Louisville Region.. Bam. We ain't losing at YUM and then if we get to the Final Four.. Anyone's game next season.
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Hardcore NYC pizza isn't about "artistic Neapolitan style" you college hamburger. The fancy places are, sure, but not the everyday man's slice. Have you ever even had NYC pizza? I'm at 43 places and counting as a tourist (yes, I have them written down, of course), and with *very* few exceptions (Keste, Motorino, Co. & a few others), "artistic Neapolitan style" certainly doesn't describe what I've experienced...

...mostly just great ass & superior Pizza.

Stick with Handball & pizza casserole.

-Best part about this weather is Anth & Richie wearing windbreakers. Love it.

-Not sure who I'm for. Steph is my favorite player, just like DJ is my favorite golfer, so while I guess I say I'm rooting for the Warriors, I'll also be subconsciously rooting for Tiger, err LeBron, I'm pretty sure. I'll be happy either way, just want to see a great series. It's going to be a great story either way, and that cannot be disputed.

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- There's no doubt we should have been better offensively by trying to create more possssions but it's not as easy as saying.. Towns needs to be on the perimeter more. He was our best low post scorer and then if you move him out you're taking minutes or outside shots away from Booker, Ullis, and the twins. It's easy to point things out after the fact. Also, buyer beware of how much stock you place in workout videos.

And Towns BECAME our best low post scorer. He wasn't as dominate of a low post player at the beginning of the season as he was at the end. This is what separated him and Okafor early on. The improvement he made in his low post game is the reason he passed Okafor and the main reason he's being considered at 1 Without it, this doesn't happen. And let's be honest, shooting three's is nice and all, but a 7 footer who can't score from the post(unless you're Dirk) isn't worth AF. Cal did right by Towns developing his low post above other parts of his game. It's the foundation of any big man's game and had to be developed. Cal would have done the kid a disservice had he done otherwise.
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^ I actually agree with that. Towns went BEAST down low. Everyone who scouts ALREADY KNEW he had a silky jumper, but questioned if he had anything down low/physical wise.

People forget, he was a 'finesse' player coming in. Many even doubted he would be able to contribute right away for those very reasons. After the All Star circuit, people were so down (and wrong) on Towns for that very reason it was hilarious. By the end of the year, he was a more AUTOMATIC 2pts in the post than even Okafor was, TS. AUTO

Shit, the kid was rated as low or lower than TENTH (10th) coming into last year by multiple services. [eyeroll]
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My biggest complaint about Towns usage was that he didn't get the opportunity to shoot that foul line jumper enough. He would've destroyed from there, and opened up the floor in the process.
-Agree with Chad. The game we lost wasn't due to us not allowing Towns out of the paint.

-Biggest issue with pregnancy is all the support people(Docs, midwives, trainers for these classes, nurses) saying BABY. For instance -> "Baby is just happy. Baby is just moving. Baby will be just fine." :mad: Hey you weird c*nt just say -> "YOUR baby or THE baby." Easily the worst thing. Reminds of a few years ago when everyone was saying, "He/she's good people. Joe is good people." :chairshot:

-Goodfellas is the best pizza in lex. Very solid.

-Are Yeti's popular in GYERO yet? Let me know when we need to get ours. Guess we should at least wait until the UK version comes out.
So after driving an extra 90 minutes to experience the glory of the Appalachicola oyster. I have mixed reviews.

Was fired up all day to try Boss Oyster. Actually made it down here in under 11 hours. Upon checking in my hotel chatted up with the clerk. Asked her what she thought of the best local oysters.

She said Boss had gone way downhill, that she had heard many complaints, and that they were even importing their oysters obviously a concerning statement.

The place she recommended was Papa Joe's, not very far from Boss. So being a scientist with a curious mind, of course I had to try both.

Papa Joe's were the best oysters I've ever had in my life. Big, meaty, salty. Service was great. Doesn't overlook the water, but the place to go if you're serious about oysters.

Boss has a great setup, nice back porch. Service was slow, oysters were subpar. Nothing like ones from Papa joe...kind of what you'd get in kentucky. Even tried some of their chargrilled...drago's is laughing all the way from Nola.

So next time you're in Appalachicola, I'd recommend papa Joe's.

4am fishing will be here soon. Come on monster bass.
Good morning gentlemen. The temperature is 71 degrees in Wewahitchka, FL. Gettin ready to launch.
So after driving an extra 90 minutes to experience the glory of the Appalachicola oyster. I have mixed reviews.

Was fired up all day to try Boss Oyster. Actually made it down here in under 11 hours. Upon checking in my hotel chatted up with the clerk. Asked her what she thought of the best local oysters.

She said Boss had gone way downhill, that she had heard many complaints, and that they were even importing their oysters obviously a concerning statement.

The place she recommended was Papa Joe's, not very far from Boss. So being a scientist with a curious mind, of course I had to try both.

Papa Joe's were the best oysters I've ever had in my life. Big, meaty, salty. Service was great. Doesn't overlook the water, but the place to go if you're serious about oysters.

Boss has a great setup, nice back porch. Service was slow, oysters were subpar. Nothing like ones from Papa joe...kind of what you'd get in kentucky. Even tried some of their chargrilled...drago's is laughing all the way from Nola.

So next time you're in Appalachicola, I'd recommend papa Joe's.

4am fishing will be here soon. Come on monster bass.

Say oyster one more time, MFer.:boxing:
You guys think bob is bad now, just wait till this thing grows 5 more pages.

Whole page of him (and to be fair probably Huber too) posting this: [smoke]
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