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We all knew he could stand there and shoot flat footed 3s from HS videos, but his explosion, handles, moves's pretty incredible to watch. He looks like an NBA 3 man out there.

Yes, it's just a workout in an open gym, but shew. What a beast.
I've had Goodfellas a few time and haven't liked it. I think it's too salty.

So far, for me, "NY cheap" = "KY refined." I probably averaged six slices a week for the last 5 years I was up there and now miss it every goddamn day.

Strong's serves a pizza with crushed Grippo's. It's not too refined - just pricey.
No need to argue that nothing can match NYC pizza, at least not to me.

Grippos are one of the Top 5 most overrated food items on this planet, btw. Enjoy your bbq chip pizza tho. Sounds like something krazykats would post about.
Pizza places like Strong's are a dime a dozen these days.
I've had Goodfellas a few times and haven't liked it. I think it's too salty.


- KAT actually looks in shape and a lot bouncier than the regular season, no doubt. Good for him. Holsopple still running things over at UK? Feel like there's a Za'William Sensitive post about the current state of affairs in the basketball conditioning department due out soon.

Again -- sky is the limit for that kid and despite his # 1 overall draft status --- I still think he's being slept on a bit as a 100% lock cornerstone/All-Star type guy. He's that skilled and that good of a kid not to put it all together and eat. Call me crazy but he's got Duncan level upside. Too bad he's going to be stuck in Minny starting out.
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In every respect other than not calling too many timeouts, Cal is extremely conservative.

Still hard to fathom the fact that with all the talent at his disposal, we were 251st in adjusted tempo this year. No excuse for that at all.
The Twolves are gonna take Okafor.

Ive been pretty easy on the ol twitter machine lately, but June 25th has unquestionable potential...
In every respect other than not calling too many timeouts, Cal is extremely conservative.

I can't really agree with this strong of statement. Dude lets freshmen play through their mistakes more than any coach I can recall. That goes directly against being "extremely conservative."
I've had Goodfellas a few time and haven't liked it. I think it's too salty.

So far, for me, "NY cheap" = "KY refined.".

Absolutely HATE the pizza that place produces. I guess I not a big fan of a pizza with as much grease as it does bread. EVERY TIME I eat at that place I get horrible heartburn and the flaming sharts from either the disgusting pizza or the high school kids who make it probably not washing their hands. I guess I am kind of a high brow when it comes to pizza. Nobody makes a pie like the Royal Feast from Sir Pizza.
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Don't watch the Willie Cauley-Stein video either if the KAT one makes you grumble. It should be titled "Shit, I didn't know he could do that" because for about 5 solid minutes that is all that is said by everyone except his former teammates. They're all "Yeah, he can do so much more that he was asked to do".

It doesn't bother me that Cal wasn't letting WCS and Towns jack 17-footers. It DOES bother me that he wasn't letting Aaron, Ulis and Booker take 3s against one of the worst three-defending teams in the country.[eyeroll]
Terence Jones had the green light to take one or two a game I'm not sure why Towns couldn't have got that.
Can we not talk about how unreal Towns looks without rehashing the touching season or Wisky game for the 80th time? [eyeroll]

Go watch the Notre Dame game again...he kept us IN the game by staying down low. I would have like to have seen more, too...but not showing off his perimeter skills wasn't what got us beat. Christ.

Get over it, Towns is in the NBA now.
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Maybe "micromanager" is a better word than "conservative." Taking the air out of the ball too soon, not taking enough threes against a team that was terrible at defending threes, hooting & hollering like a madman on every possession, refusing to run, etc.
Can we not talk about how unreal Towns looks without rehashing the touching season or Wisky game for the 80th time? [eyeroll]
Pretty crazy to think that in a few years it's likely that the top 3 big men in basketball have come through UK. AD and Cousins have sure made their case and I can see Towns going for 25/12 sooner rather than later.
Somewhere in Georgia, jamming out to DMB. Bout to get some munchies.

Boss Oyster tonight, hope it lives up to expectations.

Thought Bilas did well today. Especially enjoyed his vacation jabs.
- Saw the Entourage movie last night. It's exactly what you'd expect it to be. If you go into it with zero expectations other than a few Drama one liners and Ari flipping out, then it's a decent flick.

- There is no point in discussing Harry Giles and UK. It's not happening. It's Duke...with Wake Forest having an outside shot.

- I'd be shocked if Murray isn't at UK next season.

- Hearing two different things on the UNC-front. Looks like they're going to release the NOA tomorrow.

- Dani > Margaery > everyone else.
UNC guys are trying to put a positive spin on it, and my main UNC guy feels pretty confident...that said, he thinks there will be some type of punishment for men's bball, but nothing severe.
Here is what the man behind the curtain for NCSU thinks:

There is a rhyme to what Roy and Fedora are saying -- and it is to the marching orders of the PTB.
And therein is one of the very reasons that the NOA has been delayed thus far: there are a LOT of people that unc is contacting, with regards to the talking points they should say in the very near future (once the media starts reaching out to them).
And who is "them"? That would be all the people who are named in the NOA (athletes and otherwise).
Again, a big reason this is taking so long on unc's part: they want to try and reach those people (and inveigle and/or strong-arm) before the media does.
The COI will be tuning in to the "public response" once the news of the NOA hits -- and you can bet that unc will try and get its "accused" all on the same page to try and counter what the media rolls out. That's the work of the good ol' PR firm.
There's a problem, though.
unc may have thought they were using many of these athletes, but in the end... the opposite may prove to be true.
Let's be real...this is the very definition of "lack of institutional control"...anything else is a complete farce. I know my NCSU guys believe the hammer is going to drop, but I'm not nearly as confident as I once was that something big is going to happen.

Not surprisingly, it'll probably be somewhere in the middle.
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