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Anybody in here ever done a warrior dash?
The idea is being thrown around the office for team building.:rolleyes: I'm curious if one of the fatties will hurt themselves.

I ran the Warrior Dash the last time it was in Lexington. It was a torrential downpour the day before the race so the dirt turned to mud which made it almost impossible to run through without losing your shoes (which I did, lost both). The course is moderately challenging if you have a high BMI. Some people werent getting over the obstacles. The water station ran out of water after the first few hours so everyone had to settle for taking a bath in a nearby shit invested pond. Youtube it if you want a better idea.

Also paid $70 to do and done for me and warrior dash.
Jones showing off his WWE skills today, hope Comer and Heiner go at it.

Kudos Mags, this is fun.
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-I was driving down 7th Street in Lexington the other day and saw a dude sitting on his porch that looked EXACTLY like Anth's drunk Mexican photo. I should have snapped a photo of him.

-So we all got Fitbits at work for a challenge we are doing here in the next month. I am in 2nd place at 7 months pregnant. Get moving, kids.

-Those stink bugs have been in the house for a few weeks. Sucks that they were crawling on Anth in the middle of the night. Ick. I'm just surprised the cats haven't killed them and stunk up the whole house. My cats are not attack cats, that's for sure.

-Bahamas in 2016? Yes please. Start saving now, kids. But it will be a shorter trip, so hopefully not as expensive.
This governor debate is gold. Heiner getting absolutely shelled by all 3 other candidates.

"You are the Christian Laettner of Ky politics."
Listened to KSR for the debate today. Jones did an excellent job as moderator. Posed solid questions and let them address each other instead of sticking to the canned answers they've been giving for two months now. That was good radio.
This governor debate is gold. Heiner getting absolutely shelled by all 3 other candidates.

"You are the Christian Laettner of Ky politics."

That's because he's the front runner. He also gave the most bland answers. Just trying not to Fk up. The others, at least Bevin and Comer, are looking to make a move so they were much more bold. It came off like the Heiner camp sees Bevin as a viable threat.
I was pretty unbiased going into the debate.

Feel like Heiner did not do well at all. Sure they all ganged up on him, but sounds like he knew his campaign was behind the smear on Comer. Just seems like typical Louisville garbage.

Think Beavin came off well spoken. Comer fired back well. Scott was very even keeled.
Smashing Pumpkins playing Riverbend in August. Tempted, just not really thrilled they are with Marilyn Manson...that kind of weirds up the crowd.
Think i will have to go check that one out myself. Saturday night as well, so a good night.
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And this is almost impossible. We're all we can hope for is for him to keep hitting like the Votto of old.
I am a Votto fan, but I am a Reds fan first. Votto was the MVP the last full season he played, but I dont see the MVP out there anymore. He would make a good piece for a team that is going to make a run.
-Tried Evlution pre-workout today for the first time and liked it nice and clean feeling.

-Looking for some recs on in-ear buds for workouts. The gf has trouble keeping them in her ears "small ear holes" apparently. Good news is she's starting to workout with me again at the house. Not that she needs it at all now, but you know, one day.

-also looking to buy a used Jeep just for fun to drive around in. They are a blast to drive here. No top, Bimini top, bare floors, who cares if it gets rain inside it, etc. This will happen soon, BOAT to follow.

-Likely done with GAMBOL till college starts back up. Up around $700 for the year(thanks 6 team parlay!) and not gonna waste that on baseball or soccer.

-House renovation is >-< close to finished. Thought it was going to be the end of us about two weeks ago. Thank God it's almost over.

-Nothing like getting some sun poolside for a few hours before you go to work to make you, you know, not want to go to work. But money has been great so can't complain I guess.

-Almost forgot, finally enjoying the Cubs again. Nice young team, fun to watch and playing pretty decently too.
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^(Laughing emoticon)

- Good luck finding a good cheap Jeep. They hold their value well.
Are you planning on pulling said BOAT with this Jeep? Just be sure you know what it's capable of towing.
Actually there are plenty for under $7K. It's just that I'm being picky because I don't NEED one, just want something to play with. CJ version, with bigger tires already on, inside torn out to the frame, etc AND I'd rather not have to drive to the mainland for it but that is likely to happen.
Would've bought this today but it sold already.
Keep us updated on our Jeep purchase! And what size your girlfriend's ears are. Shew, big news day in GYERO with that bombshell

Finally, what other leisure activities do enjoy more than actually working? I mean, laying on your back in the warm Sun was a shocker so I'm anxiously waiting for the rest of the list.
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No one else is posting anything of note so who cares if he dropped some randoms, you ornery bitches.
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Do these people have a real shot at winning a lawsuit against Manny Pacquiao? Seems like a reach.

Votto is in Cinci for the long haul, looking back they should have kept Alonso and traded Votto while he was at his peak and affordable.

If your enjoying the Cubs of late your probably a STL fan.
If it CAN pull the boat, sure. If not I have other vehicles that can. Like I said Jeep will just be a toy.

Other activities I enjoy more than working Transy;

Sports (playing or watching)
Good tv series
Hanging out with friends and family
A good tug job
Joe Rogan Podcasts
Paddle boarding

-Tried Evlution pre-workout today for the first time and liked it nice and clean feeling.

I'm a fan. It doesn't have as much NO as something like Jac3d where you think your skin might peel off. The focus factor with it is impressive. Almost feels like I ate 90 mgs of Adderall without the whole chain-smoking a pack of cigs and grinding down my molars.
Since I'm back down in Jax, trying to get used to seeing more bugs and ants. We adopted a used cat and he's cool and all but that little ****** ate something last week and spray-farted bloody shit all over the house.

I'm kinda thinking the occasional bug on my face is still better than dealing with that for 3 days.
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Will this finally be the year Tubby runs...errr...Cal goes DDMO?
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