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Votto is in Cinci for the long haul, looking back they should have kept Alonso and traded Votto while he was at his peak and affordable.

The Reds definitely haven't gotten their money's worth on Votto with all of the injuries the past few years. But why in the hell should they have kept Alonso?

Votto's injury riddled numbers have still blown Alonso out of the water.

This is his 6th season and his career bests are 9 HR and 62 RBI. If you are one of those people who don't like Votto getting on base a lot, Alonso definitely gets on less… so he has that going for him.
With Mesoraco being hurt and probably not able to catch the rest of the year I fully expect Jockertty to bring Tom Pagnozzi out of retirement.
Anyone else notice how ornery Chad has been lately? Turbo ornery. Down right cranky at times.
Willy, decided to take your photoshop concept for Commonwealth and create one of my own, i suck at photoshop so i did it on excel though.

I think if they do the checkerboard, they will extend it up the sidelines, a la memorial's court. I also had the different green shades every 10 yards instead of 5 cause i think that is what they are looking at.

Quite simply one of the greatest goals in soccer history. One of the greatest players ever, on one of the biggest stages, against 2 of the best defensive players in the game. As the announcer said, ASTONISHING.

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Chad gonna be Chad.

Played tennis last night, fun little bit of exercise.

Destin in less than 2 weeks;)
Willy, I'm actually a fan of Votto but I'm not a fan of those contracts unless a guy has his stat line in their early 20's and your almost done paying him at the end of his peak years. Paying for what a player did in the past irritates me, and Id prefer teams like Cinci leave that to the Yankees.

Alonso is hitting .330 this year and has hit .270 on avg in SD, but his HRs are a lot lower which probably would increase in GABP.

What would absolutely change is Cueto would already be signed, and if the Reds could have got Latos without Alonso then Latos would still be here, and who knows what Jockerty could have gotten in a trade for Votto.

I don't pretend that prospects is the only way to go, but Jockerty only thinks about the MLB team and usually leaves the farm pretty bare. Add that to having too much money tied into Votto, BP, Bruce and Bailey and the Reds are financially unable to do much more to compete.

So Alonso production at his salary vs. Votto at his salary puts the Reds in a better position IMHO.
Really cool piece on Mulder from his hometown Windsor paper. Like that he's already 21. He's mature and doesn't seem like the usual JUCO who goes there because of personal and maturity issues. Plus, like the 6'10" wingspan.

This team is going to be the most like Cal's old Memphis squads since he got here.
Pretty unusual combo as well...'freak athlete' and 'pure shooter' aren't often together in the same package. I'm pumped about this kid.

Also saw it mentioned somewhere (and agreed with) that if we'd picked up Matthews (former 5*, Jordan Brand AA) in the past few weeks, instead of a year ago, the buzz around him would be significant...and instead, he's basically invisible.
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For anyone who enjoyed the first two Mumford albums, the new one (on spotify today) sounds absolutely zero percent like those. Its not terrible, just not really even the same sound. Whatever I guess.

Stocked up on some new summer gear at Orvis. Couple linen shirts, new trunks (no board shorts, Booker), new loafers... Cancun in two weeks which could get interesting being that i burned after about 40 minutes of yard work over the weekend. Never been to Cancun and I know some arent fans of the all-inclusive resorts, but whatever I am a big fan. This one includes golf and excursions as well so it should be aight.

Heading down to Tuscaloosa this weekend for Mother's Day. Was informed that we are going to something called "Decoration Day" on Sunday. I inquired about WTF that means, and apparently a component of southern lore is to place flowers on the headstones at small cemeteries. I've been around my wifes family for about 7 years now and this had never come up before. My wife and her family used to do this annually at the cemetery on her family's land- but hadnt been in years since her grandfather became ill and never could get out there. Family's land? Apparently somewhere along the way i also never knew about her families (grandparent's and their siblings) "about a thousand acres or so" about 30 minutes north of Tuscaloosa. I dug around a bit more on the internet, and sure enough- there is an old family cemetery out there, complete with a lot of unmarked graves from civil war soldiers. Also supposedly there is a creek with healing powers that runs through the land.

My old neighbor, (probably 80 years old) called the cops monday night around midnight because he saw a "suspicious guy" hanging out in front of my house. He was apparently watching Jimmy Fallon when he saw the guy outside. So he GRABBED A RIFLE (I believe his standard issue rifle from his time in the service, circa 60 years ago) and went outside to tell this other man to move along... turns out it was a guy who was a shift worker at VW and had just got home from work and was taking his dog out for a walk. Police came out and everything.

McDonalds hashbrowns always FTW. I get a couple, cause 1 just aint gonna cut it.
Decoration Day is the old name for Memorial Day. All the families I grew up around decorated all their loved ones' graves, not just those who were in the military. Lots of families can't get together on the actual holiday, so they do it plus or minus a few weekends.
My old neighbor, (probably 80 years old) called the cops monday night around midnight because he saw a "suspicious guy" hanging out in front of my house. He was apparently watching Jimmy Fallon when he saw the guy outside. So he GRABBED A RIFLE (I believe his standard issue rifle from his time in the service, circa 60 years ago) and went outside to tell this other man to move along... turns out it was a guy who was a shift worker at VW and had just got home from work and was taking his dog out for a walk. Police came out and everything.

You live next to Clint Eastwood? GET OFF MY LAWN

Cancun was awesome. Wish I would have made it to one of the outdoor/adventure parks.
* KGAR, nice work.

* krazy, being a small market team, the Reds probably shouldn't sign anyone to a contract like Votto's. But the Bruce and Homer contracts are the terrible ones, IMO. I'm ok with Phillips' contract, it is not too outrageous.

I don't like Votto's contract, but I don't understand why people say "F him" and dump him now when he is playing at MVP level again.

Alonso is simply a below average major league 1B. I realize he hit for a good average the first month of this season. But he has done next to nothing in his first 5 seasons.

The only time the Reds should spend Yankees/Red Sox/Dodgers money on a player is an ace pitcher. And now they can't afford to keep their own.

Speaking of Votto, I probably shouldn't have shown him Chad's comments. He was pissed off last night. I haven't checked yet this morning, any word on a possible suspension for bumping the ump?

* My wife has invited her whole family over for Mother's Day. Looks like I'll get to play on the smoker some more.

* My Ohio University cheerleading neighbor is back in town. Saw her jogging yesterday morning and last night. I want to touch her heiny.

* The lack of attention Matthews is getting is truly baffling.
The Reds owe Joey Votto at least $200 million over the next 8 seasons. :eek:

When your guy is playing MVP-caliber ball, and still has little to no trade KNOW you've f'd up. I don't say "eff him" at all. I say "eff Jockerty." What a buffoon. We owe Joey Votto money until 2022. Bwwahaoaaoghagha.

The only two ways the Reds get out from underneat this:

a> give him up for absolutely nothing. like, a ptbnl nothing (and im not sure anyone would even take that)
b> pay a huge chunk of his salary, and pick up prospects

That's bad news. Really bad news. Throw Bailey's albatross in the mix, and.....ugh.
As much s*** as I give Jay Bruce, his contract extension was pretty team-friendly at the time, and I honestly thought he'd have a comeback season in 2015. Unfortunately, I was very, very wrong. That bozo is hitting a buck-80. Jesus.
Your starting $12m RF can't hit .176, following up a .217 season. That's just embarrassingly bad.
Dont have much use for a left that cant hit their weight. GABP should do wonders for Jay, but he continues to kill us
- How is Dupree rocking #48? That's illegal.

- Bwahahahaha- Isiah Thomas back...and running a WNBA team???? A guy who got in trouble for sexual harassment now running a WNBA team? That dude's resume is a hoot.

- So, Golf Fan- how much do you love The Players Championship? Must-watch TV all four days?

- I want to root for the Clippers- woeful team traditionally finally enjoying success, rocking some the snazziest classic jerseys in the league, fun to watch- BUT Chris Paul and Blake Griffin are such douchebags that I can't bring myself to do it. Boogie hates ya, I hate ya.

- I'm already hating myself for going to see the Entourage movie here in a few weeks.

- Jay Bruce- what the hell does that dude do in the offseason? Hasn't improved since he got to the bigs. In fact, he's gotten worse. #1 prospect in beisbol at one point.
Bruce will have 2 weeks of the season where he is the best hitter in MLB, and the whole rest of the season he looks like the worst.

MFer didn't even have his typical 3-week hot streak last year.
Bruce just turned 28, too. These last couple of years should have been his peak.....and of course it's been the opposite.

Worst Reds contracts:

1> bailey // they paid him like an ace when he's maybe a 3. very puzzling. id take leake over him, straight up. all, air, etc. made no sense.

2> votto. he's an all-time favorite for me, but damn. you just can't pay a guy > $20 million into his 40s. wtf was jockerty thinking??? 100% lock this would be a disaster. and we're only like 1 year into it. ha.

3> phillips. i really like phillips as well, but he's been declining for years. he peaked 5 years ago, and even then was just a very good player. always a little overrated. didn't make enough use of his speed.

4> bruce. again, no issues here. at the time he was a fairly consistent (albeit strikeout-prone) outfielder with a lot of power and a great glove/arm. that's worth $12 mill/year. nobody could have predicted this dropoff.
Don't forget that option the Reds have for the 2023 season when Gotto will be 41, for 25.2M.

Deal was a no go until Jokerty came up with that little twist.
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Bruce is only 28, so he still has a lot left in the tank if he can get back to .250/25/90. IF.
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