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How about a Gilligan hat?

I always thought Ron Mercer would do the things Booker is doing now. Love how he comes off those little curls for a 15 footer.

And Chris Paul is putting on an old school point guard clinic.

The Suns don’t really play that 100% modern basketball and I like that.
Don’t see how any of you watch these Finals games. Neither team has run a weave and they pass and shoot too fast. You’d think they’d also get tired of running around and setting picks instead of just standing around. Luckily they get open shots or they probably wouldn’t even score 70 points.
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Random quickies..

* Anyone who lights off generous amounts of fireworks on July 5 or after past 9:30 pm deserves to be deported to Alcatraz for 2 weeks.

* Buzz words or phrases drive me nuts. 10 years ago it was.. “ I KNOW, RIGHT.”

7 years ago I noticed people beginning sentences with long and drawn out “SOOOOOOOOOOO………”

Now, and this is becoming nails on a chalkboard for me, is when these millennials respond to a question immediately with…


When did this become a thing? I’ve noticed this being used ad nauseam non stop recently and it’s driving me insane. Some things are what they are and are implied whole and don’t require some numerical justification.


Good grief. Nauseating.
Made it thru Elsa overnight. Still have power and no water came into our rental so that’s good. Haven’t made it down to construction site of house yet so keep your 🤞🏼🤞🏼. Going to bed with hurricane/wind insurance gave me a piece of mind though, CAN NOT imagine those who choose to “risk it” or can’t afford it.

This is my first tropical storm/hurricane I’ve been in. Was visiting Lex when Irma destroyed my apt in St John. My buddy was staying at my place and said it was most terrifying thing ever. Sent a goodbye text to his mom that he eventually learned didn’t even go through. St John is approx 15 mi x 5mi island and I read somewhere Irma was size of Indiana and set on top of it for 9 hours or so.
I thought the preferred term was simply “keeping it 100,” with the percent simply assumed or inferred but not specifically expressed.

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- Saw what appeared to be a brand new Mitsubishi on the road today. Had no idea they still made cars. Who would decide on a Mitsubishi anyway? Anyone brand loyal when it comes to automobiles? I know White Wayne, you’re partial to BMW.

- So Suter is off to St. Louis? Seems there are two great buddy migrations - right out of college and at the beginning of family life. Women are so much better at staying in touch but men are less affected by long periods of no communication. We snap right back when we get together. Women tend to lose intimacy with a lack of staying in touch. JMO

- To me, the bar is so low for these female sports broadcasting gigs. Is Taylor good? I mean, I guess she’s fine. Same with Nichols. I don’t think either bring anything unique. I can’t think of a female sportswriter or broadcaster whose opinion I care about at all. Oh well - I barely watch ESPN anymore because of how watered down the conversation has become. Can’t wait for Gameday.

- Was Nichols wrong? I guess but it was a private conversation where she was venting about losing a job. Those conversations are always ripe with bullshit and victimhood.

What I’m getting at is I just don’t give a shit.

- Popped for some UK plates for the new ride and now instead of the dope metal ones, I got some cheap, knock-off looking new edition. Thanks, Beshear.

- Cockburn and Tschibwe CANNOT play together. That’s that. They’re redundant and neither are playmakers in the least. They’re beneficial only if both can play 20 minutes, and rarely together.

- I spend the bulk of my free time these days trying to make a 10-month-old laugh. That said she does have a terrific and infectious laugh.

- Need a new pair of slippers- what’s the best leather slipper? LL Bean?
* Soooooooo...............

......Fernando Tatis Jr just out Tom Chambers'd gravity and Sir Isaac Newton himself.

What in the actual F happened here?

* My older brother lives in Phoenix, and his ride or die is the team doctor for the Dodgers and he said Devin Booker is definitely keeping it :100points: this postseason, and has become a great player.

* Top 5 athletes that currently got me caught in their thirst trap:

1> Emma Coburn
2> Sydney McLaughlin
3> McKayla Maroney
4> Candice Burt
5> Amelia Boone

* Chris Paul dominated the game last night, knocking down timely 3s, scoring 27, controlling the tempo, and putting on a clinic, and I was like "YASSSSSSSS QUEEN. Slay, Point God, SLAY."

* Was shouting out to my Cincinnati Reds fam when they took an early lead last night, but the bullpen is downright ratchet and blew it. Tough loss.

* Trying to plan a date night with my bae, and all she wants to do is go see the new superhero movie and get dinner afterwards. She basic. FULL STOP.

* Sha'Carri Richardson completely out of the Tokyo Olympics over her positive marijuana test. Ok, boomer.

* Illinois fans are throwing all kinds of shade at John Calipari and the Cats, but maybe they should worry about they own team, and stay in they own lane.
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Maria Taylor turning down $5mm/yr bc she wants $8mm has to be one the most stupid and lack of awareness decisions I’ve ever seen. And I would say that about any ESPN employee making the same decision.
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I've come around on Maria Taylor after thinking about it. She's a stone cold killer.

Maria's People: "We Want $8M"
ESPN: "We offered you $5, you said 'no', now that's not even on the table"
Maria's People: "Oh yeah" * releases tape that ruins Nichols's career & makes not giving her the money a racial issue
ESPN: "Wait, what?"
Maria's People: "Oh, and don't even think about having that Rachel Nichols honk on any of Maria's shows."

That's master level negotiations in my opinion.
- Need to start my re-watch of "Barry".

- Doubles tennis is much more fun than singles.

- Ended up canceling a trip to Glacier NP due to the overcrowding. Was really looking forward to it but it honestly didn't make much sense right now (insanely expensive rooms and rental cars) and I really don't want to spend that kind of trip just being frustrated at crowds.

- @wcc31 Along those lines, I saw where the Mitsubishi Eclipse is now a SUV and not the 3rd most popular chick car in the mid 90's (just behind the then updated versions of the VW Beetle and the Mercury Cougar). Strange times indeed.
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I think ESPN even lowered their counteroffer to Taylor.

The text chain means no distance between friends. The idiocy continues.

You can argue the rules are antiquated but she knew the rules and still did it and got caught, EOS.
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- It's Doris Burke, and that's it.*

*I'm referring to Chad's question about insightful female sportscasters. Not referring to PTI's list of thirst traps.

- The Cockburn situation is exactly what I referred to a few months back when CBB became the Wild West with the portal. There were gonna be situations when you had to decide between taking a solid player now vs. waiting and running the risk of a better player being available later. Taking Oscar (who I think is a fine player) at the time was the right move. But as Chad (and many others) have pointed can't play them together. And even adding Duren is a threat to what appears to be some solid early chemistry amidst a pretty stocked stable of capable bigs. I know it's nearly impossible to say no to either of those talents, but's dicey.

- @ukalum01 We just got back from Glacier. Didn't have any issue with crowds at all. Having said that, we were there just before they opened the road the whole way through, so maybe it's different now. Stayed at an Air BNB in Whitefish. Had already booked our rental car several months before, but I definitely didn't experience anything that would give me pause in going back right away. The only time we ran into "crowds" were when there were bison/elk/bears in the road, and even those (the crowds, not the animals) dissipated pretty quickly.

- Needing to get a new vehicle now that the oldest is about to need one of her own. Had my sights set on a truck, but just can't justify those prices with a few college tuitions (and more vacations) coming down the pike. Regarding brand "loyalty", with me it's less that there are certain brands I stick to, and moreso that there are certain brands I stay away from. But it looks like a moderately-priced sedan for Dad.
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-played 3 hrs of dubs last night, as well as Saturday and Sunday. Tournament starts Friday. More volleys/strategy involved in you can get a nice 2.5-3hr workout in and not be dead the next day. Also it's social and whatever.

-man, I just wanna get scores/highlights and stuff...unless you are sports illiterate 90% of "analysis" is unmitigated bullshit.
ESPN absolutely buried Kenny Mayne, ran off Keith Olbermann, and ruined Craig Kilborn, but Neil Everett has been the #1 anchor on Sportscenter for 15 years, and Mike Jewberg at one point was the highest paid personality in the history of the company. They put Tony Kornheiser in the MNF booth despite the fact he openly hates travel and goes to bed at 8pm, and hired Rush Limbaugh as an analyst only to fire him for......having a strong opinion.

I gave up trying to figure out those corporate asshats years ago.
- Cockburn and Tschibwe CANNOT play together. That’s that. They’re redundant and neither are playmakers in the least. They’re beneficial only if both can play 20 minutes, and rarely together.
This whole Cockburn thing has sent me back down the Cal rabbit hole again. I thought we were past this.

If he legitimately thinks he can re-capture the 2015 lightning in a bottle by throwing overwhelmingly big dudes at everyone, we are effed. If this is the play, it's as almost if Cal learned absolutely NOTHING. Of course, teams will spread us out and abuse us relentlessly with high ball screen action. We saw it all of last year, with zero adjustments made to counter.

Now, if he wants to stagger them in a dumb platoon or whatever, I could deal.

But I highly doubt either big is wanting to come here to play 18 mpg.

I just don't get it.

I'm sure y'all saw the Suns last night set pick after pick until Robin Lopez or Bobby Portis reared their ugly head at the top of key with a mismatch. CP3 and Booker ate that shit up.

Again, ^ this is where the game is. Having both Cockburn and Tschibwe out there trying to guard on an island is a recipe for disaster.
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I agree Geese, but I don't think we will see that. I don't think we'll get Kofi or Duren and that will be just fine. We're good to go.
Oscar, Keion, and Jacob Toppin are about to re-create the scene in Miracle where the team leaders are trying to convince Herb Brooks not to add the new player to the team after they have already bonded.

Of course, Cal ain't Herb Brooks and is all about his shiny new toys....especially when they are 7'0"/290.

O/U on how long it takes Cal to compare Tschibwe/Cockburn to Bowie/Turpin? First press conference.

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Expecting a huge jump from Toppin, who already showed some glimpses. You'd also think Brooks will finally make the leap with a full healthy season.

Each big we add takes away from those two PLUS our endless array of shooters. Cal seems obsessed with having 2 legit centers, but I prefer one. You bring in a guy like Ware or Collins to spell Oscar, who's job it solely is to rebound, screen, and defend, and you get to go to a small(er) ball style lineup for decent stretches of each game, spread it out, & let the wings/guards to their thing.

Oscar/Kofi, you can basically guarantee at least 1 of those is on the court for 38 minutes a game.
You know what was cool when foul trouble forced us to go small a lot of people forgot about that well maybe not a lot of people mostly one person
With the team we have, it's pretty simple. Start Oscar and Brooks. Collins and Ware spell Oscar while Toppin and Hopkins spell Brooks. Then you have 6 guards to occupy the remaining 3 spots at all times. No need to platoon. Just go with whomever is playing the best that particular game. It's not rocket science.
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We've been so long without a PG who can consistently create easy looks for bigs & shooters alike, I think people are underestimating the returning guys, who basically had zero of those opportunities, especially last year.

A solid PG (or two) can make players who previously looked marginal suddenly look damn good, and give them a much better chance at showcasing their ability when they can focus on what they are actually good at, in OPEN space.

^ to that end, I'm MUCH looking forward to the easy lob returning to it's key role in our offense.
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