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If that guy is rolling like that just being Matt Jones sidekick I don’t even want to know what kind of cash MJ is raking in
The neighbors that lived behind us were great and now they are moving and I'm terrified about what kind of neighbors we might get. We've been pretty lucky so far when it comes to new neighbors and everything is going great so the universe will probably have the Hitlers move in to balance things out.
While we were selling our last property in MA, we had to have a heart to heart with a neighbor about staying out of dodge when people were looking at house. Nobody in the neighborhood really cared for him…we tolerated him. He had a “red flag” personality that could be seen in less than 5 min. No conversation lasted less than 15 min and quickly turned to politics even with people he just met.

One potential buyer was 10-15 min late and we looked out the window and saw where he had cornered them. They did not buy the house.
- Not trying to one-up Llama, but the family trip to Cincy was a success. Had front row seats in left field where my son was able to interact with Winker some. 60 minute weather delay, followed by some suspect play by the home team, which ultimately ended in an exciting walk off. That was the start of their current win streak, so you’re welcome Reds fans.

- Based on my observations during that trip, there are 2 national activities that have little to no diversity. Baseball and the zoo seem to be exclusively white. Wealthy country clubs have more diversity than what I saw in the Queen City.

- The neighbor directly behind me is a 60-something year old day laborer that has worked on small machinery for about 50 years every day of his adult life, I’d say. He’s basically what I’d imagine Cloyd Rivers would look like as a retiree. Saves his money and keeps his extra earned cash in a jar to purchase fireworks throughout the year to have a huge show on the 4th (And it’s always on the 4th; never on any other date).

Last year, my dad came over to my house like he would always do to eat and shoot a few fireworks he bought at a tent on the way over to my place. Well, it was wet and rainy last year so we just saved what he bought to shoot off for this year. As most know, he passed away unexpectedly in September. When I was cleaning out the garage where we’ve had to store a bunch of stuff from his home, I noticed the boxes of fireworks he had bought that never got to be ignited.

I ended up giving them to my neighbor as I knew he would appreciate them and put them into his show. A week ago we were both mowing and he stopped and walked over to me. He wanted me to know exactly when he was going to set off my dad’s boxes and that he was “dedicating” his show to him this year.

The moral: Good people make good neighbors.

- Really missing BBdK’s Tour of France breakdowns this year. He’s slipping. If you can’t get your info from him, who else is there to turn to in this thread?
You all can roast me all you want but I’m sitting here with a little concern over the potential glut of bigs we got coming to Lexington ok I’ll go back to lurking
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- I’m looking at about 55 acres Monday so if all goes well I’ll be further away from people than I already am. Just how I like it. If I see a car from my house I know the only reason they should be there is to see me. I love people but I don’t love them close to my place of rest.

having a good relationship with your neighbors is a must even if they are over a mile away from you. Helps having an extra set of eyes on the place when out of town.

- current neighbor situation is above average. One is a little nosier than I would prefer but that has only resulted in him letting me know when unrecognized vehicles pull into the driveway thus far. Have a couple cops within distance and nurse/paramedic combo in the adjacent property. We’ve always told each other’s kids to come to the others house if anything goes / seems wrong. Will miss that peace of mind moving further out in the county.
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Oh ffs, Larry Glover pronounces it Kofi Coe-burn.

What sort of dumbass world are we living in where we can't call a guy by his given name which is badass and clearly spelled COCK-BURN.

From the Old English cocc, meaning "rooster," and burna, meaning "a stream.
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Neighbor status should be part of the home inspection and appraisal process.

- Yup. Neighbors can make or break a house. Same with direct manager/reports and a job. I’m fortunate with each.

In fact, I have my closest 11 neighbors and manager over every Sunday evening at 8:30 pm for what we like to call a “family dinner” - a kind of nod to my German heritage.

- As mentioned, will be in the sleepy little coastal Maine town of Waldoboro in 10 days. First trip in two years, I reckon. Temps appear to be high 70s. Looking forward to the beach, boats and lobster. I am so excited.

- Nobody tells you this at the shower or gender reveal party but going ANYWHERE with a baby sucks.

- F the people shooting off fireworks any other day of the year besides the 3 big summer holidays. And knock it off by 11, hillbillies.

- Also, F the guy who starts the Zoom call 10 minutes early. “Jack from HR has started the call.” It’s 12:51, loser. See you at 1:01.

- IF Cal is selling an either/or situation with Cockburn/Tschibwe, awesome. But we better not see those two together more than 3 mpg.
If there anything that gets sports journos MORE boned up than predicting disaster for an upcoming Olympics?
Brady, an attorney on the football board was detailing his experience with getting an athlete through NIL at UK. Said the UK athletic department is feverishly working to creat alot of hoops and restrictions. Curious if you had any problems?
Brady, an attorney on the football board was detailing his experience with getting an athlete through NIL at UK. Said the UK athletic department is feverishly working to creat alot of hoops and restrictions. Curious if you had any problems?
Smoke is working with UK to get what we need in place. If Barstool can sign Levis it isn’t rocket science.
Brady, an attorney on the football board was detailing his experience with getting an athlete through NIL at UK. Said the UK athletic department is feverishly working to creat alot of hoops and restrictions. Curious if you had any problems?

I think Brady just did it without MilqueToast’s 500 top button checkpoints of approval.
I'm sticking with Cock Burn and we know 80/DrX will be. It's way more fun.
Careful, Tony. You know the good doctor will somehow manage to work in a few Steak Burn jokes, too.

Speaking of which, I managed to take a beautiful ribeye about 10-15 degrees past where I wanted it yesterday. Turns out one of the probes on my smoker is off by quite a bit.

I usually smoke 'em at 225 until they reach 115 internal then throw 'em on the sear box to finish them off.

Read 115, but was obviously already past medium rare before I put it on the sear box. Kept it in the medium+ range, but Doc Boat would've been pissed if I had served it to him.
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Mondays off >>> Fridays off when it comes to a 3 day weekend.

When it’s a Friday off the week absolutely drags on and on. Then you still have the uneasy feeling Sunday afternoon and it’s even worse on a 3 day weekend.

When it’s Monday off, that Friday basically becomes a throwaway day so you’re now getting a ~ 3.5 day weekend. And on top of that, the following week flys by. It’s already basically Wednesday you guys
Mondays off >>> Fridays off when it comes to a 3 day weekend.

When it’s a Friday off the week absolutely drags on and on. Then you still have the uneasy feeling Sunday afternoon and it’s even worse on a 3 day weekend.

When it’s Monday off, that Friday basically becomes a throwaway day so you’re now getting a ~ 3.5 day weekend. And on top of that, the following week flys by. It’s already basically Wednesday you guys
I get this take, but it's just not my preference. Going to respectfully disagree.
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-Monday's off

-Quiet little 4th weekend. Little time down at Lake Martin, poolside for the rest of the holiday. Heard, but did not see any fireworks outside of kids on the street with the sparklers.

-Took me a few to really get a taste for them, but i'm all in on High Noons right now. Same with Transfusions.

-Leaving for a week on Nantucket this Saturday. Best week of the year. Lobster rolls and cold local brews. 75 degree beach days.

-Meh on the Olympics this year.

-The Euros have been better than any recent World Cup. Great tournament to watch.

-Passed on a couple quail hunt opportunities in the fall. Not interested in going without my dog. Even the last couple years when he didnt really get on birds, he was still close by in the field. Going to help a buddy work with his Boykin pup, but as of now thats as much as I want to be around bird dogs.

-My wife's homicidal cat also went missing a couple weeks ago. Likely victim of a coyote in the nearby woods. Took a few years but eventually it was going to get in a fight it couldnt win.

-Watched some of the Yellowstone marathon yesterday- ready to go with Season 4...

-Made it through about 4 minutes of the newest Master of None series before proclaiming it one of the worst shows of all time.
I suppose it's penance for a dude trying to get a girl drunk and have sex with her, but whatever they did to Master of None is criminal. I made it longer than 4 minutes but not much. Good lord.

High Noons are alright.
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