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In some of the pinko states, parents are facing losing custody if they don't go along with gender identity "treatments". I haven't seen that alone be grounds for losing custody in Kentucky at this point but it wouldn't surprise me to see that issue pop up in Louisville or Lexington soon.

My wife’s profession deals with 90% teenagers and the amount of they/them kids popping up is staggering. There’s is no way 5% of the population is secretly trans, seems way too high to me. I would think it’s closer to .5%, but about 5% of the kids my wife deals with are suddenly trans. Then again who the hell knows and I don’t really care enough about it to put anymore thought into it.
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I'm listening to the Bill Simmons podcast this morning and he and one of the Ringer lackeys took a minute to appreciate the sheer awesomeness of Marv Albert, who is retiring this year, which is well deserved. Marv is arguably the GOAT NBA announcer.

Per Simmons, the inside scoop is that next year TNT will go with Ian Eagle and Stan Van Gundy as the A-Team for NBA games next year. If that happens and you've got Charles and crew in the studio, that might be the best squad of media personalities covering a sport that I could imagine. Gangbusters.

They also bitched about how universally hated instant replay is -- which is spot on.

* Watched some Cockburn highlights. Pretty disappointed that it is pronounced "Koh-Burn". Boo.
Friday shitdos:

- Been on the move for the last 3 weeks. Feels good stacking up the expense receipts again. Tired AF and mountain of work to do but really happy to just be solidly back in the groove.

- Asked the gal coming to sit next to me on the flight home if she happened to prefer window. Snaps at me with a "NOO" and plops her wide ass down. She then proceeds to start farting - like I'm positive it was her and not anyone else because I didn't and no one else seemed to react. So I use the little vent fan and start oscillating it while using a shirt to cover my face. This goes on and off for maybe 10 farts. I'm fuming at this point. I am hoping the window cracks and sucks her fatass out of it but knowing that's not going to happen, had to settle for waiting for her to fart herself to sleep before making an emergency scene about using the bathroom. Seeing all her shit fly everywhere as she is startled AF made it worth it. I'm a 40-something child sometimes and give zero f's what you think about that.

- There is no honest discussion on trans. If you dare challenge anything you're labeled a bigot and the mob comes to cancel you. Dr. Debrah Soh is probably the best source for unbiased info. She's been on the trends for over a decade. She has a really good PC with Rogan on it. Basically, leave kids out of it until they have developed brains and can think for themselves.

- This company can build a 20 x 20 apartment unit that can be stacked or stand-alone, that can be delivered with a pickup. Boxabl This will change multifamily and housing going forward. Already working with another one dealing with a tech giant's housing and they're doing something similar but they fly there units to the site via helicopter and drop them in.

- If your pup has any skin issues, dinovite is the truth. My pup is getting compliments on the daily about his shiny coat.

- Mom situation is getting worse and worse. Family started playing hot potato. Looking like my bubble will be getting the brunt of it.

- First meeting with higher-ups on my own today. A little nervous but my boss has them upside down so shouldn't be more than some softball questions about forecast and how we're doing overall. If you make whoever you direct report to look good, you will almost always be put in good situations by them if they are smart.

- The backup QB at Kennesaw State and his buddy had 50 rounds unloaded on them in Pensacola.

- We think this or that or this caused the building to collapse. Haven't been able to get deep into that one but I'm going out on a limb based on experience with people in general, most don't like to spend money on prevention. Always horrible when that leads to major loss of life.

- 4 days by myself.

- Unless Trae comes back able to be TY, looks like the Hawks may have gone as far as they can. Been a fun ride.
-Shewee, these people riding on a scooter by themselves wearing an N95 at this point are some straight posers. No other way about it.

-Work asked me, because I’m not wearing a mask, if I was vaccinated. Sure am….nope. But they can’t make me prove it, thanks HIPAA!

-Off tomorrow so heading to Hammertown with a buddy at supper tonight. Marcus.

-KW and NO are very similar in many ways. A hard rain for an hour puts us under water as well. People love taking videos of the rain. Yesterday was the first day in like 2 weeks it didn’t rain off and on all day.

-You’d be surprised to know that this place has been cool with the gays for a long while now. We have parades and rainbow crosswalks and everything, the works for them, really. Don’t understand why anyone would give a shit this day and age.

Had some redneck in the bar a while back with some buddies. He says, “why are there so many queers here. Pisses me off.”

I reply, “does it keep you up at night or something?”

He says, “ yeah sometimes man, it’s just wrong.”

Me, “ So you go to bed thinking about two guys banging?”


I walk away chortling while his buddies proceed to give him grief for the next 20 minutes. He wasn’t amused.
Friday shitdos:

- Been on the move for the last 3 weeks. Feels good stacking up the expense receipts again. Tired AF and mountain of work to do but really happy to just be solidly back in the groove.

- Asked the gal coming to sit next to me on the flight home if she happened to prefer window. Snaps at me with a "NOO" and plops her wide ass down. She then proceeds to start farting - like I'm positive it was her and not anyone else because I didn't and no one else seemed to react. So I use the little vent fan and start oscillating it while using a shirt to cover my face. This goes on and off for maybe 10 farts. I'm fuming at this point. I am hoping the window cracks and sucks her fatass out of it but knowing that's not going to happen, had to settle for waiting for her to fart herself to sleep before making an emergency scene about using the bathroom. Seeing all her shit fly everywhere as she is startled AF made it worth it. I'm a 40-something child sometimes and give zero f's what you think about that.

- There is no honest discussion on trans. If you dare challenge anything you're labeled a bigot and the mob comes to cancel you. Dr. Debrah Soh is probably the best source for unbiased info. She's been on the trends for over a decade. She has a really good PC with Rogan on it. Basically, leave kids out of it until they have developed brains and can think for themselves.

- This company can build a 20 x 20 apartment unit that can be stacked or stand-alone, that can be delivered with a pickup. Boxabl This will change multifamily and housing going forward. Already working with another one dealing with a tech giant's housing and they're doing something similar but they fly there units to the site via helicopter and drop them in.

- If your pup has any skin issues, dinovite is the truth. My pup is getting compliments on the daily about his shiny coat.

- Mom situation is getting worse and worse. Family started playing hot potato. Looking like my bubble will be getting the brunt of it.

- First meeting with higher-ups on my own today. A little nervous but my boss has them upside down so shouldn't be more than some softball questions about forecast and how we're doing overall. If you make whoever you direct report to look good, you will almost always be put in good situations by them if they are smart.

- The backup QB at Kennesaw State and his buddy had 50 rounds unloaded on them in Pensacola.

- We think this or that or this caused the building to collapse. Haven't been able to get deep into that one but I'm going out on a limb based on experience with people in general, most don't like to spend money on prevention. Always horrible when that leads to major loss of life.

- 4 days by myself.

- Unless Trae comes back able to be TY, looks like the Hawks may have gone as far as they can. Been a fun ride.
The “emergency” bathroom run probably put you on the hook as far as your fellow passengers were concerned.
I don't get the often hate for N Commons. They have their own restaurants, doctors office, school etc. Folks live 5 min from the Paddock shops which now includes MALONES!! and 15-20 min from the city.

proximity to neighbors isn't for everyone but I am sure it is an easy adjustment.
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-Tell you what, I'd be hard pressed to recall a bad experience at a Valvoline Instant Oil. Company seems to have its shit together. Always a good experience, upselling aside.

-Two nice pieces of business just hanging out there. Was hoping to get them closed this week and roll right into vacation, but can't have nothing.

-My sophomore year in HS a really wonderful, wise lady spent the majority of English class explaining to whomever needed to hear it (all of us) that high school is a fleeting time where the world may not feel like the place for you. However, it's soon over, and in college, or adulthood, you will be able to make friends with those you choose to, and whom are more like you/share similar interests/make you happy.

That left an impression on me, and made me more empathetic for some classmates whose perspectives I didn't always take into account. Teachers, bruh.

-Bringing a football with me to the beach. F a frisbee.

-So are the foul changes in place this CBB season or was that just a tease?
- a hipaa refresher.

- Marv Albert is one of the weirdest MFers in sports. the details of the 1997 case are bonkers, but this is my favorite part:

"“I turned around and I saw him standing there. I saw him standing there in white panties and garter belt. He was exposed and he was aroused,” Masden said about the 1994 incident. “He told me he was tense and he needed some relief. Then he bit the back of my neck and he pushed me. He tried to push my head down to his crotch area. I went to grab his hair and his hair lifted off. He immediately put his hands on his hair and I ran out of the room.”"

Marv was so steamed about the testimony that he was wearing a piece that he pled guilty pretty quickly after. (Mildly exaggerating, but not by a lot.)

- The podcast Monster: DC Sniper is excellent, partly because I remember living through it and how it felt driving around my hometown with a pair of snipers running around, and partly because it's a Tenderfoot production and Payne Lindsay's smug ass is silent.

- Getting on a plane for the first time in two years this afternoon. crossing my fingers for no large individuals blasting off the whole flight, or we're going to really be putting my dramamine to the test. related, nothing makes me feel like a weak little nerd like getting motion sick anytime I'm not in control of a vehicle. I mean really, how lame.

- Last time I flew, 7/3/19, I found out about Jared Lorenzen in the airport and was trying not to cry reading tributes sitting in the food court. Rest easy, 22. :cry:

- Beach time. No laying up.
I lived in Louisville and have no idea where NC is. St matthews feels like the hot spot back in 08-11.

I went J-Town->Old Louisville
Looks like 2020 isn’t down yet, on track to get nailed by the first hurricane of the year…as long as it doesn’t get past a CAT 2 idgaf.
-Tell you what, I'd be hard pressed to recall a bad experience at a Valvoline Instant Oil. Company seems to have its shit together. Always a good experience, upselling aside.

-Two nice pieces of business just hanging out there. Was hoping to get them closed this week and roll right into vacation, but can't have nothing.
Reading the first paragraph, I thought about the fact that Lexington stores occasionally have reasonably attractive gals working there.

I read the second paragraph with that context in mind.
Flew an awful lot of Spirit/Frontier over the past 1.5 years. I’d say my average flight was about $75. And despite being terrible airlines…

- tons of empty seats
- allow you to buy booze

Works for me.
-exactly where my mind went as well, UCL. Weirdo.

-rack Chad/SAE.

***Some real stuff below alert***

-when I am alone with my thoughts I have very few regrets. I've built/lost businesses. I've had too much "fun" and had to have stopped having too much "fun"... yada yada yada. That stuff is part of a life thoroughly lived. What creeps in and hits me in the gut are thoughts of kids/people on the margins that I may have ignored/dismissed as a youth/young adult. Was never mean to that type of person...but I remember a few opportunities/folks that I could've been actively kind to and made them feel a little less "other" but didn't...and that bugs me.

-enough of that:

Accidentally, like a martyr-warren zevon
Village ghetto land-stevie wonder
Do ya-ELO
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-Tell you what, I'd be hard pressed to recall a bad experience at a Valvoline Instant Oil. Company seems to have its shit together. Always a good experience, upselling aside.

-Two nice pieces of business just hanging out there. Was hoping to get them closed this week and roll right into vacation, but can't have nothing.

-My sophomore year in HS a really wonderful, wise lady spent the majority of English class explaining to whomever needed to hear it (all of us) that high school is a fleeting time where the world may not feel like the place for you. However, it's soon over, and in college, or adulthood, you will be able to make friends with those you choose to, and whom are more like you/share similar interests/make you happy.

That left an impression on me, and made me more empathetic for some classmates whose perspectives I didn't always take into account. Teachers, bruh.

-Bringing a football with me to the beach. F a frisbee.

-So are the foul changes in place this CBB season or was that just a tease?
Works for VIOC 🙋🏻‍♂️
Spirit absolutely Fd my friends yesterday heading out here.

I have no issue rolling the dice with budget airlines typically, but I will absolutely never fly RyanAir again. Talk about a joke.
I've only been in Norton Commons once, but it felt like a set from one of those CW shows where high schoolers run around fighting vampires or whatever. Everything looked nice, the people who like it REALLY like it. It just seemed a bit...uncanny valley.
Carmel, IN- which I assume Ed Norton visited before founding the neighborhood which bears his name- has a very similar vibe.
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I flew Spirit once and it was the absolute worst experience. Fort Lauderdale to Chicago on a weekday morning and the crowd for whatever reason was mostly Haitian people with tons of luggage. I was in a suit b/c I was traveling for business. Awful.

Everyone tries to save money when they book airfare - long layovers, ultra low cost airlines, etc.. But when you are actually in the middle of the travel day and have to deal with all the BS, who wouldn't gladly hand over hundreds of dollars to make it all end?
Retracing my Covid-lost 25th anniversary Charleston getaway... undoing, and recollecting cancelled flight credit is done. Aligning date with my birthday.

We are no longer meeting with Ann Marshall from HighWire distillery... but a few other tricks up my sleeve. But Bummer.

FIG or The Ordinary
Rodney Scott

Also - No longer at Vendue... at another brand new Hotel (6/21 open) near Mother Emanuel. That event Sickens me to this day and SAE’s post still reverberates.

Thought I’d share: for those traveling to are recs directly from a James Beard winner:

Close to the Vendue:

FIG (Best resto in Charleston. I would not opt for outdoor seating as it’s sidewalk only)
The Gin Joint (drinks)
Husk (porch/patio seating)
Handy & Hot (grab n go breakfast)
Le Farfalle (patio)
167 Raw (patio)
The Dewberry (lobby bar and rooftop patio for views of the city)

Upper King:

Macintosh (back patio)
The Ordinary (has patio seating)
Proof (for cocktails)
The Belmont (for cocktails)
The Grocery
Baba’s on Cannon (great place for lunch/wine/cocktails with patio seating)
The Daily (breakfast)
Rodney Scott’s BBQ (way up Upper King, but a good stop before or after the distillery)

Just as close but not in a centralized neighborhood:
Edmund’s Oast (lunch and dinner with gorgeous courtyard)
Butcher & Bee (lunch and dinner with patio)
Rappahannock Oyster Co.
Big Bad Breakfast (breakfast)
Lewis BBQ (big courtyard)
Dave’s Carryout (soul food dive known for its fried shrimp)

A bit further afield but worth the drive:
Jackrabbit Filly
Bertha’s Soul Food (don’t miss the okra stew)

As for activities:
We love the Aiken-Rhett house downtown. It was built as an urban plantation and has recently completed some archaeological work on the kitchen area.
Make sure you take a stroll down Philadelphia Alley in the French Quarter.
Walk from the Vendue along the waterfront park to the Battery for a view of the harbor.
If you want to get on the water, Charleston Sailing School has center console boats for rent by the half day or you can spring for a chartered sunset cruise on one of their sailboats.
Crabbing with Tia is a bigtime favorite activity (google it).
If you like ghosty things, the tours of city jail or Magnolia Cemetery by Bulldog Tours are fun.
All of the plantations are beautiful, especially for a lover of architecture. Drayton Hall is a favorite. The gardens at Middleton can’t be beat. And in town the Nathaniel Russell house and Joseph Manigault house are of great importance. I think the historic society may offer some of these in ticket packages, so you can tour a few for a discounted price.

Tonight, I’m inviting some High School chums over for a few belts in my basement bar. Hope my liver survives. Serious.

The cliente on Spirit/Frontier is exactly what you'd expect, but everything else is fine.......unless you actually need something. Canceled flight, refund, special request -- their customer service is a nightmare. I just go into flights assuming I'm totally on my own, and totally comfortable with it. For less than $100, it is what is as, as they say.

Speaking of which......I'm old enough to remember when Southwest used to be really cheap. Man, seems like forever ago.
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