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Will also be something when the athletes on the non-revenue sports realize this and try to organize a union to get a cut, just to watch the football and men's basketball teams tell them eff off.

The potentially highest paid athlete in all of this is some female gymnast so you’re weird hypothetical slippery slope this is bad unintended consequences argument that people have been randomly making for being against NIL for god knows what reason went to shit within literally within the first 15 mins it started.
LSU gymnast.

Look at the veins in her hands.

I'm dropping some real coin on football team merchandise. Idgas. I want all the player jerseys, etc. My only regret is I can't give Kash Daniel some stone cold cash. I can't really think of any Kentucky Boy in recent memory that deserves my money more than the mfer. Hope he destroys OVW.
Random fact:
Bill Self and Mark Few were both born on Dec. 27th, 1962. One year and 3 days earlier, Jay Wright was born.
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Just now getting around to commenting on Pippen. If you watched the recent Jordan documentary, you saw what a little bitch he is. All his attitude and drama was because he signed a lengthy, long term contract, so he would guarantee his payment in case he didn't work out.
He obviously made it, turning into one of the top players in the league. He then wanted a new contract. Sorry bubs, don't work that way.
I’m at Myrtle Beach and too goddamned lazy to do the research, but the average age of this team has to be a good 2 yrs older than the usual Cal UK team.

Not sure if that’s better for us come March, but it should mean a more steady performance from the team beginning in November.
My cousin had a bad fourth in the mid-80’s:

He was holding a Roman candle in front of his chest and my grandpa told him to hold it to the side because sometimes they come out backwards. My uncle said, “your ass,” (or whatever) and let the kid hold it in front of his chest. The balls shot out backwards and lit his shirt on fire. Everyone got up to help, except for my grandpa who just sat and sipped his beer. Another uncle ran him to the hospital on the back of a motorcycle.

Grandpa served as a mud Marine at Guadalcanal, Okinawa, etc. (position of knowledge) and hypothesized that Japanese fireworks factory workers would do that on purpose occasionally.
Hoe. Lee. Shit.

Never would have guessed in a million years that Mintz would be back. What a HUGE offseason win for us.

(note: glad i never ever ever even once for even a split second doubted the greatest coach of all time coach john calipari)
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How's your week going? Randoms.

-F*ck me.

-Was all set, packed, loaded, resies all over the place, 10 people going, 6 months of anticipation, first vacation without rugrats since 2019 had literally just checked in online yesterday for my 12:55 nonstop to Las Vegas and 3 minutes later I get a message L has a fever and needs picked up from daycare. No problem, he's had a runny nose for 2 months, gets quick little fevers, all good. 30 minutes later ped tells us it's hand, foot, mouth. Awesome. So now rather than slugging domestos overtop of Oklahoma, I've been at work all day and will most likely work Sat and Sunday. Just an all time nut punch. Was straight nauseous for 3-4 hours after the reality set in.

-Rolled in to work today in a biblical rainstorm to find our sump pump out and 3 inches of water standing. So rather than being on the way to Vegas I was literally standing in sewage water cleaning it up.

-It's fine. It's fine. Everything is fine.

-Rebooked for later in the summer.

-If you don't like 4th, f*ck you. That's an ultimate douche take. It's been summer for 11 days. I hope it roasts your cankles into oblivion.

-I'm going to get drunk tonight. I typically shy away from drinking to ease pain or pissiness, but not tonight.

-Been training a new employee, which I 'm terrible at, because my method of training is quickly demonstrating (one time) how I do it, then expecting them to forever understand the process proficiently. So sitting 3' from a person, for 8 hours a day, trying to control my unjust annoyance, and do this the right way. That's taking some real effort. On top of that I had major vacation brain. Needless to say I was really wanting that moldy draft beer from the airport bar.

-Don't care. I worship draft beer. Will continue to order until die.

-At this point I figured Mintz was back. I mean, where was he going? I love it. Easily my favorite from last year. Glue guy. A lot of experience on this team.

-Had been eating really clean to make sure the pool bod was in tip top shape so today went over to Harry's and pounded some minis and a lexingtonian. That was cathartic.
The potentially highest paid athlete in all of this is some female gymnast so you’re weird hypothetical slippery slope this is bad unintended consequences argument that people have been randomly making for being against NIL for god knows what reason went to shit within literally within the first 15 mins it started.

That's not what I am saying. My argument has always been that a very few players have any marketable value. For UK sports I'd argue it's basically the entire basketball team, the starting skill position guys and some of the better defensive players and linemen on the football team, a few baseball players, and some of our more attractive players on the women's teams. I don't see much NIL revenue for anyone else.

There is a push by some for collective bargaining in college sports (i.e., unions). And my point was, if you told our basketball team that they need to join a union so that some of their revenue can be shared with the softball team, they'd say F off. There is no slippery slope argument at all.
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College athletes aren’t “getting paid,” they’re just simply “not prevented from making money.”

Just really needs to be said, imo. This is soooo long overdue.

Semantics. They're most definitely getting paid, dumbass.

Mr. Booster will certainly "pay" handsomely for some 5* recruits autograph on a Malone's napkin once he officially dons the jersey.
- I’m more or less over summer by Independence Day.
- Fireworks are awful.
- I’d take October/November weather over Kentucky July 100x out of 100.
- October is arguably a Top 2 sports month, which means a lot to me.

That is just a sad state of affairs on all accounts.
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I think the net of it is that NIL will help UK big time in basketball. For football, I’m not sure.

Dude.. Have you seen how our fanbase in football has reacted the last few years in football? Mags has said that the #’s recently talking football on the show >>>basketball talk.

Kash would’ve crushed. Benny & Bowden would’ve cleaned house. So would’ve lesser popular players.

Football on a lar
Dude.. Have you seen how our fanbase in football has reacted the last few years in football? Mags has said that the #’s recently talking football on the show >>>basketball talk.

Kash would’ve crushed. Benny & Bowden would’ve cleaned house. So would’ve lesser popular players.

Football on a lar

My comment is about how much more supportive we'll be compared to the competition (and in particular, SEC schools). Our love and support of our basketball program is like 10X every other school outside of KU, UNC and a few others. For football, we're supportive, but I don't think we're going to be more supportive than Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, LSU, Bama, A&M, Arkansas and South Carolina.

So when I say "net", I meant will NIL make us more or less competitive. In basketball, sure. In football, I don't know if we'll take share of talent from our competition.
When the dust settles, NIL won't change the landscape of college sports that much as far as who is good and who is not at what sport. That money was already being funneled to most of the players that matter, now it's just a more direct and legal route.

Might change who elects to stay and go (like Mintz) and some athletes in non-revenue generating sports will make some coin for various reasons and good for them.
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