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Does the NIL give consideration to agents? Or are these teenagers supposed to manage themselves and their marketing?
Sports is absolutely the only money making venture in the collegiate/academic world that is sooooooo dangerous that old people just have to step in and make sure the "students" don't profit off of it.

Imagine the Dean at Stanford or Harvard or MIT stepping in on Mark Zuckerburg/Bill Gates/Steve Jobs etc and saying "whoa, whoa, whoa. You need to take your studies more seriously, and this money is property of the University."
Do they actually have to sell something or can they just put their Venmo on the back of their jersey? Serious question. Obviously it won’t be on their jersey but high school grads down here put, “Janessa just graduated! Show some LOVE! @janessabarrios” on the back of their car.
Sports is absolutely the only money making venture in the collegiate/academic world that is sooooooo dangerous that old people just have to step in and make sure the "students" don't profit off of it.

Imagine the Dean at Stanford or Harvard or MIT stepping in on Mark Zuckerburg/Bill Gates/Steve Jobs etc and saying "whoa, whoa, whoa. You need to take your studies more seriously, and this money is property of the University."

Basic bitch take, PTI. Very unoriginal and flat out wrong too.

First, Zuckerberg left Harvard because he didn't have time to study and build Facebook. So if you want to stop being a student and start your professional career, have it. But I'm pretty sure MIT and Harvard use students all the time to enrich themselves as they develop patents and do research that leads to big money.

Second, the traditional perspective before there was a huge TV market was that collegiate sports are for amateurs. The Olympics were this way too. In 1971 they changed the rule, but the US didn't adopt this until 1979. I think tradition got in the way and it was easier for universities to fight against what is basically turning these kids into professionals than manage the change.
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First, Zuckerberg left Harvard because he didn't have time to study and build Facebook. So if you want to stop being a student and start your professional career, have it. But I'm pretty sure MIT and Harvard use students all the time to enrich themselves as they develop patents and do research that leads to big money.

Second, the traditional perspective before there was a huge TV market was that collegiate sports are for amateurs. The Olympics were this way too. In 1971 they changed the rule, but the US didn't adopt this until 1979. I think tradition got in the way and it was easier for universities to fight against what is basically turning these kids into professionals than manage the change.

Zuckerberg left Harvard because Justin Timberlake told him to and asian snatch.
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Thursday Night Lite-Buzz Shorts:

- First multi-night trip away from the baby coming up. She’s very versatile and comfortable with both sets of grandparents but I still will be unsettled. I’m the same way with my dog.

- So I guess Reggie Bush is a victim now too? I um okay, whatever.

- Basketball isn’t a 1-13 one-on-one contest so yeah I worry about fit, chemistry and Cal’s affinity for traditional lineups.

- As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become good friends and family with some gay people. Hearing vague comments from my in-laws about my brother-in-law having a “tough time” in high school really breaks my heart. It is hard enough being 16 without hating who you are inside. I was never a bully but I used “gay” and “f**” derogatorily like we all did and can see how the commonality of that stuff in the 90s probably made life for young gay people harder. So, I think Pride Month and the fact it’s become mainstream is pretty f’ing cool. It makes me proud of America that we’ve gotten to a place where my two brothers-in-law whom I love to death can raise a kid and be comfortable with who they are.

I get the head-shaking with being “woke” and agree it’s gone too far in a lot of cases but spotlighting bullshit is a good thing most of the time.

- You protestants can hate on us all you want, but you’ll never have the pregame prayer when Catholics have when the coach says, “Our Lady of Victory” and the team yells “Pray for us!” before we get ready roll onto the field/court.

- Worst rain I ever experienced was on our way to Commanders Palace for lunch when PTI hosted us a few years back. When it rains in New Orleans, the whole city goes an inch or two under water. It’s bizarre.

- Newport keeps F’ing - Bourbon House Pizza coming to the Levee. 🙌

- When I was 3-6, Scooby Doo and Smurfs to start a Saturday for this dude.

- Only at Kentucky can a 23-yr-old decent guard off 9–16 returning be cause for celebratory text messages. Seriously though- kid seems to get us and appreciate what this is. Welcome back, Davion.

- I am in the dark - can someone give an introduction on Dougan’s neighborhood and why it’s so controversial? Louisville is weird.

- As much as I’m a summer-hater, I love the smell of grass-watering and the night-time neon glow of pools.

- ZERO hard plans this weekend. Happy Independence Day, everyone.
I loved me some Bourbon House pizza until I had it like 7 nights in a row during a trial a few years ago. Maybe it’s time to go back…
Thursday Night Lite-Buzz Shorts:
- I am in the dark - can someone give an introduction on Dougan’s neighborhood and why it’s so controversial? Louisville is weird.

If you’ve ever been to old Louisville, or any older neighborhood in any city really, you’ll notice shotgun houses with alleys to lead to garages. You’ll also notice those neighborhoods with nearby strip malls equipped with most of the necessities for people, maybe some parks, a school etc etc.

All usually in OLD areas of the city typically because as a city grows people gain financially and want “more”.

By more it could be land, house size or space from neighbors.

After decades some developer decided Norton Commons would be the “new” old Louisville in the more wealthier part of the city. So while you could go buy a house in old Louisville and spend 30-40K, these Koo-Koo sons of bitches paid 100K plus just for the lots that are .15 of an acre, and then based on all the requirements these shotgun houses were 450-550K despite usually being relatively cheap to build.

For example, when I started at 84 I was given 1 client who then built houses in the 300-350K range and my bids to him were 3x the price and 3x the house but 200K less for the homeowner.

However if you want a neighbor within 10 feet, everything they’d ever want within walking distance, and now they even have their own school, then NC is great.

I mean they literally have created a “village” within city limits, and if you ever meet these weirdos they are blown away when you tell them how their “location” is weird.

It happens to 100% of the people there, and I’ve known quite a few super cool and laid back folks before they move in. Nowadays if I’m not willing to go to Commonwealth Tap or Tea Station place within their community those weirdos aren’t coming out.

Different strokes different folks, but the best part is they get crazy irritated when you mention “cult” and become insanely defensive about it.

Then again I live in Bullitt County so I’m an easy target too.
If you’ve ever been to old Louisville, or any older neighborhood in any city really, you’ll notice shotgun houses with alleys to lead to garages. You’ll also notice those neighborhoods with nearby strip malls equipped with most of the necessities for people, maybe some parks, a school etc etc.

All usually in OLD areas of the city typically because as a city grows people gain financially and want “more”.

By more it could be land, house size or space from neighbors.

After decades some developer decided Norton Commons would be the “new” old Louisville in the more wealthier part of the city. So while you could go buy a house in old Louisville and spend 30-40K, these Koo-Koo sons of bitches paid 100K plus just for the lots that are .15 of an acre, and then based on all the requirements these shotgun houses were 450-550K despite usually being relatively cheap to build.

For example, when I started at 84 I was given 1 client who then built houses in the 300-350K range and my bids to him were 3x the price and 3x the house but 200K less for the homeowner.

However if you want a neighbor within 10 feet, everything they’d ever want within walking distance, and now they even have their own school, then NC is great.

I mean they literally have created a “village” within city limits, and if you ever meet these weirdos they are blown away when you tell them how their “location” is weird.

It happens to 100% of the people there, and I’ve known quite a few super cool and laid back folks before they move in. Nowadays if I’m not willing to go to Commonwealth Tap or Tea Station place within their community those weirdos aren’t coming out.

Different strokes different folks, but the best part is they get crazy irritated when you mention “cult” and become insanely defensive about it.

Then again I live in Bullitt County so I’m an easy target too.

Thanks buddy. That sounds truly bizarre. And as a resident of a true historic neighborhood, a bit phony as well.
Here's the deal with NIL. The top schools will crush it. They will start a division that focuses on nothing but NIL. They will solicit donors on all levels, and legally funnel money to athletes. Recruiting will then be based on what schools get their players the most money.
Just fyi, we have the world's WORST AD to excel at NIL. We will be left behind while top button clutches his pearls.
Here's the deal with NIL. The top schools will crush it. They will start a division that focuses on nothing but NIL. They will solicit donors on all levels, and legally funnel money to athletes. Recruiting will then be based on what schools get their players the most money.
Just fyi, we have the world's WORST AD to excel at NIL. We will be left behind while top button clutches his pearls.
But we have the best waiting in the wings.
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As a second-generation urban pioneer in Cote Brilliante for 10 years of an 1895 vintage home, and now owning a 1903 home in Fort Thomas (née Mt. Pleasant), I can attest to….

Well nothing, because I’m drunk and I forgot what I was all fired up about when I started this post. Norton Commons? I don’t know.
After seeing Mitch’s reaction to NIL and watching that Mashburn video. I say we hire Mash to replace DeWayne Peevy. Did they ever fill that role?
Perfect fit and perfect timing. You get the buffer for Cal/Mitch back and have someone on the staff with a high business acumen to help the kids
I mean... you KNOW the IOC is going to test the shit out of everyone a month before the GD Olympics

Is it dumb to test for Marijuana - Absolutely
Is it dumb to be on Marijuana when you 100% know there's going to be extremely rigorous testing leading into it - Absolutely
Is marijuana a performance enhancing drug?
It might be for your posting, cracker.

* On the gays -- it is both amazing and awesome to see how much that has changed in most of our lifetimes. I graduated high school in 1999. Back then, being gay was a HUGE DEAL in small town Kentucky. Now it seems almost universally to be not a big deal at all. I think a lot of the push on the trans stuff is because just being gay is no longer controversial or even noteworthy in most places so there has to be something on both sides of the political aisle to push people's buttons.

I do wish we could reclaim the word "f**" and uncouple it from anything having to do with being gay. Sometimes, that is just the perfect way to describe something a man is doing that is irritating, narcissistic, and stupid.

The South Park episode on Harley Davidson riders is perfect and a must watch.

Unfortunately that can never happen because most people aren't funny and can't handle nuance, so alas.

* Withthatsaid, the WOKE are absolutely insufferable and should not be defended in any way, shape, or form.

* What's your way too early crunch time line-up? I'll go with:

Grady / Frederick (depending on the situation)
Brooks (I was surprised to see he hit 80% of his FTs last year)
^ I was talking to a school counselor this week who was saying that lots of kids are identifying as trans simply because it’s trendy.

She was pretty disturbed by this. Her view was if you’re legitimately trans, fine, that’s who you are. But, that it’s a dangerous thing to be playing with if you’re just doing it to fit in, at that young of a developmental age.

She said she knew of one case where an 11 year old was started on hormone replacement therapy at a local hospital, and this kid was likely doing it because the kid was depressed and couldn’t fit in, and was just trying to create some sort of identity. That’s some pretty heavy/scary stuff. 11 years old?
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