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***Some real stuff below alert***

-when I am alone with my thoughts I have very few regrets. I've built/lost businesses. I've had too much "fun" and had to have stopped having too much "fun"... yada yada yada. That stuff is part of a life thoroughly lived. What creeps in and hits me in the gut are thoughts of kids/people on the margins that I may have ignored/dismissed as a youth/young adult. Was never mean to that type of person...but I remember a few opportunities/folks that I could've been actively kind to and made them feel a little less "other" but didn't...and that bugs me.

I can relate. But the way I have reconciled it in my mind is that you're taking the knowledge / consciousness you have as an adult and trying to apply it to your younger years - and that does not work. You were young and dumb, as we all were, so cut yourself a break. It's part of growing up. All you can do is take that knowledge and do better going forward, and I'm confident that you've done that.

Enough of that, anybody want to fight this week?
I can relate. But the way I have reconciled it in my mind is that you're taking the knowledge / consciousness you have as an adult and trying to apply it to your younger years - and that does not work. You were young and dumb, as we all were, so cut yourself a break. It's part of growing up. All you can do is take that knowledge and do better going forward, and I'm confident that you've done that.

Enough of that, anybody want to fight this week?
I just try to have my kids approach things differently in that regard. And I think they do. With the help of the liberal media and Antifa.
A couple of weeks ago, when describing if we get to WFH in the future, my manger used the phrase “earned not given.” He’s new to the area and from the other side of the country so I’m sure he didn’t understand when I started cracking up laughing. Only one other coworker got it. (That’s the price of working with mostly hens)
Great post. Glad you stayed in town this weekend instead of going to Vegas, or else we would have missed out on this.
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The cliente on Spirit/Frontier is exactly what you'd expect, but everything else is fine.......unless you actually need something. Canceled flight, refund, special request -- their customer service is a nightmare. I just go into flights assuming I'm totally on my own, and totally comfortable with it. For less than $100, it is what is as, as they say.

Speaking of which......I'm old enough to remember when Southwest used to be really cheap. Man, seems like forever ago.
Surprised, with your intelligence, you didn’t take BBdK’s sparkling advice on the Southwest Chase Visa card years ago.
Yes. I really miss the fat sack of s*** in front of me playing Angry Birds with the volume on high woofing down an upsized combo meal and laying back in my lap.
Flew free from Newark to Munich via Lufthansa. My thumb touched my nose, whilst my extended pinky was hitting the back of a Polish lady’s seat in front of me.

I experienced the same feeling Cosby did when he was released early from prison when we landed... such a great feeling. I bet you’re envious.
I fly more than any of you tourists combined. Here are the rules re putting your seat back: it’s acceptable between before 8 AM and after 9 PM.
-If you look at a cocktail menu at a bar and ask if a drink is good, your a idiot. Seriously. Yeah we sell stuff people hate, good business and whatnot. And also, how tf do I know if you’ll like it?

-I put my seat back only if the person in front of me does, unless it’s like Wayne said and I’m trying to sleep.
United may have some of the shittiest service and occasionally beat your ass and have you dragged off the plane BUT their coach seats are probably the most comfortable of the big airlines.
Every time I went to a bar, I’d look the bartender or waitress in the eye and deadpan, “how many of these do I have to drink to get a free one?”

Also, every time I’m paying for my green fees at a golf course I’ve never played I always ask, “so . . . What’s the course record here?”

The way people react to that commentary usually tells me all I need to know about who I’m dealing with. I think I know what response I’d get from rogue.
Just got home from the federal courthouse in Lexington. I took Third Street to get back to Newtown. It had been forever since I drove through that area - but wow, impressive. Well restored and maintained turn of the century homes, large trees, desirable people. Reminded me of a light version of Newport’s East Row.

Is this a nice area? Does anyone who posts on here live there?
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Just got home from the federal courthouse in Lexington. I took Third Street to get back to Newtown. It had been forever since I drove through that area - but wow, impressive. Well restored and maintained turn of the century homes, large trees, desirable people. Is this a nice area? Does anyone who posts on here live there?

Don’t live there now but did live on the corner of 3rd and Broadway, big White house that had 4 apartments built in. Buddy of mine bought this old ass dilapidated house on Short, one block over like 25 years ago for next to nothing. Renovated into 4 apartments. I thought he was crazy at the time for spending that kind of money. I would bet he could retire on what he has brought in and what it’s worth now.

Also the same location of my acid trip/Stone Cold Willow/Big Yellow Chicken episode I referenced a few pages back
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Your big yellow chicken story was good.

I lived in this go-to-hell house my junior year of college that was the central beer pong house for most of campus. It was a real piece of shit, but it had “great bones,” as the people might say. Also, the name of the house was Stat Rape, for reasons that will not be expounded upon.

In any event, when I went back there for my 15-year in 2019, it had been rehabbed and was on the market for an absurd price. If only the yuppie who bought it knew what used to go down there…
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Fly probably 30-40 times a year. Delta is great. American is solid. United has been pretty bad. Rarely fly Southwest.

Have taken a couple Frontier flights for last minute personal trips. Don't mind them at all, as long as you go in with expectations.

Flew Spirit once a few years ago and it was awful...but to be fair, that was round trip Amarillo-Vegas.
Always fly delta. Back up is jet blue if going to NE. Pay a little more up front and never regret it later…. Same as peanut butter and toilet paper.

Kid has been up since 6:45am, only a 1.5 hour nap, played outside from 6:30-8:45, and is still up. Those of you who have a kid who sleeps, Cherish it!
Oh you’re curious about a random drink in our menu? Cool. We should try that because I know what you normally like. I’ll throw it out if you don’t like it and make you something else.

but it’s f***ing stupid to ask someone if something is “good”. Everyone likes different stuff but your taste is the same as mine I guess. Some people like it some don’t. Pick what you want and be an adult. Act like you’ve been out before is all I’m saying.
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