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Dads bday was today, always a tough one for me. 3 Miller High Life’s in just to pay respects.

Hickory smoked a pork butt, and as usual have a large bag of leftovers.

Mesquite smoked some wings, but have none left. Always laugh when kids ask “how does that chicken taste so different than our nuggets”.

Totally guessed at Phoenix +1 last night and took dK’s advice to get Clips +8. No clue how tonight goes even though all the money is coming in on ATL. Makes me like the Bucks.
I’m really wanting to know if anyone wants/thinks/hopes that’s Cincinnati’s soccer clubs fans and not a bunch of maniacs in the Netherlands. I don’t think you could find 10 of them much less 100,000 dancing in unison and chanting in a foreign language. If so, Man U and Barca should be worried.

Whoever runs Sam’s army Twitter knows way better and is trolling or let his buddy take it over while on vacation.
I'm currently getting a Will Levis tattoo.

Penn State fan just called in to KSR and said he played halfback and receiver some. Called him Taysom Hill. WITH A BRETT FAVRE ROCKET ARM. Said he's a winner who runs over people.

Son, that big dude rolling out on playaction, surrounded by CRod, Wandale, Smoke, TE's out the ass, etc etc......suck our ass Georgia. Hope you score more than 14 points against us.

*kash daniel stunner gif*
I watched some of the clips on Levis:

  • Seems to do a great job of getting positive yards when he rushes
  • Doesn't go down easily like Terry Wilson did
  • Very vertical on the rushes
  • Has good vision of the rush in the pocket
  • Strong arm
  • Penn State sucked and he couldn't win the starting job
  • Was a 3-star guy even with great size and arm strength
Listen, the important part in all of this is making sure that Kareem Watkins doesn't get upset if Jalen Duren makes more money than him.

The most infuriating part of it all is that Mitch said that there were plenty of athletes who were against NIL. That's just a bold faced lie.
If this makes the NCAA go belly up then a lot of sports might end up being discontinued so there may be some athletes that don’t want it.
Between that, Onlyfans, etc, there are going to be a lot of dude's marrying a lot of hot chicks who everyone has seen (at best) butt naked.

Brave new world, I guess.
Hold on, you would give a shit if people had seen your hot wife naked? I don’t care if anyone sees me or my gal naked. Call me crazy.
According to a quick scan….errr, poll of social media sights, 90% of women want you to see them naked. As we’ve all learned in the past year or so, don’t argue with science.
Had a quick, impromptu birthday party for our soon to be 7 year old yesterday with him and his baseball buddies, getting a 30' tall water slide and the normal birthday treats. The big ass slide was hit to say the least and we got out with only having a few scrapes, but no broken bones, or major head traumas which I kind of expected with 20 + hoodlums sliding down it at 40 miles per hour.

What was most amazing was the parents. Usually the kids birthdays are pretty mild mannered, you have a beer or two, watch the kids, eat the food, cut the cake and on their merry way. Not last night. Parents were flat out getting housed, dancing to the music on the patio sound system, constantly asking me to turn it up, knocking kids out of the way so they could go down the waterslide in the normal clothes, and pretty much didn't leave until turning the lights on at 10:00PM, and killing the music after playing Closing Time by Semisonic 3 times in a row with noone taking the hint. It wasn't a Sunday afternoon type kids birthday party that was supposed to end at 7, it was a parents drunk fest usually occurs on a Friday or Saturday night, but one like I'd never seen at our house. The backyard looked like a frat party this morning with beer cans all around the yard and the dog chewing someone's wet bra they left. Just insane. While everyone filled out, they all said what an awesome party it was and asked when the next one was.....

Good lord, you think you know some of these people from all of the weekends spent together at the baseball fields, but when you make the mistake of playing the Dance Party music list and telling people it's a BYOB event, all the shit hit the fan. It's like they've been cooped up for a year for a pandemic or something.

I have a ton of 60-70+ year old neighbors. I'm pretty sure we're getting a noise complaint notice from the HOA any time later today.

There’s a lot to consider with the NIL that many of you aren’t thinking about. I’m very concerned about young black people making money, so I’m glad we have old white men in suits to step in and take it from them.
Monday (it's been awhile) Old School Randoms:

-That playoff was crazy yesterday. 8 sudden death holes, which tied the longest since 1949. So many clutch putts made it was just silly.

Bonus redemption story is winner Harris English's caddy did 10 for getting busted dealing coke on the side while caddying for Mark Calcavecchia back in the day

-Another monster weekend at Churchill. Sucks that meet ended, b/c I finally had my angle. Finished up hitting 4 Pick 5s, and 3 P4s in the last 10 days.

-Something different and special about the best NBA announcers, especially come playoff time. Marv, Harlan, Breen, etc -- it's just a different cadence & sound, as is the game itself, but it's perfect. Not many things better in sportscasting, imo.

-Vegas on Thursday for the 4th weekend off a record month at work, which keeps happening. Only thing that's gone right in my life on so many different levels for the last 2 years or so. Perfectly timed break. Gonna let it loose and let it pop like a pee popper from Uptown.

-25 years out in front on Pippen is a POS psycho. JFC. Oh, so Phil Jackson is racist now? Lmaooooooo GFY. What does 'racist' even MEAN anymore? Congrats to the new era for making that term basically lose all relevant and literal meaning, and it's a shame. Actual racists must be rejoicing everywhere, as they are apparently just regular people in 2021.

-Khris Middleton looks like he's 6'10 the way he plays. Pretty unique game he has, imo -- just the way he moves and plays.

Hawks just don't have enough for the Bucks, but it was an incredible run. Losing Hunter, the one super athlete wing they had was a killer. Not sure it would matter in this one.

I'm hard on Giannis , but I shouldn't be. What a freak, man. He can nearly run lead at this point, and when he rolls and has a lane to the rim off it, it's an auto 2 points. Just throw it up. Plus, he's an all world dude and story.

Hate to say it, but getting Bledsoe out of there was the key. He's had a really nice and above-expectations career for SURE, but he's not a championship PG. for reasons obvious to any UK fan, even to those who loved him, which is all of us I assume.

-I always love Combine testing #s, especially the verticals. Hamidou had the 2nd highest of all time, so it was big news when Jericho Sims equaled it last week at 44' 5".

...then, Keon Johnson comes in with at 48'. What? Humans/athletes continue to evolve obviously, but to come in 3.5" above the all time record, considering how many freaks come through there annually....that's pretty ridiculous.

**Love seeing Pat C in there in the T5, and Mac McClung also cracked that top 10 list this year.

-Quickly back to the breakfast burrito talk. McDonald's is so simple and unmatched in pleasure and #Taste, I don't care how 'garbage' it surely is quality wise. I'm not a fan of the new trend of jamming potatoes, hashbrowns, etc into them, but that's just me

Pro Tip: Frozen burritos don't really hold up to my childhood nostalgia, BUT El Monterey breakfast burritos are FIRE 🔥. Egg/Jalapeno & Sausage Egg Cheese are the two best, the latter being nearly identical in quality, texture, and flavor of McD's, just twice the size.

-Any of the endless GYERO attorneys here that specialize in estate issues? First go around with this mess, but my grandmother's estate (not Meemommie) is quickly turning from a seemingly cut & dry situation (per will) into a potential Dateline NBC. Not me, as I'm a "leave me out of it" party, amongst a few others, but I've now been advised to retain, which I have zero interest in doing. Pretty sure I mentioned the police being called to the grave site in Somerset a few months back, so maybe I should have anticipated? Pulaski Co, man.

-Went to the Mall, Oxmoor to be specific Saturday morning -- needed some summer loafs and I'm tired of getting shoes that 'kinda' fit online. J&M store hooked me up nicely at a premium.

First time I've been into a Mall, in I'd guess, 2 years? Maybe more?

...but, GD. The amount of talent, mostly solo, just walking around in there shopping or doing whatever they do, was simply staggering.

-Along those same lines, if/when I have to go into a retail store of any kind, which I avoid as much as humanly possible, the ideal preference is always that I'd be the only person in there.

But, there is something different about hitting your local liquor store and finding it PACKED on a Friday evening, or especially Saturday morning after the gym. When normally you'd be irritated at your bad timing, those situations are kinda comforting in a way. I'm typically thinking "Oh, you too. Let's gooo".

Everyone is loading up, excited about their individual plans, etc. That's the one time I'm not mad at seeing my retail situation crowded. If I'm feeling extra saucy, I'll even bust out a WCC-like 'ah, so ya'll gettin after it today?' to my line-mate. There's a small sense of camaraderie in those situations imo.

-I'm talking myself into Duren with each passing hour. Lmao, he looks like a 25 yo in his videos.

-My little humble south end golf course looks like a premium East end baller club right now.

Absolute turf perfection.

-Going for 6 straight in NBA tonight. Only 18% of the money on the LA line? Yikes. I'll wait for closer to tip, but if that holds even within 10-15%, I'm betting with the casina yet again. #Clips
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Pippen just made the HoF in referring to himself in the third person in that Dan Patrick interview. Good Lord.
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