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We had a driver, we were always smart enough to take turns sacrificing weekends.

But I will add if you’ve never seen tracers going down the highway at 80-90 MPH trippin mushrooms or acid it’s a scene quite like in the movies when they show the world moving at 1000MPH.

Pretty cool!
I was at a Widespread show on Halloween in Memphis (I think) and we all took white acid. No need for the details but me driving on the way home was a miracle and a bad idea. Hadn’t drank like the rest of them because that made me the DD…

Anyhow, yes driving from Memphis to Lexington I felt like I was in Star Wars on warp speed. The white lines and passing cars looked like stars we were speeding past. Crazy.

One guy said hey our boys are stopping at Waffle House let’s go! I said ummm if you want to get home we’re going straight there bye. He decided to stay in the car. I wasn’t stopping for anything but getting the hell home.
Also, I just asked(3days ago) my gal pal down here who is super liberal (which is fine) how to donate to the Miami collapsed condo how to donate (which she was asking for). I said I want to donate but I want to make sure it goes to the right place. She responds back, does it matter? Yes, yes it does. She never responded back.

Not being political or anything but when someone asks you to give them money and then they get upset when you ask where it goes…wtf.
And by the way, Ron. You know I love you brah. You’re one of my favorite guys on here. Sorry for that asshole post last night.

All good my man no apologies needed at all - my sad face was tongue in cheek I actually laughed at your response. I’ll buy you a chalupa and bring you a stack of dental dams if we ever have the pleasure to meet
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<---- insanely jealous at Bernie riding around the neighborhood in a golf cart and getting drunk with a bunch of neighbors, especially if they speak Russian. Those people know how to party.

* Took a rifle marksmanship class yesterday taught by former Green Berets. If you ever want to feel like an idiot and an 80 Proof-sized 80Puss -- do that. You've got a bunch of guys who look like Captain America rattling off data about the ballistic effects of altitude and temperature while converting between yards and meters on the fly.

But within six hours or so, they had us being able to estimate wind currents beyond 1200 meters using just a spotting scope and relaying that information to your buddy so he could make shots at shocking distances (and vice versa). Pretty awesome.

* I did not see Chris Kolb at the class, which surprised me.

* I generally don't like long drives but if I do, a long podcast without interruption is manna and honey for this married dude's soul.

This one just sold near us and we are about 1/3 mi closer to the beach and ours will be a brand new house up to code. Ridiculous everywhere. Told my wife I’m not above finishing our build and selling it if someone puts a stupid # in front of us.
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Are there any renters left in GYERO?

If so, they’re losers. Send them the link for the D League thread.
I've seen Lorenzen do that before a flag football game my 2nd year at UK. He was redshirting that year so the team from Highlands tried to sneak him on their team to get revenge for an earlier loss to us. They won but not by much. Lorenzen was nimble as shit though. Plus, it was near impossible to grab his flag because they were so spread out around his ample waist.
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People we bought from have missed on 10 houses in Florida, and in every one it’s because of folks from NY coming down and “overpaying” 30-50K despite them offering list.

It has to be an ok time to rent in those kind of areas.
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I was planning on buying this year until everything went crazy. Looked at a house in Big Coppitt on a canal for $750ish which isn’t impossible or anything it’s just hard to buy something for that price that you know appraised for $489 LAST year.
Will Levis might as well be our own Tim Tebow with a Brett Favre arm. Those lame SOBs Dan Mullen and Kirby Smart better watch out.

Speaking of Kirby...that’s gotta be one of the lamest mfers in the game. He is beyond goofy and not cool at all. Hope he has a QB this year. I cannot wait to beat that mfer. I hope Stoops barks at him.
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Somehow, I once again find myself with a solid buzz. Summer is awesome.

I showed my wife the Will Levis video above (after she asked me why I was smiling so much), and her opinion was that he looked like he probably had a micro-penis. Concerning? Don’t need a small dicked QB. Likely not an issue with Joey Galloway.

Tyler’s Bottles and Bibles is such an earnest, introspective album. Hard to believe he wrote it when he was 19. What a songwriter.
-When at the pool/beach, lying on your back is one million percent preferable to stomach, not even close in terms of comfort.

-Canada not having fans or limited fans while having 100,000 people smashed together outside an arena just shows you how stupid this has made people. I mean, that is literally one of the densest things I’ve ever seen.

-Friend/hook up gal is in Madeira Beach with her family and asked if I’d drive up to pick her up and have her in KW for a few days. Yeah toots, I’m going to drive 14 hours round trip two different times in 4 days so you can come down. Sent her a link to a rental car company for $21/day rentals. I like her a lot, super fun but negative on that. I’d rather pay $300 for her flight than drive 28 hours. My time is worth more.

-Taking the dog to Stock Island for a Mexican bowl with grouper (not lake grouper) at Hurricane Hole tonight where my best bud bartends, can’t wait.
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