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25 years out in front on Pippen is a POS psycho. JFC. Oh, so Phil Jackson is racist now?
In the context of what he was speaking about (the Kukoc play), I'm not sure that had anything to do with race. But Pipp aint wrong, Phil is most likely pretty racist. Copy and pasted from Reddit:

Phil Jackson quotes. ——————————-

In his book Maverick:

"White players are more often willing to run patterns and to work collectively."

"Because of the predominance of blacks in pro basketball, the sport is rapidly disintegrating into a one-on-one sport. There are only five or six NBA teams who play with more than a superficial degree of team unity."

On the Knicks: "The starting front court played white basketball while guards played black basketball."

"Black kids growing up want to be the superstar of their neighborhood. They want to be the toughest kids on the block, the richest or, once they get to the playground, the best one-on-one basketball players. White kids, on the other hand, usually are raised in a more homogeneous environment which provides other outlets for personal expression. They're also constantly being taught the principle of subordinating their own personal glory for the good of the group."

Now to be fair to Phil, he wrote Maverick in 1976, a time when racial politics and views were very different from now. So surely, as the years passed and he grew as a human being, his views changed right?

October 1999: "I don't mean to say [that] as a snide remark toward a certain population in our society, but they have a limitation of their attention span, a lot of it probably due to too much rap music going in their ears and coming out their being."

October 2005 when asked about the dress code: "I think it's important that the players take their end of it, get out of the prison garb and the thuggery aspect of basketball that has come along with hip-hop music in the last seven or eight years.

Pippen just lost a child, so I'm gonna give his recent weird antics a pass.
No clue where it's being probated, i can assume there? But my interactions are with Dinsmore in Lex (GB), i'm 3 trips/meetings into this down there, and I'm over it.

First class operation there tho, new digs in city center or whatever ya'll call it are plush - and he's been outstanding with us (The grandchildren named in a trust created over 25 years ago of sound mind). Very elegant and thorough gentleman.

Shew wee though, some VERY angry older folks in the extended “family” (i use that term very loosely) that I have zero relationship with, but were actually MUCH "closer" technically, if that makes sense...

...once a select few learned of all this and finally realized being pieces of shit to their parents/family all their life have real life consequences and their assumptions of what would happen upon upon a *very* wished death were misguided - woooo boy.👀
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My best friend is a county attorney, my brother’s best friend is an attorney, and another really good friend of ours is the county attorney in my father’s home county. I just signed stuff and met paperwork deadlines dealing with my family’s estate, luckily. I’m assuming The Godfather of GYERO can find a leader in the field of estate law right here in this thread.
Norton Commons was popping off this weekend. Sitting 'round the pool all day, chasing the muff around, then a bunch of street and ally parties all night. What a way to live! Ran into Bernie of course. That guy's everywhere!
October 2005 when asked about the dress code: "I think it's important that the players take their end of it, get out of the prison garb and the thuggery aspect of basketball that has come along with hip-hop music in the last seven or eight years.

Can you please provide a few examples of current hip-hop hits where the artist doesn't look like he got tatted up on cellblock 9 and the music isn't 100% thuggery?
Ending a soccer match in goal kicks is so f’ing stupid!

You’d never even consider and nba playoff match resulting in 3pt shots like FTs.

And just like that as I’m typing this French dude fails on the 5th goal kick. Good!

F the French!
Went to the doctor today, finally, because I’ve had an earache since Memorial Day. He said my whole head is infected - ear, throat, sinuses. Also called me a dumbass for waiting so long, which is fair. In addition to the antibiotics, gave me an oral steroid called prednisone, I believe. 60mg.

Anyhow, this stuff has some crazy energizing effect - but not a good energy, a crackhead energy. So now I feel like I got hit by a dump truck while high on meth.

Lame story, I know, but needed somewhere to vent, because my family certainly doesn’t give a shit. No one gives a shit about dada.

Rack BBdK - that is one hell of a set of randoms for a late Monday afternoon.

Today on the phone I gave a client the right answer, but for the wrong reasons. Really hoping they don’t ask me for a follow-up written opinion. That’s not like me, as normally I’m very on point with my work. But as one of my old man’s ~40 year old boat beer koozie says, “Shit Happens.” Second only to “Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.”

Vacation in T minus 4 days. Lord take me up.
Went to the doctor today, finally, because I’ve had an earache since Memorial Day. He said my whole head is infected - ear, throat, sinuses. Also called me a dumbass for waiting so long, which is fair. In addition to the antibiotics, gave me an oral steroid called prednisone, I believe. 60mg.
60mg for how long? Five days?
Three, and then it rotates to 40 for a few days, and then to 20.

I love you Beave, but we’ve established you’re not an MD (or even an OD?) You’re a mysterious fellow.

Hell, I’m a doctor, per the signage on my wall.

Just took one of Anth’s patented tonin bombs. Good night, sweet princes (and lurker princesses.)
-Broke out the old trusty Weber tonight. Grilled squash, zucchini, and a couple of ribeyes. Haven’t used it since getting the Blackstone, didn’t realize how much I missed the old gal.

-should have pulled the steaks about 1 minute earlier but no complaints.

-pulled weeds in the flower beds this evening. Had KSR podcast going in the background, a brown water near by and a few Marlboro Red’s. ‘Twas hot as hell but I guess it beat staying inside.

-summer tan coming in nicely. I’m not chocolate chip cookie brown but headed that way.

-football team has coaches getting arrested, big time in-conference transfers, big boy recruiting....I like my bet
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All the money is coming in on the Suns. Up to +7 now!

The money was a bizillion off. You’ll Never convince me casinos don’t gamble outside their actual handle.

There is no such thing as an AUTO LOCK IT UP, in gambol, and nobody who loves gambol could ever just wait around for days, or even weeks, for a line to pop…

…but I promise you it’s 70+ win% if you bet with Vegas when those extreme lopsided lines DO pop up (7O% ‘ish money on a On a team, take the other)

If they even ran 50% on those they’d be broke. They don’t, but amazingly, win wayyy more than their fair share.

It’s common sense, really. . Or nobody would be upgrading sportsboooks, and lobbying their assess off to have them installed to every city/state that they can, as fast as they can.

You have to be seriously dumb to think you’re long term smarter than the book. When In doubt, Bet with them, especially if it’s blatant.

My West Virginia gma and my dad have bestowed me with POA when they die, solely because they know I don’t give a f**k about money and know I’ll do the right thing. Sad because most everyone else in the family makes more than me and are professional medical people. But they know they’ll fight for everything, greedy f**ks. They’re all good people but you never know.
August-west, get a quart jar, pour about a half inch of Clearout or similar weed killer and add water until 3/4 full. Using a chip brush just touch a leaf of said weed and move to the next. In 5 days they will die.

Rack BBdK on the betting insight on books. Little subtleties on betting make a huge difference in your odds.
-G sent me the coolest thank you note/picture for a few Pokémon cards we sent. I would guess for kids we do something nice for 10% send a thank you note.

-HBO calling again at 9cst to discuss Real Sports Episode. They plan to come to store on July 8th. Not going to lie this is something that would be really cool so I’m nervous.

- My father graduated from UK. For me, out of state tuition, at that time was out of the question. To see my son ready to go to UK in fall of 2022 really has been a highlight of this ride. We already have season tickets for football. Plan to get to know the Lexington area well for him this year. These are the things that matter when we’re old and looking back I suspect.

-An employee told me Floyd Mayweather was the greatest athlete of all time. I almost fired him. Bo is the greatest athlete of all time in my book. MLB Baseball All Star slaying NFL DB’s has gotta be #1.
~Family member went thru hell and back over a trust issue in Somerset....good luck to bbdk on this issue. Something in the water there.

~Sophie's pic above is pure gold.

~First guys trip ever for my brother and I....Tour Championship. He has never been to a PGA event so this will be a treat for him to see East Lake.

~Nothing beats a very good MLB radio announcer....Scully, Marty, Sterling, Jack Buck, Gowdy.....wish there were more in today's era.

~If any athlete disrespects the flag or anthem while in Japan, then I hope they get left there, or shot for treason....either works.

~5:30 a.m. gym time is always hard on an old guy, but you sure feel damn good an hour later.

~Outside of a select few artists, the 80's music scene really, really, sucked.

~Congrats, Brady.
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