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-grew up in KY...Indiana was bball rival. Uavel didn't register til a had a few frat brothers in college that were card fans.

-theyve been the defacto football rivalry sine the series renewed...I attribute that to UKs mediocrity more than to them. Hopefully we can get a UT rivalry going...scar, kinda?
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Will never understand the Kentucky fans who undersell Louisville as our rival. They’re #1 with a bullet. Will I root for them on occasion against UNC, Indiana or Duke? Sure but only if it helps UK in anyway or it’s a harmless root.

That being said, I will hear out fans older than myself who argue Indiana or Tennessee.
I have yet to be put into a situation to cheer for Tennessee or Indiana. Almost always will cheer for Louisville to beat Duke and NC
Louisville is rival #1, no question. But I personally hate Tennessee more than any other school. Probably because even though our football program seems to have eclipsed theirs, they still beat us regularly. Kicking our ass in basketball lately too. And UL is pathetic and provides some comedic relief.
I hate IU enough that I don't want to give them the satisfaction of acknowledging their failed basketball program. Become successful again and then beg us to play you and we might consider it.

I miss that level of passion in a rivalry, but (for now) it only elevates them if we play them. We have nothing to gain.
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You know if your rivals are completely terrible and you always beat them and their program is dog poo and they get demoted to's not really a rivalry. That's called a "Guarantee Game." It's fun to see them get beat down, but the REAL fun is when they're just as good as you, but you beat them anyways.

North Carolina

Bring 'em on. All of 'em.
In terms of our rivals, my rooting interest has always centered around one thing:

- which team stands to benefit the most if they win? That would be the team I would want to lose.

Ex: I've cheered for Indiana before - when they beat Duke in Rupp.
Ex: I've cheered for Louisville before (maybe) - when they played UNC in the regular season at YUM! a few seasons back. But I felt myself wavering at various points during the game until I finally cussed both of them and changed the channel.

I suppose I've rooted for Duke and UNC in similar circumstance. It all depends on how little the specific victory meant for their program and how much damage the loss would have brought to the other.
In terms of our rivals, my rooting interest has always centered around one thing:

- which team stands to benefit the most if they win? That would be the team I would want to lose.

Ex: I've cheered for Indiana before - when they beat Duke in Rupp.
Ex: I've cheered for Louisville before (maybe) - when they played UNC in the regular season at YUM! a few seasons back. But I felt myself wavering at various points during the game until I finally cussed both of them and changed the channel.

I suppose I've rooted for Duke and UNC in similar circumstance. It all depends on how little the specific victory meant for their program and how much damage the loss would have brought to the other.

As, shall I say, a smart fan should.
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That's cute all the people who didn't live or grow up in Kentucky didn't, or don't, really care about Louisville as our #1 Rival. 🙄

Anyone else?
That's a shit take. We didn't play Louisville in football from 1924 to 1994. And in basketball, we didn't play them from 1959 to 1983 - and even then we lead that rivalry 37-17. So the people who instilled hatred in opponents in me (i.e., my dad, who grew up in Louisville) never had to deal with them and looked at UofL like the annoying little brother that they are. A nuisance, but not anything to really worry about. He hated Tennessee. He hated Indiana. And he recognized that UNC and Duke were are real rivals from a dynasty perspective in basketball. But sure, keep elevating the Cards.
Louisville/Kentucky are the only games I've watched where I had some semi-serious concerns I might have a stroke during the game. Pretty easy #1 for me. I despise multiple schools, but there has never been anything that elicited pure unfiltered viceral hatred like Louisville under Pitino.
Absolutely agree with this statement.
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I didn’t even think of Louisville as a rival until pitino went there. Before then, they were just a small school that I didn’t care about. Indiana and Tennessee were always the true rivals (even though we never beat Tennessee in football until recently).
Pretty much sums it up for me. (rip old emojis)
Walking out of Lucas Oil the night of the Sweet 16 win laughing at Louisville fans as I strolled by half-erect...shew. What a night. [smoke]

I have never dogcussed an opposing player half as much as I did Hancock that night. After he stiffarmed his way to another 3, I thought I was literally going to die from anger. Thank God we won. [banana]
I don't think I've hated another sports team as passionately or as completely as that 2007 UL football team. It was through no fault of their own, mind you. My hatred was fueled by Birdgang and how those Johnny-come-lately assholes didn't deserve that type of success. I was legitimately concerned they were going to backdoor their way to a national championship until Rich and the boys took care of that. I'm certain the explosion heard throughout COMMONWEALTH when Stevie Got Loose was powered by relief as much as it was by sheer exuberance.

Other teams I've Hated (I'll rank them for ya later if you want)
- '92 Duke basketball
- '98 UNC basketball
- '95 UNC basketball
- '12 through '14 UL basketball
- '94-'95 San Fran 49ers
- '93 Indiana basketball

I'm sure I'm missing some. Bring 'em out!
Yep growing up in the 80’s with UL winning 2 championships and becoming darlings on Louisville TV stations and the CJ really field my hatred. Also in Bardstown it was probably 80/20 Cat fan but those 20 were loud. You had to fight with those assholes everyday.
Louisville has only been a rival for about 3 decades. As they rightsize, i expect they will end up a step above WKU mainly due to conference affiliation. Once their status gets back to where it should (where it was before we started playing them), they will no longer draw the interest they did in recent years. I hate UL, so much so I refuse to give them the privilege of designating them worthy of being our #1 rival.

Tennessee has been a rival for over a century. As they improve in basketball, and we improve in football I expect the friction to grow back to where it was prior to the city college commuter school to the west drawing attention. They are a much bigger school in a better conference, and more worthy of being rivals to the state of Kentucky's flagship institution.
Tenn isn't even worth mentioning as a basketball rival. If you hate them for football reasons, then fine. Otherwise, F 'em. The don't even register in the world of college basketball.
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I was taught to hate UT by my family before I even knew UL existed. UL only got to where they are because of the relevance provided by UK.

By all means though, continue to build them up so you can complain about them though. Talk about dumb #purplerolleyes

I mean that's just not true, though. Plenty, PLENTY to mock them for, but they won two titles in the 80's out of shit conferences, played in a marquee arena that hosted Final Fours and conference tournaments for years, and with the heir apparent to John Wooden's UCLA dynasty who actually turned Westwood down to stay in the River City.

They beat Bama in the 1991 Fiesta Bowl long before the series was renewed (albeit with a UK alum). Hell, they had hosted Tennessee and Penn State at old Cardinal Stadium without UK's help. Their rise in football came from shamelessly playing anybody, anywhere, anytime. Eventually they started beating teams (Florida State and Miami, specifically).

In both sports homegrown Louisville kids played huge parts in their successes over the years, to boot.

Perhaps it's the Louisvillian in me, but I've just never agreed with that talking point.
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After living in Knox for 6 yrs, UT is far and away my most hated. Thats after about 10 yrs living in Louisville.

I just laugh at UL, they don't deserve to be in the same breathe as UK.
I hope the entire UT campus burns to the MFing ground, and takes most of their ignorant pompous fan base with it.
After living in Knox for 6 yrs, UT is far and away my most hated. Thats after about 10 yrs living in Louisville.

I just laugh at UL, they don't deserve to be in the same breathe as UK.
I hope the entire UT campus burns to the MFing ground, and takes most of their ignorant pompous fan base with it.
East Tennessee is one of the most beautiful areas of the country, if not the world, yet the terrible people of that area figured out how to make Knoxville and the University of Tennessee's campus look absolutely repugnant. Almost hard to do imo.
The race is long guys, and in the end, the only competition is the one with yourself.

#blessed #liveinthemoment #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #rivalry
Not to mention, UT Fan would laugh at the suggestion that UK is their #1 rival, in anything. STOP BUILDING THEM UP.

My family loathes UT as well -- whose doesn't?

*Most hated and biggest rival are not the same conversation.

This is what I come back to, too. I knew more UT fans than UofL fans growing up, and f*** UT; I hate them more. But we’re never going to be above Bama, UF, UGA on their list. Louisville is the only answer in this “debate.”
UT isn't our rival in basketball. It is an insult to UK basketball to consider a team that has never reached a single Final Four as our rival in that sport.

In football, we've been hammered by UT to the point it isn't even remotely a rivalry.

People might despise the UT fanbase, but that isn't the same as having a sports rivalry.
I think some of you all who don’t live in Louisville aren’t fully grasping the rivalry or what UL can do provided with the right leadership or coaches.

I believe the city of Louisville may be the largest metro area in the country without a major league professional sports franchise. So what do the corporations or affluent/wealthy folks who may not have gone to UL and aren’t UK fans do for entertainment? They throw down serious coin on UL athletics.

To say they will be a notch above WKU is foolish ignorance. They’re in the ACC and as much as I love Rupp for big games YUM is objectively one of the nicest arenas in the country including the NBA. Place is fng plush to say the least. All it takes is one right hire and they’ll be back all in.
I think some of you that live in Louisville are warped by the media in that city. Its understandable, but you need to realize that you are living in a silo.

UT might not consider us a football rival currently, but I doubt bama considers ut a rival either. We have one of the longest series in the sport with them though, and it was a huge rivalry until UK decided to not GAF about football for a few decades. I still say we bring back the beer barrel.

This is about entire programs and states, not one single sports team.
U of L isn't a directional nobody school. YUM is fantastic. However... I really question what it would take to take U of L back to their peak years in the wake of the scandals of the last decade and a half, coupled with the massive changes to college basketball as a whole in the same time frame. Mack isn't the dude. Without Jurich stonewalling, it's not out of the question the city gets a franchise, and essentially have UC, Southern edition.*

I don't think that demotes them in terms of rivalry, but they just aren't the same "threat" they were under Pitino/Jurich, and it would take a long list of things going right to restore that DEFCON level. Not a simple task, as UT has demonstrated hilariously post-Fulmer.

*Not true for FB, obviously. CFBB is a different animal and very much alive compared to the husk of CBB in 2021.
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