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Hell, I'd argue that 99.9% of the men on this thread would rather get caught jacking off instead of getting caught blowing a dude. Yet you get caught doing the former and you lose your job, but for the latter they celebrate you for a month.

So we *should* blow a coworker rather than jack off? Am I reading this correctly because this seems like one I don't want to screw up.
Some of the folks I know around town that were or used to be the biggest CARD fans I could think of have become totally apathetic towards their football and basketball programs.

The only things they knew were some Denny, the Pitino era and rise of their football program that objectively saw some crazy accomplishments for what used to be a program that darn near was demoted to Division IAA.

It’s always been more of a social event at YUM & Cardinal Stadium but it’s as if they don’t give a shit anymore. They haven’t taken to Mack and Satterfield is Barney Fife trying to navigate recruiting waters that he isn’t used to.

There’s no more crap talking back and forth in the office or at happy hour. It’s as if their fanbase is dead. Part of me takes pleasure in it but damn I miss the 2009-2017 years. That night in Indy in March 2014 as sick as it sounds is one of the greatest nights of my life. You could see the fear in their eyes in that 2nd half knowing the inevitable was going to happen and when Aaron Harrison knocked down that corner 3 and it was better than sex. The adrenaline rush in November of 2016 when we beat them at PJCS was surreal. I don’t think I took down the K flag on my car for 10 days. I miss the heated hatred of the rivalry.

People forget Aa. Harrison went 4-4 from deep down the stretch of that game.
It’s insane Louisville let this shit get out. Pay the dude his $$$ and move along.

It probably is insane, especially if the recruiting allegations are true, but that would be a really bad precedent to start. Imagine having to pay every assistant coach that gets let go a year and half salary. Rock and hard place, I guess.
It probably is insane, especially if the recruiting allegations are true, but that would be a really bad precedent to start. Imagine having to pay every assistant coach that gets let go a year and half salary. Rock and hard place, I guess.
Seems like they could've just said no, that's extortion, and he would've shut up.
- It must be absolutely exhausting being a Louisville basketball fan. Or a Kansas basketball fan. Or a Kansas football fan, for that matter. (Although they just made an outstanding hire).

- I had to catch up on something like 30 pages of GYERO yesterday, so I might be attributing this to the wrong poster, but I believe it was SAE who said that he trusts Antigua. That's gotta be the best part about this for Cal, too....not only that he trusts O's player evaluations, but also that O will know when it's time to dig in and stay on a kid, and when it's time to cut bait and move on to the next. And not just when a kid is likely heading to another school, but when a kid is likely heading to the G-League. Guarantee if he was still here, Justus would have been whispering that they still had a legit shot at Hardy to the very end....false.

- Assuming it's seasoned properly, not many home-cooked meals beat a hot bowl of chicken and dumplings. Slow-cooked green beans on the side. Even in mid-May, it hits the spot as far as comfort food is concerned.

- The frustrating thing about the Mingione era is how good the program COULD be. Elite conference, terrific facilities, some recent history with star players (White, Reed, etc.). Doesn't help that McDonnell is slaying it just down the road. With minor league baseball contracting, there's a real opportunity for college baseball to grab a foothold in smaller cities. Natural rivalries, the kids stick around, and not much beats a nice night at the ballpark, (ir)regardless of who's playing. Just a shame that Kentucky is still spinning its wheels.

- Been a rough one, gang. Thanks to those who have reached out.
Some of the folks I know around town that were or used to be the biggest CARD fans I could think of have become totally apathetic towards their football and basketball programs.

Commuter school pride. Btw they give a lot of f's but after you thump your chest for years calling your rival a cheater, only to be everything you accused them of, OF COURSE apathy.
Bellarmine really needs to do a good job of being selective in who they allow to be fans. So many UofL people were absolute losers and embarrassing types- they can't just be allowed to latch on now. Like, if you are a SE Christian UL guy- I mean i'm sorry but youre out on this one.
-uofl athletics has been "right sized" if you will. This is it's natural state: Louisville isn't a college town.

Correct. UofL can't be the catalyst if this city expects to do anything moving forward. The entire Jurich era basically put a chokehold on the place and made it smaller than it was/is. The business community basically got drunk on the CARDS for 10+ years. Was pretty wild tbh.

I sincerely hope there's a 30 for 30 on Tom Jurich's tenure one day (realizing there won't be). Still, that would be incredible if done right.
Correct. UofL can't be the catalyst if this city expects to do anything moving forward. The entire Jurich era basically put a chokehold on the place and made it smaller than it was/is. The business community basically got drunk on the CARDS for 10+ years. Was pretty wild tbh.

I sincerely hope there's a 30 for 30 on Tom Jurich's tenure one day (realizing there won't be). Still, that would be incredible if done right.

Sounds like a job for media titan Matt Jones, imo.
Correct. UofL can't be the catalyst if this city expects to do anything moving forward. The entire Jurich era basically put a chokehold on the place and made it smaller than it was/is. The business community basically got drunk on the CARDS for 10+ years. Was pretty wild tbh.

I sincerely hope there's a 30 for 30 on Tom Jurich's tenure one day (realizing there won't be). Still, that would be incredible if done right.
Tom Jurich is the primary reason that the city did not land the Hornets (now the Pelicans).

Imagine the gullibility to where you can convince people that an NBA franchise was actually BAD for the city and that a $250 million arena should be controlled by collegiate athletics.

Cot damned embarrassing.
There’s no more crap talking back and forth in the office or at happy hour. It’s as if their fanbase is dead. Part of me takes pleasure in it but damn I miss the 2009-2017 years.
Richie made a damn fine post, and while I agree that strong rivalries make sports more fun, sometimes it's good to have your primary opponent turned into a pillar of salt. So let's move on to a different rivalry for a while. I assume UofL will eventually be back - maybe not in football - but we're becoming a player in the SEC now and don't have time to worry about the UofL game.
A controversial opinion here, I'm sure, but I "enjoy" our rivalry with UT much more than UL. Similar border-state, intra-confererence, more competitive (especially now that we're closer to them in football and Barnes has done well in basketball). I get that on the front lines in the River City, the in-state rivalry is much more intense, but I'd take way more joy in seeing them relegated to the Memphis/UC/Pitt mediocre city school status that they are, and focus the majority of our loathing on the Vols.
Nah, F Tenn. The UL rivalry sets us apart. It's #2 behind the obvious. It's fun to see lil bro screw up repeatedly especially with all the velcro banner remarks after Cal was hired. That's karma. But I don't want to seem them buried in obscurity. Like richie so eloquently stated, it's most fun when we beat them at their best.
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A controversial opinion here, I'm sure, but I "enjoy" our rivalry with UT much more than UL. Similar border-state, intra-confererence, more competitive (especially now that we're closer to them in football and Barnes has done well in basketball). I get that on the front lines in the River City, the in-state rivalry is much more intense, but I'd take way more joy in seeing them relegated to the Memphis/UC/Pitt mediocre city school status that they are, and focus the majority of our loathing on the Vols.
Yeah - I didn't give a damn about UofL until I moved to Louisville. I always hated UT way more.
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- Growing up in the DC area, I LOATHED Duke and UNC more than anyone. It was a point of bonding with UMD fans. UNC is my Public Enemy #1, forever and always. So, being insulated from UT fans then, my feelings about UT went from "gross," to white hot seething hatred when I moved to East Tennessee for college. And then I wouldn't have pissed on Phil Fulmer if his fat ass was on fire. The utter ineptitude of that program and AD in the years since has been a consistent source of schadenfreude for me.

U of L was a rival, but I never really cared about them until I moved to Kentucky. They were just Lil Brother. I knew zero U of L fans until I got to UK for law school. But by the time I moved to Jefferson County in 2014, I openly wished for fire and brimstone to fall on Floyd Street. I moved away in 2018, and the downfall of the program around the same time has taken the edge off my ire; but there is something nostalgic about embracing the unabashed HATE of a rival, and I miss that a bit.

Bring back the IU rivalry. F the Hoosiers into the sun.

- In Target the other day, I hear a guy three rows away listening to a podcast on his phone speaker. I ended up walking up to the registers just behind him and realized the podcast was forecasting WWE storylines, and I went from annoyed to giggling. He was about 53, crew cut, cigarette stained fingers, dressed in cargo jorts, tucked in t-shirt, and wearing a pair of Reebok basketball shoes from 2008 or so...capped off with a gold chain. Basically, how I imagine UKO. Life, a rich tapestry.

- Pfizergang Implantation complete as of this morning. Relieved to have it over with.

- Interesting rumors from people at Wake that Dino has been shady for years, a la Matt Gaetz. Maybe not the nice dude people around town believed, and 100% the biggest bitch in this current kerfuffle.
- living on the state line I enjoy beating Tennessee about the same as I do beating Louisville but losing to those Orange phags brings much more shame to my family and I

it’s sickening how much those losers have taken to the sport of basketball in the last couple years.
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Will never understand the Kentucky fans who undersell Louisville as our rival. They’re #1 with a bullet. Will I root for them on occasion against UNC, Indiana or Duke? Sure but only if it helps UK in anyway or it’s a harmless root.

That being said, I will hear out fans older than myself who argue Indiana or Tennessee.
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