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* I posted about our goofball mayor wearing a mask to her press conference about not needing to wear a mask anymore. Here was a (#late) response on social from my friend who is also the head of the local teacher's union.

I am fully vaccinated and about to be done with school this week where masks are required and I still plan to continue wearing my mask, especially to help protect the disabled and immunocompromised in the community who for whatever reason can’t get the vaccine or don’t have access to the vaccine. And people may live with or love people who are in those populations of people.

So there you have it. Posturing. Political theater. Supporting a cause. But there is ZERO scientific basis for wearing a mask outdoors, 10-20+ feet from anyone, in a wide open sparsely populated space when fully vaxxed. Do as you will, but don't pretend you're accomplishing anything.

It's about like wearing scuba gear, swimmies, flippers, and a life jacket to sit in a hot tub. Only less useful than that.

* The most important thing about the Israeli-Palestinian debate is that, depending on your social, religious, and political viewpoint, one side is absolutely 100% to blame, whereas the other is absolutely 100% the victim. For sure.

Also: holy shit is Gal Gadot hot as balls or what?

* I'm seriously all over this 6-12-18-24 challenge. But man, how you gonna publicly go after this ordeal? 3 parts of that are very socially accepted, whereas 1 you kinda got to keep to yourself.

* Jacob Toppin is one guy I just don't really see it with. He's got a lot of physical/athletic ability, but he's also been given plenty of minutes, and is a career 5 & 4 guy over 2 seasons. At the 4 spot, I'm really hoping Lance Ware takes a big step forward in 2021-22.

* We play at Mississippi State this year Halloween weekend. Man, what a freaking poo show that was back in the day.

BMoney/Wodie Sloot = sexy refs
anth and his boys = Mennonites/Amish
Bernie = wore a toilet seat and covered his entire face in fake poop
Randall = was there, for whatever reason
BBdK = Meatwad
wcc = long sleeve shirt under a short sleeve shirt
PTI (pti) = gorilla costume
TurboK = Beetlejuice
80Proof = baby costume

Who am I missing? 73? Willy?
I drove from Johnson City to Knoxville and we drove up together 😅

Also wore the same costume as wcc. Still have those photos on my old old Photobucket account
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The NCAA violations in this case may very well be minor, but they were committed while awaiting penalties for serious violations committed while already on probation for other major infractions. Plus, the headlines will be "federal extortion" and "Louisville", meaning that POS institution continues to be a complete and total embarrassment.
I get that but do u call a guy that took the program further than any coach in history a bust? I don’t.
At this point... yeah.

He made the tournament his first year. They've been moving backwards since, and their play on the field is sloppy so it's not going to improve.

He's a great person, but not even a decent head coach.
He had the most draft picks of any team in the country and couldn't make his conference tournament. He is terrible. The only thing worse is giving him an extension.
He’s taken our program further than any other coach.

But go ahead and hire someone else who will also do nothing., in your opinion.

I’m cool with that.

I’m just happy to see this much passion over UK baseball within gyero. It’s good to see.
* The most important thing about the Israeli-Palestinian debate is that, depending on your social, religious, and political viewpoint, one side is absolutely 100% to blame, whereas the other is absolutely 100% the victim. For sure.

A Jewish fellow in my neighborhood posted pictures on Facebook of himself in the West Bank, said that Zionists were the same as Nazis, and there is no point of having Israel because "Jews will be fine everywhere"... and now let's just say his fellow tribesmen aren't going to let him enjoy himself at Shavuot in a few days.

* I'm seriously all over this 6-12-18-24 challenge. But man, how you gonna publicly go after this ordeal? 3 parts of that are very socially accepted, whereas 1 you kinda got to keep to yourself.

You should fight this, PTI. Every other sexual norm has been broken. It's time for you to be loud and proud re: your proclivity (or perhaps necessity) to rub one (or several) out in day. Hell, I'd argue that 99.9% of the men on this thread would rather get caught jacking off instead of getting caught blowing a dude. Yet you get caught doing the former and you lose your job, but for the latter they celebrate you for a month.
So anyone wanna explain what the hell's going on? Some of us have to umpire baseball every night (because nobody else will)

Edit: just saw the headline.. lol never change louisville
Dana O'Neill...

We have spent decades, after all, hearing about the so-called underbelly of college basketball, where runners and agents run amok, and Emery envelopes and financial advisers deliver the same underhanded cash, just in a comparatively different civilized fashion. But Louisville has taken the whole thing to a new level — not just a double dose of sex, but now two complaints of extortion and a pair of federal investigations, one in which it is the plaintiff, and the other the defendant.

Karen Sypher, raise a glass.

😅 😅
Some of the folks I know around town that were or used to be the biggest CARD fans I could think of have become totally apathetic towards their football and basketball programs.

The only things they knew were some Denny, the Pitino era and rise of their football program that objectively saw some crazy accomplishments for what used to be a program that darn near was demoted to Division IAA.

It’s always been more of a social event at YUM & Cardinal Stadium but it’s as if they don’t give a shit anymore. They haven’t taken to Mack and Satterfield is Barney Fife trying to navigate recruiting waters that he isn’t used to.

There’s no more crap talking back and forth in the office or at happy hour. It’s as if their fanbase is dead. Part of me takes pleasure in it but damn I miss the 2009-2017 years. That night in Indy in March 2014 as sick as it sounds is one of the greatest nights of my life. You could see the fear in their eyes in that 2nd half knowing the inevitable was going to happen and when Aaron Harrison knocked down that corner 3 and it was better than sex. The adrenaline rush in November of 2016 when we beat them at PJCS was surreal. I don’t think I took down the K flag on my car for 10 days. I miss the heated hatred of the rivalry.
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