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I just hope Pretty Boy Satt never finds another job and UL is stuck recruiting 250# linemen for the rest of eternity.

Basketball is cool. But what I reallllllly enjoy is flipping the football script and ascending to a level of REAL SEC while Louisville is absolute embarrassing division 2 dog shit. UL really hung their hat on football because we were so bad at it, and now they have nothing.
I would like nothing more than for UofL to get back to a nice little city college when it comes to sports. Hell, someday it might even be enjoyable to go down to that stadium near the fairgrounds on a crisp, fall Tuesday night to watch them play Cincinnati or Memphis. We could root on some local kids that, after a year or two, could transfer to UK to provide some needed depth for our guys who left early for the NFL.
Good grief.

I LOATHE UL with the heat of a thousand suns but can recognize:

* Denny Crum was a heckuva coach who won 2 titles and took UL to six Final Fours. UL has arguably the 6th best program of all time when you factor titles, Final Fours, facilities, fan interest and overall tradition and passion. The rivalry in the 80’s was red hot.

* Other than Austin they operate in a market that is probably the largest metro area in the country without a major league franchise and they do have enough corporations and plenty of wealthy boosters willing to contribute real money to the athletic department. That’s the main reason they have sparkling facilities and it actually forced UK to quit living off their laurels do a major overall upgrade.

They will never have the overall prestige in basketball that Kentucky has but to act like they’re going to be the metro version of WKU is nonsense that reeks of being an ill formed bumpkin.
It's time 73, Adrian, Richie, Bonz, and me consider just being UofL football fans.

5 minute drive from home. Power 5 schedule. Beers. W's. Louisville.

Merits discussion, really.

I've also accepted this, and have started the process of realizing UK football is now the hapless underdog in the series who will (hopefully) jump up and beat them every few years. Maybe 2-3 times a decade. Best we can hope is that they're costly losses for their bowl selection.

UofL has the permanent upper hand in football. The reality is Louisville is a football town with a much stronger football culture than Lexington. It's just more a part of the fabric here, therefore will always command the required attention, support, resources, and will to win more so than in Lexington.

Like I said, it's going to be fun to sneak up and beat them every so often, but yea, it's done.

UK has lost and will continue to lose a lot of ground in Louisville as far as the next generation of fans is concerned.

I mean, not happening in the SAECATFAN household but that's just the reality.

And I agree Mitch isn't going anywhere, but damn it I want a ruthless AD next. Are there any potential candidates identified beyond Peevy?

Of course the local media has lately been touting the fact that no UofL football coach who leaves for greener pastures has found success and LOUISVILLE is the best job in CFB. Clearly for Bobby to chew on.

They don't give any context, of course. Stuff like the fact that UofL has been in shit conferences and been able to sign kids with academic or criminal issues that the traditional conferences couldn't touch possibly contributing to that success.

It's whatever. Go UofK.

If the Boston F'n Celtics were in downtown Louisville set to take on the Kentucky F'n Colonels...

Jesus. Place would be packed. There's more to it, obviously, but ground level support/interest would most definitely be there IMO.

Old Cardinal Stadium was dope. It just was. As 73 said, there was some magic there. Great memories from Dad taking us out for the Redbirds, X/Trinity, State Playoffs/Championships, etc. I accept that this is very much a Louisville thing, because it is, but anyone who grew up here in the second half of the 20th century has a fond memory or two of the venue.

I listen to Louisville sportstalk radio exclusively. TS. It’s so awful that I like it. Deener, then Sweeney/Lach, Valvano, and Jason Anderson on the drive home.


I'm a UofL fan but I am done guilting any fanbase for enjoying at home given the ridiculous cost for what is an otherwise shitty experience. I mean that upper level at Yum is awful. Home is the obvious choice, even for $10.

I mean, your sort of all over the place on this issue. The only thing you are consistent at is overrating anything Louisville related.
I don't know what the point of that was, but in this rivalry I've been angry, my friend. I've been really angry. I've been confused and hopeless at times, like a ship lost at sea desperately interested in finding any safe harbor. If what you've shared indicts me of anything, it's that I've sought refuge and guidance from my internet friends at times when I had nothing else.

And that's what makes a rivalry great.
It was mainly to point out you've been poisoned by the Louisville media, which you sarcastically denied.

The post about "exclusively listening to Louisville sports talk" really stood out in that regard.
My guess on tv ratings (since we don't really have a single poster on this entire thread worth a damn that knows jack squat about this sort of thing)....

- Duke-UNC is the #1 ratings draw in college basketball overall
- Louisville and Lexington's college basketball watching ratings are off the charts overall, and particularly for the UK-UofL game, when basically 100% of both markets are watching that game

Nobody is more obsessed with college basketball than the Commonwealth. That's what kind of skews this discussion. Across all 50 states, Duke-UNC is the biggest rivalry, but Kentucky is so bonkers about the sport that it's not even close from a "real" fans perspective.
Just catching up here, but UL has a coach indicted for trying to extort them? Christ!

I don’t think it can be stated how embarrassing the look of that is.

Seriously, that’s insane!

- UL is our top rival, and it isn’t just in Louisville.

It might not mean the same for those outside of Jefferson county, but that doesn’t change it from being a fact!

Granted it has been lopsided for a few decades now where Pitino owned them, Tubby for all his struggles owned them and Cal has also owned them. But past that we beat them at a 70% clip!

I’ve hated UNC, IU, Arky, and TN as bad as I’ve ever hated anything in my life during periods, but absolutely nothing brings me joy as much as beating UL and keeping that little brother big university wannabe syndrome alive!
Grew up in Lexington thinking of/hating Louisville like the Russians during the Cold War.

Still have a pretty negative opinion of Loserville.
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Speaking of high schools in Louisville, that shit coming out about St X today is disgusting. Those deviants should go to prison for doing that to someone.
- In Target the other day, I hear a guy three rows away listening to a podcast on his phone speaker. I ended up walking up to the registers just behind him and realized the podcast was forecasting WWE storylines, and I went from annoyed to giggling. He was about 53, crew cut, cigarette stained fingers, dressed in cargo jorts, tucked in t-shirt, and wearing a pair of Reebok basketball shoes from 2008 or so...capped off with a gold chain. Basically, how I imagine UKO. Life, a rich tapestry.
Party foul. Shenanigans. Bullshit. Too many specific details sweetheart. Learn lying.
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Speaking of high schools in Louisville, that shit coming out about St X today is disgusting. Those deviants should go to prison for doing that to someone.
Catholics, sheesh. I guess if priests aren't around y'all take matters into your own hands. Dougan boys say thank God for Martin Luther.
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