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Anyone else prefer and love good black licorice over all other gummy options? No? Didn’t think so. Always made it nice for me as nobody asked to share or attempted to steal my wonderful black gold.
Nothing worse for a young Mossip riding shotgun while Mom runs errands, and the bank teller sent this bullshit back with the deposit slip...

He was somebody that was at the top of our scouting report every single time we played them,” Coleman said. “Fredrick was a bear to go up against because of his ability to make shots, his ability to find those pockets because he doesn’t stop moving. He’s in great shape. He’s more than a shooter though, guys. He’s more than just a Richard. He’s more than just a spacer. CJ Fredrick’s got some game.”

-Chin Coleman; assistant head coach of the University of Kentucky Men’s Basketball Program and Honorary GYEROMAN
I hope all you guys will someday visit. Huber was there at Georgetown and I read he had a blast. Having these local celebrities has gotten a lot of new eyes on the product and we are in development for a reality show (think like the "Last Chance U" of pro wrestling) which will be in production this fall.

Huber is a celebrity?

Agree with dk, cherry sucks.

90 in Phoenix is nice. Try again in August Bonz.

Little boat got baptised yesterday. Fun times, nice little family gathering afterward. My pork belly burnt ends crushed.

Hell yeah to higher temps and sun. Need the lake to warm up with a quickness.

More alien stuff on the news...nobody seems to care. June is coming.
My current public service duties as a juror have come to an end. Part of me wanted to be selected, but I knew people attached to the attorneys on both sides of the case. It also involved mine and the wife's lines of work.

Oh well. Guess I can go make more than $12 per day now.
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* Absolutely shocked BBdK loves purple/grape.

Red is the flavor for them, PTI(pti) - everyone knows that.

Swedish Fish lmao. Albanese brand gummy snacks are >>>>>>>> any other (non THC, of course). Truly a premium product.

Cherry Coke is the one exception, I enjoy on a random occasion or fancy fountain machine.
Purple Drank begs to differ, BBdarK.
What a disgrace. I used to think y’all were pretty cool (purely as a lurker).
  • Wow
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Chris Kolb doesn't belong to live on this earth, much less in a position of power. Not surprised teachers put him in a position of power. They are literally the worst people in the planet.

1. Teachers
2. Terrorist.
3. Pedophiles

That's the ranking.
Chris Kolb doesn't belong to live on this earth, much less in a position of power. Not surprised teachers put him in a position of power. They are literally the worst people in the planet.

1. Teachers
2. Terrorist.
3. Pedophiles

That's the ranking.
Good to know where we stand.
Chris Kolb doesn't belong to live on this earth, much less in a position of power. Not surprised teachers put him in a position of power. They are literally the worst people in the planet.
Not taking up for Kolb (or the likes of Vern), but I thought the board members were voted into office by the people, not the teachers.
This quote made it move:

"Dynamic playmaking, I can make any play," Wheeler said of what he brings to the table. "I feel like if the game calls me to get four-points and ten-assists to win the game and be the person on the defensive end then I can do that. If the game calls me to be on the aggressive side and score 20-points then I can do that as well. I am a triple-double threat. I bring experience, leadership, I have been in the SEC with two years under my belt and have had success in it being an All-SEC caliber player and all SEC last year. I feel like my experience that I have is going to do well for us with this Kentucky team having everyone new. All of us together and putting our egos aside, we are going to win some really big games this year."
Love it, and anyone who doesn't as a 2nd PG pickup this late is an absolute buffoon.

Bottom line, we watch game after game after game with some "Wheeler" type shredding us and breaking us down (especially late shot clock after a solid D possession) for easy looks at the rim or wide open 3s...and are always like "wish we had a guy like that".

Well, now we do. With lob finishers (noticed how those disappeared?) and shooters galore.
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What else is Coleman going to say about Frederick? I'm skeptical. The guy has improved his body but is still physically weak, which kept him out of games. Maybe not Allen weak but compared to peers. He can shoot lights out but can't create. Not sure about defense. Will he get plays off the screen? Granted, now that we add a distributor, who can penetrate and kick, makes things easier. In a better run offense than Cal has run recently, I'd be more optimistic.
  • Haha
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What else is Coleman going to say about Frederick? I'm skeptical. The guy has improved his body but is still physically weak, which kept him out of games. Maybe not Allen weak but compared to peers. He can shoot lights out but can't create. Not sure about defense. Will he get plays off the screen? Granted, now that we add a distributor, who can penetrate and kick, makes things easier. In a better run offense than Cal has run recently, I'd be more optimistic.

He was hurt all year - which is a concern- but if he’s healthy, he’ll be excellent as guard off the bench.
Important to remember that Wheeler played on a shit team with no help.

Expecting big things from this young man as a Cat!

Correct - he was a do-all guy on a team with limited shooting/weapons. His turnovers were a result of that (required) aggressiveness, and they were at least offset by 14ppg and conference leading assists.

We've dealt with similar turnover rate for 3 GD years with guys who just dribble around and do NOTHING, and also don't score or shoot. His role will be different here, and much easier (on him). I'd be willing to bet his shooting % takes a nice jump as well.

The guy is a rising Jr, ALL SEC, who is now joining a team that's loaded with shooters/weapons around him.

Point guards not named Ashton improve consistently year to year in CBB, and it's a perfect situation for him to do the same, as an experienced JUNIOR.
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