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Had several errands to run tonight around Lexington. Quick rundown on masks:

Meijer Reynolds - Asked me when I walked in if I had a mask. Told them I was fully vaccinated and to check the news. Nothing else was said. Probably 10% didn't have it on throughout store.

Total wine LG - No issues until check out line. Told me to put it on, store policy. I just put the f'ing thing on so I could check out and leave.

Proof Fitness - No mask entire time, nothing said to me. Probably 15% no mask.

Kroger Boston - Mask required/store policy. I kept walking and nothing was said thereafter. I was the only one without one for the 10 minutes I was there. Weird feeling admittedly.

Going to be one hell of an interesting stretch coming up.

lmao wear your mask vax boi
Take your FoxNews bullshit to the F’ing FoxNews wackjob thread pinned at the top.

You MFers sit here and bitch about the Kyle Tuckers yet do the same thing- use good news for our country- be it later than you would have like or not - as an opportunity to spread your one-way bullshit.

It’s the same F’ing thing and I’m not surprised in the least ol’ Middle-of-the-Road Anth is right there stirring it up.
Actually, your beloved NYT asked the same question. Pipe down, little man.

* Scientifically, there is nothing that has happened in the past two weeks that has brought the CDC from the viewpoint of masking and distancing to completely dropping those protocols. It proves that the agency is a clown show, and while they may have mountains of great research at their disposal, their recommendations are clearly based on factors outside of science. Peer pressure, politics, opinions, optics. Just tired AF at being talked to like an idiot. Those of us with common sense figured out these concepts a long time ago. Vaccinations and being outside are REALLY extra super safe. Common. F'ing. Sense.
I remember when a good ol’, perfectly-concocted vast right wing conspiracy made up that whole Bubba blowjob incident. From that ghoul’s mouth, the gloves were off with conspiracy theory hyperbole.
* Scientifically, there is nothing that has happened in the past two weeks that has brought the CDC from the viewpoint of masking and distancing to completely dropping those protocols. It proves that the agency is a clown show, and while they may have mountains of great research at their disposal, their recommendations are clearly based on factors outside of science. Peer pressure, politics, opinions, optics. Just tired AF at being talked to like an idiot. Those of us with common sense figured out these concepts a long time ago. Vaccinations and being outside are REALLY extra super safe. Common. F'ing. Sense.
Go watch OAN or FN you dumb loser.
* Scientifically, there is nothing that has happened in the past two weeks that has brought the CDC from the viewpoint of masking and distancing to completely dropping those protocols. It proves that the agency is a clown show, and while they may have mountains of great research at their disposal, their recommendations are clearly based on factors outside of science. Peer pressure, politics, opinions, optics. Just tired AF at being talked to like an idiot. Those of us with common sense figured out these concepts a long time ago. Vaccinations and being outside are REALLY extra super safe. Common. F'ing. Sense.

Their messaging has been shit from the get-go, which is why I am happy they’re keeping it simple and optimistic for once.

These vaccinations are incredible and should be a celebration. It should have been, “get your shots, wait 10 days and start living your life again. Party time!”

Instead, you’re telling people “get your shots then wait another 4-5 months and life may start getting a tad better.”

WTF. If you’re trying to sell these to some dubious and exhausted people, give them good reasons - normalcy right there after.
What I don't get is after this past year when it's been blatantly obvious our leaders on BOTH sides and the CDC have at best withheld the truth and at worst openly lied to us, more folks don't have a healthy skepticism about what they read and hear. Maybe do a little digging on their own?

Calling any information or story you disagree with Fox News or Q is the equivalent of calling the person you don't agree with a racist. It's a lazy take and doesn't address the topic du jour.
Just gives us the gd science. We're smart enough to handle it. And for those that aren't, there's no hope for them anyways.

But the stunts they pull are so transparent. They have the research/data, then work to craft a message based on what they want the outcome to be.

"Okay, guys. There's a mountain of evidence that vaccinations basically eliminate risk. BUT, it's gonna look bad if we just tell those people they're totally safe. How would that look for unvaccinated people? We need to let the public know that vaccinations are really important and everyone should get them, but continue to mask and distance so unvaccinated people continue to understand the importance, and their vaccinated friends and family can encourage them to get vaccinated."

🤮 🤮
Their messaging has been shit from the get-go, which is why I am happy they’re keeping it simple and optimistic for once.

These vaccinations are incredible and should be a celebration. It should have been, “get your shots, wait 10 days and start living your life again. Party time!”

Instead, you’re telling people “get your shots then wait another 4-5 months and life may start getting a tad better.”

WTF. If you’re trying to sell these to some dubious and exhausted people, give them good reasons - normalcy right there after.
Enough with the conspiracy theories. Trust the science. These are experts, you should follow their every command.
Define conspiracy theory.

Academia being a practical monopoly of far left thinking?

The vast majority of media and big tech being in bed with the DNC?

That the DOJ fabricated evidence and lied to a FISA court in order to gather intelligence on a political opponent (with, apparently zero consequences)

Are those conspiracy theories?
What I don't get is after this past year when it's been blatantly obvious our leaders on BOTH sides and the CDC have at best withheld the truth and at worst openly lied to us, more folks don't have a healthy skepticism about what they read and hear. Maybe do a little digging on their own?

Calling any information or story you disagree with Fox News or Q is the equivalent of calling the person you don't agree with a racist. It's a lazy take and doesn't address the topic du jour.

I’m very comfortable with my takes and my sources of information. You all are the ones who take issue when someone has a *gasp* left-of-center opinion.

I get it- this is Kentucky and the great majority lean right. I doubt we’re as far apart in views as it sometimes appears.
I think, and I could be off base, but I think wcc’s point was everyone literally has been saying “they’ve completely blown the messaging, they should be saying take the vaccine and live your life again!” for months. I mean, literally. They said that yesterday and instead of “finally, great news!” I’ve seen multiple “hmmmm, interesting timing” and other weird melancholy posts. I went to check in the Coronavirus virus thread that I’ve been following and posting in for 16 months to read some great celebration posts and it was 3 guys bitching and like one positive post. I mean good lord can’t everyone agree this is good and just collectively be happy for 5 GD minutes before politically bitching.
I think, and I could be off base, but I think wcc’s point was everyone literally has been saying “they’ve completely blown the messaging, they should be saying take the vaccine and live your life again!” for months. I mean, literally. They said that yesterday and instead of “finally, great news!” I’ve seen multiple “hmmmm, interesting timing” and other weird melancholy posts. I went to check in the Coronavirus virus thread that I’ve been following and posting in for 16 months to read some great celebration posts and it was 3 guys bitching and like one positive post. I mean good lord can’t everyone agree this is good and just collectively be happy for 5 GD minutes before politically bitching.
My point is that if anyone has questioned the CDC or Faucci in the last year, they've been called conspiracy theorists and science deniers.

Obviously the science changed yesterday at around 1 pm.
I’m very comfortable with my takes and my sources of information. You all are the ones who take issue when someone has a *gasp* left-of-center opinion.

I get it- this is Kentucky and the great majority lean right. I doubt we’re as far apart in views as it sometimes appears.
I don't care that you have a different opinion and welcome it. You've said a lot of dumb shit I disagree with like "the Reds are awesome!" or "Cincy > Louisville" or "Pearl Jam's best song is Betterman" (it's Porch).

I just digest it, shurg it off and shift to topics we both agree on like bourbon or short, stacked & classies.
My point is that if anyone has questioned the CDC or Faucci in the last year, they've been called conspiracy theorists and science deniers.

Obviously the science changed yesterday at around 1 pm.

I get that, but like can’t we be happy that on a 75 degree Friday in May we just got an “all clear” from the government and Kentucky just dropped all mandates? Like can’t everyone hold hands and get hammered together? What are we accomplishing by saying “Harumph so now am I still a nut?!” and saying I told you so? I guess I’m just sick of everyone arguing all the GD time is all
Are we still wearing masks in 9 years, terie?
Perhaps you skimmed over the first paragraph of my post where I said I wasn’t wearing a mask and it was time to get back to normal life now that we have a vaccine?
Masks or no masks now was not my point; my point was that acting like asshats now and in the past about how serious this pandemic was, and the toll it took, is a bad look.
I think the media and academics are full of lefties for the same reason business and the military are full of righties - because that’s what their wiring/aptitudes lead them to. Nothing really conspiratorial about it. I’m sure it annoys people but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Also: the WNBA is full of lesbians.
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Perhaps you skimmed over the first paragraph of my post where I said I wasn’t wearing a mask and it was time to get back to normal life now that we have a vaccine?
Masks or no masks now was not my point; my point was that acting like asshats now and in the past about how serious this pandemic was, and the toll it took, is a bad look.
I think he most certainly saw your first paragraph...
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