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-'Round this time in the college years I would be feeling normal again after a spring semester of little sleep, booze, etc. A couple weeks of the comfort of home, working out, sleeping, hydrating, had me primed for a nice summer of lawn mowing and lifeguarding. Nice bag of green and glass piece for nighttime sessions on the legendary basement walkout patio (Wayne knows). I really miss that time of life, man.

-Along those lines, I'll turn on some Kenny and DMB once we settle into 80 degree temps and make no apologies for it. All year I listen to enough of the critically acclaimed, heady music to enjoy my guilty musical pleasures.

-It's been fun to observe the right embrace Bill Maher. I worship, and pretty much always have. Anyhow, a few years ago he went on a rant about how summer needs to be Summer again. Junk novels, big budget movies, less seriousness, more relaxing. Here it is. Great stuff and pretty much where I am right now. Just need the warmth, damn it.

-I haven't been in decent shape heading into summer in 7 years or so, but I am now. Nice feeling. Elliptical and some weights, babe. 4-5x per week. Ain't that hard. Appreciate Bonz being my responsibility buddy.

-Smoked a meatloaf on the egg last night. Hickory chunk or two. 350 until 160 IT. Recommended. Was fantastic.

-Friday morning golf. Friday afternoon mow. Nice way to start a weekend. Also recommended.

-Who TF is Michael Bennett?
80 and UKRob73 got into more detail than I would, but I’ll add middle men suppliers are buying as much as they can and storing it and then controlling where they put it at marked up prices just a month or two later gaining more profits.

The one thing I will add is resin is extremely short currently and used for OSB, LVL, Ijoist and plywood’s as well as some window applications.

So for example in the month of April one of our subfloor suppliers shut their plant down because they ran out and couldn’t produce anymore subfloor.

When they announced that subfloor went from $45 a sheet to almost $65-75 and still no one cares and we just keep selling lumber!

Looking forward I laugh at the people that say the bubble will the time it does the fall back to earth will still be costly without a complete shut down!
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Chili was really cute, Vern. That’s not debatable or controversial.

Aaliyah, in my opinion, is not really 90’s as she died in Aug 2001 at the age of 21, and her Apex year was 2000.
With the price of gas bring so low recently would anyone be interested in a business venture where we buy a bunch, store it in barrels, and then sell it for a profit door to door when this is all over?
Don't say I didn't offer you guys. I'll be rolling with bradyjames before long.
Pretty arrogant of Vern to say Wayne isn’t allowed to have an opinion on ‘90s R&B babes.

Sorry- just calling it as I see it.
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Peak Jennifer Love Hewitt was The Client List in 2010. If you need reminding, that's the show where she played a ridiculously sexy housewife that headed up a prostitution ring out of her massage therapy business in order to keep her house out of foreclosure.

Don't anyone EVER criticize Lifetime again, got that?
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I mean to a young 13 year old she Marcus Welby the hottest thing on planet Earth.
-What the Maher love shows is we all have a lot more in commons than sometimes think. All the trigger word topics are just used to stir up the lunatics on each side. The rest of just trying to have a nice 70-80 years on the planet and drink domestos.

-Kathy Ireland. Worship.

-Shut down economy, tell people to stay home, give them free health care, $19/hr on UE and be scared to reopen things and remove those new benefits. You just flat cannot hire people right now. Everyone is hiring and how many were still unemployed last week? On top of just printing money... it's gotta catch up at some point. I think we'll look back on that last stimulus and extending the UE supplement and really regret it. I'm worried we missed the boat on keeping this thing trucking.

-Long drive yesterday so I threw on some DMB and Petty to pair with an awesome blue sky. Was nice.

-I love Cicadas, worshipped back in the early 90s when we had a big hatch. For a new fly fisherman it's cool to see all the old timers geeking out. Dude over at Quest could barely contain himself selling me cicada flies even though I won't be fishing much in the cicada area.

-Dad hack. Get a set of allen bits for your small drill (used around the house and for the wifey). Makes putting together all those assemble yourself Wayfair furniture items a breeze. Just watch the torque. Way better than trying to use the shitty little allen key they supply.

-SAE nailed it. The Spring Break -> Derby run was something else but after that settled down, work would get crazy, made tons of money and stayed up all night spending it. Sweat it out the next morning and back at it.

-Alright, assuming the 2 new guards, let's hear projected lineups. Who are the contenders next season? I'll buy in... cautiously.
PROTIP- use a sharpie to mark the particular Allen wrench you use regularly on the damn door handle of your freezer because it keeps coming loose because you live with a bunch of animals who try to tear the damn thing off and then you’re down there on the ground trying to fix the damn thing before all hell breaks loose but you’re using a basic wrench kit with like 12 options and it takes 4-5 tries to get the right one which only gets you more pissed off
- Get to check out a 3x Cy Young winner take the mound Friday night in the Desert....

...and I'm sure the Nats offense will show up like PTI's drunk neighbor and blow another Scherzer gem.

- There's already talks of a 4th stimulus check. Couple that with the Fed openly concerned about keeping inflation down and everything noted about supply/demand issues the last few pages and it seems a rocky ride is inevitable.

- Been impressive to see the former Wellington estates resident pull off one of those "before/after" transformations. Hard work pays off.

- Rolling Stones finally rescheduled their Louisville show for June 4th at Cardinal Stadium. Solid way to kick-off summer - outdoor frosties, tunes, lassies in short shorts. I'm a fan.

- So the Russians are starting the Clone Wars? Sounds about right.

- Good call on Kathy Ireland. Her in 'Necessary Roughness' was all that and a bag of chips for a young Bonz.

- Lineups are one thing and I'm pumped with all the off-season changes, now we just need to see style-of-play tweaked and open up the offense to take advantage of personnel strengths.
-manu manu the slender, ftw.

-i have a nice set of bondhus "ball end" lieu of a traditional Allen key set. Much more effective and comfortable. Same with nut drivers....have a nice klein set.

^no need to use a drill/power tool in most scenarios, unless you have weak hands/forearms.
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Wheeler a C option ? GTFO what that. Here is the only stat that matters, Points Produced Per Game, which factors in scoring, assist, and TO's. 16.6 good from #3 in the SEC behind only Scotty Pippen and Cameron Thomas. Did so as the main focus of defenses and played 35 MPG and was the only creator on the team. Yeah, but a honk averaging 8 PPG as the 4th or 5th option on a loaded team is a A+. LOL, basketballs, more like goof balls.

Planned a Crossville golf trip with my three sons. If you had to choose two courses, which ones you picking ?

5 stations out of gas last night in the BG, luckily, there was bread to be had.

Black Queens : Naomi Campbell / Lisa Bonet / Janet Jackson (dat ass and them moves)
PROTIP- use a sharpie to mark the particular Allen wrench you use regularly on the damn door handle of your freezer because it keeps coming loose because you live with a bunch of animals who try to tear the damn thing off and then you’re down there on the ground trying to fix the damn thing before all hell breaks loose but you’re using a basic wrench kit with like 12 options and it takes 4-5 tries to get the right one which only gets you more pissed off
Actual pro tip...

Put a drop of thread loc on that screw and don't worry about it ever again.
It’s official - I don’t understand what the f*** is going on anymore.

It’s official - I don’t understand what the f*** is going on anymore.

America’s Next Great ESports University
I don’t think their music is over rated at all, but I’m not paying big bucks to see their geriatric show.
I've seen them twice and plan on seeing them again. I wouldn't characterize what I've seen in person as a geriatric show. They get onstage, play kick ass rock and roll for 2+ hours, and it's freaking awesome imo.
Look…They may be way past their prime but one my biggest regrets in life was not doing whatever it took to see them under the Twin Spires in 2006. They may be one of my favorite bands of all time and I love the mix of blues, rock, British Invasion and IMO they even have some old country influences in some of their numbers.
What age do you all think it’s no longer appropriate for a grown man to play video games (unless it’s a quick round of MarioKart with his kids)? I think like mid-20’s.
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By all means enjoy the show.

I’m just saying, I’ve been burned shelling out in advance for an “older” performer who after buying expensive scalped tickets canceled their show and all you get back from ticketmaster is face value.

Also, maybe try to include some more diversity in the concerts you attend/Vern.
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