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The legitimate one and done guys are going G-league or to a college that will pay them. So Cal naturally goes down the list to the next men up who aren't one and done, but when Cal drops the offer they suddenly get the idea that they are. He starts pursuing passers and shooters to make an honest effort at playing modern basketball. As soon as the Jemarls and Hickmans get THAT offer... They think they're one and done.

Next thing you know we've got a roster of just above average players who think they're the shit and won't stand for being benched, recruited over, they're considering opting out, and are dreaming about lambos like they own GME.
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I don't know much about these Duggars except they like to multiply like rabbits but this Josh Duggar fellow sounds like a sure fire hall of fame scumbag who has been enabled by his family for years.
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So here's one for you. I am in a hurry to get to an Oaks Party, and I wanted to make some mint julep syrup. So I rush through the recipe and put the 160 degree simple syrup into a blender instead of waiting for it to cool because I am in a rush. I hit the button and boom, the thing blows the top off the blender, even with my hand on it. I'm covered in scalding hot julep syrup, but every square inch of my kitchen within 10 feet of the blender is covered as well. Good times!

Eat shit, Wayne!
Weird feeling Wheeler is in the bag

As long as it’s TyTy + Mintz, Carr, CJ, Miller. Ok whatever

TyTy + Mintz + the 1 of the others tho (to differing degrees) and let’s gooooooo

Just hard to not think we have an auto 30 minute guy in the bag for Hickman to do that.

Pippen, Carr, Zeg. Short list, unless he wants no part of a Washington battle.
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I remember when I was in high school and I would drive down to football games, the country channel out of Williamstown would play this ridiculous commercial for an insurance agency where some guy was in the background yelling “Deuce Deuce Deuce!”

Long live the Deuce. I hope his Playmate has held up well. Anyone have any recent pics of her?
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Have spent a few moments with the “Heather Kozar playmate” google image search. Mostly for sociological research purposes. For all you anti-hair guys, interestingly, 1999 had already embraced that movement. I hadn’t remembered that being the case, but the evidence appears to speak for itself.

As a historian, all I can do is review the facts.
If Cal doesn’t want to lose recruits after firing an assistant maybe he should get back on the recruiting trail.

I don’t remember hearing about needing a mediator between Cal and the players and recruits having close relationships with assistants when he was the one out doing the main recruiting.
If Joel Justus is costing John “thank me every time I don’t recruit one of your guys” Calipari recruits then we have bigger problems than I thought.

Regardless, the transfer portal makes de-commits hurt way less. Just let me know who my team is in the fall and for the love of Rupp have a semblance of a modern offense.

(I think passing on Powell is going to prove to be a mistake).
Going with a nice button down and khaki shorts (/nocargo) for the backyard party I attend every year. Loafers, no socks.

Bud Heavy, TwinSpires, friends, Calcutta-style auction, and my perfect weather. Time to show off, Kentucky!

PS - seems like PG is an important position and BBN’s concern that we currently don’t have one is warranted.

I remember when I was in high school and I would drive down to football games, the country channel out of Williamstown would play this ridiculous commercial for an insurance agency where some guy was in the background yelling “Deuce Deuce Deuce!”

Long live the Deuce. I hope his Playmate has held up well. Anyone have any recent pics of her?
Pure. Beauty. FU, Mitch!
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