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I generally like the Packers and like watching Rodgers but he gives off some real Shooter McGavin vibes.

A lot of elite athletes are pricks so that doesn't really set him apart, just seems like his public persona vs. private may be further apart than most. I could see him telling a grandma that her dog was ugly and telling a kid to scram on the set of Jeopardy during a commercial break.

Then again, maybe he is an awesome guy...who can say?
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He also has a pool which he insists my kids use all the time. And a bobcat that he’s always trying to get me to use. But I’m like hey man, I don’t really need to dig anything up right now. But I do appreciate it.
- I had to read this four times to make sure you didn't have a neighbor who was yeeting actual live bobcats across his lawn. (Honestly, that would be cooler than a Bobcat.)

- @roguemocha, same name on IG. Speaking of, which one of you is keith the old guy, because I giggled at that name.

- #pfizergang. I felt pretty crap the evening of, the next morning I had the covid headache, but then I felt like a million bucks. Until just after I finished lifting, at which time I got the full blown body aches and chills. Oh well, much better than getting the actual rona again. Very relieved to finish this process in t-minus 3 weeks.

- speaking of 'rona, knock on wood, my 82-year-old grandma seems to be over the hump and well on her way to surviving it. Got pretty touch and go, she had to go to the hospital because her O2 dropped so low she didn't know where she was, who people were, etc. Latest CT shows excellent clearance in her lungs from the pneumonia she got, so very good news.

- Seeing Cats make it in the NFL makes me more proud than the kids getting drafted in the NBA. I know it's just because we're spoiled, but man...seeing Lynn Bowden, Josh Allen, and Jamin Davis get their names called just gets me verklempt. 😢

Friday 5:
Donald Fagen - The Goodbye Look
Joe Jackson - You Can't Get What You Want (Til You Know What You Want)
Steely Dan - With a Gun
The Police - Walking on the Moon
Death Therapy - Until Then
- Man, Booger McFarland gets on my last nerve. Really like Louis Riddick, though. Mel is an icon. And Greenberg didn't bother me as much as I thought he would.

- Which GYERO man would have the sharpest Draft Night suit? Gotta be Richie, right?

- It must be absolutely exhausting living in a country where everything is terrible and everyone is racist.

- Favorite promotional night at Riverfront Stadium back in the day...."Farmer's Night". Always got a kick out of seeing Kal Daniels and Gary Redus team up in a wheelbarrow race, and Eddie Milner doing lines of coke off a cow.

- Remember when our committed recruits were GJ Vilarino, Dakotah Euton, Michael Avery and Vinny Zollo? Good times.
I thought Greenberg did very well last night. He knows how to keep the ball rolling. Replace Booger with Ryan Clark and you have a perfect NFL Draft panel.
GJ Vilarino, Dakotah Euton, Michael Avery and Vinny Zollo all would have been four year players so not sure I get your point.

Dominique Ferguson was clearly gonna be a one and done though.
Friday Randoms...

- Felt like Booger and Riddick had a bet as to who could get the most words in at the loudest level each time they got to talk. Still like Riddick though...he knows his stuff. Have no idea how Booger got to where he is. Awful.
- Kid has officially hit the terrible 2's. Doesn't mind worth shit. Every word is a "no". Throws fits at the tiniest bit of inconvenience. Yesterday, had 2 epic meltdowns over a sand bucket at the beach.
- Wife finished up her masters today. My first comment to her was "I expect to see an uptick in your household chores then". She smirked but didn't laugh.
- Can not believe Davis went #19 but happy for him. Hope he has a long Woodyard type career.
- Think we have 4-5 more draft picks this weekend. Putting 4-5 guys each year in the draft is amazing considering our history. Don't think Stoops would call it "the greatest day in our program's history" though.
- Happy about the assistant coach changes. Somebody had to take the fall for last season. Still not believing we will see offensive philosophy changes till I see it. Will be happy and the first to admit I will be wrong but I just think it goes against every philosophy Cal has to not play at least 2 bigs.
- Parents are giving me grief about when we are going to visit KY this summer. Ummm...we have an almost 2 year old and the wife will be 7-8 mo pregnant. Seems like they are not picking up the hints I've been dropping and are gonna make me say a hard no to them.
- Know very little about cooking but my mamaw had a cast iron and used it daily and she cooked some of the best food I've ever eaten. Team cast iron for sure.
- Nick Mangione sucks.
Our NBA guys come in already having the talent/rating to get paid playing their sport. They put in their 5 months and bolt.

Our NFL guys come in as projects and they, with the aid of our staff, work their ass off for 3-4 years and get into the League.

That’s why the BBN gets a little misty eyed when they see their football boys get their names called.

*Just a theory. Could be wrong.
Our NBA guys come in already having the talent/rating to get paid playing their sport. They put in their 5 months and bolt.

Our NFL guys come in as projects and they, with the aid of our staff, work their ass off for 3-4 years and get into the League.

That’s why the BBN gets a little misty eyed when they see their football boys get their names called.

*Just a theory. Could be wrong.
Yes, it’s kinda nice feeling connected to a player over the course of a few seasons, watching them develop, etc.

Which is why KL thinks Vinny Zollo > MKG.

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Jamin Davis played in 25 college games for UK. That’s more than some one and done basketball players.

I get it.
I liked Booger on the Rusillo podcast. My assumption is that he’s a solid dude who everybody at ESPN personally likes and their trying their damdest to find a spot for him.
Not getting the Rodgers hate. He's been there his entire career. He performs every year. He even got better last year at age 36. Yeah, he's kind of an ass, but it's not like he's some diva on the sidelines yelling at everybody. I think Rodgers thinks LeFleur sucks, and while I don't know if that's true that decision he made not go go for it certainly was a sucky call.
Hey gang, I do appreciate the love. We all
Make decisions. I just didn’t want to be in Lex anymore and didn’t want to be anywhere else in KY at the time. Glad I found my footing. It was a struggle for a while but set now. Not set in stone like some on here lol but not bad.

I post stupid silly shit on IG to get laughs, made fun of and mostly for girls that LOVE IG. That place is a goldmine.

I am all the things I’ve said. I do tend to act a little extra douchey to touch with people on here but in real life as with everyone else, I’m a pretty low key nice guy. Just like to rub shit in on occasion.

Honestly, there were a few times where my only solace was a few friends and GYERO to make me smile and laugh throughout the day. 90% of my internet time is spent on here and I appreciate all of you, even catsfanbgky the truest gangster on the board apparently.

The ones of you I met have always been awesome and the ones ill meet in the future will surely be the same.

God speed to all and thank you dearly.

PS what’s your IG handle pretzel if you don’t mind? Love to see you killing it. Always like the inspiration.

Exactly. I give you shit because you are an easy target, and you take it in stride and do not take it serious, and hurl personal insults or reply serious. Its all in good ribbing and poking fun, not one post of mine was serious or personal. Glad you do not take it as such.

But do not get it twisted, I am still going to do it every time it is tee'd up for me, Playa
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-Out at Sand Key Lighthouse watching some clients snorkel around the reef, moored up floating, listening to Kygo. #Work

-Scoot scoot mfers
Damn... Really liked Hickman. Hope this means Cal has something lined up, but we could really use some good news pretty quickly.
I mean it clearly means something! I’m assuming with bringing in new assistants they have some guys coming that they think would be a better fit than Hickman.
The NCAA’s yearlong dead period related to COVID-19 has also prevented recruits from being able to take campus visits. Hickman had not set foot on UK’s campus at the time of his commitment last summer, and his first trip to Lexington was going to be when he arrived for classes in June.

Thinking back there was zero percent chance I was going to a school I never even visited once.
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So here's one for you. I am in a hurry to get to an Oaks Party, and I wanted to make some mint julep syrup. So I rush through the recipe and put the 160 degree simple syrup into a blender instead of waiting for it to cool because I am in a rush. I hit the button and boom, the thing blows the top off the blender, even with my hand on it. I'm covered in scalding hot julep syrup, but every square inch of my kitchen within 10 feet of the blender is covered as well. Good times!
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